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  1. Hi all I've just had notification of a second repo order on my house, after a many year fight. I won the last round with a walking possession order over me but still owned a house at the end of it. I did a 550 mile round trip in a day for that too. Phew. Here is the background: I moved someone in whilst I'm working away to afford the mortgage payments whilst I deal with the arrears repayments. They get paid on 10th of the month, leaving me around 10 days behind every month. I asked Hamilns Solicitors (Santander litigation dept) whether this was a problem as I could make it up in the interim somehow. They said it wasn't a problem at all as long as it comes around the 10th, agreement sorted. Cut to last month. I phone up to see how I'm doing, apparently it has been returned to Santander as the arrears level has dropped low enough to be returned. Awesome! Only they did not mention the 10th of the month agreement to Santander. Instantly the 31st July came, computer says no, warrant kicks straight in, now I have a repossession order for 19th August!! Bunch of... All this time I have complied, giving them my correspondence address and email, which they have had on file for 2 years plus. They sent the notification to my property up north, not to my correspondence address. They have done everything by email thus far, where I reply instantly…except this REALLY IMPORTANT bit. They didn't tell me any of this by email, nor pass any of this detail back to Santander. No phone call, nothing. I just got a random phone call from my very worried tenant. Should I just tell the court all this and fight it, or am I likely to lose? can't find £1800 in 11 days - it's not possible unless you're a big bank like Santander. I've fought hammer and tooth for this for 5 years and am just getting somewhere with my debt clearance. Things are on the up apart from this. All my council tax arrears are gone after this month, leaving me better off still. Any advice? Do I send out an N244 quick smart with all this on? Do you think a judge would give me the benefit of the doubt, seeing as its my second visit? I can't even afford to go up there and take time out from work - it might have to be a telephone hearing. Muchos gracias J
  2. My husband suffered an injury at work in October. He has been unable to work since and has recieved SSP which will run out this week.His employers (a public school) have not accepted liability for the accident and to be honest have been quite nasty. He works 3 days a week as a general maintenance man. He read somewhere that he could have holiday pay rather than SSP so he asked for 2 days from last year and 4 days accrued for this year. He received the following reply. Holiday entitlement can be requested at anytime during the holiday year but it is the employers decision when it can be taken. It would be quite unusual to pay holiday entitlement unless the contract has come to an end when we would of course factor in any accrued holiday not taken' Is this true? I cant see any reason for refusing other than making life difficult for us.
  3. Forgive me if this has already been posted about but A couple of weeks ago Gothia Emailed me regarding my outstanding loan with PayDayuk (£100 loan - I was desperate) but they got the completely wrong details. Wrong name etc..They have since sent a weak apology for this admin error but I see this as a major cock up. I'm wondering how many other people were affected by this and how many of those people are allowing Gothia (BCW) to simply sweep the matter under the carpet as they are trying to do. It's been a while since I was very active on here but my CAG senses still began to twitch when I received the Email with the incorrect details in it. I have sent an Email to them asking what they intend to do about compensation, how they intend to reassure me that my details are safe with them in the future etc etc. This matter will need to be reported to FCA etc, unless they see fit to 'shut me up' by writing off the debt that is
  4. Hello all, Does anybody know if it is an "error of law" when during a tribunal a judge stops an accompanying person from speaking whilst they're trying to give relevant additional information (which could have led to more points)? Any help is much appreciated!
  5. Hi My wife got a littlewoods account she has had it for 2 years the account has had so many refund and adjustment because of errors made by littilewoods finance team and the overall account balance do not add up to what i been keeping in a spreadsheet on her payments. I have spent days and weeks after week stressing out trying to work out why the account not adding up to the balance littlewoods says. Like this month she return faulty tumble dryer account was CR £275 we order a replacement £265 and they making us pay for it. I try adding up every thing on the account and it do not show that we are in credit i added all our items how meany payment been made and it still says we are short of the account balance even though we used rewards on items and have had return items. I don't know if someone here can go though the statement if i edit any personal info out or if someone can give advice who i can see to do this. I have contact littlewoods but they just over look all this and say the account is right. But if it was right my balance would be lower as i have kept track of it all and gone though the statements of every order placed but i am still going to be paying more according to littlewoods balance.
