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  1. I sent off a CCA request to a DCA with a £1 postal order payab;e to the DCA. They have returned it asking I make it payable to the Creditor. They have also asked me to cinfirm if I have ever opened an accoun t with their client and the balance. They finally state if I am disputing the balance or feel it may be subject of fraud I should supply full details. What is the best way forward do I send a payment payable to their client, and what is their role in this matter
  2. Hi guys My partner and I have an outstanding balance on an originally agreed overdraft associated with a current account at A&L, now Santander. As our situation changed, we were unable to continue paying in the amount required by the terms of the current account and they eventually closed the account and demanded immediate repayment of the circa £3k o/d, which we were unable to repay. Now 18 months on, we have requested a copy of the original credit agreement from Moorcroft which has been supplied via what is believed to be a microfiche printout. At no point in the last 8 months or so have we acknowledged the debt or made any payments related to it. Prior to the 8 months we had been paying £1 per month in accordance with the payment plan that was in place, but when they began making demands of additional payments that we could not afford, we decided to cease these regular payments and play hard ball for a while. My credit file still shows Santander as the creditor for the debt with no mention of Moorcroft, so I assume they are simply acting on behalf of Santander at this moment in time. My question is, what do we do next? Any help would be very much appreciated. Cheers. Burntout
  3. Hi everyone I have been searching around this forum for a few days as a guest and have been amazed at the knowledge from the members on here. Hopefully you will all be able to give me some advice too. Please bear with me as there is a lot of information. I had a Lloyds Overdraft of £2000 and 2 loans with them and the last regular payment I made into these accounts was January 2007 until I lost my job. Charges began spiralling and I opened a different account with another bank as I didn't get another regular job until June 2007 . They were passed to Lloyds in house collections and a default was registered in October 2007 against all 3 (nine months later, I hadn't made any payments to them in this time). After making a few payments to them (as and when I could) it was then passed to Moorcroft around a couple of years ago. I have been making payments quite regularly to them, I gave them my debit card details (I know - stupid!) but thankfully they didn't abuse it (I must be lucky) until I asked them not to take a payment one month giving them plenty of notice, they didnt respond so I cancelled the card and have held it in limbo for a few weeks. After reading peoples stories on this forum I have came to realise a few things about this debt. Lloyds still own the debt as they are the ones on my credit file. Payments that I am making to moorcroft dont add up to the amounts which are being deducted from the default on my credit file (they are lower). The 3 debts are being treated as 1 debt by both Lloyds and Moorcroft as I get a statement through from Lloyds once a year showing a lump sum amount and amounts I have paid against this debt (which is the correct amounts that I have paid - not what is being reported to the Credit Reference Agencies). The amounts that I am paying however is only being deducted from the 2 loans on the CRA NOT from the overdraft, so they are treating it like I have paid nothing off that and taking all money I pay off the 2 loans. The loans were taken out in September 2005 and August 2006 and were both done online. I honestly cant remember how much both these loans were for but I know they were around £2500 and £5000. The opening balances on the accounts show £6152 and default balance £5174, and Opening balance £2508 and default balance £2729. The Overdraft on the account was for £2000 and the default balance on that is £3026 so I know theres a hell of a lot of charges on all of these. Sorry for the long post - thought it best to get as much info on here as possible. What can I do now? Do I SAR them or ask Moorcroft for a credit agreement? I dont see how they can both treat this as one lump sum when its 3 separate accounts? Many Many thanks in advance for any help I receive Suzetone
  4. I really need some advice before heading to the bank tomorrow. I wanted to get a loan for a new car so i thought id better check my credit rating first, ive recently finished university so have moved around a bit on the electoral register, but have been registered at my dads for the past year and have always had my main bank account, phone bills etc and all inland revenue letters go there. I opened a lloyds account in 2006, which had an interest free overdraft of £500, i never made this my main account as i had an account at abbey which my salary went into, it was a platinum account costing £10 a month i just opened it for the perks really. i used the overdraft sometimes and always payed it back. The last time i recall using the card i believe was in 2009/10, at which time i registered the card to mums address in london as i wanted the correspondence going there due to me going