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  1. Hi there, not needed to be on here for a while (wahoo) - it's been many years in the making but I've almost cleared up everything - and even have a good deposit saved up ready to apply for a mortgage once I have one final default cleared up. This particular one has been quite messy, where they kept changing the dates on it (naughty naughty them!). I got it changed back, but they still made a mess in doing so, meaning none of the dates quite match up within the entry - so I'm unsure which date I should take as the 6-year marker. On the info-box, the CRA currently states the account was opened Jan 2006, defaulted December 2007, last updated May 2010 The payment history box shows the account was opened pre 2003, 5 payments late August 2005, defaulted December 2007. The detail in the main info box is 'more right' than the payment history info, but not spot on by any means. The 'last updated' date of 2010 I think it when I got them to change it before, where they'd updated the default date to Jan 2010. So, by my reckoning, the December 2007 date is the 'right' one, and should see it disappear this December. Can anyone spot anything that might mean this isn't the case? How 'good' are Equifax at clearing them? Or should I sent the chase letter anyway on the 1st jan? thanks for all the help getting to this point!
  2. The French have torpedoed a ‘war games’ which took a year to set up. The Royal Marines have been forced to cancel their biggest amphibious landing for more than a decade after their so called French allies pulled out. The Navy had spent £1 million in fuel getting to the Red Sea when the operation was called off-and it cost another £1 million to reach the Gulf of Oman, where a new exercise was hastily arranged for the Marines. More than 1,500 commandos had been in training to storm the shoreline of Djibouti-with 500 French ‘Troupes de Marine to back them up. Navy sources said the decision to cancel was taken by the French after a breakdown in relations over administration issues’. The Royal Marines are said to have responded furiously. ‘There was no point us conducting the exercise on their own after the French pulled out. The whole point of Djibouti Lion was to test how we can operate together, (And we are told that we can rely on our so called ‘European partners’ if a situation was to arise). 'So much entente cordiale!’
  3. In May of this year I was rushed into Hospital and underwent a 5hr lifesaving operation. I am due for another operation later this week and hopefully my last. After a bit of time to sort myself out, I'll be back doing my best to help in anyway I can. Just to let everyone know, I have not gone but due to the way I am, I cannot get back to the computer to answer replies although I know many would anyway, so instead have been reading up and keeping up to date with any changes. Love to everyone except DCA's Stigman
  4. Erics sister-in-law got an invoice for overstaying in a supermarket car park so as I was preparing a letter to deny any contract I decided to do a check on who owns the land etc. My enquires lead me to the Valuations Agency who were very pleased to receive my calls and email as the supermarket concerned bought the land and demolished the buildings and made the car park but failed to tell them or local council that the land was no longer derelict. VOA will be sending their chap round to evaluate but tells me over the phone the rateable value of said property is £250k. That will be a big bill for PPC or supermarket to pay when backdated 6 years! I bet PPC tell VOA that they arent responsible and ONLY work for supermarket. Also reported PPC for not having planning permission for signs and enforcement officer to visit site so hopefully they will be fined for breach of planning regs or better still forced to remove them (poss close car park?). I will keep you posted. Just wondered, should I tell supermarket Head Office why they have been dobbed in?
  5. This is the link from the evening times on Guide will help victims of Payday loan firms: http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/guide-will-help-victims-of-payday-loan-firms-130697n.21624504 Guide will help victims of payday loan firms A SURVIVAL guide for people who have fallen victim to payday loan companies has been produced by a firm of Glasgow lawyers. Govan Law Centre has today published its free Payday Loan Survival Guide for consumers across the UK. According to the firm, the guide explains how consumers can take back control of their finances, challenge unfair interest and charges, stop payday lenders emptying their bank accounts, and pay back debts on a reasonable basis. As reported in the Evening Times, Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have both taken a stance to clamp down on the scourge of payday loan firms by banning staff from accessing their websites at work. Govan Law Centre says 90% of the payday lending market fails to comply with consumer protection laws "to the severe detriment of vulnerable consumers" and the law centre believes there is an urgent need to help people fight back against payday lenders. The guide was written by the firm's principal solicitor, Mike Dailly. He said: "Govan Law Centre has successfully challenged interest and charges applied by payday lenders. "And given the industry's mass non-compliance with consumer protection laws and the growing detriment caused to customers, it's time for UK consumers to fight back. "Our Payday Loan Survival Guide empowers people to take back control of their money, challenge unfair interest and charges, stop payday lenders emptying their bank accounts, and repay debts lawfully due on an affordable basis. "There are important legal rights on the side of UK consumers in relation to payday loans, and it's important that people know about them and use them." The payday lending market was recently referred to the Competition Commission, and in 2011/12 there were 8.2mill-ion new payday loans made in the UK alone. Last month, the footballers' union in Scotland was urged to sever its ties with a payday loan firm after Cheque Centre sponsored a Professional Football Association Scotland event. And Glasgow Credit Union backed a campaign to ban payday lenders from advertising on college and university campuses. The Payday Loan Survival Guide is designed for all consumers across the UK in difficulty with payday loans, and can be downloaded at www.govanlc.com/PaydayLoanSurvivalGuide.pdf Here is the Guide its in PDF:
  6. Hey all. I applied for ESA last year and got refused. I won on appeal and they recommended that I should not be re-assessed until August 2013. I was placed into the ESA working group in August 2012. In February I got a letter asking me to go to an Ingeus interview. I went on time but they were 30 mins late and had to get out of the place. I told them to contact me to rearrange an appointment but I have never heard back and still get my benefits. Should I contact them to try and sort out an interview? Will my ESA stop in August? I'm going into hospital for a week at the start of August so don't want come out and have to sort it out. Thanks for any help
  7. Hi all, The securitisation of mortgages seems to be the most confusing subject evenwith the information and discussion on the forum. I spoke to Kensington on thematter, they told me they are unable to give me the information as its is notrelevant to me and securitisation does not effect me or my mortgage obligations. I asked if i SAR for the info to which i was told even then they will notdisclose to whom my mortgage is securitised with. I thought under SAR theinformation i would ask for would be given but Kensington are refusing. Any onesuccessfully get securitisation info from their lenders and what should i do toget the info i am requesting?
