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  1. OK, not sure if I'm missing something but I'm thoroughly confused by this.. I have a secured mortgage with Acenden that is due to end in February next year. I got into arrears with them about 4 years ago but cleared them and have kept my nose clean ever since. Last week they sent me a odd letter telling me about the end date, informing me of the current balance (~£2500) that they will carry on collecting my monthly payments and that I don't need take any further action at this time. However they then go on to say that that I should make arrangements to pay any outstanding balance full next February and that they will send me a redemption statement just before this date. It's obvious to me that my current payment(£170/mo) will not pay off this balance during the next 10 months even if they stopped adding interest. Now surely if I have a fixed-term loan with no arrears on the account then the entire balance should be paid off at the end of the term and there should be no shortfall? I suppose the only way to find out is to make enquiries with them but I'm loathed to deal with this disgraceful outfit. Perhaps it's time for a SAR?
  2. I was wondering if anyone who has, or has had, a mortgage with DB Mortgages has managed to get approval from them to port their mortgage? If so when was this, what were the circumstances, i.e. buying new house or downsizing, and what were the criteria that they insisted upon. Also how long did the process take and were their any 'pitfalls' along the way? I am asking as it something they say they do and which I would like to do with my mortgage with them. I am looking to downsize house, release some equity and with some of it pay a lump off the current outstanding balance, not increase the term but reduce the mortgage size by 30%. Dealing with them is never straightforward so thought would ask the users for experiences! Thank you
  3. Good afternoon, We have been going through a living nightmare with the above company - they are related to Lloyds Bank. We have been fighting them in the courts and we won our case and now we have a fresh complaint and they have just admitted that they have tacked it onto the end of our previous case! This is not what we want or asked for - and they are refusing to deal with our fresh complaint on its own grounds - even though it is a completely different matter. TMB have a disgraceful habit of blatantly ignoring customers and I was wondering if I can use the BCOBS rules to bring them to court again? The judge sided with us in our case and we won - but they broke the law and acted illegally during our case - and we need to have some recourse as they have put financial penalities on us to the tune of £25K!!! Help please as they are literally causing us to mentally suffer extreme anxiety again. I cannot go through this again. Nor can I let my family watch this over again......
  4. hi, I Would really appreciate some help in a very difficult situation. A little bit of background first. we Have a NRAM mortgage with was originally on repayment which was took out on 2005, subsequently we borrowed and borrowed in the height of borrowing and our mortgage as of today is 167,000. one of the loans which we thought was to run to the term of the mortgage apparently has matured in December 2016 and they want £11000 now. In 2006 my partner suffered 2 heart attacks within 4 months of each other and subsequently went to half pay and we started to fall into arrears on other bills so I contacted nram and switched to interest only. finally as we thought we were getting somewhere the financial crisis hit us in 2008 and NRAM eventually were owned by the government and not regulated and so we plodded on by which time arrears on other debts were mounting upon me as I tried to take control as I didn't want my partner to suffer any more stress due to his heart but eventually I went into meltdown and suffered a breakdown . it took me a few years to get back on my feet and then I was made redundant in 2011 .Nram however were always paid. in 2013 my partner was diagnosed bowel cancer and again went to half pay. In 2015 I was diagnosed with PTSD And GAD (generalised anxiety disorder. so the top and bottom of all this is we have been contacted by NRAM as £11,000 is now due. because of problems in the past and me burying my head in the sand I have ended up with CCJs 2 have been settled one for £1000 and another for £8000 but I have another which I need to pay. my partner has a good job and I work part time, he is involved with a credit union through his work and he applied for a loan with them of £10,000 to clear the debt as he has £1700 in savings with them which they declined. Nram are saying that they want the full amount an no negotiation, sell or re-possession and they cant extend mortgage as not regulated credit union today have advised that just by making an offer they have to accept? they said that a law was implemented a few years ago that they have to accept this but I cannot find this anywhere. I need to find this information out ASAP any help please thanks
  5. Hello I would be grateful for some advice. I spoke to my mortgage lender this morning and if I dont find a buyer or settle my mortgage debt they will commence repossession proceedings in 7 days time. My mortgage with Acenden ended last September. I was unable to repay it, so I put the flat on the market, found a buyer very quickly but unfortunately just before exchange of contracts my partner had a stroke, forcing me to stop the sale. Some time later I put my property back on the market again found a buyer very quickly, but she pulled out just before we exchanged. That was a couple of weeks ago. If I ended up in court would I have a strong chance of overturning the eviction. My property is back on the market. I am still continuing to pay my mortgage, having never missed a payment.
