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  1. Hello, I am new to CAG and would very much appreciate some advice. I have an issue with Prudential Assurance Company Ltd. I wish to obtain details relating to my late husband's life assurance policy that was claimed in 1970. The information is required for evidence purposes in a legal action against a third party who made the claim on my behalf but kept the money for his own use. I have only recently learned of the facts. I have provided proof to Prudential of the existence of the policy. Prudential initially responded by saying: "Unfortunately, due to the time that has lapsed since the claim was made we would not hold any records or documentation in our archived records." I know of others who have recovered old policy information, so I felt that Prudential was just fobbing me off. After some persistence, the insurer confirmed the following information: * They hold personal data on customers and clients that extends to the 1950s, 60s and 70s. * They maintain records on customers and clients for policies which have not been claimed or with a monetary value. * For policies which have already been claimed, they continue to maintain records for a further seven years, after which those records are purged with only limited information kept that includes policy number and brief details of any claim paid on the policy. Prudential have insisted that I provide them with a policy number to carry out a search of their records; but I don't have one. The insurer will not confirm whether it is a primary or mandatory requirement to have a policy number in order to undertake a search of their records - whether they be electronic, manual or on microfiche and decades old. I have asked Prudential to provide me with the following information, based on the information already supplied above. * What other limited information is kept on customers and clients in addition to policy number and details of the claim? Please provide me with a list of all that is kept. * Confirm the existence of manual and/or microfiche records and that these have been searched. * Is a policy number a mandatory requirement for carrying out searches of the records? In addition to the above, I have asked Prudential to supply me with... 1) ...a copy of the statement referred to on page 14 (part 2, section 4(I), Historical Data) of the 'Code of Practice for Tracing Employers' Liability Insurance Policies'. 2) ...a copy of the written policy referred to in the 'Insurance: Conduct of Business sourcebook' (ICOBS) section 8.4.15, that requires insurers to put in place a written policy of compliance in conducting effective searches for historical policies. The written policies are required to assist me in making properly informed determinations in respect of the availability of the policy information I have requested from Prudential. I believe the firm is withholding data I am legally entitled to have; but they wont carry out an effective search for the data. To this end, I need to check the firms tracing policies to be satisfied that Prudential is meeting its obligations and regulatory requirements. Prudential responded by closing down my case file without resolving matters, referring me instead to the Financial Ombudsman Service. But I have used FOS several times and found it to be a dysfunctional and impotent organisation - as has been noted many times on this forum. Furthermore, FOS has made it clear to me that they do not have powers to compel a firm to hand over documentation if the firm chooses not to. The only organisation with such statutory powers is the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and I am currently awaiting a response from them on the matter. The FCA did advise however that they are bound by certain confidentiality restrictions within the Financial Services & Markets Act (FSMA) that prohibit them from disclosing whether or not they are investigating my concerns. The Data Protection Act section 33(3) is clear about permitting retention of personal data beyond prescribed minimum time limits. There is no maximum time limit on the retention of personal data. The said act permits retention of personal data indefinitely if a firm chooses to do so. How long data is kept for, or extends to, and the manner in which it can be searched, is a matter of company policy - the very documentation the firm is withholding. What, if any, court action can I take to obtain the information I need from Prudential in relation to my late husband's life policy? Essentially, the only information I need is: the date the policy started; the date it was claimed; and how much was claimed. Appreciate your help.
  2. I am new here so hope this is the correct place that I can get help. If not then apologies. I am looking for advice regarding Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts. As part of a recent schools closure consultation one of the other schools under consideration collected information regarding our children. Our local Council Department then collected this information from them but failed to mention that it had done so. This information included our children's full names, year of school they attend and exact distances from the actual school in each case. We feel that the Council Department should have mentioned this as soon as they received it. As we suspected the document collected had information regarding our children we have had to write to our local Council. We have then been refused the information on three occasions whilst invoking the freedom of information act. They have quoted that 'they have no obligation to provide documents' and other such claims. We only received the redacted data when we threatened informing the information commissioner. Our redacted copies we received do not include our children's names as they have been blanked out, but the distances of each child from school still remain. This is quite worrying as this is a small rural area then this can easily identify where a child stays. We also now believe that this information may have been handed out to others in unredacted form where the children's names were not necessary for the purpose they received the documents. Apologies for the long post. I just hope that someone can help. I am hoping that you may be able to help in several ways: * Are we entitled to complain? * Help point us in the correct direction as to what we should do in this case. * Possibly help with a template letter to the Information Commissioner. * Any other advice you can give. Thank you so much for your help in advance. It would mean so much to us.