  8. I have started a few threads over the last week and with no disrespect to any regulars on CAG, as it is more my own perceptions that are causing confusion:|, I feel no further forward. In brief we have approx 30K's worth of debts with the largest being Black Horse who have taken over my Capital loan since the LSTB/Halifax merger:-( So in effect that one is still with the OC..... The rest are 5K , 3K, 2K, 1.5K and a few of around £200 - all of these smaller ones are with DCA's:| We have been running a DMP with Payplan for the last 2 years and have never had any problems other than the odd letter reminding us of our debts....not one offer of a reduced settlement:-x We have now sold our house and will be left with approx 5K in cash. Do we tell Payplan about the 5K and ask them to try for F&F's or do it ourselves? If we tell our creditors that we have sold our house and this is probably the last time we'll have access to anywhere near 5K will that help our cause? Do you think Black Horse will be happy to get their £55 per month till the tenth of never from Payplan? Do you think any of the creditors will put the squeeze on us if they get wind that we now have no more assets? All help and advice GREATLY appreciated:roll:
  9. Hi, Was wondering if any has had any experience with Ruthbridge or any other bottom feeding dca actually taking anyone to court? Are they all mouth and trousers or do they ever fulfil their threats? I have 4 year old debt now in their hands.
  10. Hi.. 4 days ago my 61 plate ford fiesta which is on finance was involved in a rear end shunt involving a mini van ( Mercedes Benz Vito), The bumper is crushed right in.. the boot lid is damaged and slightly open at one end and the boot well has been pushed in. i dont know if there is any structural damage to the chassis but what i have been lead to believe is the boot well is structural damage?? My car has a value of £8,345. What i am worried about is if they write my car off... which then means they pay the finance company the cash! and im left owing maybe a few thousand to the finance company and have NO car! Is this possible? If there is someone who has had a similar experience much help and advice would be appreciated.. Thanks
  11. I bet you didn't know this Callcredit boasts it holds the personal details of 43  million people. This includes 26 million residential addresses, 20 million landline numbers and 15 million mobile numbers. Among the data it may know about you are the ages of your children, the angle of your garden (useful information for firms that sell solar panels or satellite dishes), whether you have a burglar alarm fitted, the make and mileage of your car, how much you spend on wine, sports and vitamins, if you gamble, where you go on holiday and what you read. These details aren’t on your credit file but are collected because they’re a gold mine for any company that wants to sell you something. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-2324451/Credit-spies-making-millions-watching-move.html#ixzz2TdEO50jL
  12. Hi all and great forum I have a Welcome finance secured loan for £26k. I have defaulted and am not paying regular amounts into it. As it is a secured loan can and would they repossess for 26k ? Also is there a way I can find out if I have ppi on the loan Thank you
  13. My brother and I are executors of my fathers will, which leaves everything to us. How do we go about closing down bank, post office accounts etc, and transferring the money into the estate without going through a solicitor. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Can anyone please can tell me if I will be affected by the benefit cap: I get: housing benefit : £74.84 Jobseekers: £66.58 weekly I am single and in a 1 bedroom flat, so going by these will I be affected? any help would be great thanks as I am just worried that I will be affected btw I am in a Housing Association.
