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  1. Hi. Many years ago, well since 2006 to 2010 ish me and my wife was in difficulty at times and we had DD's on her account with HSBC, on a regular basis we were charged for returned Direct Debits, I think at one time there ere 3 returned this went on for a while and was wondering if its possible to claim these type of charges back. And OD Arrangement fee's, are these reclaim able
  2. anyone do a favour please... I have a return offer from MBNA obv some £400+ lighter than what i'd roughly done. they've not sent any breakdown yet, that will be asked for on Monday. 1, the neighbour in question needs the money if he accepts it as it stands , can he argue the rest later. 2. can someone do a better job with the way I calculated the redress [CIsheet then stat] have all the statements. dx siteteam
  3. I have been stupid but trying to sort a repayment plan with them. I am not due to pay until the 1st April, but this is the response I got. I am sure adding 60 days interst is wrong. Can someone please advise me A MiniCredit Hardship Department member has replied to your application, #221624 with the following response: The following e-mail is sent according to the Formal Hardship Procedure. Our hardship team has tried to contact You over the past few days, unfortunately we were unable to reach You by the registered mobile number. After assessing Your account details we are able to propose two payment options. The first option is a settlement plan for £683.20. You would need to make at least one payment a month towards the balance and clear the debt by the 30th of July 2014. Choosing this option means that no default will be marked on Your credit reference file. The settlement plan balance consists of: 1. Original due date balance £409.20 2. Overdue charges £40.00 3. Interest for 60 days £234.00 The second option is a long term payment plan for £733.20. Choosing this option means that a default will be marked on Your credit reference file, but You will be able to make payments during a longer period of time. Depending on the monthly payment that You can afford the plan will be administrated either by us directly or by our debt recovery partners. The payment plan balance consists of: 1. Original due date balance £409.20 2. Overdue charges £40.00 3. Interest for 60 days £234.00 4. Debt recovery fee £50.00 The contractual interest rate is 1.3% of the principal per day from the date of issuing until the 60th day after the chosen due date. The above described overdue charges and interest are in accordance with the Loan Agreement. Please let us know what You decide considering the above latest by the 1st of April 2014. If no response is received by then we will forward Your account to our debt collection partners with default balance.
  4. Hello, I'm really ashamed to talk about this so please don't judge me. I went into a store yesterday and I don't know why or how I went to exchange an item for a smaller size but I for some reason picked up a few items on the receipt and asked for a refund. I am not aware of doing this and I'm still in shock that I as a person did this. They caught it on CCTV took me to the back of the store. Goods refunded were £20. They took my personal details and called the police. The officer arrived about an hour and half later who spoke to the manager and the manager said it was an 'RJ' against me. The officer took down my personal details in his book and I had my child with me and they took their name. The police officer was very understanding and checked my details and in my life iv never done anything. He told me to pay for the goods and that he will wait outside in his car and that he will come to me once I'm back in my car which he did. Once I went back to my car he arrived and sat next to me explaining everything and talking to me. He told me I might have PND or severe stress which is what's lead me to my actions as I'm not aware that I did it. Iv had 4 miscarriages and a lot of other personal underlying issues. He just got me to sign a paper and that's it. The manager of the store has banned me from all their stores. I just want to know, I'm going to get a civil rights letter, what do i do? What i have explained to you does it sound like a warning or a caution from the police officer? I'm really worried and scared. I have rang the Head Office of this store several times apologising and I have been advised by them to send an email of apology. I understand the ban of the store but I don't understand why every store is included. Will this come up in CRB checks? I am visiting my doctor next week.
