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  1. Hi everyone I am having a terrible time of late and this letter has just about done me! On Sat I received a letter from BW Legal dated 13/05/2015 on behalf of Lowell (I'm pretty sure they are the same company?) saying 'A COUNTY COURT JUDGMENT HAS BEEN ENTERED AGAINST YOU' 'On 17 April 2014 our client obtained a County Court Judgment against you in the sum of £420.50 in the Northamptonshire (County Court Bulk Centre) under claim number ********' Details of this judgment will be enterd in a public register, the Register of County Court Judgments, That information will then be passed to credit reference agencies which will have an adverse impact on your credit file' 'Unless the full amount of £420.50 is received in this office within 10 days of this letter, we will seek our Client's instructions to enforce the County Court Judgment against you' Have I got a CCJ? I have tried checking my credit report today but it says it is not available. I already pay Lowell £6 each a month off 4 accounts I already have with them. Why would I not have set payment up for this one as well? I don't remember receiving any letters saying I was being taken to court. It is for an old JD Williams Catalogue debt. I am 6 months pregnant, I lost my job in March and have no income apart from housekeeping money my boyfriend gives me, until my Maternity Allowance gets sorted out and I am back on anti depressants so I really don't need any more crap piling on top of me. Can anyone help me out with this situation and what to do next. Many thanks Lisa
  2. Hi there, I am having a bit of an issue with my employer, basically I was on the wrong tax code and so was mistakenly taxed an excess of about £1000. I spoke to HMRC and they informed me they had told the company that they had to refund me as a tax refund. Despite my tax amount accrued dropping on my next pay slip the company are refusing any knowledge of it and despite calling hmrc and sending a letter I haven't heard anything from the letter and they told me something about it potentially being too late. I have sinced been dismissed after raising grievances about this (within the 2 year requirement for unfair dismissal ). Is it the case that I will never get this tax back? I'm completely at a loss of what to do right now. Anon
  3. Not sure if allowed but wondered how many of us had pets, any sort! lol I have 2 rescue dogs, a Dalmatian & a Weimaraner ( Grey ghost ) The Dalmatian was badly abused and kept in a cage 24/7 and was just about scared of everything when I got him, he did not even know he was supposed to be a dog. He has come a long way in the 6 years since I got him apart from him not tolerating other dogs ( he was attacked by a dog when he was a year old ( b4 I had him ) and nothing was ever done to help him get over it ) so he can not be let off his leash as he thinks all dogs must die :/ He get on with the Weimy and in fact was bought up with another dog but any other dogs are a no no, have tried several things to help him but nothing has helped, he was also kicked in the head by a horse. He will be 10 in September, the Weimaraner is 11 in July but thinks he is a puppy as this breed never grow up!, I got him when he was 5 I have pictures but not sure how to put them on a post,
  4. Hi can anyone give me any advice please. I have been into store & spoken to a vodafone phone rep today without success. I have an iPhone 5, I'm in a 24 month contract, and the battery doesn't last more than a few hours without charging again. I have diagnosed it through the apple website & the battery is faulty. The contract has 3 months left to run, and under statutory law, I would understand that with regard to durability I should expect the phone to last as long as the contract and its now not fit for purpose. Vodafone will send it away to apple - but it might cost me £204 - I will have paid £40 a month for 24 months - and now I need to pay more. They deny that I bought the phone from them - I only bought a contract - apparently I bought the phone from apple. This is bonkers. I don't normally take issue with stuff but surely a phone that is on a 24 moth contract should last 24 months?? Not according to vodafone! Help!
  5. 'Martyn Uzzell, from North Somerset, was thrown into the path of a car after hitting the pothole. An inquest heard North Yorkshire County Council had missed opportunities (even reported to them by the police) to repair the A65 in Giggleswick....' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-32215664 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3033555/Widow-cyclist-killed-hitting-pothole-Land-s-End-John-O-Groats-charity-ride-wins-six-figure-compensation-payout.html also, Mrs Windsors designer killed whilst cycling to work http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-arts-visionary-moira-gemmill-killed-by-lorry-while-cycling-near-lambeth-bridge-10167161.html
  6. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/every-little-helps-supermarket-giant-5461757
  7. Hi I am having an issue with my current employer, I have received a letter inviting me to a meeting to assess whether my probation period is going to be terminated or extended on the basis of sales targets that have not been met . This meeting is to take place AFTER my probation period has ended? Can they do this, does this not mean that the probation period has ended and they therefore have to give me 4 weeks notice and can no longer extend the period? My contract says that they can extend my probation period but nowhere does it mention meeting any sales targets? Thanks for your help!
  8. After sending a LBA to my previous LL, who had not secured my deposit (£650) with the TDS, they returned the deposit in full. I re-sent the LBA reminding them of the maximum penalties (3x £650) for non-compliance. The LL has now come back with an offer of £650 in full and final settlement, stating that they were unaware of the law - even though it was specifically referred to in the LL's rental agreement. What is the chance of a claim for the maximum penalty of £1,950 succeeding, now that the LL has made this offer?
