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  1. i have mentioned that to them and will help in anyway i can they are making a decision by friday many thanks for all your help on this topic Gary
  2. ok i will ask them tmrw to get copies of thiers and the courier company policy on delivery of goods etc... and i am waiting to see the postman regarding the statement from him many thanks Gary
  3. well this is what i am saying to the company thant i bought the goods from and they said to me that the courier company do not need a signature it can be anything as long as they have something to say the good were delivered and i am saying that is insane the whole point of a sign delivery is you get a proper signature which they have not.... as i have not received the goods so how could i sign for them.... the driver has said that someone working in my garden signed for the goods to cover hes own back and low and behold the person name was Gary which happens to be my name bit of a coinsodiance.... just having a hard time trying to get to the bottom of it and getting worried if they can get away with such a stunt.... there must be some law on my side to disprove there lies like conparing my signature with the one they have i also have 2 witness that where there when the driver admitted he left the goods in the front garden and signed my first name.... Many thanks Gary
  4. so i have to give them 28 days in total but i have already been sending emails and phone calls for the past nine weeks.... many thanks Gary
  5. hi there is that sample letter all i need to send them as anyone got a template for before court action and one if they do not come forward in 14 days many thanks Gary
  6. thanks for all your help and if there is any other info i could use that would be great if anyone can pass it onto me Gary
  7. hi there i have not down either of them yet as been going back and forth with them and they have been trying to get stuff sorted with the courier company who is stalling the company i have the order with this is why it has taken over 9 weeks and we are still not anywhere forward than we was in december 2012... could you please advise if there is templates for the letters you mentioned or do i have to just wright a letter but not sure what fancy words to use to make them stand up and listen a bit more.... many thanks everyone who has taken the time to reply and try and get my problem solved Gary
  8. the courier firm say it has been delivered and signed by the consignee which i never signed for anything as was not in at the time stated so they sent the driver to my address 2 days later and i confronted the driver in front of my wife and the postman at the time and he admitted he left them in my front garden which is on a busy main road and visable to everyone waliking past but changed he story when interview by hes firm as my previous post says.... if someone could help with sorting a claim out that would be great as not very good with legal stuff... thanks again for your help and advise Gary
  9. i have already contacted the police and got a crime number but the police say unless they will not refund you are resend the goods there is nothing the police can do until then that is why i think they are stalling for time... what are my rights even if the courier company say it has been delivered..... thanks
  10. i think i am going to have to take it to a small claims court as i am banging my head against a brickwall how much does it cost and can i have witness in the court etc many thanks
  11. ok thanks i have given them it in writing but the company say it was delivered to my address and signed for by me but only using my first name as a signiture which i did not sign for and have not took receipt of the goods the courier company sent the driver round to me on the saturday and i spoke to him in front of my wife and the postman and he admitted he left the goods outside and put my name on the delivery docket but when confronted by hes company he told them that someone was working in my garden and by a miricale he's name happend to me the same as mine i have never heard so much crap in all my life and that he took it in my house... so i have been fighting this for the past 9-10 weeks and still not getting anywhere.... many thanks for you help warriors
  12. :-)i know but did not have enough on credit card but i paid it direct from my bank to theres is not not the same as doing on debit card.... thanks for you help the company i bought it from are not willing to send or refund until they have got the ok from the courier company that they will pay them but the company had it insured so cannot understand why they are taking so long to make a decision surely i have some rights.....
  13. hi there i wondered if anyone can help me i boughts some goods to the value of £4.500 from a company on the 12 dec 2012 and a courier company they used said the goods have been delivered but i have not received the goods... i have been onto the company nearly everyday since and they keep saying that they have to speak to the courier company and start a claim from them... which they have done but the courier company are still dragging there feet.... the courier company have told them that is what delivered and i have not signed for the goods or received them could any tell me where i stand as i am out of pocket for the money and have no goods need some advice it has been over nine weeks now since i paid them for the goods i paid through my bank direct to the company.... please help i am desperate for some sound advise should i start a small claims court against the company..... many thanks Warriors
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