  6. Hi All, I have more news about the overpayment situation my son is facing. It is alleged, that an overpayment of Income Support from 05/09/2011 - 23/11/2012 of Income Support paid to my son of, Total amount overpaid: £8997.49 He received a letter a few weeks ago, notifying him of the overpayment and that it would be recovered @ £20.00 per week, from his JSA. They gave no further details, have proceeding with taking instalments from me. I had written to them on receipt of letter, requesting further info and asking if they could 'halt' any recovery until the overpayment is made official. They have not responded, so my son telephoned DWP to make enquiries, he had phone on loudspeaker so I could hear conversation and note any relevant comments/advice received. This is a quote from that telephone conversation:- Reason? The overpayment occurred because on 05/09/2011 your circumstances changed and the office that paid your benefit was not told at the correct time that you no longer meet the conditions of entitlement as you were no longer in receipt of Disability Living Allowance. The overpayment must be repaid under Social Security Law. They decided not to apply a Civil Penalty for the overpayment, but must be repaid. (I took notes of the call and what was being said!) My son felt they had been aware of his being turned down for DLA -claiming again and that he was appealing the matter. His appeal against DLA decision had not been finalized until December 2012. (reduced rate only). So whilst he did not formally write to IS Dept to specifically notify them of this matter - they were aware of it; as had been referred to many times during telephone calls to them with various queries and requests for info. My son would have had no idea of the various 'components' applied to his payments (eg: premiums added); he would just assume Income Support as one payment, furthermore - don't the Disability Division within the DWP have a responsibility to disclose such matters to their colleagues in the Income Support Dept; given that such payments are made based on criteria known to these two departments? ie: should they not be penalized, for failing to communicate with one another? (or failure to disclose information to external departments, within the same establishment?). The 'disclosure' rules seem very one- sided, ie: customer expected to notify every tom dick and harry of any changes to their circumstances, yet depts. working under same umbrella, different offices - keep quiet about their individual practices??? they are to put this in writing to my son - but in the meantime; anyone who may be able to make sense of this disaster, would appreciate your 'disclosing' this information with me ! - lol many thanks Nadia
  7. Hi all, I have a bank account where I have a substantial overdraft that I live in and have done for some time. Although I have never been unemployed, I have had "overdraft protection" which within the last year changed its name on my statements to "payment protection". I decided (long overdue) that I would call Barclays Complaints Dept and discuss this protection with them, explaining that I didn't really know why I had it and that during the time I have had it (since 1998) I couldn't ever remember actively asking for it although it is possible of course that maybe I did?. In addition, during the past few years when my account was upgraded to a Premier account, I asked if I could cancel it and was led to believe that i needed to keep it and when i really pushed they said they couldn't cancel it and that I'd need to write in (I never did). The complaints department guided me through some very basic questions (didn't ask me if I thought it was missold to me for example) and then said yes I had PPi since 1998 did I now want to cancel which has now magically been done on the phone and then gave me a complaints ref saying it will be fast tracked. It all seemed very wishy washy so I am after some advice as to: - a) if my history seems right for a PPI claim particularly as I can't really remember whether I was mis-sold or not and that I "live" in my overdraft (albeit I've never been out of work) b) whether this telephone call seems normal Of possible further note: I have asthma and at no stage have I been told that this is excluded from a claim on a PPI policy but nor was I asked if I had any medical conditions. I obviously hope my claim is successful but would like ANY opinion and/or advice in the light of my circumstances. Thanks