  9. Hi, I am new to this site, but hopeful that someone can offer me advice. I stupidly, and under duress, signed as a Guarantor for my friend, for a mobile phone contract. This was around 5 or 6 years ago. This 'friend' ran up a debt of £700. The debt has been passed to Lowell's who are chasing me for payment. I spoke to the 'friend' in October 2014, who agreed to pay, and she set up a payment plan with Lowell in October 2014. She made 1 payment and cancelled the direct debit, so Lowell are now chasing me again. I have spoken to Lowell to ask why they are coming directly to me each time she doesn't pay, and I have advised them that she has the means to pay. ..she has a caravan and car on her drive, which are worth more than the debt. They say that's how it works. I feel they should be using every means necessary to recover the debt from her before they resort to chasing me. Am I wrong? I am at the end of my tether...I am a single mom with 2 children, a mortgage and no support. I suffered with depression for 2 years after redundancy, which put me in a lot of debt. I have spent the last 4 years dragging myself out of depression and am proud that I have started my own business and am now debt free, although every day is a struggle to stay afloat. And now this debt has come back to haunt me! This 'friend' has a partner, who works; 6 children, a caravan; goes on holiday; kids do all kinds of paid activities...so why should I pay for her debt?? Any advice would be welcomed
  10. I bought this car from a dealer in January (almost two months ago) and noticed the car emitting blue smoke from exhaust and later on from dashboard. I can only use the car on weekends therefore it took me so much time to notice this issue. The ABS sensor for one of the tyres also started malfunctioning within the first month (almost 300 miles) and the dealer had changed one of the ABS sensors before I bought the car so it could be the same tyre's sensor going faulty. I took the car to Halfords via my warranty provider who so far only confirmed the ABS sensor fault (it had taken me 5mins to find this out using my code reader) and need more time (and money of course) to find out what exactly is causing the blue smoke however they might strip off the engine. I had contacted my dealer almost 4 weeks (driving the car for the 5th or 6th time) after the purchase date and clarified my intention about the refund however he encouraged me to take the warranty route first but obviously after finding out what the faults are I wouldn't like to own this car any more. So far I have driven the car almost 500 miles, could anyone please advise if it is still reasonable to reject the car or shall I only insist on repair?
  11. Hi everyone. I have received a letter today to say that someone has applied for a V5 for my car, the letter asks me to confirm if I have in fact sold the car or if it is still in my possession (which it is). I called their main customer service number as the number given on the letter is not open on Saturdays and they told me that it could just be someone has applied for a V5 for a similar registration plate and its been mistaken for mine or it could be that someone has cloned my car and sold on the clone. I did buy my car without a V5 as it had just been sold to the place I bought it from a few days before and it hadn't arrived there yet. I applied for and received the V5 with no problems. I have had the car since November and have checked the VIN etc and I definitely have the right car (I had a problem with buying a car with an outstanding VIC check before so I always check and double check everything now). I guess what I am asking is has this happened to anyone else? what are the chances that my car has been cloned and what will happen if it has been? Obviously I will fill in the form DVLA sent me to say that I haven't sold the car but what happens after that?
  12. I purchased a £400 tablet in November. And it's since developed several faults. They are. Tablet Screen is becoming unresponsive for 20-30 minute's at a time. The tablet is becoming incredibly hot. A system is popping up when the tablet is not in use (I only notice the error when i go to unlock it sometimes) The error is ''Unfortunately the UI has stopped working'' - Causing the tablet to crash. I have the receipt. Can i take this product back to Argos? And if so what can they do for me? As I'm a student this is what i use to make note's and research with whilst in class. So i can't really be without it. I don't want another one as I did some research last night when the screen stopped working , and it seems other people are having the same problems.
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=leonard+nimoy+died&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=ddbwVPecI87KaKK3gogH
  14. came across this re a related googly. please sign if interested. closes 30 march http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/67911 re http://www.getreading.co.uk/news/local-news/purley-cyclists-deaths-lead-parliamentary-8054571
  15. She suffers from panic attacks and has never worked due to being on the sick. She has 3 children one under 2. She has a partner but Ingeus or JC has told her it is up to her to go to work not him. My Dad has just got off the phone from my sister because she has an appointment today. She can't go in because her boyfriend has gone out knowing she had an appointment and left her with her son. Ingeus has moaned at her because she can't come in, but they also moan at her because she has to bring in her son. She can't work, has no expirence. Her boyfriend would rather go drinking with friends a few times a week then look after their children. What can she do? She was denied PIP.