  6. My wife died just over a year ago. The house we live in was bought in her name only, and the mortgage is in her name only. I obtained Probate and I am the beneficiary of all assets and debts. Last week I phoned up the lender - assuming it would simply be a case of switching the deeds and mortgage to my name and continuing payments. I was concerned when the person said that in those situations they usually required the mortgage to be repaid - which i couldn't do without selling the house - and I would have no-where to live. Despite my late wife owning the house/mortgage, ALL monthly payments have been from MY account and have never been missed. Anyone have any advice on this? Thanks
  7. Hi all, Hoping somebody may be able to shed some light on my question.. I have a judgment against an individual. I have come to realise his name is misspelt on the judgment. Have been advised by the court to make a formal application to correct this using an N244 form 'Notice Application'. My question really is regarding what court fee I am supposed to pay. Ive read the official fee guide but it doesn't make it very clear regarding this type of application. Any thoughts? Ive already emailed the courts to ask but thought somebody may have the answer on here. Thanks in advance
  8. Hi, I don't do Facebook so I have started a thread on the MoneySavingExpert forum - The Acenden (administered mortgage) Escape Committee in the section called "Mortgage Free Wannabe" (I can't post links here yet). - Acenden have apparently recommenced selling mortgages on behalf of their new owners. Do join me there. I will post more information on that new thread in a while, eg about the danger signs that indicate that Acenden means to repossess. Everyone's case is unique but there are things we can to help each other get clear of these cowboys.
  9. The following PDFs are the MOD Guidance on: Guidance notes for Service Personnel applying for a mortgage Guidance notes for Service Personnel when applying for Unsecured Credit FOI201600147_Annex_D_Guidance_Notes_for_Service_Personnel_Applying_for_a_Mortgage.pdf FOI201600147_Annex_C_Guidance_Notes_for_Service_Personnel_Applying_for_unsecured_credit.pdf
  10. Hi, Wonder if anyone can help me with some advice. Me and my partner at the time took out a mortgage for 100k back in 2004. In 2006 my partner walked out on me and left me paying the mortgage. We came to the agreement that she would pay £100 a month and I would pay the remaining £500 until we found a buyer. Unfortunately we ended up in arrears as I was foolishly paying her the money and she wasn't passing this on to the lender. I then said enough was enough and we handed the keys back as I couldn't get her to pay anything towards our joint mortgage. She seemed to think I lived there so I should pay all. Accord had the property for sale for six months and then sold cheap leaving us a 58k shortfall. 9 years later we still owe 58k. I offered a final settlement of 5K originally that was rejected and since have just made small payments per month as I've been out of work more than I've been in work. My ex on the other hand has become a qualified accountant and earns good money in a perm job. Part of my reluctance to pay back was that she wasn't making payments. Latest letter from Accord is saying they want to split the debt 50/50. I've asked for details of all payments made by both me and the ex as I'm not too happy with being given a figure without seeing what payments were made. They are saying they cannot tell me what the other party has been paying. I must be entitled to see this given its a joint debt? I'm currently working, but due to be out of work come March. The most I could offer against the 29k debt is 2.5k and I don't really have that as would be borrowing off family. I don't have any assets. Best they are going to get out of me monthly is £5 Any advice?
