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  1. I missed the first payment of £18 (wasn't told when it would be taken out so didn't have money in that account to cover it!) They have sent a letter stating that they are charging a returned payment fee of £30 in line with the terms and conditions of your agreement and the following line states "In addition to this, a default penalty of £15 has been charged to your account in line with the terms and conditions of your agreement"!! lol Are they serious!? its ridiculous really. There is no issue of affordability of the monthly payments, they have since taken that months payment and the following months payment together with the default charges. I took the finance out on some bike stuff to avoid the wife going mental when she saw another large expense on them going out haha but the whole agreement was for only about £490 and they charge nearly 10% on a default. I've written citing unjust enrichment and will await their response but has anyone else had such dealings with them? I know some companies take the mick with default charges but this seems a bit much even for others standards!!
  2. Hi all, Defaulted on a Direct Line loan some years ago and after dealing with CCCS, I have been paying off a manageable amount back. Direct Line put a charging order on my house to secure the debt, should I choose to ever sell my house. After many years of paying monthly via CCCS and the debt being sold on at least twice, if not three times, I am now contemplating selling my house. My question is this, if I now sell my house, will the solicitors just pay the charging order for the outstanding money to Direct Line regardless or will the fact that the debt has been sold on, now mean that they cannot pay it to Direct Line and nor can they give it to the company that bought the debt as the charging order is not in their name ?
  3. Restons solicitors acting for Marlin capital recently agreed monthly payments via ccj which have been kept up to date, but now I have just recieved a letter from Restons stating an interim charging order has been obtained and they have sent me a copy of the application. Surely they can`t do this unless payments are missed? I have rang Restons and they say the letter was sent out as matter of course, and agreed no payments have been missed. But now im worried whats going to happen next. Can anyone please advise me what if any action I can take. Thank you
  4. ..about 4-5 years ago I had a business overdraft for 15K, got a letter from HSBC requesting I pay off the overdraft.. I could not do that as business was dropping off.. HSBC sent a few letters insisting on payment, I did not acknowledge them, after about a year a debt collector kept calling on phone after a while they gave-up, a couple of years ago think it was MKDP kept writing but I ignored them, now I have received N1CPC Claim Form (addressed from MKDP) with 14 days to respond. Suggestions please
  5. Hi all. In 2005 we STUPIDLY were sold Protacoat for the front of our house. We had just purchased and moved into my recently deceased dads house. We all took the loss of my dad really hard. My son especially. We had decided that maybe having the house coated in this Protecoat would make it more of our house and less of dads. Big mistake. Any way for those who don.t know me in 2006 we had run into huge financial problems to the point of having to go to court three times last year to save my house. BCT in honestly were completly forgotten about and they have left us alone for a year as well. Untill the weekend. the exact amount borrowed i cant remember. I am currently digging out the paperwork. I believ it was around £6000. WE had a letter the other day and it was set like this Total amount payable(including charges) 14,768 less payments received(including deposit)2,438 balance outstanding 12,330 so somehow this has doubled. WE have 14 days to submit proposals for settling this. I want to do this properly so any suggestions please olives xxx
  6. I am really hoping someone can give me some advice. To explain the situation a number of years back like many others I got myself into quite a financial mess. I foolishly started a new business, and just afterwards my wife fell pregnant. This was back in 2007 just before the financial crash so timing was awful. This created a situation were paying bills was impossible. Regretfully at that time my wife had an unsecured loan with Northern Rock and this was one of the first bills that we struggled to pay. Due to none payment this meant a CCJ was placed against it, and stupidly I buried my head in the sand about it. A little later a charging order was then placed against the house. At this time we sent a letter to Northern Rock saying we disputed the amount outstanding as a large proportion of the debt was PPI. I can't remember the exact dates for any of this but after my letter we didn't hear anything for maybe 2 or 3 years until this year. The suddenly we received a letter from Marlin claiming they had taken possession of the debt. As we hadn't heard anything for so long and I had never heard of Marlin again foolishly I didn't really pay any mind to it. Now I have just received a letter from Marlin saying they are seeking to use the charging order to force sale giving me 2 weeks to respond. Attached to the letter was a valuation which has been raised from a website showing an estimated value. Now i am not sure of this is a scare tactic or how to respond to to the letter and I am quite worried. Also I am not sure how the charging order works, as the debt was an unsecured debt. Also does the potential PPI affect anything baring in mind the debt has been passed from one party to another I am not sure how this would work. I have not made a PPI claim as I took the view that since I sent a letter to Northern Rock and heard nothing back about the debt it sort of cancelled itself out (I know in hindsight that seems pretty dumb !) Also for the charging order this won't have been taken out by Marlin so would this still be valid. Just for clarity the original loan was probably taken in 2003, I would guess the payments stopped around 2007/2008 with a CCJ being raised sometime in 2008. For the charging order I am not sure. Regretfully I can't find any paperwork Thanks for reading this and I really appreciate any advice that can be given.
