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  1. I was told today at the job centre that the rules have changed. It is no longer a valid reason to not apply for a job because the travel costs exceed the wage. Apparently this means that if I see a minimum wage job that's an hour a day in the morning in London, which costs me £45 a day to travel to, I have to apply for it even though the travel cost is almost £40 higher a day. My question is, if I apply for a job where the travel costs exceed the wage and I was offered it, would I then be able to turn the job down without being sanctioned?
  2. hi there i wondered if anyone can help me i boughts some goods to the value of £4.500 from a company on the 12 dec 2012 and a courier company they used said the goods have been delivered but i have not received the goods... i have been onto the company nearly everyday since and they keep saying that they have to speak to the courier company and start a claim from them... which they have done but the courier company are still dragging there feet.... the courier company have told them that is what delivered and i have not signed for the goods or received them could any tell me where i stand as i am out of pocket for the money and have no goods need some advice it has been over nine weeks now since i paid them for the goods i paid through my bank direct to the company.... please help i am desperate for some sound advise should i start a small claims court against the company..... many thanks Warriors
  3. Hi, I hope someone can give me some advice and I appreciate any help.... I had an old debt with the phone company Three, which I hadn't heard from in a few years until recently when the debt collection agency Fredrickson International, contacted me requesting payment. I admitted to one payment and set up a payment plan, but as soon as I'd done that I received another letter requesting a different amount, again on behalf of Three. This time I wanted to dispute the debt and so sent a letter with a £1 postal order requesting a CCA. They got back to me to say I must contact the original creditor for any documentation and that the debt has been put on hold for 14 days in the mean time. Is it right for them to say this? Do I contact Three for this information? Or should Fredrickson supply it, seen as they are the ones hounding me for the money. Surely, if they are asking for money they should be able to supply documentation? I'm not sure where to go from here...
  4. Hi all, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice about rossendales. We got behind with council tax for various reason and were taken to court in October last year. My son then became very unwell and was in hospital so stupidly it got forgotten about (I accept it was an error on our part and just want it sorted). A bailiff turned up at the end of last month trying to make me let him in but I know my rights and refused him entry so he left me an expense form to fill out and post back within 5 days. I sent my incomings/outgoings to them and offered them £50 a month and paid them that amount the same day. I have just received a letter stating that they want £250 per month! I spoke to them and tried to explain that with 3 young children it was just too much for us as my husband is the only one who works and they told me to stop paying my other creditors and pay them otherwise a bailiff would come and repossess anything they can. Can they refuse an offer of payment? The bill itself is just over £700 so the payments they are demanding seem really unreasonable. Any help would be very much appreciated as the council themselves just keep telling me "it's out of their hands".
  5. Hi All, I had a debt with Natwest Personal Loans which became SB in July 2012, It didn't drop off my file automatically and when I checked my credit file in January this year the entry was still there, so I raised a dispute with the CRA they investigated and removed the debt the exact wording in there letter was: "After investigation, we can confirm that we are now making arrangements for the disputed entry to be removed from your credit report as more than 6 years have passed since the default date." So far so good and true to their word the entry has been removed... Now the problem "CapQuest" They also have an entry on my credit file for the same debt, the amount and everything is exactly the same but the default date is different instead of it being July 2006 they have it down as July 2007 so it is reported until July this year so not long to wait either way, but CapQuest and their agents Asset Collection & Investigations Ltd, and JDBR constantly harass me. Letters dont bother me but somehow they have got hold of my work number, I am a field engineer so mainly out of the office so colleagues answer the phone on my behalf. They damm well know it is my work number and are doing it purely to humiliate me. So in the same way as I tackled the now removed original entry placed by Natwest I disputed the CapQuest entry with the CRA and CapQuests response was: "After investigation, CapQuest Investments Ltd has advised that the disputed entry cannot be amended as per your request. They have also advised that they have had no contact from you in respect of this account and are unaware of any dispute. CapQuest Investments Ltd has advised that this account has now been referred to their External Agent (namely JB Debt Recovery). CapQuest Investments Ltd has advised you send JB Debt Recovery full written details of your dispute" The letter is quite right in stating that I have never made any contact, so the question is what is my next step? Do I send a SB letter to CapQuest/JB Debt Recovery? Surely as Natwest the original creditor have stated that the debt is 6 years past default that is all the evidence that I need? Unless of course the DCA responds with the good old phantom payment! Many thanks for any assistance.