  3. This has been designed for you to complete and once finished place the completed for into a clear container then place the container inside your refrigerator. Please remember to regularly update the form if you use it. Medical Emergency Information.pdf
  4. Medical Emergency Information Template This has been designed for you to complete and once finished place the completed for into a clear container then place the container inside your refrigerator. Please remember to regularly update the form if you use it. Medical Emergency Information.pdf Before Printing the PDF TIP If you DO NOT wish to print Page 1 (Cover Page) of the PDF, please ensure to do the following: Ensure you go to your Printer Settings and set it to 'Print from Page 2' (this way Page 1 (Cover Page) should not print out). Note: This will save you Ink & Paper
  5. Please do not judge me but I have cheated the benefit system. On Monday of this week (28/04/2014) I received a letter which has requested that I attend an interview at my local Job Center concerning "an investigation into alleged criminal offences in relation to a claim to benefits" The letter does not give any further information other that I might want to have some legal representative there with me and that I should notify them that I will be attending. This I have done and have arranged for a legal representative as well to be there. A little background concerning what led to this situation. I have been on JSA for about 9-10 years and during that time I have done everything that the job centre as asked of me gone on courses both voluntary and mandatory, Been on the Work programme and finished it. Applied for numerous positions and showed them I was trying hard to get employment. But, at the end of it all I still was unemployed. All through this time (except for a three year break) I have kept an hobby of mine going and even tried to turn it into a business using a employment run test trading scheme that allowed you to start up a business whilst still receiving benefits. Business initiative (BI) were the people who oversaw the scheme. However during the test period BI did something which completely upset me to the point that I quit the scheme and did not touch my hobby again for three years. Moving on :- My wife is disabled with a variety of conditions (osteoporosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome + others) and we have never had any Benefit for her except for DLA High rate Mobility) they never let us have the Care component. Anyway she developed another problem about 12 months ago and in receiving a prescribe drug for that to keep it under control as there's currently no cure for it. Something to do with the three main nerves in the face becoming inflamed and this causes severe pain in the head and neck. Even forgetting her tablets for one day means it takes about 10 days to get it back under control again. Anyway to keep it short Because I did not want her to be on her own in the house if I was lucky enough to finally get a job I did something silly and started my hobby again. However, due to the bedroom tax money had become rather tight and so I sold some of my things I had created to pay for my hobby and not have to use any money coming in from benefits as these were needed to pay for our normal day to day living. The problem is that the hobby grew beyond just a few £'s per week and grew to about £50+ after all the costs involved were taken off. This money I reinvested in better equipment and materials for the hobby. None of it was ever used for day to day living. I did not tell the JSA about this but discussed the possibility with them of getting onto a scheme they were now running whereby you received a proportion of the benefits you used to get for about 26 weeks and during that time you traded. We even went as far as getting me with a Enterprise Support Agency who would look over a business plan I was creating and make sure it was viable. However, the name Business Initiative came up as the people who would oversee my business progress and it was alarm bells instantly. As previously mentioned I had had a bad time with them and I just did not want them anyway near me again. The hobby(business) kept growing and the calculations showed that I was now at a point that with Working Tax credits and the income I was generating I could finally get off JSA and made the decision to go self employed as I did not want to waste all the effort I had put into it. The irony is that on the very morning I was going to sign off, get registered for self employment with the tax office and contact my housing association the above mentioned letter came and it completely put everything into jeopardy. So, here I am asking for any advice concerning what I should do now. I know I should not have done it but I only really did it with the intention of being there for my wife and to finally follow a dream I had had since I was a boy of running a business in an occupation I love. Please advise and I will answer any questions you may have (except what the actual business would be). Oh and I forgot to say that I have no criminal record at all, This would be my first offence if it did go to court.
  6. Hi Guys, I'll apologies in advance if this is in the wrong forum, I couldn't find any that maybe relevant to this post. I have been to my local registrar office to book my wedding and was given a guidance booklet containing details for planning the wedding. We were led to believe that we could book the wedding on the Saturday morning, costing £100, whereas if it was booked in the afternoon, it would cost £260. This would be a great saving and the £160 could be used towards the wedding buffet. Unfortunately, when we gave notice yesterday and finalised all the details, we were informed that the information provided in the guide was incorrect, and it is now £260 for a Saturday (all day) I'm not impressed because we have planned the wedding around the marriage fees information. Do we have grounds to submit a complaint and could anyone give us advice on how to word the complaint correctly Many thanks, Gaz.
