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  1. I seem to always have bad luck when buying stuff, bought a DSLR camera less than 4 months ago at PC world and been using it a lot as I am a keen photographer. It just developed a fault which is going to mean that I am without it for probably up to 2 weeks, which is not really great right now because I am using it a lot and was planning to go away next week and take some photos with it somewhere, but if it's away getting repaired then I can't obviously do that. I'm just wondering where I stand with my consumer rights here. I paid for the use of an item specifically during an imminent period and now I don't have that use, and that sort of forfeits the whole deal kind of. Would there perchance be a piece of legislation I can quote to them which says that they have to give me a replacement or a refund here? I was also thinking that maybe I should get a different camera anyway, but mostly I just want to make sure I have a camera, or at the very least they loan one out to me for the duration. It also has a scratch on it now, on the screen when I put it on a dike the other day, not because I dropped so maybe they will accuse me of mishandling it, which is certainly not the case I look after stuff, especially gadgets.
  2. I have a Samsung mobile phone, which I like, but over the last few months, it does not hold the charge any longer than a few hours. I bought a new battery thinking that it was it, but I now have to carry a spare battery, as I am not always near a charging point. The phone is useless as I have to keep things switched off. I have another 6 months to go on a 24 mth contract with O2. I have no phone really, but need one. Any advice on this?
  3. I upgraded with Vodafone on the 9th of July and my phone was delivered on the 10th. However, just 19 days later my phone has a hardware problem as confirmed by HTC who I have been on contact with this morning to see if there was anything I could do to resolve the issue. Vodafone's website says that I would not be entitled to a brand new phone as my phone is more than 14 days old but I don't think this is fair at all. From what I can see, other people have had this problem overcome on this forum and I am seeking some help to achieve the same. I haven't even paid my first bill yet and the phone is broken. Please could someone help me resolve this?
  4. I recently brought a samsung 55" tv from Currys (Perry Barr, Birmingham UK), I did not open the box as i wanted to purchase all the other components such as stand, speakers etc. I opened the new TV after 30 days later to my utter surprise to find the screened was damaged/faulty. I took the TV back to the store and was first told by the manager there was nothing Currys could do about it since the 21 days has elapsed. I was not happy about it after 2nd visit , now they say they need to speak to the legal team before they can give me answer as to what can be done. I am still waiting!... . what is my legal position where, and what can currys do to resolve this, all your suggestions and answers is much appreciated.
  5. Hi, I'll be brief with my explanation but here goes.. purchased samsung gs3 phone from a tesco phone shop on t-mobile contract 17/08/2012 2 year warranty faulty about 9 weeks ago, sent direct to samsung, returned with same fault sent back to samsung, returned faulty contacted consumer direct, they advised me to ask tesco to repair the phone. came back today, still faulty. rang consumer direct back and they forwarded the issue to trading standards. what is the likely outcome of this situ? I just want a working phone...
  6. Hi folks, Back in January (actually 6 months ago today) I bought a SIM free Motorola Moto G phone from Phones4U to replace a faulty Samsung Galaxy S3 which I was told was no longer covered by warranty due to a small crack in the case (that's another story altogether :-/). Anyway, the phone worked great for a couple of months, for the cost (£150) it was a great purchase and did everything that I wanted. However, about 2 months ago it started to develop an annoying issue. Basically the battery was draining really quickly. If I disconnected it from a my laptop (the phone was only supplied with a USB cable, no charger) or USB charger it would sometimes drop from a battery level of 95% to 1% and then shutdown. Other times I would take the phone out of my pocket, it would be working fine and then suddenly when I started using it the phone would go off. It also gets stuck in reboot loops when plugged in where it would try and start up and then get so far and reboot again and do this about 5 or 6 times before starting. I did some research and it seems that the bug is related to the version of Android which is on the phone (Kitkat 4.4.2). Looking into it further Motorola did release a Kitkat 4.4.3 update which fixed these issues, but then was found to have a security issue so it was withdrawn, the next version (Kitkat 4.4.4) hasn't yet been made available. I took the phone into the Phones4U store today and spoke to one of their technical support staff over the phone. The sales advisor in the store went through a factory reset which hasn't fixed the issue. They advised a repair would be 2 to 4 weeks (which seems a little bit crazy to me). The only other option they suggested was that I could buy a new phone or take out a contract to get a replacement phone (something I'm not prepared to do). The phone is pretty much useless unless it's plugged into a charger (not an issue if I'm at home or at work) but when I'm out away from a power source the phone will run for about 5 minutes and then just go off. If it wasn't for these issues I'd be happy with the phone, it's a great little device apart from those issues, does everything I want it to, I'm just getting to the end of my tether having put up with this issue for so long, all I want is to get the phone replaced, either with the same model or a comparable model of the same sort of value (if they gave me a credit note it would at least mean I could get a different phone from them). So I wondered what the next option would be? Ta, Rob
  7. I purchased a cordial from ASDA a few months ago which I am convinced made me Violently ill with projectile vomiting within 10 minutes of drinking it. I gave it back to ASDA and complained, along a letter requesting a copy of the test results I phoned ASDA today and verbally requested the lab results to which they replied that they tried to get a copy from the producer of the cordial, but was told they could not have it, and also that I cannot get the manufacturers address in order to contact them. Is this correct? If not, what can I do to get a copy of it. I feel that people are covering up a monumental cock up.