  6. I dropped my HP DV6 laptop off at the local PC World on December 10th 2012 to have the hinge repaired under the Whatever Happens / Coverplan scheme, which promises to repair your computer within 28 days or offer a replacement or store-credit for a laptop of similar specs. On January 7th (Day 28), I received an SMS message thanking me for dropping the laptop at the store and givig an estimated return date of 16th January. I contacted Knowhow by phone, only to discover an administrative cock-up had occured due to the DV6 being mistakenly logged as my DV7 which had also been in for repair earlier in December. Somehow this had messed up their system. I requested a replacement under the 28 day policy and was told the matter was under investigation. Further calls to Knowhow only served to confirm no-one had a clue what was going on, and that any offer by Knowhow to return a call was simply an excuse to get me off the phone and blatantly not going to happen. On day 34, I decided to email Knowhow as I was reluctant to keep banging my head against the wall with the telephone system. Today (day 35) I got a reply from David Cattermer informing me that as the laptop had now been repaired and should get back to the store 'soon' (still no assigned date for delivery) and as such I was no longer able to request a replacement. Should I stick to my guns and insist on a replacement?
  7. Hi there We recently completed a Voluntary Repossession on our old house. We have not been living there for 4 years and were renting it out, which was not covering the mortgage cost anyways, we were adding more ourselves on top of it so we did not default. The tenant stopped paying so we evicted him and gave the house to the bank. Within 2 months they had sold it for way under the value rate, obviously selling it at auction for as fast as they can, rather than as much as they can. First of all, is there any way I can dispute the amount they sold it for? As it has left me with a deficit of £35k to pay. Secondly Mick and myself have been calling HSBC to arrange paying this off a certain amount each month. We have both been calling since receiving the first letter. Each time we call they say they cannot do anything about setting up a payment plan at this stage. On the 21st we received another letter stating as we had not contacted them with regards to making any payments they demand the whole balance at once. Again we both tried calling them. On the 21st Mick was advised the debt had been passed to a collection agency. I called Jan 11th, spoke to a lady called Anet who agreed to call me back the following Monday to arrange the plan. She did not call back till Tuesday at which point she told me the debt had been passed to Metropolitan debt collection (again?) that day so she could not do anything. She did not call on Monday as she had a training course she did not know about. Well that’s not my fault as far as I’m concerned. She made an appointment to call me to arrange this but did not keep it deciding instead to call me the next day, which by that point was to late. I should not be forced to deal with a collection agency because Anet did not want to call me on Monday. She could have arranged for a colleague to do it, or just kept to the appointment! Not to mention all the other times we called and kept getting fobbed off. I have no idea where I stand with this, and even if I dispute the handling of this, I have a horrible feeling I will be continually hounded by Metro. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
  8. Hi, My main aim here is default removal on the basis I believe the default date is incorrect. I sent a recorded letter to Lowell (who took on a debt of mine from capital one). I requested a copy of the default as I do not believe the date of the default is as shown on my credit file as I have no record of receiving a default on that date in my records. In fact I have no record of the default at all, but if anything I think it would have been earlier than stated. I included a postal order for £1 for them to supply me with the original credit agreement and the original default. The date of the default in my credit file is July 2008. There are no entries on my credit file for this account prior to the default, it shows the whole of 2008 prior to the default as empty and nothing before that. I did settle the debt fully in Dec 2009 so the account is showing as settled on that date - as a side note I believe defaults should be recorded within 6 months of non payment, or if no payments have been made in a 6 month period, clearly this is not the case on my credit file. they have responded saying "Your comments have been noted but we would advise you that legally we do not have to provide you with a default notice from ourselves as you will have received the default notice from the original creditor at the time your account went in to default" They go on to say "With regards your request for a copy of your credit agreement in accordance with S77(1)/S78(1) of the consumer credit act 1974. As our account was repaid in full on the 13th of October 2011 (not sure why the mention this date as it shows being fully paid in 2009) we would advise you that S77 (3A) expressly states that we do not need to comply with your request where no sums of money are outstanding on the account. Please therefore find enclosed the £1 sent with your letter" Where do I stand on this, im not overly bothered about the credit agreement, but I need clarification on the default to ensure it was actually issued on the date noted in my credit file. Thanks