  7. In 2011 I was in a whole ton of debt, it was all unsecured loans and my mortgage was in arrears and my home was in negative equity. So I decided to give up on everything and move to Australia and start a new life. The house was taken back by the bank and I just said to hell with the unsecured debts. Now 3 years later I checked my mail at my mothers house when I came home for a visit. Only to see that there has been a Charging Order added to my mothers property for a debt that was in my name. I dont own any percentage of my mothers property, nor is my name on the deed. How can this company even do this legally? What advise do you have please? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  8. I had a credit card from sygma on which I owe £2335. they obtained a ccj on 1 April and interim charging order on 17th May. I am in the process of declaring bankruptcy and have now received a notice of a full charging application to be heard in court on 14th July. I have been receiving financial advice re: bankruptcy, and have been advised to pay this before the bankruptcy. I have the £700 for the bankruptcy. Should I write now and offer £700 and the rest instalments? Also should I ask them to accept my offer in writing and put that when it is paid they will fully remove the charge from the land registry and clear the debt from my file? Is there anything else I should specify? Thank you.
  9. Hi, new to ere, Please can some1 help. I have 2 restrictions on my property. Joint mtg. sole debt in my name. I have accepted a offer of sale on my property, however these 2 restrictions are on from 2008. I have read a lot about from 2003 law changed an my solicitor only has to give notice to the creditors of my sale and they can't force to have full funds. My ex partner put the deposit in and won't give me any which is understanding, well he has offered me £4k which I offered to one restriction to take off but they said no. So does my solicitor just have to give them notice.? Any1 reccomend a solicitor who is keyed up on this to go through? Thanks in advance
  10. Had a VERY upsetting afternoon. I suffer from Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's Disease. Quite common but only been diagnosed a short time and still trying to get medication correct. I was a Carer for my mum for 10 years but I have now lost my home due to her having to go into a home. I am currently with friends and on benefits. I have many problems which I won't go into here. Because of this, last Jan or Feb, by luck I spoke to someone at HSBC about excessive charges which some got refunded and others didn't. He set a plan in place whereby, because of my long term situation, they were not to charge me overdraft charges. I had to phone every 3 months to reset the plan as they could only do it at 3 months at a time. This seemed to go well until one girl raked me over the coals asking me many questions about my expenditure and that she wanted me to cut out my spending. A few weeks later I got sent a new debit card. I knew nothing about the old one being lost, as I thought so phoned the bank. To cut a long story short she had, unbeknownst to me, cancelled my debit card which was contactless and sent me a non-contactless one and on further investigation had cut my spending limit per day from £100,000 to £10,000. Now I can't afford to spend either but the customer adviser told me to complain. I did and they apologised and gave me £50 compensation for the trouble. EDIT forgot to say here, I was "punished" for being poor by having the contactless thing taken away - I couldn't really care less but it's the principle. So, re-setting the plan with the bank worked well til today. It took 2 1/2 hours of them asking me very invasive questions about things I had purchased upon my account, wanting to know what was wrong with me and when I would be working again and making me feel like I was lying and probably a criminal. "You bought something from Amazon, what was that for?" Do I have to go through this discriminatory behaviour every time I renew this plan? They tell me I do because for some reason they don't want to look at incoming and outgoing and see my position hasn't changed. I am not a wimp but this has left me very upset and distressed. What can I do and who should I contact please?