  8. Hey, Can someone offer me some advise here, back in November we purchased 2 of the Google Nexus 7 tablet computers for the kids christmas presents. One of them has not gone faulty with a common issue where they stop charging and become unusable. We have contacted CPW to see what they can do under the warranty and they are basically saying that as they no long have a service agreement with Asus they can unable to offer me any support in regards to replacement or repair - I have to go directly to the manufacturer. The manufacturer are saying other wise and again CPW are having none of it - I have escalated this to the CEO's office at CPW however they are still sticking to the story of not being able to offer any help and my need to speak tot he manufacturer again. Is this right or am I being royally fobbed off. The tablet is 7 month old, undamaged and fully boxed. What can I do? Many Thanks
  9. Looking for some advice here-made the grave mistake of buying from this dive at the end of march this year. I had been looking for a diesel for my 100-mile a day work commute when I was tipped off about an 05 plate Vectra SRI at said garage for £2000. I had not seen the advert online but went to look at it. The shabby condition of the vehicle just sitting on the street should have been the first hint to walk away but I made the mistake of giving them a chance. Salesman came up offered £300 trade in on my then 51-plate Astra and a THREE month warranty. We barely got a look at the vehicle before getting pushed into a joke of a test drive -14 miles of diesel and an EGR valve problem they tried to keep from us. I definitely should have walked away there but [said] they would fix it and do the timing belt and NEW tyres I asked them to do so put down my deposit. This was 22/3/14. We asked for service history they claimed to have it and I have never seen it yet despite asking for it FOUR times and FSH WAS advertised. I get home that night and see advert online advertised with 90000 miles, had 99000 -felt pressured into buying as had put deposit down and feared they would try their best to hide behind their t&c and not refund but looking back I would have taken the legal route if need be-easy to do in hindsight One week later [edit] we get there and he tells us NONE of the engine work done and they had only done 2 of the 3 tyres (near bald part worns) and rushed to put another one on and he said ONE month warranty -we told him were were told THREE months (4 of us heard it). The car had been warmed up so we got it home and finally got to do the checks we were pushed away from doing to find a mouldy boot carpet and 3 inches of water in the spare wheel well (easy cheap fix), debris from the previous owner strewn all through the car, mouldy seatbelts, loose rear seat (despite them claiming it was fixed!!), washer pump not working ( failed MOT twice for this), still no service history so it was asked for again [EDIT]. Next day I drove it and because car was cold the EGR problem was there again-took 5 minutes revving to warm it up. Twice it stalled in traffic nearly causing accidents despite them claiming they fixed it too. Following day I returned it demanding a repair or refund -they took it in to get the valve and timing belt done. Two days later I get car back -they demanded the £200 for the belt in cash -I only had card so was driven [EDIT] in my own vehicle to an ATM to withdraw the £200!!! 1st Saturday in april -still no history I took it for a major at my local Farmer's at a cost of £219 where they found a bodge job done on the exhaust instead of a replacement they cut out the faulty part and poorly welded in a bit of metal that could have gone at any time-quoted £400 plus. Other work I had to do was replace the tyres -I went for decent ones with the miles I do - Goodyear efficientgrip at £130 a corner x4 and the fitter was in shock -2 tyres had 215 width and 2 had 225 (all legal claim DVS) but the ones I got were exactly the same, replace thermostat at £85, washer pump at £30. In 8 weeks car was in garage every weekend bar one getting bits done. 12th may heading down the M90 to work car starts bucking like skippy on substances. I make it to work but for safety had to be towed home. Next day I got the fuel filter replaced at £42. When they took it off the local garage said it was that black and spaghetti-like inside they thought it had NEVER been changed from the day it was fitted in 2005!!! I was advised to run the filter in again drove the car to work and back-no change the Wednesday back to the garage. On the Thursday they diagnosed it needed a new fuel injector ( part plus labour just under £400) I told them do it and on the Friday when they went to fit it.. ..found the swirl valve snapped (talking £700 work) and they didn't want the job (CDTI engine, MAJOR work) but at least they didn't charge for the unfitted part. When I told the mechanic I beat a guy with a young family to that car his words chilled me -" You did them a HUGE FAVOUR, that car was unsafe". I have tried rejecting it but they are hiding behind the line " You didn't follow the terms and conditions, You did the work without our permission". I also noticed the false advertising on the trade in - I know it had done 117500 miles, they listed it at 109000, if only I had printed the screenshots. When challenged, [they] clammed up and went on the defensive like he knew he had been caught out. Because I felt I was going nowhere (and couldn't afford a tow truck or get anybody to tow the car to them because they were never going to do it) I felt I had to take £500 for it. I spent £2900 on a £2000 car with another £1500 needed-disgusting and not fit for purpose. Went to a main dealer, got another Vectra 03 plate- 82000 miles £1800, better presented (even in pre-forecourt preparation stage) and the experience was so much better - the salesman wouldn't even talk a deal until we had checked everything worked and heard the engine, he was even honest on the first week to say no history before taking the deposit but a week later full history turned up and was given it to read before paying the balance. We were not allowed to leave before he had gone through every function-much better than the other [company]. I have got trading standards involved with DVS but the lack of evidence isn't helping. My question is even though I felt forced in both buying and selling can I claim something, even just a partial refund, after all what they sold me was totally neglected and they knew it, they were keeping quiet and pushing me away from the faults hoping they would go unnoticed.