  9. Hi all, My phone was disconnected on Thursday 9th January for both incoming and outgoing calls due to a failed direct debit which was taken out on 7th January 2013. There was money in my account to cover the payment but for an unknown reason this was returned. I called O2 on 9/1/2013 to make payment via debit card which was successfully paid and brought the account up to date, however upon speaking to the payment management team I was told to pay an extra £15 reconnection fee on top. I refused to pay the fee as I had paid the bill in full via debit card due to the problems with the direct debit not going through. I was also told if I don't pay the £15 fee I would be permanently disconnected and have to pay early termination fees for the duration of the contract, despite the fact the bill has been paid in full via alternative payment method. I now have no use of my phone and as I am a carer for a disabled relative I cannot contact them due to the ineptitude and slackness of O2's poor service. What rights do I have, the bill is up to date?! Advice appreciated thanks:-x
  10. Dear forum members, I am looking for ways how to remove my personal information from the website/internet which keeps ignoring my request. Approximately 1.5 years ago I was looking for a temporary job and created a profile with my personal information (name, contact number, age, skills, education etc.) on this website. The website's purpose was to help people like me to find some additional work (e.g. care assistant, help when moving home etc). It is similar to those freelance workers databases online however it doesn't need you to log in to the website in order to access the details of the freelance workers and it is free of charge. My profile on that website did not bring any results and I wanted to delete my information from it. I contacted the website administrators and they told me that they will delete all my information from the website. There is no option for me to log in to my profile and to amend/delete the information. Accidentally one year later I googled my name and search results brought up that website again with all my personal information! I contacted the website again and asked them again to remove the info. I did not receive any response from them for about a month and I wrote to them again. They then said again that they will delete it and when I checked the website few days later the website was removed from the internet. Today I checked the website again and this website is back online with all my personal details available to watch to anyone on the internet. Can anyone please advise me if I there are any remedies against this website or is there any way how can I force the website to delete my details. I know I was stupid registering my details with the website without first checking the website properly, but I was also desperate to find some additional work at that time... Thank you in advance!
  11. Hi all, I have a issue with IRCAS not accepting my appeal. I managed to forget my wallet and ticket (with was valid) one day. When I got to Liverpool St I was duely issued with an unpaid penality fair and told to respond within 21 days. Which I did. I then dropped my orginal ticket in with the ticket office and got my refund. All was well - or so I thought. A month later I get template letter from IRCAS re: I owed them £50 for not appealing. I wote to them and told them I had done so and presumably the letter had gone walkabout in the post (sh*t happens). If they were of mind they could check on a system called TIMS (That my local station told me about - and that they should have access to) that my ticket was refunded with in the time they required and should be able to deduce that I had appealed also. They they replied saying they cannot change their process - etc etc and so I owe them £50. The letters back and fourth continue. I am now cosulting the passenger focus group for advice also. The way I see is that had a valid ticket; I've had it redunded; I've proven this to them - via a print out from their own TISM system that the local ticket office were able to given me. They're now starting to threaten to increase the fine! Anyone any suggestions? Many Thanks Martin
  12. I am having some trouble with a dealer over returning a holding deposit I left on a vehicle. I left £124.25, which was £50 holding deposit and £74.25 towards 6 month tax. The dealer verbally agreed that the return of my deposit was subject to test drive as I couldn't test the vehicle when I first went there because some work was being done. I returned a few days later to test the vehicle and the power steering failed on the test drive and there were a few other things wrong with the vehicle. The dealer said he would have the power steering fixed and an mot done to iron out the other issues and we agreed that they would be in touch and agreed a possible collection date. I never heard from them and the agreed date passed, I couldn't raise the dealer by phone so emailed them rejecting the car and requesting the return of my deposit. I didn't hear from them for days and when I phoned they denied and agreements we had and stated all deposits left were non-refundable. Then they claimed the power steering was a quick fix and nothing was found wrong on the mot all of which I find strange. I said I was rejecting the vehicle as it was'nt ready when agreed and I had lost faith in the vehicle. They have stated that as I didn't buy the vehicle I can'nt have my money back as I have messed them about??? Can I take this to small claims to get my money back?