  7. Hello All - Ist time post. In seeking further disclosures from the Respondent prior to ET, is the correspondence to and from them able to be discussed at the ET hearing?
  8. This thread is technically in the wrong forum - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-26725929 A pensioner from Greater Manchester claims he is being evicted after complaining about the solicitor who handled his father's will. Paul Cowdrey from Rochdale said his home, part of his late father's inheritance, is being sold to pay a £130,000 legal debt owed to a solicitor. He said he complained to the Law Society about the amount of hours he was being billed for by solicitor Michael Sandler. Mr Cowdrey said he was then billed by him for investigating the complaint. Two High Court judges have ruled Mr Sandler was right but the Solicitors Regulatory Authority described his behaviour as "morally reprehensible".
  9. Please note these will be uploaded over the course of today as more information is still being received.
  10. Hi All, Would like to know if anybody has managed to take a case against wonga for the mis-advertisment that a loan with them will do wounder for your credit rating? R
  11. hi guys hopefully some one can answer this for me I was made bankrupt in sept 2010 and discharged in sept 2011 i need answers on 2 things one is relevant to these debt collection companies i decided lately to check my credit file and listed on one company file was info from a debt collection company with a default The default was to my overdraft with halifax bank which was closed by them at bankruptcy although they knew about bankruptcy in 2011 they sold the debt to tti sp after my discharge (could have that wrong but some one like that) and now that company has me down as a default registered in their name from 2010 i have already contacted this company and they have gave me all info but don't want to do anything about it i also have a case where a debt was owed in bankruptcy and the company registered a county court judgement against me although debt was included in bankruptcy maybe could some advise on this
  12. Can someone point me in the direction of a letter/template i saw quite awhile ago on here, im looking for the one which says about NOT giving a debt collector sensitive information (im trying to set up a payment plan and they have asked for EVERY detail of my illness and income etc) i refuse to give it to them, as i dont know where it will end up, but im sure there is a much better worded letter on here somewhere just cant find it! thankyou
  13. hello all , ive just been sent a letter from the dvla to inform me they are taking court action against me for failing to notify a change of keeper ( the v5c was returned but no surprise there eh ). i previously wrote to them explaining i had in fact sent off the v5c all filled in and i would robustly defend this if i was taken to court i also asked for full details of all lost or misplaced post within the dvla but as i expected i did not recieve this information . my question is do i need to send a payment to recieve this information as i think i should from memory is it a £1 or some such amount . also how long do they have to send me such information as i will be useing this as part of my defence in the forthcoming court action any help here would be appreciated .
  14. hi i was wondering if anyone who is with ingeus or has been ever been to a information session for jobs going at a company?
  15. I have just been reading through 'the credit reference agency explained' section on the experian website and noticed that under the section 'what is credit reference information?' and the sub section 'credit account information' it explains that lenders can only share your information with your permission and that you would normally give this permission when you sign the initial agreement when excepting the terms and conditions etc. This has lead me to wonder, if I have an account which is now marked as defaulted 8 (agreement ended) would this not mean that the permission I gave ended when the agreement was ended? I have nothing from the bank that says the agreement has ended, I am just going on what is stated on my experian credit report. Hopefully this all makes sense, any thoughts from somebody more qualified than myself would be much appreciated. Many thanks, from a first time poster.
  16. Hoping someone can help me. In December I received 2 parking tickets for the same contravention on different dates (being parked with 1 or more wheels on any part of the urban road other than the carriageway (footpath parking) Really angry as I had to park in that spot due to carrying out a job (kitchen and extension) and have heavy tools/materials to carry to and from. Within 30 minutes of being on the job I get distracted by beeping outside. When I go outside there is a bus there trying to get through and tells me 'to move my f**king van' (charming) There is a bus route down the same road that comes every 20 minutes so decided to park slightly tucked in with my wheels just on the kerbstone to avoid this happening again. On the 28th December I receive 2 PCN's (lovely Christmas present!) But......... When looking closely at the PCN I noticed that they have stated; Date Issued Posted; 24/12/2013 Date of Service; 26/12/2013 Further into the letter it also states; Please note the Date of Serviced has been calculated for you being 2 working days after the date of posting, as sent by 1st class post unless you can prove otherwise. Now correct me if I'm wrong but I am certain that Christmas Day (25/12/2013) and Boxing Day (26/12/2013) are not classed as working days?? Therefore do I have a chance to appeal on the fact they haven't actually calculated it correctly?? Any help would be great!!