  10. I purchased a new MotoG with new pay monthly contract less than 3 months ago. The phone now won't turn on having discharged overnight. I have found that this is a recognised fault. So I phoned Orange, but they said I had to send it off for repair and won't replace it because I don't have insurance. Surely if a phone develops a manufacturing defect fault within 3 months, I should be entitled to a replacement? Especially if this website's forum manager says this https://forums.motorola.com/posts/3d5eadc25d?page=6 "We're working to eliminate this issue in a future update." What are my rights under Sale of Goods Act?
  11. Hi all, Just a quick query really, I bought an Asus Memo Pad on 17/12/2013 at 14.13. Last night at about 10PM, it stopped working, I am unable to do anything with it, it doesn't respond to any touch commands at all, and as the store closed at 9PM, I couldn't take it back. I've just taken a trip to PC Ripoff to get a replacement, but as I was 10 hours over the 6 months, they can only send it off to Asus to be repaired. I can do that myself, and it would probably be quicker I tried to argue about the Consumer Act 2008, 6 months rights, blah blah blah, but they wouldn't have it, as it is past the 6 months. Is there anywhere in the Consumer Act that states it is exactly 6 calendar months or 183 days ?? If so, can someone point me in the right direction. Cheers muchly, Sacha
  12. Hi there, I brought a PC about 6 months ago. It has never been stable so I finally got in touch with them and now we are currently in the middle of sorting the problems out with me fixing and testing what they can't do remotely. We have found out that its the Overclock they did to it in the factory that is the problem. I paid for that overclock as it was closer to the spec I wanted. The next step will be to turn the overclock down so its more stable but that's not what I paid for and it is not the spec I wanted. To be fair, we haven't done that yet so I can't say for certain what results we will get. If we can't get close to the spec I chose and paid for, am I within my rights to send it back to them? I'm not necessarily after a refund. What I'd like is for them to replace the appropriate parts. Thanks Ben
  13. I shall keep it as brief and simple as possible. I purchased a shogun 4x4 in sep2013 on HP with a £1000 deposit from a large "family" garage. Came with the usual worthless warranty. The car has turned out to be a bit of a lemon!! Initially when i looked at the car it all seemed good. General condition good for age and a low mileage for the year (83k and 2003 plate). Now being mechanically minded and knowing the weakness of the engine in this car (no fuel filter so the injectors or hp pump clog up...- due to rubbish uk fuel). I keenly inspected the service history. All appeared well and indeed the previous owner had spend a grand on the engine to make sure it ran fine. So the deal was done and not being local, i arranged to pick it up the following week after a new MoT and usual "dealer inspection and service". During the following week the dealer contacted me to say it had developed a engine fault and the light had come on so it went to the local Mitsubishi dealer to be fixed. Fair enough, it was fixed down to an injector fault and a new Mot was done the day before i collected with no advisories. all seems fine. Collected the car and drove 50 miles home. Next morning i find a pool of brake fluid under the rear. Can't see any obvious place it was leaking from, the level was just ok in the resevior so i drive carefully to my local garage to get it looked at. I've used this garage for years so the manager is happy to chuck it on the ramp for a look see. Both steel brake lines on the rear brakes are heavily corroded and burst leaving an aerosol of brake fluid mist on applying the brakes!! Obviously They must have just recently burst perhaps on journey home but clearly they have been excessively corroded for some time. Yet a clean bill of health on MoT a few days earlier..... My alarm bells are starting to ring. Having spent thousands at this garage the manager offered to fix the lines for free. I explained i had a warranty which he confirmed was worthless and said its not worth the hassle and as its a quiet day he would just get it done. So the lines are replaced and the car rocks on. In hindsight it might have been worth reporting the defect to the dealer so its on file. The next problem occurs! Engine light comes on. Fault clears itself and there is no trace on the ECU of the problem. Being a bit paranoid I take a closer look at the engine, see how dirty the oil is and decide to have a precautionary service including oil change, fuel filter, engine flush and moving over to super unleaded. Roll on 8 weeks to early december and just over 1500 miles and the engine blows up!! Rod through the side of the block! RAC recovered it to my local garage who confirmed the obvious. After contacting the original dealer and the warranty company, after a bit of wrangling it is agreed that the Dealer will take the car back to look at repair options. Interestingly the conversation with the (junior) customer services person, she agreed with me verbally that in the first 6 months the fault (that led to failure) was deemed to exist at time of sale unless evidence proved otherwise and said they would probably have to "put things right". Now obviously thats not binding but it did initially seem they might be prepared to play ball and offer some decent customer service as you might expect. With the xmas break no work was done on the car and the dealers service manager said he would look at it and try and source new engine in new year. Fair enough, not ideal but i know what the trade is like and the engine in the car is very rare in the UK and hence expensive and hard to find. Early january had a few conversations with the service manager and customer services over what the plan was and also to complain about the other issues i have had. Also during the initial breakdown the fuel filler was found to have rotted through and was leaking fuel.