  13. Hi, I would need some advice on my case, as I believe that my landlord is trying to keep all my deposit unlawfully. I'll try to keep it short: My tenancy started on July 2008; the agency prepared an inventory which I still have. I moved out two weeks ago, my tenancy lasted 4 years and 4 month I never received a TDS certificate; I also asked my landlord a week ago about it but he's avoiding the question. I checked the website of the deposit schemes but I couldn't find any information about my deposit. My landlord didn't give me enough time to clean the flat; the day I was moving he sent a friend to check the flat and get the keys from me. I told him that I wanted to clean the flat after moving all my stuff, yet when I was returning from the first trip to collect more stuff I found his friend that had already cleaned the living room and he was moving on the bathroom. I was still collecting my stuff. When I asked him for the deposit, he claimed that the flat was dirty and that he had to change the carpet, clean the sofa and change the mattress. He claimed I was responsible for all these repairs. I never stained mattress, carpet or sofa. Sofa was dirty to usage, and it was 2 years old when I first moved in. The carpet was hovered during my tenancy, but I believe that it was all due to tear and wear. It was also in "fair conditions" when I moved in according to the inventory The mattress was also old; I never stained it. It has gotten old due to usage (I lived there for over 4 years) I offered to pay for cleaning of the sofa and for toaster / kettle (which I threw away by mistake, I thought they were my gf), but I didn't accept responsibilities for other repairs, which I believe are due to tear and wear He gave me a list of costs sustained by him to make the repair and he didn't accept my claim of tear and wear. He also has some pictures taken by his friend while cleaning (showing the carpet and some of the appliance dirty, along with a shot of the sofa dirty) There is a picture of the mattress, however too little is shown that he can prove that I damage it I asked for all receipts, but he didn't provide me all of them. The carpet one is missing, along with his friend's cleaning payment. The receipts that he sent me do not match his breakdown and one of them is just a bank transfer The main issue is that the garden door has started having issue in closing properly around 2 years ago. I never reported this to him because it was not a problem. Basically there are twin doors and one of them needs to be slightly lifted in order to close the other door. It looks like the door joint is down 1/2 centimetre. He asked about this, and he now said that he had a quote of £2100 because he has been told that the door is broken and it needs to be replaced When I asked for the quote, he sent me a PDF with a quote for the full door (it's 4 glass panels, two moving ones), and also the quote includes full replacement of the bedroom window (which the problem is apparently condensation) Apparently he has been told that "it looks like force has been applied to the door". I never had done anything to push the door down; it simply started after 2 years of usage Bottom line, he doesn't want to give me back anything of the £850 of the deposit on the ground that he had to make the repairs mentioned above, and on top of that he has to foot the bill to replace door and window. I think that he's trying to take advantage of me and use my money to redecorate his place. I feel that he's been unfair with tear and wear judgement and I really want to take him to court and trying to get my money back I also feel like he's using the garden door issue as intimidation; I don't think that I'm liable for it, but I fear that he can use this against me in case I take him to court. I also think that it is not reasonable to change the whole door just to fix a door that is not closing properly. I wanted to get some legal advice but it is quite expensive and I don't want to spend some more money if I can't recover it later. I would really appreciated some advice / opinion on my issue before to proceed legally. Many thanks in advance, A disgruntled tenant
  14. I am having problems getting my deposit back from my previous landlord who say that they do not have it to give to me. When I took out the tenancy back in 2005 I paid my deposit to the rental agency, the landlord then changed over to using a new agency and I signed a new tenancy agreement... all was well until a few months ago when i tried to get my deposit repaid and am now told that no-one collected the deposit from the original agency who have recently gone bust - they are now telling me that since they do not have my deposit then they cannot repay me. Back in 2005, I got two letters... One letter from the old agency saying they were sending the deposit to my landlord. The other was from my landlord stating that he was passing over the deposit to the new rental agency and there was nothing for me to do or worry over. I have the new tenancy agreement that states that a deposit was paid and for the correct amount. So the paperwork from the new agency does state that a deposit was paid by me. if the landlord or the new agency did forget to collect my deposit from the previous agency, then is this a valid reason for them to refuse to refund me my deposit, or is there is a case for me at the small claims court to recover my deposit? All help and any comments or thoughts would be very much appreciated
