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  1. the removal letter hand delivered today, as to dates before that they have never attended here before, when i cleared the amount the council website said there was nothing left top pay Lee
  2. Thank you for the reply are they allowed to break in to my property or force entry, does anyone know the law on this ? Lee
  3. hi all i nee a little advice please, my wife had a council tax outstanding council tax debt from her old address, [which was paid directly in full to the council instead of the Bailiffs] now out of the blue she has had a hand delivered letter saying she owes £309.85 to Jacobs i have been on the council website as we registered her an account and have checked the last 2 years and it says £120 and underneath it it says Bailiffs, so my question is is this is bailiff charges and the debt has been paid direct to the councill do i have to pay the amount £309.85 to Jacobs or are they just trying it on ? any advice will bbe gratefully recieved Lee
  4. Renovating the property over the next few months with a view to moving back in
  5. what I was trying to avoid was the repossession being enforced as this will have massive financial implications on myself damned if I do damned if I don't it doesn't look like I can win which ever way I go
  6. hi all I hope you can possibly give me some much needed advice as it is desperately needed. 6 years ago I got divorced, my ex wife as part of the divorce got control of the property and took on financial responsibility for it, she had control of an eventual sale etc. she married again in September, and in November I was told she no longer wanted anything to do with this property. there was a large arrears on the property, and to say there was a lot of work doing inside the property is an understatement, the mortgage company was going for eviction. I said to her if I was to take the property off her would she be agreeable. she wrote and signed a letter stating that she was happy for me to take over the property and at no time would she come back for any thing from the property and she would also agree for me to take her name off the deeds of the mortgage when the arrears where sorted out and 12 months clear payments had been made. I spoke frequently with the mortgage company and over the last 3 weeks cleared the bulk of the arrears. I went down to the property the other night and changed the locks due to the fact her son from a previous marriage has been using the property for the use of drugs , the day after I get a phone call from her going on saying ive been trespassing on the property and have made a big mistake changing the locks. ive been back tonight to check on the property only to find the locks have been changed by them. where do I stand on this ? there is no equity in the property in the condition she has left it in, if left it would probably sell at around 20k less than market value. her plan was to hand the keys back in to the mortgage company and then go for bankruptcy. as I have brought a large arrears under a month behind im struggling to find the money to seek legal advice apologies if I have posted this in the wrong section many thanks in advance for any help anyone may be able to offer
  7. Hi All does anyone have the address for GMAC, i had a mortgage with them a few years ago and need to contact them regarding charges and getting them back any help is appreciated. Regards Lee
  8. Hi i have had a look in the template library for a letter to have a go at claiming bank charges back from abbey, this caused me a lot of financial hardship at the time, however i am struggling to find a template letter, can anyone help ? Regards Lee
  9. Hi many thanks for the reply, the charges are all relating to before 2009. is there letter template on here? regards Lee
  10. Hi advice needed please i am thinking of having a go at trying to claim back bank charges from santander/abbey national from a few years ago, in the end this turned in to a debt and was sold to a collection company, however over the years i got hit with a lot of charges which caused me a lot of financial problems so much so i could not afford mortgage payments as the charges always seemed to be applied a few days before my salary was paid in to the account, the advice needed is this now worth trying to do and if it is how do i actually go about this Regards Lee
  11. the debts are a payday loan with dollar financial speedloan finance and the last one is provident personal credit
  12. hi just wondering the best way forward to claim ppi refund the loan was with welcome finance, i lost my job and welcome finance ended up selling the debt on to a debt collection agency who now own the debt, the debt may have a ccj attached to it, can i still make a claim for a ppi refund on this? if so who do i go to welcome finance or the DCA? any help appreciated Lee
  13. Hi i have sent CCA requests to some debt collection agency`s and they have wrote back within the 12 +2 to say they are requesting the original credit agreement from their client, which seeing as they own the debt they cant have a client. what is my next step when the 30 days pass? how do i get these debts of my credit file ? any advice greatly appreciated Lee
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