- another nail in the coffin. At this point things stalled with no sign of an repair, and none of my concerns being addressed about the car over the phone. Following the advice of a friend in the motortrade, he advised me to reject it now while i still have a chance of getting any money back. I did it formally by letter to both the finance company and the dealer. (they both have the same registered address as its an "in house" finance department). In essence i wanted my £1k deposit back, the finance settled and any money owing to me from the £800 of repayments after early termination coming back to me. with the termination rules on the agreement and my interest rate i should have a fair chunk of that £800 back if i should pay any penalty at all. Both replied fairly quickly. The finance company said they have noted the complaint and initially to deal with the dealer and they will keep a close eye on the complaint. - that was pretty much what i expected of them. The dealer replied saying the service manager was away for 2 weeks and he would address my concerns on his return. This was signed by the customer services manager. IMO she should have been dealing with it herself and it seemed like a stalling tactic. Predictably enough no contact came. I tried phoning but ended up in hold then hung up on hell so havent bothered with phoning as they arent prepared to talk it seems. As taxi costs have been racking up, i have been forced to buy a cheap car to get around and spend considerable money doing it up to keep it reliable - money i shouldnt have to have spent as i should have had a car anyway! I allowed them 6 weeks to reply and wrote to them again basically restating what i wanted as well as disapointment at thier lack of contact. This was sent to the finance company to keep them in the loop as I am required to do due to thier joint liability. That was the middle of April. All letters were sent recorded and i have delivery proofs stored away safely if needed in court later. That brings me to now. At this stage i feel i have little option but court. My intention is to send the final "letter before action" then if they fail to resolve the situation then court it is. At this stage is it only the finance company i should be taking to court?? As far as i can see they are the same people (although probably not legally). In essence i want my money back and the finance cleared and i will happily walk away. Having read on here and other places there appears no definitive answer weather i should go after the dealer now then finance later or just the finance company?? At the end of the day I dont care who i go after if it gets me my money back!! Although with the lack of contact so far, I am skeptical if its worth it for what would at most be £1800 back to me (albeit the claim is £5800 plus costs when you take into account £5k vehicle sale price)> The negative side of me thinks they would just ignore any claim against them knowing id have to fork out a fortune in costs to get any money off them. Any advice would be grateful.
  14. Hi I realise I've gone about this the wrong way, but I bought a car for £4700, Fiat, 2009, 44000 miles, from an independent dealer, 25th April. Paid £1200 deposit on credit card and £3500 on hire purchase. Travelled 1000 miles in 5 weeks, car developed a fault with suspension. I called the warranty company to advise the car had a problem with suspension, they advised to take it for diagnosis and have the garage call them prior to carrying out fix. The garage called them to advise of fault with rear shock absorbers, the warranty company advised they don't cover shock absorbers (wear & tear part i guess). In my haste I requested the garage carry out the work, without first contacting dealer. I have kept the faulty parts. I know I should give the dealer an opportunity to repair the vehicle first, but is there anything I can hit them with, or am I literally going in and hoping for goodwill contribution? Thanks, Kristian
  15. Purchased a used car (82k miles, 04) beginning of Nov 2013. Car sold as being in "stunning condition" & paid a price that reflected this supposed fact. 2 weeks later car breaks down, we take it to our local indy, it is diagnosed - needs a new pump - cost £800+. Call dealer, he insists on flat bedding it to a garage of his choice 30 miles away. They take it, few days later call, say it's all fixed come get it. We pick it up and yes it is fixed, for a week. Week later on Christmas Eve pump fails again (each time it fails the car gets stuck in neutral and leaves us - with a 1 year old in the back - stranded at roundabouts, traffic lights, junctions etc.) Call dealer again, we make it clear we either want a new pump or to return the car. He again insists on taking it back to his local garage so off it goes, it is gone for 2 weeks over the new year, garage confirms pump is dead & needs a new one. Dealer tells us they are going to source and fit a new pump. Pick the car up and it's working - yay. Fast forward 3 months to now. Pump is failing again - managed to get it to local indy who checks it out. New pump they put in wasn't new - came off a breaker. Apparently it is rusty, weathered, in a terrible state & has broken again. He has given us a report that states this. This fault has been present since the 2nd week after purchase and now we are about 2 weeks passed the initial 6 months, it still has the same fault. Can we reject the car? If there is even the slimmest chance of winning in court I'd rather try it than scrap it for £150 without giving it a go. (and yes, it is an old car & things go wrong, but I refuse to believe a £900 job on a £2k 'stunning condition' car 2 weeks after purchase is reasonable!)