  15. Its been on the news that the government are bringing in a new law stating that if you refuse treatment for your condition your sickness benefit will be withdrawn. I have a brokin disk in my back and the only treatment is surgade a 40% success rate. I attended out patient surgery consultant who said my operation had a 40% success rate!!!. The other 60% is paralysis,Thromboses,death. Not a good outlook. So I have refused the operation. Where will it go from here I wonder.
  16. I purchase a I LUV docking station from them in 2 Oct 2011 as a christmas present, It was faulty and replace in 6th of June with a new one. so far good, Now the new one is failing less than 5 months and they are telling me that the Warrenty ran out as it is a replacement. If the product has a known problem why can I get it replaced or a refund? Amazon says it is their Policy and the Manaufacture says the contract is with Amazonm and the product is faulty and should be replaced as it is less than 6 months old.
  17. I had been with my ex partner for 13 years and we had a joint mortgagetogether for 10 years. We were due to get married 10 months ago however he felt we wereincompatible and called the wedding off 8 weeks before the date. He made it very clear that he wanted to keep the house as we bought it fromhis parents so I moved out and stayed with a friend until the joint mortgagewas transferred into his sole name and 50% of the equity released to me.. On the whole the process was fairly amicable. I boxed up as much of mybelongings as I could and put into my parents garage. I told my Ex what otherthings I intended to take, mainly the pieces of furniture I had bought andkitchen equipment. He agreed with what I intended to take and kindly offeredfor me to leave them in the house until I get my own place. I kindly offered totemporally leave my kitchen things - things i had before we lived together andother items I inherited from my Nan (easily replaced but sentimental) for himto use, as I didn’t need them immediately as I was staying with a friend whichalso gave him the time to replace them. However he dragged out the process of transferring the equity saying hecouldn't afford the solicitors fees, he insisted that I pay for his solicitorout of my share of the equity otherwise I would have to wait months for him tosave up, I paid £500! I had to agree this with his solicitor before they wouldrelease the equity to me. Before he would sign the transfer of title deeds he requested that I wouldagree to pay his new mortgage set up fees of a further £268 and return allhouse keys to him. I had an offer accepted on a house and it was all waiting on me having thedeposit, so I verbally agreed that I would. I was trapped!! However I didn’t pay it as I felt it was black mail and I had already kindlypaid his previous fees that I didn’t have to do!!! Now I'm in my new home I contacted the Ex as planned to get my belongings,he's ignored all my calls and messages and refused to answer the door to me. Eventuallyhe sent a text saying I’ve had £xx K off him and that his solicitor has toldhim that now the house is in his sole name and that I have cashed the equitycheque I have no legal right to anything in the house. My mum managed to speak to him last night and he told her he was intentionallyignoring me and refusing to return my belongings because I didn’t give him the £268for his mortgage fee. I have credit card statements showing the items I bought in last 3 years,amounting to over £3k. I only have an actual receipt for one item of furniture. Do I have any hope of getting my things back? Any advise would be greatly appreciated
  18. My better half has had planned sick leave from her work as she had to have a back op. She is coming to the stage where she is nearly ready to return to her duties. I must add that she is very eager to return. The problem is that the GP and the consultant have advised that she have a phased return as she does not have full movement and her job involces a lot of bending and reaching up!! They have advised that she be seen by the firms occupational health department to assess exactly what she can and can't do and plan a phased and proper return to work plan. Her employers are disagreeing with this and say that she can do a sit down less strenuous job for 6 six weeks and then return to her normal duties. The thing is that no one knows whether she will be able to return fully to her normal duties (which she has been told is her employers expectation). She is of course worried that if she is not able to carry out her normal duties after the six weeks if this would make her vulnerable to dismissal because of not being able to do the work that she is employed to do. I would have thought that it would be in they're best interests that she have an occi health assessment and input before she goes back. Your advice will be much appreciated.