  17. I recently purchased a product (from a well known Store). Not in the catalogue so researched and chose online from their website. Put into shopping list, printed and brought into store. Made my purchase. On putting the product together an important item was missing. Told that the sale is different online than in store!! The missing item should have been collected and paid for separately with the rest of the product. I had to return to the store to pay for the missing item that I initially was not aware that I needed! If you buy a product surely it is a complete price for a complete product? Awaiting an appointment with the Branch Manager to take up this issue.
  18. I am a Lorry Driver, and was involved in a collision in the company vehicle and the third party was driving a car on a public road. No damage to the Lorry, considerable bodywork damage to the car and no injuries to any person. Am I required to declare the collision on my own personal car insurance policy ?
  19. I really dont know where to start here but i will try and explain as best i can. The main reason for the post is to find out if the repossession is legal which is only the tip of the iceberg here. A financial adviser is contacted to source funding for a small residential development. The adviser contacts a company who happen to be a broker. The broker sources funding from a lender and charges £1,000 app fee. The application is made to LENDER which was successful, no issues. The name of the company at the top of the facility Letter is lets say "The Lender" There is no address or contact information of any kind within the contract other than the name of the company at the top. As the contract was to release the funding in stages, the first stage was released and work carried out to complete all underbuilding work. Not further funding was released after this due to the lenders demands outwith the contract. One thing led to another and the issue was unable to be resolved. The lender decided it was time to both serve a calling up notice and subsequently a court writ to repossess the partially developed land. This is where things start to open up and i find out who is who The issue is that the pursuer is a Limited Company, the same Limited company that the broker was a trading name of, effectively what this guy is saying is, the broker and "The Lender" were both trading names of the Limited Company- How was i to know that when the Financial Adviser requested £1,000 app fee payable to the lender and also there would be a £1,500 fee payable to the broker for sourcing the lender? Effectively it now looks like the Director of the limited company not only charged me to find the lender but HE was the Lender. Now, to make things clear. The Limited company using the two so called trading names had a Consumer Credit License (Legal Formation: Body Corporate) (Nature of Business- Mortgage Broker) (Category-Credit Brokerage) this is very clear from OFT. "The Lender" also had their own CCL as a separate entity,(Legal Formation: Partnership) (Nature of Business-Mortgages) (Category- Credit Brokerage and Consumer Credit) this is very clear from OFT. "The Lender" from the mass of information i found out about them has been a Partnership company for many years but the Limited company who is pursuing the repossession has only been set up for over a year. I am of the thinking that, as nothing mentioned in the contract about a trading name of the Limited Company (which would be a breach of the Companies Act) if it were the case. The limited company did not hold any CCL to be a lender. The Partnership was established at least 10 years prior to the Limited Company being set up, and most importantly, there will be litigation against the lender for breaching the contract it is simply a move to limit the liabilities to the Limited Company that seemingly does not much in the way of liquid funds. Another slight twist is that, the broker and lender have no association whatsoever with the Limited company now they are now trading names of two other Limited companies this guy has set up and the CCL status of all companies is that they are Mortgage Broker NO MORE BEING A LENDER! Again, just to add a little spice. the three individuals who own the Partnership/Limited companies have between them Dissolved over 40 companies within the last 8 years or so. Should it not be "The Lender" named within the contract pursuing repossession. Should i be suing a company not named on the contract and also unauthorised to lend? As i mentioned, this is the tip of the iceberg, Thanks in advance
  20. It seems that they have done a runner. Probably as a result of pressure from the site and also the publicity which we have managed to raise by providing information to the BBC and to Trading Standards If anyone has any information about this company or its personnel, please let us know. In particular - is the business re-incarnating - and if so, where and with who? Also any of the individuals involved - in the past or presently. In particular we would like information on Philip Henchoz and also Deepesh Tank - aslo known as Dipesh Tank This may be the same Dipesh who likes fast cars and if so, he may live in Leicestershire. I have some pictures of his car - a Porsche and the reg number which I will post up later.