  16. Hi, I am not new to the CAG but new to this particular forum. As a living, I repair and maintain computers. Recently, a customer passed to me an Asus Transformer Pad tablet, which she'd purchased from Argos in December 2012. Since she bought it, she has already had it repaired twice and now it has failed a third time and won't power up. In the course of my work, I have to make judgements on whether hardware is worth repairing, given its history and the cost involved. In the case of this tablet, based on its age and the fact that it is now facing a third repair, I would classify it as defective, and then attempt to get some form of compensation for the owner from the retailer, in this case, Argos. I have spoken to Asus themselves who were less than helpful, telling me that my only real option is to have it repaired - again. But as far as I am concerned, a line has been crossed here and I don't see the point of throwing good money after bad. So, my question here really is: do I have any way here of using the Sale Of Goods Act, if I were to take this matter to Argos and demand they do something? I have documentation from the owner to substantiate the repairs, plus there is Asus's service record as well but as I see it, this is far from being clear-cut. If it were my tablet, I would try to get some form of compensation from the original retailer, but I was wondering if anyone here has had any similar experience with computers bought from Argos and how they got on. Thanks.
  17. Just making a brief post - I will add more details when I get a response from my letter from the dealership. Long story short - we bought a second hand car for £3000 from a main dealership which broke down 3 weeks after we drove it away. Rang dealer, received zilch help and had it repaired by local garage. We have had the car just over 5 months and during this time have had to replace 'botched job' on coil pack wires, power steering pump, HT leads, coil pack and spark plugs. Car cut out at 60 mph again and is now in garage and we are told the ECU burnt out the coil pack and the car now needs a new ECU costing £1200 + VAT, mechanic has tried 2 or 3 used ECUs and says they aren't compatible. All throughout this time, we have made several phone calls to the dealership and have been told we will get a call back and never have. We are now at the beginning of the 5th month and after been told about the latest possible cost and that the car cannot be driven, I am irate and have written to the dealership to ask for full refund and compensation for losses, such as practically non-use of insurance because the car has spent more time with a mechanic than on the road, for having to insure my son on mine while his is almost permanently in a garage and obviously cost of repairs. I did invoice them for the first repair which they paid up for because I told them the garage said it was a botched job with liquid metal and couldn't see how the dealership wouldn't have noticed this. I paid over £200 on my credit card towards the car. Time is ticking as 6 months will be end of May, I have just written the letter asking for them to pick the seriously faulty car up and refund (will post tomorrow). My question is - I am happy with the deals my credit card give me and I would rather not rock the boat with them - if I wait until I find out if the dealership are going to solve this matter, would I be able to try and claim from credit card company if I don't contact them until after the 6 month i.e. giving car company chance to reply and resolve. Thanks in advance and sorry for the lack of details, I Would rather they had received the letter before I am more specific.
  18. Hello and thank you for your time First of all I would like to thank you in advance for your eventual support, advice and your honest opinion. What follows is a true story, my story. This is not an attempt to badmouth Citroen or any other manufacturer. This is about how some car dealers choose to treat their customers, about gross negligence and, why not, fraud. Everything that follows is supported by, I believe, strong evidence - phone conversations recordings, e-mails, pictures and video recordings. After much consideration and a crazy amount of courage I have decided not to buy a Seat Leon Touring FR but a brand new Citroen DS5 2.0 HDI manual. Very soon this proofed to be a huge mistake. The car was purchase by finance, PCP. The OTR price of the vehicle was 17000 pounds, heavily discounted from 25000 pounds. This big discount of 8000 pounds made me choose this car. Big mistake. This kind of discounts are not something out of the ordinary in the industry, specially in March. Also relevant is the fact that this was a distance selling purchase. This vehicle was advertised via AutoTrader home page and all the correspondence between me and the dealer (Sutton Park Motor Company Ltd - Stourbridge) was via phone or email. Friday (21.03.2014) I took delivery of a brand new Citroen DS5 which I bought with finance by PCP provided by Barclays Partner Finance. As soon as I drove the car from the dealer I've noticed Steering and Braking faults with the car. The most obvious defect was the fact the car suffered from a bad wheel alignment, the steering wheel stayed all the time lean to the left and the car was pulling constantly left, no matter of the camber of the road. I immediately turned to the dealer to report the issues with the car. The dealer briefly inspected the car and they told me that they used some kind of brake spray to clean the brakes and also test drove the car and informed me that the car is fault free. This seemed very weird to me because no spray cleaner in this world will cure a bad wheel alignment but I was too tired to argue (been travel for 4h by train to reach Dealer's location) I've set up again on the road and I noticed that nothing has really changed with the car's issues, obviously. When I arrived home (more than 140 miles away) I have contacted the dealer by phone explaining that none of the problems with the car have been fixed. I've been told that on Monday (24.03.2014) I will be contacted by the Dealer's Service Manager who will discuss with me this matter. Nobody contacted me and I decided to take the car to an independent tracking specialist. The wheel alignment job print out clearly shows that the car's tracking was off. This was not the only problem with my brand new car. Here is full list of faults: 1. Bad wheel alignment and tracking causing the vehicle to constantly pull to the left 2. Steering wheel was off centred, it stays leaned towards passenger side. 3. Steering wheel vibrates at motorways cruise speeds 60 – 70 mph. 4. Steering wheel shakes under braking. 