  5. Hi everyone, I recently submitted a claim to M&S for mis-selling of PPI insurance againstmy charge card (this was later changed by M&S to an &More Money credit card around 2003/04). My complaint highlighted that I took out the card in 1995, the application was made in store (hurried at a till point), I was not informed PPI was optional and that I was told it was compulsory. I became aware in 2008 that PPI was not a compulsory requirement for anystore/credit card so I therefore cancelled it immediately. I pointed out that I had previously requested a copy of the credit agreement but received the application form which compounded the mis-selling in that I worked less than 16 hours a week and was single, I therefore did not meet the requirements of the insurance T&C at the time the application was made this rendered the policy useless. M&S have responded rejecting my claim citing that: 1. The application was completed in an M&S store; no financial representatives were present so noadvice about the merits of this policy could have been given by our staff. 2. The nature of the sale was non-advised so we did not assess whether the policy was suitable for you. 3. The information about the insurance was stated on the application form and the related literature. 4. In the PPI section of the application form, the box to select PPI has been ticked. Your name and date of birth has beencompleted and the box shows that the insured is the main applicant has been ticked. Therefore it would appear thatyou read and understood the PPI section of the application and wanted the policy to be applied. 5. As you were able to choose whether to take PPI during your application this confirms the policy was optional. 6. On the application formwe also offered another product Card Safe which you have not chosen to take. This indicates that you were aware of the choices available to you. 7. By signing the overall application form, you confirmed you were happy with the content, including PPI terms and conditions. 8. At the time you tookout the insurance you were employed as XXXXXXXX you were therefore eligible as you met the employment criteria. 9. Policy documents were issued to you detailing the terms and conditions, costs, benefits and exclusions. These should have been reviewed to ensure the cover was suitable. 10. Updated policy documents were sent to you on a regular basis. 11. PPI was offered to self employed customers to cover their monthly repayments should the unexpected happen. 12. In May 2003 we wrote toour customers who had PPI to inform them the cost of insurance was increasing. 13. During September 2003 we wrote to you to inform you that we were transferring your charge card account a credit card account unless you informed us otherwise. 14. The policy was charged monthly basis for 12 years and detailed on your monthly statements. 15. It is the responsibilityof the insured to notify the insurer of any changes in circumstances asdetailed in the policy documents. I did forget to include in my letter that when the application was made in store, I completed the personal information on the form which included my name, address, employment and bank details, I clearly choose not to opt for any insurance leaving the insurance sections blank, I intended paying my bills in full each month upon receipt of my monthly statement (which I did for at least the first 5 years), I signed the form and handed it back to their member of staff (witnessed by an old work colleague – not sure if they would remember now). At this point their staff member stated the insurance was a compulsory requirement of the application process, I took this as read and did not question this at the time (stupid me). It is evident from the form that the PPI section and other crossed out parts of the form are written in an entirely different handwriting to mine and that it was an M&S member of staff who completed these sections after having told me it was compulsory, I also question M&S’s integrity in that the actual birth date is written backwards in the PPI section. I am not sure how I should proceed; any help/comments would be appreciated. Many thanks Loopy-loo
  6. been off work for over 12 months all treatment has stopped i had accident at work my gp says can return light duties ect had oh medical and they have said redeployment as my job to manual this was beginning of june i have had no corresponce my work place is a school when i phone been told to ring back in september when principal is back as he is only one who can discuss it my sick pay ran out i no longer get esa so have no money i am left in limbo
  7. Hi I have the above mentioned demanding an outstanding amount of £590.00. I do not know what this amount is for or where this originated from. Collectica themselves are not able to tell me either when I contacted them, just that it was for a non motoring offence dating 2007. They put any action on hold for 28days for me to try and trace what the sum is for. They gave me contact numbers for the local Magistrates (Stratford), and for Port Talbot, saying that the debt had been transferred from there. Stratford simply stated they did not deal with transfers and referred me back to Collectica. Port Talbot could not find any information, they said they checked all four systems and nothing was coming up on my name. They said, dating 2007, this was pre the systems they have in place now and without more information about the debt, like the originating Court, could not help any further. I went back to Collectica and relayed to them what I had been told. I was told that was incorrect, even though they cannot tell me the originating Court, Port Talbot can find it, they keep diaries and can locate by date. Collectica put another 28day hold on the account. I contacted Port Talbot again telling them what I had been told by Collectica, only for Port Talbot to inform me that Collectica were incorrect. The lady even checked with a senior colleague if there was any way they could help to trace the information. They were unable to help but advised that Collectica must have the information because they cannot accept the transfer without the information. I am completely confused and don't know what to do next as now I have received a Pre Removal Notice from Collectica dated 5th Feb - (2nd 28 day stay was up 5th Feb) Can they enforce given that I know nothing about this and they themselves cannot tell me what it's for? Is the alleged debt even mine? Thanks for your time