off to university. I am pretty certain once i cleared the overdraft i cut up the card, along with the credit card that came with that account as i didnt want to take any debt to university with me. But i checked my credit report on 'noddle' today and there is default against my name for this account! The account opened in 2006, and up until february 2011 the account was 'green'meaning 'OK' i did use the overdraft during this period but as i said i never went over the limit and always cleared it. In January 2011 the balance on it was £0 and then in february 2011 it went up to £557. and precede to go up every month until April 2012! And from february it shows up as 'orange' until april meaning it was over the limit and 'agreed repayemnets are up to 2 months late and standing orders, direct debits or cheques have bounced'!!!! Then in May its in the 'red' meaning 'agreed repayments are now three months late and you have agred new repayments with the lender', it stays like this until Januray 2012 by which it then goes 'red' meaning 'DEFAULT', consecutively until April 2012! I have NOT used this card, i am pretty certain i destroyed it along with the credit card but it was a few years ago so i cant be 100% certain but i mean i am 95% sure. I am So worried, i am distraight that i now have defaults against me, i have worked really hard all during university to ensure i kept good credit, and have never ever had a default before and that with having taken out 2 loand previosuly and never missing a payment on one, and paying the other back early, im good with my finances. this has taken me for 6, im scared for my credit score now, and dont know where to begin with fixing this, i havent got the card anymore as i said earlier pretty certain i cut it up with c/card. (the c/card btw was also with lloyds tsb and thats been inactive since 2008 with nothing outstanding) and got rid of the paperwork, the only paperwork i have is of the c/card. On the noddle report in a tab called search history, it shows up my mums old address and a search was done by moorcroft debt recovery on th 02/02/2012.. ..which is a month after the first default on the account, is this who i need to get in contact with? or do i go straight to the bank? please any advice i would greatly appreciate. very lost right now and scared!
  5. I have just been visited by a person from Moorcroft Debt Recovery, I told him the name of the debt management company, I thought that by law I didn't need to say anything else to him. He replies, "you know the law living in a street like this" well I saw red went to grab by phone because I wanted a photo of this person so I could conplain, he then hit me with his clipboard (witnessed by neighbour) in doing so knocking my phone out of my hand. I managed to get a photo and took another of the number plate of his car He then said "People will be coming to see you" "You will be visited tonight". I phoned Moorcroft, who made me even more furious as they had head from the Debt Management Company and were just awaiting my Income & Outgoings, they saidf they would stop anymore doorstep callers but didn't know if they would be able to do it for tonight, I explained about the threats but they didn't really appear to care. My question is, who can I write to with a complaint, was thiking of calling the police but not sure if my stress levels will be able to cope. Any advice would be so gratefully received.
  6. Ok heres the story, I have a credit card with Halifax, and I was unable to keep up payments for a while, they sent my debt to Moorcroft Debt Collection, I have been paying on time through a direct debit, bar one time when I was forced to temporerilly cancel my direct debit, after which they called me and we set it up agian, payments since have all been on time again. This month I had a payment I was not expecting leave my bank, which resulted in a failed direct debit, I have recieved no phone calls only one letter stating they want me to pay the outstanding balance by return of post, I was wondering if they can say I have to pay that way seeing as I do not have a cheque book? I also hate cheques they are an outdated form of payment. They do not know I do not have a cheque book because they haven't bothered to call me, I have sent them an email demanding they call me on Monday or I will contact the financial ombudsman, because I find this demanding a form of payment I am unable to make is very unreasonable. I just want to make a payment from my bank (whether its a direct debit or card payment I don't care) is it within their rights to demand I pay by cheque, they also thretened further action if I do not comply. I have also emailed Halifax with this complaint, is it within reason to ask them to take my debt back if they contact me, after I have been paying Moorcroft for so long? (about 6-7 months) Edit: I want to get this debt cleared as fast as possible, and my previous arrangement with them was fine, until they drop this on me, because of one problem with my direct debit and all I want to do is honour the origanal agreement I made with them. Edit Pt2: Also this letter demanding I pay by return of post only is the only contatct I have recived from them since this direct debit was rejected, is it even legal to demand one form of payment when they are completly oblivious as to the means I can pay?