5. The car is very unstable on uneven and slightly bumpy roads, especially when braking, causing the car to change trajectory towards incoming traffic or pavement. 6. The steering wheel is twitching and jerking back and forth every time the front wheel goes over small bumps and cracks on the surface of the road, also causing the car to change trajectory towards incoming traffic or pavement. 7. Miss coloured front bumper – painted in a different shade of grey. 8. Rattling noise coming from the right hand side rear passenger door. [/b] Tuesday ,25.03.2014, morning I've contacted the dealer and told them that I'm willing to return the car to them so they can have a full check of the car. They agreed to bring the back to them, which I did. When I went back to the dealer (after 2 days) to pick up the car and noticed that there was an improvement to some of the issues but most of them were still not fixed. There was no more steering wheel vibration at motorways cruise but still the steering wheel was shaking under braking sometimes. The steering shake under braking was pointed out by me to dealer's Service Manager when we test drove the car together but he informed me that this was normal because of the road condition which I strongly rejected. He also tried to convince me that the steering wheel jerking and twitching from left to right was absolutely normal. I've explained to him that maybe this is normal with an used car with many miles on the clock but not with a brand new car with 3 miles on the clock. Every time my car goes over small bumps and cracks on the road the steering wheel is abruptly twitching and shaking back and forth, making the car to suddenly change direction to the left or right very rapidly. I have tried to explain to the dealer that this is not normal or safe but he disagrees with me. On 31-03-2014 I phoned the Dealer and Informed him that I want to reject the car. I’ve been informed that they have to speak with Citroen UK. Later that day they come back to me and told me that they opened a case with Citroen and also informed me that I have to book in the car with another Citroen dealer for an independent opinion, if this can be considered independent opinion. I agreed with that and on 01-04-2014 the car was with my local dealer Freeborn Garage Ltd. One of the mechanics has test drove the car with me and immediately noticed that the car was pulling left in a very strange way. He also noticed that the steering wheel is twitching and jerking every time the front wheels go over small bumps and cracks on the road. He told me that they have to check the air pressure, disk brakes and something like connecting the steering rack to a device that will tell if the wheel alignment of the car changes while driving the vehicle. This part is very technical for me. Later that day they called me to tell me that I can take the car back. They gave me a job report that says that while the car was pulling left when during the test drive, they couldn't find anything wrong with any of the steering and suspension components so the car is OK at the moment of the testing. On the evening of 01-04-2014 I emailed a formal Complaint Letter to the Dealer. On 02-04-2014 I have received an email confirming that they have received the letter. On 03-04-2014 I have noticed that the front bumper is painted in a noticeable different shade of grey then the rest of the car!!!!! 06-04-2014 === Officially rejected the car and returned to the shocked Dealer, who didn't want to touch the keys. I've left them on the reception desk. Also left them a letter explaining them my actions and the reasons behind them. Everything was video recorded by my trusted phone. === Later that day I've posted on Citroen’s Facebook pages and on Tweeter. 07-04-2014 === Citroen UK Head Office has been contacted me, aground 11 AM. I've been told they are working on my case. 10-04-2014 === Citroen UK called to informed that they’ve been in contact with the Dealer. The Dealer’s legal team are preparing an answer for me and I should receive it today or tomorrow. Here are some pictures and videos that I will post as soon as I have permission to do so. This is the story so far. Could you advise me or tell me if I have a case against the supplier of the car or the finance company. I paid a 4000 pounds deposit using my credit card and the rest via PCP on a 4 year contract. Thank you
  19. My wife's car key fob fell apert and now a messge on the dash come up saying "electronic anti-theft device fault" and the car wont start. The dealership who sold us the car failed to supply the spare key and now, before they will evn bother to find it amongst their stash of unlabbed keys want us to get the car towed 80 miles so they can reset the engine management unit and supply a new key. Now, the reset and new key are covered under warranty but not the tow. As the car cant start how the hell are we supposed to get the car to the dealership? More local franchise holder will obviously tow and fix but wnat paying, why cant Peugeot be less parochial, or is it a lack of understanding/communication? shoud I get the car taken to local dealer and bill the one we bought the car from?