  8. Hi Guys Trusty google put me in touch with you guys regarding a friends "claim" from Cabot He was approached about a year ago by them for a debt from 2009 / 2010 from a company that didnt supply the goods regarding a training course (plenty of posts on google about that company as well!) in addition to having been pressurised into taking on the course / debt while he was depressed. Unfortunately being a young lad none of the paperwork from them exists any more. At some stage last year he was advised that his debt had been sold to cabot and subsquently received two payment demands from them which he ignored. The next thing he heard was receiving a Money Claim online demand. I have some questions and I would be grateful if people could help me get himself sorted. 1) I have advised him to send a CCA request tomorrow as per other similiar threads on this forum, however I am confused as to how long they have, is it 12 + 2 working days or 30 days to reply? 2) Are they required to send a notice of intention to act before sening court papers? 3) he intendes to contest the claim, if 1 is correct and they do not supply the CCA in time can this be used as a defence in the case? 4) any other advise that I should give him (Indeed anyone that has defended similar claims in court and can advise me to help him put his case together I would be grateful. Incidently Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd appears to have a net worth of -6.6million according to Duedil, is this not trading while insolvent?
  9. SEWAGE RUNNING ONTO JOISTS FOR NEARLY 12 MONTHS l had a shower room fitted under a council grant through an care organisation, from the onset wqe had problems, the tiles fell off the wall due to no prep work, this was redone, the shower ran water from the shower through the door on to the landing, so boards was fitted underneath now showing a rduige which as gone very springy. we just acceprted all the above but since our kitchen started to get condensation more and more but we didn't give a thought to any connection to the shower room, at the same time t5wo of the three of us suffered with severe coughs also the dog did, all with unknow causes. but suddenlty we noticed water marks on our wall by the stack pipe unit, having got the representaive who organised the grant from the council insisted it was just condensation, cutting a long story short after makin an hole in the ceiling it was clearly wet and cold, the person left and said he would see what could be done, after returning with an attitude owner of the company he agreed to have a look but if we was wrong we would have to pay, in between my son borrowed a Probe Camera and looked up the stack and saw no cap had been placed on the sewage pipe when the bath was took out, each time the toilet flushed it went on to the joists etc, the workamn looked at it and made out that he had dropped the cap but it had failed which sometime he said happend but he couldnt show us because he dropped it down the stack, when he went ouytside to his van he took his bag of rubbish which my wife went and looked and found the part he had sawn off which also showed that hge had no capping on, when asked he knew he had been rumbled, the joists in the exact area of the leak was badly discoloured black with some white on which l have been told is dry rot and could be in a larger area than the small area which he had covered. l have had so much stress over this and feel that the comnpany have devalued my property, l would like to sue the builder but not sure who my contract is with, would it be the council, the company or the orgamizer of the grant ? would be grateful for any advise thanks
  10. Hi all. New to the site as I stumbled across looking for advice on the net. I'd be greatful if anyone could offer any advice. I will try be brief on this. I sold an item through the net. It was advertised on a site but was paid through paypal. The fella asked if he could pay as a gift to avoid their charges so I agreed. Naive? honest and genuine as I am, sent the item (sale worth just over 1k) only to have paypal try to claim back the money as the cardholder claimed an unauthorised transaction had taken place. Surely the onus shouldn't be on me? Afterall, the item of mine has gone and the fella clearly has it. It seems very easy for a buyer to [problem] a seller through paypal. All the protection is with the buyer and none with the seller. It was about a year ago now and have no proof I sent the item however this was never claimed nor was there a dispute with the item, simply just the transaction. The alleged debt has now been passed on to a debt recovery company. I have never once acknowleged that I owe such amount and am busy thinking about how to play this. Does the DCA need to provide me with proof of debt and does anyone know where I may find such a template for not acknowledging the debt? Thanks in advance.