  11. Hi, My question is regarding the following charging order: This was granted following a CCJ against one owner of a jointly owned property. I have not been able to dig out all the documents relating to the hearings for the interim and final charging orders (I am not 100% sure there was a final hearing but it seems fairly likely). To me, it reads like this is in the interim order and that the final order was never registered (I believe this is a separate process?). Could somebody confirm this and what rights it conveys to the creditor - I think this is Form K? What does this mean in the event of a sale? How would the creditor reclaim their money from the party that the charge relates to? I don't think this would be automatic? Thanks very much for any help in relation to this - it's new ground for me! James
  12. Hi peeps, I have a little question, blue motor finance attached a charging order to my property as the car was written off and not paid out by the insurance company and I didn't pay the debt as my exs fault (wish I did now) lesson learnt!! I have had a letter stating blue motor finance as been sold to another company. Will this charging order still stand? Also any tips if it does and I offer a full and final to clear an remove it do you think I will have any joy? Thanks in advance
  13. Got a note in my car tax renewal about the new cashless charging for the dartford toll crossing. As an infrequent user how am I supposed to find a shop miles that will sell the new prepayments and I also note that you will be fined if you fail to pay. like the London congestion charge. Now, the Highways Agency are spending about £65m retarting the toll area when the simplest thing would be to do what the governemnt promised years ago and that was scrap the charge. The charge was supposed to be temporary until the cost of the engineering works had been recovered. This debt ended 2 years ago and the "temporary" charge was continued again as a temporary measure. Now they are spending an absolute fortune to continue the robbery of the users but want to make it harder to pay, possible to spy on every user by having a new database of payers and the vehicle they are paying for and worse than that actually having a charge at all when it cannot be justified. When do we get to be consulted on this? never. All too late for making a complint to your MP, the work will start soon and your MP will be booted out next year at the election so they arent going to get anywhere bringing it up in parliament anyway. Grr.
  14. Hi all. I'm in a mess. I've been living in the US for almost 7 years now. Had debt in the UK when I left, young and careless. I have no plans to return to the UK as I'm a US citizen now and well settled here. I co-own a house in the UK with 3 siblings, the 4 of us own a quarter each. It's a family house we inherited and they have no interest in ever selling it. Obviously, my share is just a quarter, 25%. I have 3 separate debts, £2082, £8513 and £1182. The CCJs were entered on 14/02/14, 06/12/13 and 20/12/12 respectively. They have also applied for a charging order against the property I partially own. My questions are: Firstly, can I apply to have these CCJs set aside as I have been a permanent resident of the US for the past 7 years. I've only just become aware of these judgments after checking my credit report online. When I left the UK I did inform my financial institutions (Egg and HSBC) that I was moving to the US. Could they force the house to be sold, even though I only own a small share of the property? There is no mortgage on it. Two relatives live in the house that will not be moving for a very long time. I also believe that the two most recent CCJs must have been statute barred as at that point I'd been in the States over 6 & half years and have had no contact and made no payments since I've lived here. What is the best course of action. I've searched and searched and have not been able to find anyone in a similar situation, with a small share of an asset that has no hope of being sold anytime soon.