  7. Advice needed please before I act. Had a unannounced doorstelp collectior arrived this morning for I presume a debt that is regularly paid on the same day each month without fail for the last two years or so. I have a few credit card debts, due to illness (cancer) and am now on a pension, I am however very organised, I have equal payment plans in place and have done so for over two years, I book each payment I make into a ledger, payment reference, send covering letter and keep all correspondence filed. Today a rather agressive man arrived on the doorstep from moorcroft insisting on speaking to me, I was still in bed as was the rest of the household. I am only a named tenant here and the lady who's house it is answered the door. The collector did not give any details, other than he was from moorcroft, he did not present a card or his name but insisted on being let into the house and when told it was her house and I was in bed resting, he attempted to force his way in (what did he intend to do, force his way into my bedroom??) The lady who's house it is asked him to leave repeatedly as it was her property and he was tresspassing. She has herself undergone major open heart surgery which was quite apparent by the large angry scar down her front which was quite obvious as she too was standing there in her nightdress!! This obnoxious man proceeded to try and push past her, but did not manage to, her young daughter was sitting on the stairs somewhat frightened. He was told in no uncertain terms to leave her property, and as she pushed him back out of her doorway to close the door he threatened to call the police for assault, he also threatened her with baliffs unless she let him in to see me (who was still in bed!!). Eventually she managed to shut the door and she and her daughter were very very distressed. He did not leave a card but just sat in the car outside the house for a long time, I presume as intimidation. The point is because I am organised, and pay my debts ontime every month, I receive very little post and would be aware if there was a problem, or a breakdown in communication. I do however pay by postal orders, crossed and I write reference number on back each time and attach same to covering letter every month without fail, I keep copies of all covering letters and receipts from post office and as stated above write each reference number in ledger to cover any dispute should the company I am paying turn out to be inefficient as quite obviously moorcroft have turned out to be. I can only assume that who ever opens the post there is not logging my payments against my account, but if this is the case why is nobody writing to me, I had one such letter just under a year ago, I sent proof of payments and heard nothing again. So how do I handle this, what letters do I write and how do I stop this behaviour and bullying when I am actually regularly paying. Its all very distressing and frightening. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read my plight. Katieloo
  8. Hi all, my son got a letter from Freds demanding £150. He hasnt a clue what its for but obviously was a little worried about it. So having loads of experience thanks to CAG, I rang them. I refused point-blank to give them any personal details via their "security questions" routine, and simply asked who, if anyone, this money was owed to. They wouldnt/couldnt tell me as I wouldnt fill in their blanks via the security routine. Five minutes passed and then we got to the threats of potential CCJs etc if it didnt get sorted. I retorted ( pretending to be my son) that if they thought they could send a letter to a certain address confident that they had the right person, without any "security check" - a letter that contained a name, address, reference number and amount demanded, then a further "check" would be pointless and only serve to extract further information from their target. as expected, I learned nothing, but neither did Freds. I told them at the beginning of the call that it was being recorded, and it was. But this has now got me thinking - what if I make a few calls to Freds along the same lines and record them all? Surely I would have demonstrated ( to a possible court) that I had tried to sort this and that my refusal to furnish a DCA with further information should have no bearing on the fact that the "debt" hasnt been resolved? After all, they made the initial demand, so surely the onus will always be on them to prove it - they have already sent the most basic of details via the letter, so now send details that "prove" it? Surely I could not be expected to give any personal details to a company that makes nothing more than a demand for money without providing any details? Thoughts anyone?
  9. Has anybody had any dealings with Wescot Credit Services I would be interested to about experiences you may have had and how best to deal with them. They seem to follow the same general way of most debt collectors " threaten first and the back off when you fight back". Regards Mike
  10. When we moved house we got a non cable package. We soon learned that Virgin Media had the wrong address both me and the BT contacted them to have this changed. It took several months and loads of phone calls. For them to change it. They only managed to get it right when I cancelled their service. In the mean time our internet was terrible. It was slower than dial up and would disconnect several times a day. We tried contacted them but we always got the same rubbish answers that the fault was most likely in the house and they don't cover it. They offered speed tests but told us that everything over 0.45 MB was acceptable even though our line can handle 3MB and the subscription was up to 20MB. As you can imagine we finally got fed up and cancelled the account including the direct debit. Ever since we have sky and it turned out the problem was never in the house but on their end. They send me a letter with disconnection fees and a request to pay. I contacted them that I was very confused since they told us we already payed for the last month when we first switched and that I disputed the disconnection fee since they were not providing us the correct service. I wanted tio have copies of all the bills that were send to the wrong address. I then got a phonecall from moorcroft. I told the man on the phone I was not willing to pay disconnection fees since they were not offering us the service we were paying for. He assured me it was a standard letter and in reality it was just the last month without a disconnection fee. So I told him great and asked if he could send me the bills so I could double check and then pay. But he refused saying that Virgin did change my address and that was the end of the matter. All the missed bills were of no consequence and lost forever. If I didn't pay he would send a bailiff. So I told him I refused to pay in that case. Is there anything we can do? If the amount is correct I have no problem paying but don't we have the right to check. He kept insisting that his verbal word was enough but after months of hearing different answers I'm not willing to do anything over the phone. Thanks for any advice.