  11. Hi Everyone, I’m wondering if someone can help please? I re-mortgaged my flat in 2005 through Countrywide and the mortgage adviser told me that I had to take out a Mortgage Protection Plan as it was necessary for me to get the Mortgage but now as I understand it isn't. The Mortgage Protection Plan summary says its Life or earlier Critical Illness Cover (decreasing) which is with Friends Life (used to be Friends Provident) and as I understand it Countrywide and Friends Life are affiliated (if that makes a difference?) I had buildings and contents insurance at the time, so I think that means I had enough coverage... I still have the policy and all the paperwork even though I changed Mortgage provider in 2008. Does anyone know if I can claim this back as miss-sold and if so if I should contact Nationwide or Friends Life please? Really appreciate anyone’s help! and sorry if I'm in the wrong place! Thanks, Sandra
  12. Hello, A few years ago, you provided absolutely life-changing advice when I was facing eviction from my home. I have managed to keep everything going, with difficulty, for 4 years. On Friday, I was ambushed at work and told that my job was "selected" for redundancy. (I have to add that there are only two full-time employees now where I work....and one is the owner!) I would like to be forewarned as to how fast and how ruthless Mortgage Express is likely to be when my pristine payment record falters. Many thanks for your assistance.
  13. hi all I hope you can possibly give me some much needed advice as it is desperately needed. 6 years ago I got divorced, my ex wife as part of the divorce got control of the property and took on financial responsibility for it, she had control of an eventual sale etc. she married again in September, and in November I was told she no longer wanted anything to do with this property. there was a large arrears on the property, and to say there was a lot of work doing inside the property is an understatement, the mortgage company was going for eviction. I said to her if I was to take the property off her would she be agreeable. she wrote and signed a letter stating that she was happy for me to take over the property and at no time would she come back for any thing from the property and she would also agree for me to take her name off the deeds of the mortgage when the arrears where sorted out and 12 months clear payments had been made. I spoke frequently with the mortgage company and over the last 3 weeks cleared the bulk of the arrears. I went down to the property the other night and changed the locks due to the fact her son from a previous marriage has been using the property for the use of drugs , the day after I get a phone call from her going on saying ive been trespassing on the property and have made a big mistake changing the locks. ive been back tonight to check on the property only to find the locks have been changed by them. where do I stand on this ? there is no equity in the property in the condition she has left it in, if left it would probably sell at around 20k less than market value. her plan was to hand the keys back in to the mortgage company and then go for bankruptcy. as I have brought a large arrears under a month behind im struggling to find the money to seek legal advice apologies if I have posted this in the wrong section many thanks in advance for any help anyone may be able to offer
  14. Hi there I have been paying 40 quid a month for God knows how long on my Santander mortgage and hopefully can claim this back as another 4 grand has gone on mortgage because of this. Can someone give me a pointer to get started please. Thanks
  15. in 2009 i gave the keys to my house back to the bank. At this time myself and my wife moved to Portugal as i had been offered a job there. A month later I return to UK and applied for Bankruptcy in November 2009. My wife was going to do the same but was very ill and we thought i would just do it all (but mortgage) the debts were in my name. in 2011 we return to the UK because my wife was still very ill. I started to work from home and we are very stable again. My wife does not work and holds no bank accounts etc.. All my debts are dropping off my Credit file just before Xmas we received a letter from DWF addressed to my wife asking for 45K as the shortfall from the mortgage debt. I check the CC file and the default date is 19/02/2010 . The letter said they would reduce the debt to 13K if we paid now. We do not have that money spare.. A few ago got another letter saying they deadline for paying reduced amount had expired but they would increase time to pay by another 2 weeks, they seems to me like there something wrong with the debt. I received other companies collection letter 3 years ago but they were addressed to me and not my wife so i just sent them the bankruptcy details and told them it was nothing to do with me. This is the first time they sent letter to my wife. extra information: We live in a private rented house. I work full time self employed. Have two children (5 yo twins) No other debt. Any suggestions on out coarse of action?
  16. Hello I have a Woolwich mortgage. I pay monthly and have not missed a monthly payment. However, I have been late sometimes as the payment is dependent on rental income payments. When I say late, I mean sometimes a few days or a week late in the same month. Woolwich has been charging me late penalties. It seems that there is now over £1k in late charges. And Woolwich consider me to be in arrears due to these charges. Can they do this ? It is affecting my credit rating. Is there some kind of letter I can write to complain ? Many thanks for advice.
  17. Hi, I'd really welcome any advice. I have a mortgage account with GE, it has a SPO on it. We've not missed a payment in 2 years. I received a letter today telling me that my account ownership was transferred last week to Engage Credit. Is this just me or all mortgages? Do I still have arrears? Any advice greatly received. I've trawled the internet and found nothing of any interest. Thanks, Jan.