  15. Hi All, I had a CCJ for over £14k egg loan made against in 2006 I didn't defend the claim and there was an interim charging order made against our property later a final charging order was registered in 2007. I am paying £40 to DCA for this debt from 2011. Question is there anything I can do now? Any advice offered would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Bob
  16. I have recieved one from a company i have never heard of "Me Lii Limited" and have had no corrispondance (sic) it just came out of the blue I have a charging order against me taken out by restons this is the same court that the warrant of execution was issued from Can a debt be trannsfered from a charging order to my goods How can i find out the finer details of this debt to see the original owner Thanking you in advance
  17. Hi, I am new on here so I am not sure if I am in the right place. I had a bailiff from Rossendales come to my door a couple of weeks ago and he then came back last week . He told me he had 3 liability orders totalling £695.50 and he added on £42.50 which on the paper he wrote on came to £738.00. I told him I was on a debt management plan so he left the paper work with me to sort out with my management company and the Rossendales's office. I have just gone onto Rossendales website to make a payment to find that they have added another £85.00 onto the amount. I rang them only to be told that £42.50 had been added to each separate amount due . I told them I would not pay the extra £85.00 and this smart mouthed lad told me I would have even more charges if I do not pay the extra amount. I can not understand how they can put all the amounts together on an official piece of paper and then add extra amounts on after . A levy was never made he never came into my house as my dog made sure of that. I am disabled and live on my own. My question is can they put all this extra money on after I have been given an amount ? I am fuming and the smart mouthed lad had better not cross me again. Thank you for any help given in advance
  18. I obtained a charging order in the high court on a debtor's rental property (ie not his home). The mortgage company have first charge. The property may be in negative equity, but house prices are currently increasing. 1 - Is either creditor obliged (or likely) to inform the other how much they are owed? This would obviously help in deciding whether to force a sale. 2 - Can either creditor force a sale against the wishes of the other? 3 - Can either creditor stop a sale by the debtor? 4 - Until the debt is repaid I understand the charging order will stand indefinitely. Will the statutory 8% interest also run indefinitely? Thanks.
  19. Just a quick question. CCJ which was made into a charging order. The CCJ ran out 7years ago. The house was repossessed 6 years ago. There was no capital left on the house when sold. My questions are. What happens with the charging order? The creditor was not informed that the house was repossessed. Can the creditor go back to the court to have the CCJ reinstated? I rent a property so they cant charge on that.
  20. hi,wonder if anybody can help. i have recently changed from a prepayment metre to a smart metre and now my bill has went from £30.00 a week to £70.00 a week,contacted utilita and they said something is using electric between 4am and 6am which is nonsense and want £250.00 for a new metre if this one is faulty. any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks, rob.
  21. Hi there, I am hoping someone may be able to give me some advice here please. We have a vehicle which was up for sale, and actually did sell. We were selling the vehicle on the basis that the purchaser was aware that two injectors needed replacing, but the vehicle was still useable. The injectors were blowing. The vehicle sold, but on the same day the car decided to break down, the injectors packed up completely, therefore we obviously couldnt proceed with the sale in that condition. We contacted a specialist Injector garage who we had used only a month previously for our other car and explained that the car was being sold and we just wanted the to two injectors replaced to get it back on the road and sell it, which was at a cost of between £350 and £500 .The garage was busy but we dropped the car up there on the basis they would fit the work in between other jobs as soon as possible. We actually had about three telephone conversation with the garage prior to taking it up there about these two injectors and the condition that they were in and also spent three hours cleaning up the gunk around them on the advice of the garage and also to same them time and us money as we wanted the car back asap. A few weeks later we received a call to say that "all of the injectors had been replaced and the car was ready to collect at a cost of £1000". When we queried the meaning of "all", the garage had noticed that the other injectors were blowing and took it upon themselves to remove and send off and then replace all of the injectors but without discussing with us first. We were absolutely livid. The vehicle is 13 years old and only worth approx £2k anyway . At no point did we give the garage permission to do this much work. The guy who was the owner initially said that he hadn't been given a very good handover , but nonetheless he wasn't prepared to lose money on it. We explained that the vehicle would be leaving his forecourt and going straight up for sale listing that the other injection did not need replacing urgently hence why we hadnt asked for them to be done. We do not currently have the money to pay for this repair, but the garage owner is now calling up aggressively and threatening to charge us for daily storage for the vehicle which he will add to the bill if we don't collect it. He is also now making up fictitious stories of other people he says overheard the conversation when we originally took the vehicle in to his colleague. There was noone else there, just us and the guy we handed over to as we spoke outside. We feel that he has us over a barrel really as he has our car. We have offered him £500 to settle but he refuses. Can anyone please give us any advice on where we go from here. We do not have an additional £500 to pay for work that we did not ask to be done, but do need the car back and need to sell it . Many Thanks in advance.