  19. I have a debt with QuickQuid for £1824.00, this was the same old story, rolling over and over until a point where i decided i had to default to get out of it. well i am currently receiving the 90 day emails informing me if i dont repay them they will take me to court, or send me to a third party debt collectors. I contacted them initially accepting that it is my debt and i have every intention of paying but that i cannot pay them what they require in one payment, i informed them i can do this over a number of payments and gave them a suggested payment of £60, they refused informing me i had to pay them £304.00 a month or i could do a one off £912.00, which obviously i also cant afford. so today again i have written them this email and am awaiting yet another reply of no, QuickQuid, As i have communicated in previous emails, I am not refusing to pay as you are making out, you are currently being obstructive by not allowing me to pay what i can afford to clear this debt. I acknowledge this debt and have every intention to pay. i cannot make the suggested payments that you insist i pay, and as i am currently sorting out other creditors who i hold debts with, the potential amount i can pay you is decreasing as i arrange higher repayments with others who are willing. At present until i re-evaluate the total amount i can make payments to you on this account i will offer you today the amount of £45.00 a month, with the intentions to raise this amount after i have carried out an update Income/expenditure chart. To make this payment of £45.00 to begin clearing this debt i require your banking details, Account number, sort code and a reference number to link my account to payments. I have read much bad press through forums and newspapers and will not give you the right to a direct debit or debit card payments as you have been reported in the past to clear accounts of which i can not afford for you to do. So i require from you by return of email, agreement of payment plan, Account Number and Sort Code and a reference number to link my payment to the account in debt. Regards, Does anybody have any more suggestions or do i just keep sending this same email until finally they give up and give in to demands, i have managed to get payday express to give me there details and accept £85 a month recently.
  20. Hi All, I was being chased by Capquest for a Cap 1 debt, which I expect the PPI & charges reclaim to pretty much cancel out. I sent a SAR request to Cap 1 which was received on 2/8/12, on 6/9/12 I received a letter from them stating that they cannot comply with my request unless I provide them with a signature.I am confused as to why they want a signature as I have married since opening the account & they will not have my current signature on file so I am understandably reluctant to provide them with it at this stage. They also did this with my CCA request, but supplied it once I had sent the template letter from here. Is there a similar letter I can use for the SAR please? As they have already supplied information to me at the address on the SAR request are they in breach of DPA? They also state that the 40 days does not begin until they receive a signed request - is this correct? Any advice on how to proceed with this would be gratefully received
  21. Hi Guys, I bought a new phone from Carphone Warehouse 8 weeks ago, and from the moment i bought the phone occasionally it turned itself off and then it came back on. This didnt really worry me alot, because it wasnt really an incovenience because the handset came back on by itself. However 2 weeks ago the touch screen stopped working, so I took the handset along to my local carphone warehouse, and they scanned all the details into their system and set the handset off for repair. I had a telephone call from Carphone Warehouse yesterday saying their unable to repair the handset because the IEM number of the back on the handset some of the numbers have worn away, and is not really readable. I've had a look at the back of the phone myself and I cant understand how this has happened to a 8 week old phone. I've explained to Carphone warehouse that they can access the IEM number either by entering the phone setting or plugging it into a laptop. Carphone Warehouse are refusing to do this, it alomst seems to me like their finding any excuse to repair the phone. Also the manager at the store sent my phone off for repair himself, and took my phone apart to remove my sim card et...so surely he would have noticed that the IEM number was worn away then, it all seems a bit suspicious to me. Surely this doesnt happen to an 8 week phone. I'm thinking about taking Carphone Warehouse all the way, but can anyone offer any advice or tell me my legal rights? Thanks Gav