  20. Hi all, Will try to be brief - I have a 3 year old Mini One which was brought brand new in 2009 and is just out of finance. I brought the car out right at the end of the deal. - In May last year the car was fitted with a new windscreen after a crack appeared. The windscreen company were one which I had to use due to my insurance with Hastings. They are a National windscreen company. - 4 weeks ago, in the heavy rain, there was a huge leak in the car which caused the car to be soaked inside and not to start. many of the electrics went out. Mini garage (who I have used for all car issues for the last 3 years) identified that the leak was from a faulty windscreen fitting. - I contacted the company who fitted the windscreen who agreed to have it replaced and carpets dried and foot all bills. They supplied us with a courtesy car and had had the car for the last 3 weeks now. I asked that the car stay with Mini but they obviously wanted to get the work done more cheaply elsewhere so I agreed to this as long as it was returned in perfect condition. - Since then, the car has continued to fail to start and Mini have identified that the problem is with the fuse box, which needs replacing which is going to cost nigh on £4000. - So far, the windscreen company have communicated with me fairly poorly (said they will call and have not done so, passed the buck etc) and have not yet paid their invoice for work undertaken so far to Mini. I don't feel reassured that they are giving me 100% correct information as I have had conflicting messages from them so far. - I am now concerned that they will refuse to pay for the work that needs to be done, which Mini explain could only be caused by the leak, which was caused by them fitting a faulty screen on my car. The windscreen company seem to be somewhat disputing that this could be caused by a leak. Does anyone know where I stand in terms of what my rights are here? I presume that the windscreen company are liable to pay for any damages that the leak caused - but is it within my power to say where I want the car to be fixed ( I would like it to stay with Mini, who I trust ) rather than it be shipped to another place to get it fixed more cheaply? I know that the windscreen company are going to start being difficult as the cost rises and am very concerned by this - but this is not my fault and we have never had a problem with the car until now - I mean it is just 3 years old! I have called my Solicitor and Citizens Advice and await responses from both - but if anyone one here has any advice for me I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
  21. Thousands of SSE customers across the UK could be in line for a refund, after the energy supplier admitted there is a fault with some of its meters. As many as 16,000 customers on its Economy 10 (E10) tariff may have been overcharged for their electricity consumption for years. SSE has now vowed to get in touch with all customers who may have been affected to check their meters. If you have the fault, SSE will repair or replace the meter and recalculate your charges to make sure you are not out of pocket. The E10 tariff provides households with ten hours of off-peak electricity, split into three blocks over 24 hours. During these off-peak times, households are charged a lower rate for their heating and hot water. But a batch of meters have a manufacturing fault, which means if there is a power cut the meter clock moves back by an hour when the power comes back on again. This would only happen when the clock is programmed to switch between GMT and BST and the power cut happens in winter time. For customers who are affected, the fault could mean that if they time their electricity consumption to benefit from off-peak rates, they may have paid more than they ought. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-2606778/16-000-SSE-customers-line-refund-energy-supplier-admits-meters-faulty.html#ixzz2z9ooXcos
  22. Hi all, I purchased a hoover (a Vax) less than six months ago from ISME catalogue. The hoover was hardly used until recently (I had still been using my old hoover, but had purchased the Vax one as it was a good price and my old one, although stil fine, was showing signs of age. I recently have been using the new, Vax hoover, but it very quickly stopped picking up, and had not been particularly good anyway. My husband has cleaned the filters and so forth, but it still is not picking up adequately and is really not a great hoover. Also, the pipe section of the hoover keeps falling apart and I have to keep pushing it back in. I have contacted Isme and explained that the hoover is not working as it should and I wish to return it. However, they say I must contact their supplier (the manufacturer) and ascertain the cause of the problem before they can accept it back, if at all. I have said that under the Sale of Goods Act the hoover is not fit for purpose and my contract, in effect, is with Isme. However, they argue that is not the case. They say they lack the technical knowledge to deal with the matter direct and if I return the hoover to them, they will return it back to me, and add the postage cost to my account. Are they correct in what they say? Many thanks, Magda
  23. Hello all. This is complicated but advice would be helpful and most appreciated. Last June I purchased a car on finance from a garage. 3 weeks in I noticed it was having real problems braking. I rung the garage where I purchased the vehicle from and they told me to bring it in and they would fix the brakes which they said sounded worn down. They conceeded they should have checked these at time of purchase. On my way to the garage I was involved in an accident. I was unable to stop due to the brakes, skidded on the watery surface hit a central reservation and a car ploughed into my drivers side. The car was drivable but considered a write off. When I called my insurance it seemed I only had third party and not fully comp (I was sure I had had fully comp but no). My insurance lost out in the claim against the person that hit me. The garage then refused to fix the brakes. A portable mechanic came out and inspected the vehicle stating the brakes were worn down and tyres cracked. As my HP was with the finance company and not the garage I was told to make a complaint through FOS against finance company. I did this but they could not rule against the finance company because the report on the vehicle I obtained needed to be done through aa. I stated to finance company I would not be paying for another report they should. It has now been 1 year! No report came from the finance company, the garage I purchased the car from has gone bust. The car has been sitting at my office not in use and in poor condition. I have now received a letter from the finance company requesting full payment of £5600 in 14 days or they will begin legal proceedings against me. I have now found out through the DVLA i am not even the registered keeper of the vehicle and never was! What are my options or legal rights here? All the best K