  11. Another debt for this poor debt ridden chap. Please advise if this is enforceable. DCA- Link Financial OC- MBNA - Credit card applied back in 2001 DMP- Eurodebt, been paying token payment since late 2002, will be ditching them soon. SAR sent to MBNA and waiting.
  12. Hi all, Please may i have advise; the following is an email i sent to Phones4u on on the 16/12/2013 Thank you ---------------- Good Morning, My misses visited your Hounslow high street store on 05/12/2013 in order receive advice or a resolution on what appears to be a very common issue with the Samsung SII, the issue began on 03/12/2013, whereby the phone remained permanently in airplane mode. Your store advisor took a brief look and commented as follows (Actual quotes) 1.“It’s finished” 2.“It’s Gone” 3.“Not working” 4.“Gone” 5.“Sorry it’s finished; No warranty left, only 1 year” 6.“If you pay £80 we can try to fix, but not guaranteed, pay us £40 we will try!” 7.“You can buy a new phone, your contract finish in 5 days!” Later that evening she described the conclusion of the store visit: I replied “Warranty has expired… that’s it! We can't do anything!” We visited carphone warehouse (14/12/2013) which happens to be directly opposite the actual Phones4U shop in order to purchase a new phone; we proceeded with the 2 year contracted Samsung Note III. Before we walked out of the store with the new phone we kindly asked the repair individual if he could take a quick look at the Samsung SII, he said “yes no problem” and for no charge he tried to connect the phone, whilst downloading Samsung KIES to his PC he revealed “All Samsung’s have a two year manufacturer’s warranty, you should pop over their!” we were absolutely dismayed as we were told by Phone4U we have no warranty. We promptly walked across the road into Phones4u and explained the situation; they said “yes no problem”, “Take a seat” and immediately dialled tech support which resulted in an authorised warranty repair. We now have a new phone which we can’t return unless faulty; and an existing phone which will be repaired within a week; the original intention was to use the existing phone with a pay as you go sim card. We were intentionally misled by your staff which has resulted in an unwanted new Phone at an unnecessary two year cost of £800. Thank You ***** ******** They have offered a £25 good will gesture. Second email sent 17/12/2013 Forename: **** ***** Surname:****** Address:** ****** Avenue, **** **** Evening Mobile:******* Sim cardNo:************** IMEI No::************** REF::************** Retailer:209 High Street, Hounslow,TW3 1BL Sales Person:Bhavin I would also like to point my wife has highlighted other rather alarming comments mentioned by the advisor. Such as: 1) Its completely gone 2) Nothing anyone can do 3) You have no warranty left 4) Its a very bad problem 5) its finished She was also left without a phone whilst our son contracted a possible case of meningitis, she was not able to call an ambulance, unable to call me, and she was unable to coordinate the collection of out other son from school. Records available. Thank you. They again said thier is nothing they can do and still offered £20 Final email send 18/12/2013 I have no option but to contact trading standards + legal advice + online consumer protection forums. This is a very serious case of misconduct. Cost to us has been huge 1. Overlap line rental £30 2. Unnecessary mobile and contract £800 3. Taxi to take child to hospital £45, couldn't contact me. 4. Unwanted phone and mobile 5. Serious consequences for my sons due to the inability to communicate 6. All contacts deleted by your in store staff 7. Time taken to search for an alternative phone 8. Cost of accessories My wife would like to sue phones4u based on point 5. Please see: Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (2008). Response, they have denied all responsibility andhave stated some phones have a 1 year warranty. There is nothing we can do…. Good bye! That’s it. Please could someone help me with my options, Thank you all.
