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Found 10 results

  1. Hi guys, I have received a letter from Cabot dated 3rd October 2017, telling me that I have to pay my account with them , the balance being £ 7568.15. and that I can set up a payment plan at a sum I can afford. The original lender they say was Associates Capital Corp PLC. I cannot honestly say that I know about this debt, but there again at nearly 80 years of age the memory is a bit vague these days and it might be. But apart from that there has never been any contact or letters or even payments concerning this account in the past 10 years or more. I do have two payment plans with Cabot for Barclays debt where I have been paying a minimum monthly payment for about 10 years and never missed a payment in that 10 years period, yet this new debt has never been mentioned in that time. Any advice on what to do would be welcome thanks.
  2. Hi Everyone, I’m new to the forum so apologies if this is in the wrong section. Long story short I managed to get myself 3 defaults with Lowell with credit accounts I had when I was younger. Default 1 - £129 Vodafone, Default date 01/11/2013 (hasn’t got a default satisfaction date even though its been paid) Default 2 - £360 Shop Direct, Default date 09/02/2016 Default 3 - £170 Orange, Default date 01/11/2014 I genuinely didn’t know I had an outstanding balance on Vodafone and Orange, I thought both contracts had been cancelled. seeing as I took out both of the contracts in 2011 I couldn’t remember and I took Lowells word for it. Stupidly without knowing about these forums, I got scared by the Lowell letters and paid the Vodafone & Orange bill in 1 payment and the shop direct in 4 payments, without trying to ask Lowell for proof of debt etc. I’m now 24 and have 3 defaults on my credit rating, my chance of getting a mortgage in the next 4/5 years is very slim/impossible! Has anyone got any advice to try and get the 3 defaults wiped off my account? Is it too late to ask them to prove the debt existed seeing as I’ve already paid them all off in full, I’ve also read about going down the sympathy route and asking them to take the defaults off. I know its unlikely that I can get these defaults taken off seeing as I’ve already paid them off but I’m desperate and nothing to lose. Thanks in advance!
  3. I currently work in education and get paid pro-rata, even though I work term-time only. I am looking for similar work closer to home to cut out travelling costs and if I am successful would be due to start in September 2017. In a regular job I would give a month's notice and go straight to a new job in September, because of working in education my last physical day at work would be mid July, I would be paid for at the end of July and I would expect any holiday pay owing etc and a P45 at the end of August. Is this correct, or in the HMRC's eyes do I become unemployed end of July and lose my tax credits for the summer weeks and have to renew a claim in September for tax credits. Tried ringing the tax credits but they were a bit unhelpful, with not really understanding the nature of term time working etc. I'm worried that I could be with no tax credits over the summer, and a new claim would mean I go on Universal Credit. Please advise
  4. Hi everyone! I fell into arrears with my Very account simply because those BNPL charges hit rather costly, which in turn made my monthly installments reach a whopping 200+ per month. I politely contacted them around a year ago and after many back and forth telephone calls and emails managed to agree a year payment plan of £70. I haven't missed a payment since setting this up, this morning I received two letters on through my door. The first being one demanding a payment in full of a staggering £489 arrears payment followed by the same for the foreseeable future. The second was a letter telling me my payment reached them a day late, how and why this happened I don;t know, as I pay this every month at my local post office on the exact same day, and this has never arisen before now! I'm both letters arrived on the same day, so even if I had the spare almost £500 floating around I wouldn't have had time to correct the problem at hand. I'm really not keen on calling them, as every time I have done in the past they are very rude and rather obnoxious with me, and I find myself getting passed from pillar to post with little to no resolution being offered at the end of it for my efforts. What can I do legally and what are my rights to correct this matter? As all I want to do is make them a sensible offer and get this debt paid up without the threats and nasty letters arriving through my door. My wife wittles frequently about this matter and I would like to help sort this out. Thanks in advance for any help you may have, It's all very much appreciated.