  24. Hi, I have got a faulty GPU from ebuyer.com. I firstly tried to install the GPU onto my computer, but it did not work, so I got a diagnosis from PC World / Knowhow (uk)to get it tested, where the sales assistant said it was Dead on Arrival (DoA). I then raised a return on the product,which was accepted and they tested it, sent it back and said there is nothing wrong with it. I have done this about 2-3 times now, and they still cannot find anything wrong with it. I have had to spend another ~£70 on a PSU to make sure my PSU isn't faulty.I have followed all the instructions for installations, been on many online forums on howto fix and nothing seems to work. I have contacted them with the following enote: Alan Jeffery 28/03/2014 17:24 Hi ebuyer, After buying this product, and after multiple returns, you still struggle to find the fault that I am receiving. I request a refund under the Sale of Goods act stated below. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) states that when a consumer buys goods from a trader they must be: as described; of a satisfactory quality; and fit for any purpose made known at the time of sale to the seller. This legislation also states that the seller, not the manufacturer, is legally obliged to sort out a problem if the goods do not meet these requirements. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) says: if goods break within the first six months after purchase then there is a presumption the goods were faulty when sold. My goods are not fit for purpose and I wish to claim a refund of my goods under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 as amended. Regards, Alan Sarah 28/03/2014 17:31 Dear Alan Jeffery, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Team. Having checked this for you, advise that your item has been fully tested and no fault has been found so is fit for purpose. This is therefore being returned to you via ParcelForce on tracking reference; TE8287928. If you need any details on the tests completed, please contact our technical support team on 03303 339 390 who will be able to help. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience or annoyance caused as a result of this matter. Kind Regards, Sarah Ebuyer.com Customer Support Team Alan Jeffery 02/04/2014 19:57 Hi, I want physical/photographic evidence that you have tested my faulty product, with the picture including the device is not faulty (device manager etc) and including the model number to show that it is my device being tested. I want these photos screen shotted or shown on the same monitor so I know it is not being tested on different computers. After updating all BIOS and drivers on my computer, re-installing and installing the GPU many times,I am still getting windows error code 43. If this evidence is not supplied, I will be taking this further. Alan They currently have not responded to my last enote as i only just wrote it, so can i have some advice please? Regards, Reece (Alan's son)
  25. My wife and I went to the PC World/ Currys store in Brentford to look at purchasing a new dish washer, when she opened the door on one of the integrated appliances the fascia fell off on to her foot. The first member of staff simply stated he wasn't qualified to deal with it and walked off with very little concern, the asst manager came over and looked vague as to how to deal with it having to be prompted for a duty first aider which he stated they don't have in store. When asked for a cold compress he returned with a pack of frozen chips and was concerned about putting them into a Currys carrier bag rather than leave them in the sainsburys bag they were already in. The only help we were offered was in purchasing the dishwasher. He had no idea about an accident book or a HS1 form. We complained to head office due to how it was dealt with and the acknowledgement they were aware the doors were falling off making them negligent in their duty of care. The store manager writes back stating that there was a first aider on duty but when asked why they were not called it was escalated to a Phillipe Sleet (DSG H&S) who stated the store manager was incorrect in his statement in having first aiders and they were in accordance with HSE risk assessments which were completed annually. He has also stated that the store acted in accordance with risk assessments by removing such plinths as a means of rectification to the doors falling off. However he has so far refused to state when that appliance was risk assessed prior to going on the shop floor or when it was first evident that the standard display fascias do not fit safely. They have consistently shown complete apathy towards this clear design fault even though the store staff have admitted they have a problem with the doors not fitting correctly. The concerning factor is this particular unit is sold throughout their network and fitted with the same standard display fascia. They have stated that where significant risks are identified they are recorded. The concerning factor is that if it is heavy enough to cause injury to an adult it could pose a significant risk to injury to a child. DSG and especially Currys Brentford seem to prioritise their sales targets over injuries caused due to store negligence. The only thing we wanted out of this was for them to look into the way risks are identified and handled, and to highlight that cutting corners does not resolve the problem, when they legally have a duty of care towards customers and staff. Head office have shown complete apathy towards this and have now been told by DSG Risks Manager he LOOKS FORWARD TO HEARING FROM OUR SOLICITORS. A bizarre approach when we are not even looking for any recompense, just to make sure this type of incident does not happen again and cause someone a serious injury or worse.
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