  13. really struggling with this one if anyone can offer some advise i have been working at a manufacturing company for 3 years and up until last year i was quite happy with everything moved home to be nearer work met a new g/f she got pregnant then when i told my employer everything went wrong... last November i was offered a (alleged) promotion while i was on holiday i attended work during my annual leave and was asked by the director to move in to a senior role. which i agreed to in principle and spoke to my potential new manager who said it would be a good idea to move me into a slightly lower role on a temporary secondment which i agreed to and began the following week when i returned to work November my new manager(manager B) the proceeded to give my offered role to someone else which i complained about to no avail December i was then told that my replacement (manager C) was going to be my boss? which i again complained about to no avail January manager b was then sacked and replaced by a mew manager (manager D) when manager d arrived i thought it would be a good idea to address this problem of me being only temporary secondment so i put down my concerns in writing to manager c January then manager C and manager D called me in to discuss this issue and proceeded to tell me i had no written evidence so therefore there was no issue and told me to stop winging and return to my duties director who offered me the position left in may due to sale of the business manager D got made redundant in September October i have continued working to the best of my ability since January until further restructure meant another employee was at risk of becoming made redundant they then proceeded to give him my responsibility. December that was that i walked in to hr and demanded to see my employee file and to my surprise there was my original contract and a copy of a document which outline the temporary secondment area of my agreement to work and move roles of which there were two copys i have never see before i took a copy and stated that i was absolutely fuming about how i have been treated i have discussed with hr and manager C during a meeting my current role and what i am doing and how i am performing b ut the still failed to address the issues of temporary secondment additionally my original role has been advertised and filled in January which would make my return impossible i now have a 8 month old daughter who is absolutely wonderful and an amazing girlfrined i am so angry about all this and really do not know how to proceed with this i know i could leave and claim constructive dismissal but that really wont pay the bills any advise would be greatly appreciated.....i am not usually one to cause problems but now i am just so angry with my employer
  14. Morning Everyone, I need a bit of advise on a matter regarding defamation from a EX. Me and my EX split up in March 2011 we had a 3 week old baby, she was using the child to her advantage as a weapon so I decided to involve a solicitor and put an application in to the courts. just before the first hearing in July 2011, my EX decided to make numerous allegations to the police in may 2011 which ended me being on bail until May 2012. in May 2012 all these allegation we concluded ludicrous and no further action was taken but in the mean time I had lost my Job and my EX had been telling people I had done this and that and none of this was true. I also had a court hearing with my EX on the 6th of November this month and in the court room she was still making allegations about me even after the police have concluded there investigations. I had racked up a solicitor bill of over £16,000 and I had to move house due to the harassment that my EX had caused with people on my road. I have done some research on the internet about defamation, Slander and Liable and all what my EX has done fits into all categories. My question is how do I take this throw the courts as I want some of my solicitor fees back also It caused me financial losses due to losing my job, I also want some sort of injunction imposing against her. Any help would be appreciated
  15. Hi all, After struggling for months to obtain amounts associated to six different PPI products with HSBC, I am after some advise. The first thing is, do I treat each of these as individual claims, or can I combine as one claim for the total amount? Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi, I bought a car from a trader just over 1 month ago and have been having a few issues with it. I have been trying to get the trader to resolve these issues but they just ignore my calls or tell me they are going to call back and never do. in the end I got all the repairs done my self and it cost me around £340 to sort out. Now I am/was planning on getting this back from the trader and just done abit of research on the company and I have noticed that they filed for the ltd company to be struck off about a month ago (just after I bought it) So what do I do now? Can I still sue them? I was planning on writing a letter and including the copies of the receipts and asking them for compensation. If they do not not pay up I was going to take them to small claims court. Can I sue them personally? luckily they operate from their home so I know where they live and their full names. Can someone please help me as I have no idea what I am doing. Thanks ccx295
  17. Just moved house and was at the local DIY store whose car park is on a bit of a slope and has signs everywhere, used one of their provided trolleys to get a pile of DIY stuff, got out to the car put the brake on, put baby in the back whilst doing this the trolley rolled off and bumped into someones car, they were not happy, i reported the failure of the brake to the staff at the DIY store am i liable for the damage to the other car?