  22. Hi Everyone I just hope some one has some ideas about my situation which began in May 2008 with the Barclays/Woolwich. They offered me a settlement of a complaint after us all agreeing 60 pages of figures and head office agreeing and now they say they made a mistake and their offer if settlement is not legal. I had two mortgages with them one a joint repayment monthly offset, the other, solely in my name and interest only buy to let mortgage. I wanted to re-mortgage the B2Let with UCB what in effect happened was Barclays/Woolwich redeemed the wrong one ie the residential. I was alerted to this by Barclays returning my mortgage payment to the residential mortgage and telling me I was in errears on the B2Let. When I told them their mistake they refused to re-instate everything. I went through the rest of 2008 paying 2 mortgages on the buy to let as different departments were looking into it and I was worried about my credit rating. In 2009 a conclusion to my complaint was I had no case and they doubted if I could get another residential mortgage with them. Then I contacted the land registery to be told Barclays didn't have a charge on either property! When I told Barclays this they refused to believe me but when they saw it was true their was a deathly hush. I, yet again, was doing the decent honest thing. To cut to 2012 I contacted after many letters calls etc Bob Diamonds office they agreed Barclays had behaved badly offered a settlement and now say they have given me an unrealistic expectation. Any thoughts would be great.
  23. Hi, a few months ago I posted another thread, can't link because my post count is too low but if you want to read it I'm sure you can get to it through my profile. Long story short if you don't want to read it, I got a new PC power supply for Christmas 2011, developed a fault after a few months, returned to retailer but they refused to do anything. Anyway, last month I coughed up the £36 testing and return fee with the understanding that if (actually when as it had already been arranged) the manufacturer replaced the power supply, the retailer would refund that £36. The swap is still taking place, the manufacturer has confirmed they are sending out a new power supply today. I e-mailed the retailer yesterday to ask what they needed to process my refund and was met with this reply: "We require confirmation that OCZ tested the PSU you returned to them and it was confirmed to be faulty, rather than them simply just replacing the unit." Now, I could give them the RMA number but other than that I have no idea what OCZ did once they received my power supply. But surely the fact they have replaced it is proof enough? What are my options if the retailer still refuses? Give them a few days/weeks then file a Money Claim Online form? Thanks
  24. Hi everyone. I am new here and a little bit lost right now. I need some advice please on an old Lloyds credit card that i stopped paying in 2008 due to Lloyds charges putting me deeper into debt. The card was taken out in 1996 and i had PPI on it as i'm sure the adviser talked me into it and i was worried being the only income at that time. I also never remember being told i could buy it elsewhere. Yesterday i received the attached refusal. Any help would be appreciated. On top of this i have had Westcot chasing me for the debt. I sent them the CCA letter and they didn't reply to that instead sending me more letters and have now referred me to iQor who are threatening a doorstep visit. Interestingly Westcot signed for the CCA letter on 6th June and i received a letter from their solicitor on 8th June offering me settlement if i paid half within 10 days. The solicitors letter was dated 5th June which was Jubilee day! Hmmm 20120717135039123.pdf
  25. I have been paying RBS an agreed amount every month to clear an unsecured loan for the last 2 years, which is reviewed every 6 months. However I have just had a letter now saying that they will not accept the same amount as my 'offer of repayment is unaccepatbale due to your housekeeping and travel expenditure being deemed excessive'. Not sure how it is now excessive when it wasn't 6 months ago! Any advice?
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