  11. Hi, I received a letter from Moorcroft a few weeks ago requesting payment of an overdue debt on behalf of BT (outstanding home phone bill). I subsequently sent them a CCA Request letter. Today, I got the following reply from them: "...Please note that certain accounts are excluded from compliance with Part V of the Consumer Credit Act or are not in fact credit or hire agreements and we believe that our client's account falls into one of these categories." Please can someone advise me on how to respond to this latest letter. Is it true that a BT home phone account doesn't fall under the CCA 1974? Thanks, Tim.
  12. I purchased a phone on an 18 month contract from Orange in April 2008. In September 2009 I decided I wanted to cancel the contract after the 18 month period was up and sent an e-mail and covering letter by post to this effect. I also cancelled the direct debit after the final payment was taken from my bank account. The phone was not used after the date I sent the cancellation e-mail and letter. I heard nothing from Orange and considered the contract closed and all was ok. Then in early January 2010 I received a letter from Orange stating that my account was in default and that I owed £60.74 in airtime. I immediately phoned Orange who said they had received my e-mail but an operator had tried to contact me but I was unavailable and a message was left to phone their help desk. There was no message left on my land line, and as I was not using the mobile phone no message was seen. No letter was received either. The operator asked for a payment of the £60.74 which I refused. Since then I have received many letters and phone calls from debt agencies, firstly from Moorcroft then DLC and now the latest is Scotcall. All have asked for the payment and which I have refused. Threats of court action, doorstep collectors etc have followed. I have told Moorcroft and Scotcall that I want them to take me to court as I dispute the debt, but nothing has happened yet. Now the final straw. I tried to purchase a computer yesterday on a buy now pay later finance option but was refused finance for the first time ever in my 64 year life. I went to creditexpert and got a credit report and lo and behold there is one default among the 17 listed and it's Orange. This was added in June of this year. So although I am disputing the debt, Orange are allowed to trash my otherwise perfect credit rating. What can I do now? Any help would be great.
  13. I'm really new to this and someone suggested I may get some help on here. I'm having a nightmare dealing with Orange - who actually refuse to take payment for an outstanding bill since Jan 2010. They are so disinterested and have sent me to Moorcroft who say the debt is not with them, its with Orange. Orange say the debt is with Moorcroft and all Orange do is keep asking me to call their collections department so they can speak to their Debt Collection side or something! Argh! They refuse to call me back as apparently they cant call customers that arent with orange anymore? Thats rubbish I'm sure they once rang me on a landline? It started in Jan 2010 I was out of work for a month, I had some money in the bank, got a new job by Feb had a huge bill, customer services couldnt actually tell me why I got a huge bill, never got calls back as promised. Ive sent them countless letters and have emailed their exec office but no reply as yet. Here is the letter: Dear Sir or Madam I have been an Orange Pay Monthly customer since 2007 when I signed up for a mobile phone contract, in January 2010 I added a mobile broadband line onto my existing plan. Since then I have encounted inadequacy of service which I have not previously considered possible. Please allow me to provide specific details, so that you can either pursue your professional prerogative and seek to rectify these difficulties -- or more likely (I suspect) so that you can have some entertaining reading material as you bill me for services then refuse to take payments from me, send me to debt collectors who have no knowledge of the debt and register defaults on my credit file. I recieved a bill from you for £221, I called to query the bill and after over half an hour on hold I was told your computer systems were down I would get a call back within 24 hours. This never happened. I called back days later you said it was "maintenance charges" when I queried what these "maintenance charges" were, you said delivery reports on text messages. I have never had delivery reports on any of my texts messages. This then resulted my account being forwarded to a debt collection agency withhout warning, resulting in my phone being disconnected and spending most of my entire Saturday afternoon arguing with debt collectors. When they forwarded the account back to you as I was disputing the account, I spent a further 57 minutes on the phone to you, and the even more annoying Orange chav robot woman telling me to look at your helpful website. HOW? - when you had disconnected my broadband service too? I have had no final reminders, no correspondence from you whatsoever.I have made nine calls on my mobile to your so called help line and have been unhelpfully transferred to a variety of disinterested individuals. I have been informed that a theirs a problem on my account (and someone will call me back); that I will be transferred to someone who knows about the debt collection (and then been cut off); that I will be transferred to someone (and then been redirected