  18. Hi, I am new to this form, and will appreciate help and advise..... I have a buy to let mortgage with West Bromich, I have a tracker mortgage paying 1.49%, Today I have recieved a letter informing me that they are increasing the additional percentage of the interest paid by 2%, increasing it from 1.49% to 3.49%. they site increasing cost of funding to support investment in properties and the fact that I have other investment properties as if they are targeting this group. in addition to advise re my options, I will be grateful if any can advise about; 1. The legality of the action. 2. Has any other borrower experienced such a problem. 3. Any other bank/building society done the same? Thamks
  19. My car turbo just blow up. I took the car to the local garage and was advised that the engine is fine after the turbo was removed and will need to just pay for the turbo replacement so it is economically to proceed with it. After replacement was done the garage called to say that the change was done but the problem has escaladed now and it is an engine problem and this is non economical to do it because it would cost at least 3k. They said that they would like me to pay for the turbo and take the car for a part exchange post it on ebay as engine in need of attention. Do I pay for something that is non functional and was wrong advised on the course of action?
  20. AMEX have written to me offering full & final settlement out of the blue and unsolicited. The offer taken from the letter : "If you pay just 40% of your outstanding balance still owing, we'll waive the remaining £0.00 of your balance in full and final settlement. In order to accept this offer, please call Amercian Express on 0800-etc. This opportunity allows you to repay a reduced amount from which you otherwise owe us. From Michelle Upton Manager American Express Address Amex House Brighton." They call this a 60% Balance Forgiveness. In brief this concerns an Amex credit card taken out in 1995 inclu. PPI and is in dispute since 2009. They closed my account July 2009 after i tried to make a claim on the PPI. They then had many different DCA's chase me as the debt was passed around without notification . Each DCA have been dealt with via CCA letter etc following the correct time-lines none have provided the information requested hence all are in dispute. Further oddities they lost my details on a laptop believed stolen, have had Amex letters advising i contact there insurance people only to be confronted with AIC and a rude aggressive French lady who told me PPI will not pay out until i am bankrupt etc etc Then all went went silent for many months until the settlement letter arrived this week. I need advice on dealing with this development please help
  21. cut along story short like most off the threads that i have read about the DPS and landlords issues have got my head spinning,. my story is that back in 2011 i rented a house from the local letting agent at that time i was in a good job and the rent was not a problem .. but in 2012 i lost my job due to company/corporate restructuring. and found my self out of work at this point i spent my time trying to find new employment but things are now not so Rosie on the job find lark..but i manage to stay on top of things till the money run out. then i headed to the local unemployment office and as most of you would of come across a lot of help comes from there in turn i fell behind on the rent and after the 10 week my land lord issued me with the section 21b followed by the s8 as all this was happening i got advise and started to look in to getting thing right manage to get the rent below the 8 weeks.. but at this stage i decide to get out of this house and find a cheaper place to rent... and at this stage i started to read about the DPS system ... and found out that i never got issued with nothing more then a letter from the letting agent tell me that my deposit was going to be with DPS and the letter covered the basic information on the DPS .. this then prompt me to contract the DPS which i they told me that there have not got me on there system... i had then confirm this with a email . i then contracted my landlord to ask where my deposit was ???? and with in three day i had a call from the letting agent tell me that there have cancelled the s8 ... and i then was told that the landlord had put my deposit of £1000.00 with DPS ... Now here the question ???? landlord has told me that i can use the deposit to pay off the arrears and i can move out .. without any issues over the house ... CAN i still take him to small claims court over the deposit if i leave and use the deposit to pay off the arrears.. facts that he never deposit the deposit with the DPS for over 23 months. he issued the section 21b an the s8 illegally because he never deposited my deposit money...