  15. Hi i'm a newuser and not eally sure how forums work but i need some help please I have had a payment sent to my bank by BACS today am (wed) when will this be available to me I bank with Lloyds Tsb normally this would be Friday but with it being a public holiday on friday and monday will i still receive on the friday? Confused:|! Thanx in advance for any help
  16. I am wondering if anyone can give me advice. I bought a new 3 seater sofa and 2 chairs from SCS 2 months ago. I felt hounded by the saleman, especially when he knew i was paying cash for it. After being in the shop for 2 hours I bought the sofa and chairs, however when ordering them, I said to the salesman that I must go home and measure the door for the sofa. But the salesman suggested that as my house had a tall hallway, that the sofa would be fine to fit in. Today the sofa was delivered, to that it would not fit through the door, therefore i refused delivery. When I contacted the store there is no option for me to have a refund, i either pay £150 to have the sofa cut in half or I pay £250 to have my window taken out to fit the sofa in. Which to me neither of those are an option. The manager is going to ask the salesman if he did recommend that the sofa would fit in my house, tomorrow, if this is the case SCS will pay for the sofa to be cut in half (which to me is pointless if it is a new sofa), if not then I have to pay for it. I have asked for a refund or exchange to a smaller sofa but the manager says that is not an option. Please can I have some advice on this thanks
  17. Hi, I've got a Tribunal date this Friday, 15th Feb. I'm not going to be able to attend as my daughter isn't well. She has a very bad case of the flu which in turn has affected her asthma. I have no one else to look after her and she is too young to be left alone. I wanted to know if the tribunal will make a decision in my absence seen as I have provided them will all the evidence and paperwork needed. I did want to attend in person but there is no way I am going to be able to now. Please help, I'm very worried about it all!! Thank you!
  18. Hello - Please can anyone advise how to access a will which is sat in a solicitors office and not probated. My grandmother died in 2001, her will never went to probate, i checked with the probate office. I dont know who the executor is, I wrote to the solicitors in the town where she lived and found the one who holds her will, they will not let me access it or tell me who the executor is. When my grandmother died she had a 2nd husband and 3 children from her first marriage. My father died a couple of years ago and i sent proof to the solicitors who hold the will of my grandma to say he had died and asked if dad was executor, they would not tell me. My grandmothers 2nd husband disowned the entire family the day she died and will not talk to me. I was lead to beleive the will said that their home was to be given to my father upon my grandmothers 2nd husbands death. How can i ever get access to the will or find out who was supposed to be executor?
  19. Hi, I hope someone can give me advice on my situation. I will definitely be receiving an eviction notice from my counicl as i have substantial rent arrears. if i give my council notice that i will be leaving, can i still be evicted? i would rather leave first so that i dont have an eviction against my name making it hard for me to rent in the future.
  20. Ok, so the nephew's boss has come up with another cost cutting exercise, only I think he's going to come unstuck this time. (he's known affectionately as the Fat Controller!) He gets upset when employees need to take a days leave at short notice, so he has decided in his wisdom, that anyone taking a day's leave that hasn;t been booked a whole month prior, will not receive pay for the day! So, if you are a parent and have a genuine child emergency, or a carer for a disabled partner, and have to take a day off work, then you won;t get paid for it! Even though you have booked it out of your 28 day a year allowance. To my mind then, if he does this, when he reaches the end of the holiday year, the lads are quite justified to ask for the money for their untaken annual leave. It hasn;t happened yet, its just a proposal, but usually when something goes out for discussiuon it makes no difference what you say or do, its a foregone conclusion. So far he has had to pay out of court settlements for racial discrimination, disability discrimination, and downright bloody unfairness, the lads are getting wise now and watch for unlawful deductions etc. It would be nice to be able to stop him in his tracks before he has to pay out again! Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  21. hi, i was wondering if anybody could answer my queries. i wrote off to Natwest, enquiring if i was due any PPI from previous loans. They have wrote back to me with two loans i previously had, and a good will gesture. They claim that they cannot process any information from what was offered to me etc etc, your usual generic letter and therefore offer me this gesture. I personally see this as a way of fobbing me off because theyd rather entice me with this cash, than pay the full amount due. Here are the details 1) Jan 2008 - £1000 loan APR 28.1% (closed July 2008 - i assume that i payed this off with loan 2) 2) July 2008 - £1900 Loan APR 28.2%( closed Aug 2011) On loan two, i had been paying 91.27 for 3 years and 1 month. In this time, i had claimed the insurance, which the bank paid out 4 times (due to being out of work). They gesture they have offered me is as follows: Total refund of PPI and associated interest paid to date: £267.98 Gross Interest: £44.82 Less Tax (20%): £8.96 Net Interest: £35.86 Total: £303.84 Of course, taking their offer would help me out now. But, i cant help but feel fobbed off. And although its not 1000's like many other peoples claims, even an extra 50-100 quid would be great in this day and age. Any help on my next steps would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Jordan
  22. Sorry where do i post a question about a will ?
  23. Very disturbing http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14557/online-news/one-in-five-will-seek-payday-loan
  24. This has been bandied about for some time. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2224349/Poor-drivers-priced-motorways-new-road-tax-proposals.html
  25. Hi everyone, Me and my partner are members of DW fitness. We have been members for over 6 months now on student memberships. We have not been there to work out since July! We have been to swim a few times though. My partner got a job that gives him crazy hours so we hardly get to go. We have 2 kids so can't go whenever he isn't working. The gym is also an hour away so we don't get to go much anymore. Because it is quite far, we can't easily go and cancel in person. If I was to write a letter to them stating my membership number, and all the details I can think to give them would this be enough? Would I be fine to cancel my direct debit after I send the letter? I know I have to give a months notice so I won't cancel the direct debit until the November payment has been taken out. I would prefer to cancel by email as I will have more proof it's been sent if they try and deny it but I can't find anywhere to do this.
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