  21. Hi everyone, So I am a user of the bus usually, one evening I decided to get the train due to being rushed. I boarded the train with my fare in my hand ready and waiting, no conductor came. when I got off at my spot BTP and a national rail inspector were waiting for tickets. I explained no conductor had asked however they stated i should have known to purcahse at a ticket machine.( as explained I dont frequently use the trains I had no idea I was committing an offence by not buying before boarding) I showed them my weekly bus ticket i buy in advance and explained i dont use the trains. Then then proceed to take my name and address to contact me with futher information for me to explain why I hadent purachsed the ticket. HERES WERE IT ALL WENT WRONG. I panicked after a long stressful day at work I got myself confused and thought I would be issued with a massive on the spot fine i wouldnt be able to pay, Im a third year law student also. Therefore, i very very stupidly lied and gave complete false information, I got home and couldnt sotp thinking about what I had done in a state of panic and confusion. and therefore wanting to do the right thing I walked all the way back to the train station to confess. I explained I did it in the spare of the moment, I had the origional train fare and was more than willling tio pay that however when they mentioned a fine I panicked as I knew I could never afford to pay that! They now have my correct details and i will be waiting for a letter, i need some advice on what to expect, will i get a fine? if so how much? and will it go against me that i firstly provided false details? could this turn criminal? However critical to mention, not only am i third year student in law my aim was to join the police and currently serve as a special constable, this could ruin my whole life plan. I am a honest person and was just confused and panicked. this is a nightmare!!! please please help!!
  22. I just got a new job working in a coffee shop, and they gave me a load of forms and things to fill in. One of them was a medical questionaire that seemed very invasive and asked loads of personal questions, with no statement of any sort of confidentiality protocalls and a warning that if you were found to have lied on the form you would be fired for gross misconduct. The questions included one asking if you had been to the doctor in the last year and what it was for, what medication you're taking and what it's for, and whether you had ever taken time off work for mental health issues or emotional problems. I understand that they would need to know if there were any issues that would mean you couldn't do your job properly, but this seemed really over the top and unecessary. There are plenty of medical issues that you might not want your boss/work collegues to know about and that have zero impact on your work. An extra thing for me is that I'm transgender, I take testosterone and I've had a couple of surgeries as part of my treatment in the last couple of years. This is information that the form was forcing me to state. I'm generally quite open about it but I don't want the control of who I out myself to taken away from me, and it feels very invasive of them to ask for this. I also feel that if I was indeed suffering from a mental health condition of some kind the form would freak me out and make me feel very unsafe there, despite anti-discrimination laws. I've spoken to a few of my friends about this and they all say it sounds very strange and isn't something they've come across before, including friends who've worked in recrutment. I'm not planning on having the job for very long (though I may end up doing it for a while dependant on circumstances), so ideally I would wait untill I wasn't doing it any more to make any sort of challenge. Does anyone know the legal status of this? How much medical information can an employer make you give them?
  23. A flat which I have just acquired isin a block where the parking is controlled by UKPC. I have beenspeaking to some other leaseholders who have complained about being harassed this company. The headlease holder is a Housing Associationand I intend to lobby them to sack this pariah. I have spent hours searching theinternet for a case where UKPC have actually taken someone to court,but drawn a blank, although I am aware of the Trading Standards fiasco in Hull Crown Court, and also of the bloody nose administeredto them by Roger Davey. Can anyone dish any more dirt please? Were they clampers in a former life, if so were they taken to court?,
  24. Hi All I am new to this forum and would really like some advice /guidance, please. I have recently submitted a PPI claim to Barclays and they responded with the normal letter, saying they were looking into it. Then Yesterday I received another letter from the requesting more information: 1. Please provide documentary evidence of your employment at the time of sale. Accetable documentary evidence would be a copy of a letter from the Dept of work and pensions if you were unemployed or a copy of your accounts if you were self-employed. I was employed with one company for the time of all the loans mentioned - so how do I respond to this question. As I was neither unemployed or self-employed. 2. Please provide any further details to support your complaint that the policy was unsuitable for your needs because you were part of your employer's sick pay scheme at the time of sale. In particular you may want to detail your employer name., the level of cover and length of cover provided I can provide the name of my employer and could potentially call them for their sickness terms - would this suffice? 3. Please provide additonal details relating to how the policy was sold to you (May 2001 sale only). You may want to detail where the sale took place, who you may have spoken to, what information you were given, or any other information you can recall. I cannot remember who I spoke to, where the sale took place (although I believe this one was a top up to an existing loan) - How to answer? You may wish to include any additional information that you able to provide to assist us in fully and fairly assessing your complaint as quickly as possible. All needs to be back to them in 10 days time!?! Any advice/help/guidance, please? I can see from going through the forum there is lots of help, so feeling pretty hopeful. Sorry, if this has been asked before, but I didn't come across any replies in my search. P.S. I am also going to send them the SAR letter - should I send this with my replies or separately? :???::???::???:
  25. Last night I was on the phone to a UK member of staff. I wanted to recall a DD as the payment had been made by alternative methods. He quoted "It's not a recall and we can't do anything, Idiot" Then he transferred me to a closed department... I've logged a complaint, but I don't think anything will be done, any advice?
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