  22. Hi I would like general advise please long story short, i am living with my family and now on verge of leaving and now my circumstances will change, particularly my outgoings which will mean i will no longer be able to pay the minimum payments for the loans and cc. if i continue paying the minimum payments, all my debts will be cleared off in 3 years, however due to personal circumstances i wont be able to afford. i have been advised to consider DMP or IVA as my oustanding ammount is in excess of 15-20k. before i make this change, i will be consulting with companies like payplan or step change and wanted to query if they 'check' my outgoings for example request my past three months bank statements etc. because im sure they will be interested to know how i managed to cope for 4 years and why not now. Regards
  23. Hi, I am new to this site and I wanted some advice on how to go about an issue. I have just looked at some few threads and seen some similar situations. My wife and I leave in our flat and occasionally/rarely previous occupants letters do come to our address. I did speak to our Landlady regards to what to do with the letters of previous tenants and we were advised to bin them as they were probably junk letters. Recently we decided to open one of the letters as we wanted to be sure our address was not used by some other person as a couple of letters had come in for a particular name(If it was a previous tenant/occupant,I am not sure). The letter stated it was a distress warrant to visit and collect a sum of £395 from our address. We dont know how that may have come about as we do not have any knowldge of who the person is. I have read different threads/suggestions to show a form of ID with a council tax or utility bill when they arrive at our flat but some others have advised not to do so as my information may be taking and then the warrant may be sent in my name(is that possible?) or they may not listen to me but still want to collect the money or goods. What are our options? How would you suggest I go about this issue? I await your suggestions. Thanks
  24. Hi all, this is my first post and may be a bit long winded so please bear with me. I complained to RBS about PPI on the 21/04/13 on a Mint c/c that I took out in Dec 2003 and 8 wks later received a reply along these lines, You will be pleased to know I have finished my review into your concerns about your PPI. Your concerns are important to us. In the circumstances, as a goodwill gesture and without admission of liability the bank is prepared to make you the offer set out below. To cut a long story short they go on to offer me £888.62 broken down as follows... Refund of premiums paid between 13 Dec 03 and 13 Jan 09 £532.43 Compound interest on premiums based on unterest rate charged on c/c £93.61 Total £626.04 Gross interest @ FOS rate £328.23 Less tax at 20% £65.65 Net interest £262.58 Total offer £888.62. Now, I have only just paid off an outstanding balance of £105 which has been there since Jan 2009 (messy reasons, business going belly up, divorce etc) but not sure this is relevant! On receiving this offer I phoned RBS and asked for a breakdown as it was a bit confusing how they had calculated it and this week I received said breakdown which showed nothing but the premiums id paid each month, so after searching this site for relevant calculators I did my own calculation. Using the FOSCISheet v101 for the compound interest, at 18.9% APR it calculated it at £1757.88, lots more than the £93.61 RBS have offered. So today I phoned them again to point this out to them and a young lady told me I had 2 options if I didnt agree with their offer. 1/ Provide proof that I had paid more interest than they had offered, or 2/ Take it to the FSO. I asked how I could prove it and she told me to provide bank statements which would show the ammount of interest paid!!! When I pointed out that bank statements would only show the single ammount paid off against the card and wouldnt show interest, she just said take it to the FSO!!! Now my question is do I accept the offer of £888.62 or do I take it to the FSO based on the FSO spreadsheet calculation being so much higher than RBS offer? Any help and advice would be appreciated and again I apologise for the long post. Claygo
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