  18. Hi I am in arrears with Paratus AMC (Previously GMAC) whom I gather to be difficult to deal with. As part of their pre-action they have kindly forwarded me the complete statement of the account. In it I have noticed that there are a large number of fee items and wanted to know if anyone can advice which ones can realistically be claimed against as unlawful charges: Unpaid DD Fee (£30) Arrears Fee (£50) Non Payment by DD Fee (£30) Thanks for any assistance
  19. My home was repossessed about 4 years ago. it was sold soon after. I checked my credit file recently and the mortgage account is in green marked as settled. does that mean that there is no debt now or that whatever the debt is now managed by the mortgage company's in house debt collectors.
  20. We were sold a 25 year Standard Life Decreasing Term Life Assurance policy / Mortgage Protection Plan on our first property / mortgage in 1990. It was also a condition according to the company representative who we had the meeting with. We have moved twice since then and mortgage amounts increased (with same lender) but we continued to pay the same monthly premium. Should the original policy been amended / updated to coincide with increased borrowing / coverage ? Thank-you
  21. If my mortgage was missold. I understand that the capital loaned to me has to be repaid, as mortgage no longer exists. My question is, if this happens, would all the payments I have made over the last few years go towards this?
  22. Hi Can someone give me some advice regarding a letter I received this week. It started last week when I sent a letter away asking for a refund of charges made to my account over the last 6 or 7 years, within a week I received a letter regarding another matter linked to my account informing me of a refund I was due. In the letter I received they had included some figures and said my account was to be paid off in full and the extra money that I was due was to be sent out to me by cheque in the next couple of weeks. This as you can imagine is a pleasant surprise but I was also wondering if the figures they are quoting are correct and that I am receiving the correct amount of money due to me. The company in question are ( london & scottish) who were taken over by a firm called .. this is who I received the letter from. I also downloaded a document relating to ( London & Scottish : In Administration) which I am finding quite difficult to understand fully, the way I am reading it I reckon I would be due more than the figure they have quoted. I was wondering if I could pm one of the forums administrators with the info I have at present for himself/herself to have a look at their conveiniance. thanks
  23. I have today received a letter from GE stating that the interest on my interest only mortgage has been calculated incorrectly It states that the interest should be calculated daily and charged monthly , however it has been calculated monthly and charged monthly This has come out of the blue and contains no actual calculation and a credit has been charged to my account I recently had an experience with Royscott Finance , and because they had not supplied annual statements I received the full amount of interest charged over a 2/3 year period. Have I got any rights to get the interest back or any form of compensation in relation to this ? Any advise would be greatly received Thank you in advance
  24. Evening I will try and be brief. About 2 years ago my wife walked out on myself and my 21 year old daughter. I am working and am on a reasonable salary while daughter works 30 hrs a week. When we brought our house (which is in good positive equity) it was under a Joint Mortgage. My wife is now overseas and for my daughters sake we have kept things amicable. Since then we have been scraping along justs about keeping bills under control. The mortgage company is unaware we are seperated and sometimes I have been unable to make payments. I have used all my payment holidays up. Its starting to come to a head. I will not be able to make this months payment and probably not next months. I am planning to phone them up tomorrow but am not really sure how to explain why I cant pay.For many reasons selling the house is not an option. Do I tell them the real reason why I cant pay and that will jeopardise my mortgage. The reason (amongst others) I am hanging on is that in a couple of years time I am due a share payout which will definitely tide us over for a couple of years. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  25. Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help. Today I have found out that my ex who we split 4 years ago but still have a joint mortgage on the old property we shared has increased the mortgage to include the arrears he is in. I do not contribute to the house in return he doesn't pay anything for the children. I am livid, is it my understanding that this is some type of fraud because he would have to sign to increase the loan amount. I am anxious as I want to get my name off the house but he keeps telling me that in 12 months it will be fine. I really fear that my credit rating will be effected by this in the future. My understanding is we are both jointly responsible for the debt. Any legal advice would be appreciated Yours Marie
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