  16. hi there, looking for a bit of advice, or to know if something could be possible.... my partner and i (unmarried, 4 kids, been together 20 years) currently have a joint mortgage which has recently changed from being fixed to being on a tracker. we can happily afford the payments at the moment but we're worried about rates going up in the next few years and would like to be on a fixed rate again. the flat we own we are currently renting out, the mortgage company know this but they haven't changed it to a buy to let mortgage as yet. we are renting the house that we currently live in, been here for a year and a half. so, we want to remortgage, but we have issues with our credit history (hence why the current mortgage supplier won't let us have a fixed rate again at the moment)....looking at experian/equifax, my partner's credit score is fair but mine is "really poor". there are some ccj's (5) on there and some late payments for a mobile phone, last late payment is 24 months ago, the most recent ccj is 2012 and been settled. what i'm wondering is, is it possible to remortgage only in his name? as we have a joint mortgage now are we financially tied and they will still check my credit history? we are now in a better position financially, house is worth approx. 175k, mortgage will be for 100k. he earns about 1.8k after tax and we now have the rental income which is 1k a month, the rent here is 745 a month....not that i want it taken into account but i earn 600 a month any advice, point of view welcome the ccj's are in both our names thanks, claire
  17. My husband who has worked for the same security company for 10 years has had a phone call today from his supervisor who asked him has he received a letter off his new employer with regards to the site he has been working at has already been tuped over. my husband has been off sick since early december with an infection and matters relating to chemotherapy due to prostate cancer. he told the supervisor this is the first he's heard of anything and the supervisor said he would call back after speaking to the new employer. my husband is at a loss over what to say about his employment rights and what is in his best interests when his supervisor phones back. Please could anyone help with regards to this regards junes0000
  18. I work security. that bits simple My boss who is the Facilities manager has just been told as they supervise security staff they must have a Non-front line licence. The lay out of the companies involved is below. the Building owner appointed a property management company. That company breaks into 2 sub companies One side property management, the other, people who work at the buildings like Facilities managers. the property side appoints its preferred security contractor who then supplies the officers My onsite boss, the Facilities manager who is a direct employee of the client company (not a contractor/agency) has been told they can no longer talk to me about building matters or security until they get a Non-front line licence. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55909[/ATTACH] Strange
  19. Hi everybody I ran into financial difficulties 2.5 years go and arranged with Barclaycard (peviously Egg) to pay £75 per month with interest and charges frozen on a £10,000 debt. This was paid by direct debit and I have not missed any payments. I have just noticed that they have stopped taking the money - the last one being in November. Does anyone know what this means? Is it a prelude to heavier action? Thanks for any advice.
  20. I am hoping I can get some help or advice from someone here My daughter has just renewed her tenancy(December 2014). She has had a friend staying with her as a 'permitted occupant'. The situation now is that the friend has gotten herself pregnant(not planned) and has left the property without giving any notice to my daughter, she simply took her belongings whilst my daughter was at work and she refuses to answer any calls to her mobile. So we don't know whether she is coming back but it seems very unlikely. This leaves my daughter in a difficult situation as she now has to find the rest of the rent, as if it wasn't hard enough as it was, and it would appear that, as she is the only one on the tenancy, she is going to have to stay there until next December. My question is does this friend have any legal obligation to pay her half still? or can she just walk away from this? And she does have an obligation what's the best way to make sure she adheres to it? I hope I have explained this clearly enough, apologies if I haven't. As you can imagine im pretty angry at this friend of my daughters but I no there's a right way and a wrong way of doing things and im determined to do it the right way. Thanks for any help that be given, I really appreciate it
  21. Hi all My apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, I have looked but cannot find an answer. A charging order was placed on my property 5 years ago by Welcome Finance, I was not required to make any monthly payments. I received a letter today saying that the entire debt has been sold to PRA Group and they are seeking to recover the debt. I was under the impression that as a CCJ, then a charging order had been granted, that the debt was stagnant until I sold my property. Could anyone offer any advice? Many thanks in advance. Emma
  22. In October last year I apparently over stayed my welcome in what I thought was a freecarpark, that's what it says on the way in. In the post came the parking charge notice which I have ignored, then I received what I thought was the red reminder about a month late, but on closer inspection it was from another company about another pcn. Well with that one I had no initial notification. Now I have had the next letters demanding payment or further action. Please can someone help me with what to do. I find some of the threads confusing so I thought I should start my own.
  23. Hello I was made Bankrupt by HMCR in Oct 2013 while I was in the process of trying to agree a IVA, on visiting the Insolvency service I was advised as I was trying to agree a IVA, I would not have to resign my company directorships unless this was unsuccessful and my Bankruptcy was not annulled. In December 2013 my IVA was agreed and following this my Bankruptcy was annulled. It has now come to my attention that the other director has informed Companies House that I was bankrupt and resigned my directorship. I am asking was the Insolvency Services advise correct and could the director do this without my consent and is it possible to get this reversed ?
  24. Hi there I live in England and need to take the Bank of Scotland to Court for a Money Claim of around £35K; I put in my claim to the CCMCC and the forms have been returned stating that I need to accompany the Claim Form with Form N510. The form can be ticked in about 8 different places, but you can only tick 1 ! I've tried understanding which one to tick, but some are REALLY similar. Could someone please tell me which one? Many thanks
  25. Recieved a letter regarding DWF and a fine to be paid I don't know the name of the person but it's my address What should I do I don't want anyone knocking on my door
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