  5. I have lived in my property for just over 4 months. i have a baby who is 7 month old. the problem is i have no central heating, no radiators, etc. I only have a boiler for hot water. my lil girl is constantly ill with her chest from it being so cold. i have mithered my landlord asking him when will it be done. He always has an excuse. i pay 450£ PCM for my 2 bed house. I dont even have double glazing. its still not even finished. i have a hole in my kitchen roof, no splash tiles on in the kitchen and only a shower n toliet n sink in my bathroom. he said he was going to provide me with a fire that he was to place on the wall. this still hasnt been done, that was 4 weeks ago. Iv told him that if its not done i will be moving within the month. iv reported im to health and saftey and they are getting onto the case. im just annoyed at how he just wants the money and doesnt care for our welfare. what is my next move to ensure something will be done.
  6. Hi, I am new to this site and I wanted some advice on how to go about an issue. I have just looked at some few threads and seen some similar situations. My wife and I leave in our flat and occasionally/rarely previous occupants letters do come to our address. I did speak to our Landlady regards to what to do with the letters of previous tenants and we were advised to bin them as they were probably junk letters. Recently we decided to open one of the letters as we wanted to be sure our address was not used by some other person as a couple of letters had come in for a particular name(If it was a previous tenant/occupant,I am not sure). The letter stated it was a distress warrant to visit and collect a sum of £395 from our address. We dont know how that may have come about as we do not have any knowldge of who the person is. I have read different threads/suggestions to show a form of ID with a council tax or utility bill when they arrive at our flat but some others have advised not to do so as my information may be taking and then the warrant may be sent in my name(is that possible?) or they may not listen to me but still want to collect the money or goods. What are our options? How would you suggest I go about this issue? I await your suggestions. Thanks
  7. i received a letter from LOWELL FINANCIAL today saying i owe £70 , they saying its regards orange, and i cannot recall this. what do i do now, surely they will have a signature ?
  8. Hello I'm making an appeal to anyone who can offer advice on: What power a claimant has to recover money owed whilst an appeal is being considered? Does anyone experience of writing a letter to judge asking for permission to extend the appeal period? The validity of a claimant using a screenprint of transactions made, specifically from LLoyds Transcops or other banks Transcops system I did post a couple of times on the 22nd September but didnt get any replies unfortunately so hoping someone may be able to offer some advice. I'm concerned about whether I have good grounds for an appeal I have lodged. Please see my previous post for more background. Thanks in advance Ian
  9. Hey guys I am really curious to know what the rules are for demoting someone at work.. I have a manager in one of my stores and he is doing a poor job. Basically his general attitude and belief towards work are not in line with what I want and I don't believe he is going to change. he is too soft on his staff, and let's them get away with things. He has a different management style to mine, and whenever I try to make him see it my way, his response is "we will have to agree to disagree".. He doesn't see that it is his soft attitude that is causing staff to like him and not in fact because he is a good manager .. He has been in that position for 2 years and with the company for almost 5 years. I don't want to sack him, as I could use him elsewhere ito do other tasks, but I do want to demote him, either from his managerial role completely or put him as assistant manager to someone else who will be above him. I just wondered what the rules are for demoting someone? Is there a process I have to follow? As I understand it, I can demote him but still keep his rate of pay the same (which I don't want to do). I should mention he is also on a bonus structure. Any help would be really appreciated guys.. Paul
  10. im hoping somebody out there can shed some light on an issue a friends of mines girlfriend seems to be having in regards to "Self Employment" i`ll try keep this as breif as possible my friends girlfriend was short of money and saw an advertisement in the local paper in regards to a job working from home the job description was "people required work around your own schedule" she rang for the job and subsequently was hired that same day the business owner showed up with a peice of printed paper basically saying "You Are Self Employed and are NOT employed by (business name here) he got her to sign this paper at the bottom but he failed to sign it himself since she started this job hes incrased the work load by quite a lot and is paying her £4.50 per hour my question is what can i do to help her as if she is self employed what proof of this would she need for tax/N.I contributions as the way i see it he dictates the work load and pay and provides no payslips surely she cannot be self employed? my apologys if this post is in the wrong forum but i want to help her get some answers
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