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  1. I have just been visited by a person from Moorcroft Debt Recovery, I told him the name of the debt management company, I thought that by law I didn't need to say anything else to him. He replies, "you know the law living in a street like this" well I saw red went to grab by phone because I wanted a photo of this person so I could conplain, he then hit me with his clipboard (witnessed by neighbour) in doing so knocking my phone out of my hand. I managed to get a photo and took another of the number plate of his car He then said "People will be coming to see you" "You will be visited tonight". I phoned Moorcroft, who made me even more furious as they had head from the Debt Management Company and were just awaiting my Income & Outgoings, they saidf they would stop anymore doorstep callers but didn't know if they would be able to do it for tonight, I explained about the threats but they didn't really appear to care. My question is, who can I write to with a complaint, was thiking of calling the police but not sure if my stress levels will be able to cope. Any advice would be so gratefully received.
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