to an answering machine informing me that your office is closed); that I will be transferred to someone and then been redirected to the irritating Orange woman. And several other variations on this theme. Doubtless you are no longer reading this letter, as you have at least a thousand other dissatisfied customers to ignore by sending them to debt collectors and the debt collectors saying the account is with Orange then when I call you I speak to someone who says the account is with a D.C.A . I thought Vodafone was rubbish; that they had attained the awful customer relations; and that no one, anywhere, ever, could be more disinterested, less helpful or more obstructive to delivering service to their customers. That's why I chose Orange in 2007 and because, well, you do have some really good deals like 2-4-1 cinema tickets and magic numbers. How surprised I therefore was when I discovered to my considerable dissatisfaction and disappointment what a useless shower of cowboys you seem to be. Suffice to say that I have now given up on my futile and foolhardy quest to receive any kind of service from you. I suggest that you cease any potential future attempts to extort payment from me for the services which you have so pointedly and catastrophically failed to deliver. Any such activity will be greeted initially with hilarity and disbelief and will quickly be replaced by derision and even perhaps bemused rage. I woud like to be re-connected to Orange as but I have been told you have infact recycled my mobile number and have been told by the debt collection agency you no longer want me as a customer. Most of my family and friends are on Orange, and have said unless this is resolved they will too be leaving orange. I have calculated at least my friends and family generate over £9000 per year to your company (not including myself) If you, unlike anyone within your company can deal with this issue then please contact me on 077*********, I expect I will be sent to the debt collector who will tell me that the debt is not with them. My ofcom reference number is ********. I have been provided the number of your ombudsman and will be contacting them shortly to register a complaint unless this is rectified. This has been going on for almost a year! Kind Regards ----------------------- What should I do now? .AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .AOLWebSuite a {color:blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer} .AOLWebSuite a.hsSig {cursor: default}
  14. Hi there, This is my first post, so please be easy on me I have a small little problem, a CC debt of around 500 GBP (sorry, I don't have a pound sign on my laptop ). The situation is the following: I lived in the UK for about 5 years. I had a bank account and CC with HSBC, which I reguralry used, but I left the country in April 2009. On current account there was an overdraft of about 250 GBP and on my CC a debt of about 500 GBP. (I also had a Lloyds account with an overdraft of about 250 GBP, but that is ok, the online banking still works and I will pay it back, since I don't want to loose the account.) So I left the country not really caring about all those accounts, I thought I'd paid them back when I had money and a job. I am in Austria now, and since I finally found a job and will start working on Monday, I wanted to check what the situation is with the banks. ( I know it took me long to find a job, I guess I had a long holiday ). HSBC has closed my current account and canceled my CC. I still have my Savings account with 0 GBP on it. I called the bank, they said they closed the account and transferred my debt to their collection agency, Metropolitan. When I called Metropolitan, they told me that the debt was now with Moorcroft and I need to give them a call. So when I called Moorcroft, I told them what the situation was and that I am not living in the UK any more but I will be able to pay back my debt in a month or two. According to their records I have an outstanding balance of 555,11 GBP. Now my question and problem is: How do I know where this 555,11 came from, and if this is the amount I should be paying? What about that other overdraft of about 250 ? Did that just disappear? Is that possible? (I wouldn't mind ). And what is the guarantee that I don't need to pay anything more than this when I paid it? I read around the forums and found that I can request a CCA. So I called them up (Moorcroft) and asked for one. The lady started asking for my details and address and everything, but I explained to her that I don't have an address in the UK any more, and I would like this CCA to be sent to my new address in Vienna, Austria where I live now. She told me that it's not a problem, just send the letter and 1 GBP. Should I send cash in the post? Do you think it was a good idea to get a CCA? I wonder if anyone has experience when it comes to this situation? Eg. left the country, but would like to settle my debt. Any help or advise would be appreciated! I did search the forums but didn't find anything that would resebmle my situation. Thanks a lot