  22. [ATTACH=CONFIG]49574[/ATTACH]Sorry if this is a bit of a jumble, I have tried to rush and write it. Our phones are on tonight’s bar list, unless we pay the bill, so I have until tonight to make a decision on this... We have a business contract with o2, and have had since 2010. At the moment we have 22 lines. In April/ May last year we received two huge bills, of over £3000 each, our normal bills are around £700. Looking into these we could found that the large charges were for “data” and had been incurred by only one number on our business contract. £3048.10 on the first bill and £2353.19 on the second. (These amounts are excluding VAT) The £3048 + vat was collected by direct debit before we realised, and to date we have not paid the May bill. We have managed to have the bill in query this whole time and it wasn’t until recently that they started to peruse us for it. We had been paying all our other bills since then on time and in full. Anyway, the line that incurred the charges was a voice only Sim card and as far as we were aware, shouldn’t have even been able to access the internet. We only provide our staff with basic phones that cannot even access the internet, just be able to make calls and texts. We had an initial investigation by o2 carried out and it turned out that our employee had apparently put the sim into an accessible phone, a Samsung, and managed to access the internet, and incur these charges. Following this we had an offer of credit for half the charges by a Customer Relations Executive. But, we refused the offer and asked for the complaint to be escalated. Apparently there is no further escalation. Through desperation our latest attempt was to contact Neil Harvey, Head of Business Services. It took them nearly two weeks to get back to us, but we had an email from lady on his behalf, who’s job title is Executive Relations. She has informed us that unfortunate the charges stand. Now our phones are on tomorrow’s bar list, unless we pay the bill. We would like to know the following: • Why are the charges so high, despite that fact that we pay just £5 on our current contract for an internet add on. • Why was we not informed of the high rising charges, despit it being so out of line with our current bills. • Why was the sim even able to incur these charges when we have it stated as a “voice only” line in the contract, and the rest stated as “voice and data”. What do you think our chances of going to court will be like? i have attached a copy of our contract, minus the first page with details.
  23. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/feb/20/people-stripped-benefits-charged-decision I remember writing a post the other day on one of the threads, and considered writing that the government could be even more obstructive and start charging for appeals - then I decided no, they wouldn't be stupid enough to even consider it, and I was wrong......
  24. I recently received a threatening letter from HMRC saying that I have a self assessment debt of around £500. Apprently they're going to "send it to a debt collection agency" unless I pay in full now. It also says I'm being "charged interest daily." This is the first I've heard of this debt, so perhaps it's a con letter? I've tried to look into what the debt is for, but the HMRC site is so terribly designed and maintained that it's virtually impossible. No where in the letter or website am I told what this debt is actually for. What are my best steps?
  25. I recently received a threatening letter from HMRC saying that I have a self assessment debt of around £500. Apprently they're going to "send it to a debt collection agency" unless I pay in full now. It also says I'm being "charged interest daily." This is the first of heard of this debt, so perhaps it's a [problem] letter? I've tried to look into what the debt is for, but the HMRC site is so terribly designed and maintained that it's virtually impossible. No where in the letter or website am I told what this debt is actually for. What are my best steps?
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