  15. Hello all. I'm hoping someone on here can help me. My partner received a letter from the land registry advising of a 3rd party wishing to apply to secure a debt on our property. After investigation this debt is from a shortfall in a repossessed property from 2002. My partner has no knowledge of this mortgage. The complication is her Ex Husband was declared bankrupt in 2006 and he owned a number of properties. We have asked for proof of this mortgage being in my partners name and the solicitors have sent us a photocopied mortgage application form with both my partners and her ex's signatures. Now it does look like her signature but it obviously isn't witnessed or anything due to it just being a application form. Please correct me if I'm wrong but i am pretty sure this doesn't constitute liability to the debt? Some of the information on the application is also incorrect. For example reference address for my partners then work. The mortgage was agreed and house purchased in May 1995 for £18,500 The outstanding mortgage was (I'm assuming this includes interest and costs?) £22,193 and the house was sold in 2002 for £14,100 (Which for me seems a little too low?) The whole thing to me seems to stink to high heaven. From my partners ex possibly forging signatures to the Solicitors/HBOS not sending to correct documentation/proof!! Any Advice or guidance would be much appreciated. P.S the court date is set for 30th Nov Regards Dean
  16. I've been making payments to these guys for sometime now, possibly unecessarily, but its been keeping them off my back I get a letter asking for more every so often but just say I cant afford it. Anyway since joing CAG I've learned a lot and am wondering if its worth sending a CCA request but dont want to stir up a load of hassle and potentially court action Reading some Egg threads it sounds like their agreement are now deemed ok following a test case, but I suppose there is a chance that Moorcroft wont have the agreement - any views on this liklihood or their track record in relation to them coming up wiht the goods. cheers
  17. Dear Forum, I'm after a bit of advice in advance if you can help? To cut a long a long story very short I have an outstanding debt with LloydsTSB for £5600 I negotiated with LloydsTSB to pay £75 a month (should have been £246, this went on for a couple of years) but now they have passed me to these lot! After getting what sounds like the standard letter from the 'Pre Court Division' I went to the CAB website and filled out the budgeting forms. It calculated I could afford just £25 per month which I would be happy to set up a direct debit to pay on the 23rd of the month when I get my salary, (result)! I sent this off together with the CAB offer letter template (recorded delivery). This has since been delivered and signed for by someone with the surname Moorcroft, (family company)? Now bear in mind I sent this off on the Friday, after getting their letter on the Thursday and got a call at 8:30am on the Monday. The person on the phone didn’t know about the letter and was phoning on the off chance I presume. So I explained what was contained in the letter. After first asking for my card details for full payment there and then (lol) they accepted my offer of £25 per month if I could make the first payment today, no problem. I gave them my card details, £25 was taken from my account, they set up the direct debit and said they would review it in 2 to 3 months time. I have since received a letter from them setting out my repayment plan that stretches till 2029. Now I don’t want to seem blasé about this, I know 19 years is a long time to pay off a debt but I am quite happy to pay £25 a month for as long as it takes... So my question is how do I deal with the inevitable phone call(s) that will come a couple of months from now? How do I best phrase that I WILL NOT increase my payments for as long as the debt lasts? Any advice would be most helpful! Many thanks, TC
  18. My partner has a credit card debt which has a CCJ against it. He pays Moorcrap £120 per month. Just recently he has started to receive calls from them, pressing him to increase the payments due to the amount of time it will take to pay off. I have told him not to worry as there's nothing they can do as long as he is complying with the CCJ. However, the calls are becoming really annoying. Is there a letter worth sending to them?
  19. Hi after some advice, In sep i received a letter from Moorcroft re an address i left in 2004, they are chasing an Anglian Water bill (i originally thought it had been paid when i left), however in 2006 i got a letter and a copy of the bill from another Debt collector and realising my mistake i made a few payments towards the outstanding amount then things changed and i was short of cash so missed the payments and eventually forgot all about it. Now in sep 08 Moorcroft sent a letter for the original amount, so i sent a letter explaining i had no idea what the debt was etc, now they have just written back with the dates of the outstanding bill ending in Oct 04 and no mention of the payments made already. now i left the property in july 04 so a few months before they are claiming (i am in rented property so have my new tennancy ag from july 04 as proof, and my old tennancy ag at the flat in question ended in july 04) In their letter they also state Anglian are unable to provide a copy of the bill due to the age of the account. Now i am not prepared to pay: A: For the 10 weeks or so after i moved out B: If they cannot provide a bill c: For money i have already paid them in the past through another collector. Would it be in my best interest to ignore the letter and see what happens, or send another letter explaining my reasons for not paying, for eg, cant supply a bill how can they prove any debt actually exists? Thanks for your help Sytra
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