  8. Basically I completed a claim form in July 2010 stating my earnings as £722 nett pay As requested I enclosed my last two payslips which showed £626 nett pay (BR tax had been applied). Benefits office calculated benefit on the amounts on the payslips, which I was unaware of until I recently received a copy of all paperwork. I did not understand the award letter so assumed the calculations to be correct and made rent and CTax payment amounts as shown. Following award letters I treated the same- paying what I was told I had to pay. After a benefit review in Dec 2012 I was told I owed over £2,600 housing benefit and over £880 in CTax benefit. Bearing in mind my income in July 2010 was £722 nett and only reached the sum of £785 nett in Dec 2012 after a 3% payrise, I wondered how this huge amount of "overpayment" could have happened! It is only now, after failed appeals and requesting a tribunal hearing that I understand how these amounts came about, that they used the payslip figures rather than the declared figure on the form. I know this now as I have copies of original claim etc. I have been told that I should have spotted their error from the very first award letter which states "weekly income". I understood the "weekly income" to be an amount that can be taken into account for benefit purposes and not literally my "weekly income". I also hope to argue the "Notify us of any changes in CIRCUMSTANCES" statement at the bottom of letters as my circumstances had not changed - I was still only working two days a week and living in the same council flat. WHY don't they say "Changes in Income and/or circumstances"???? I am fully aware NOW that as my income increased, either because of a miniscule pay increase or annual budget tax code allowances being increased, I should have informed the benefits office. Is there anyone out there think I have a chance of winning my appeal? or can advise me of how to present my case at the tribunal?? Please?? Jan
  9. I have recently been contacted by my local council notifying me of a recent application to deduct funds from my benefit. The letter states that the application to have arrears of Council Tax deducted has been rejected by the benefit agency because the 'deductions are not appropriate'. However, I have never lived at the address stated in the letter but the council are charging me from 01.07.2011 to 01.09.2011 I have visited the council office who informed me that an exemption was not granted due to there being no proof that the property was unfurnished during that period. I have also tried to contact the letting agency who have conveniently misplaced or discarged any details from the period in question. I have now filed out an attachment of earnings form to inform the council of my financial position, however would it serve me well to write a letter requesting that the bill be annulled altogether? All constructive help welcome!
  10. Hope someone can help me with advice here. My friend has split from her partner of 25 years and just found out he was seeing someone. She had no idea where is is living and wrote to the council to give you single person discount. She works full time and has a 15year old and one at university. She had a reply from them and they have refused to give her the discount as she hasn't supplied his address. I'm helping her as I think she is going to have a breakdown. Surely they are breaking the law? She is a law abiding citizen and struggles to pay the mortage and bills as it is. Please can fellow caggers help a lovely lady, I need to know her rights and a possible letter to reply to the council with. Blueboy xx (I am a female, sorry about the blueboy bit, its one of my dogs names)
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21719322
  12. Hi everyone. I recieived a letter saying that Barclays will refund me for 110 months of the amount £2 payment protection for a overdraft that I didn't want making it the total cost of £220. Also offering me a refund of the 8 % interest of £82.42 making the total cost of £302.42 I worked out 8 % of £220 makes it £17.60. 8 % of the total amount owed for each year. 9 years x £17.60 meaning £158.40 Not £82.42 meaning Barclays only worked out 4 years and 6 months of the total interest cost wrongly. Do I contact them to credit me £75.98 ?
  13. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2276779/A-costly-mistake-Hairdresser-loses-26-000-paying-wages-wrong-account--realising-years.html
  14. Hi, Long story - short version: We used to claim Housing & Council Tax Benefit but ended up cancelling due to complexity of claim with variable work hours and so many over/under payments. Council claimed overpayment of £199 which we disputed and forgot about. Fast forward many (9-10) months - we get a court letter and contact Council (silly, should have contacted Court) to state that overpayment was disputed - they end up getting Suspended Attachment to Earnings despite dispute adding £150ish of Court costs (Court says pay £80 to dispute!). Days later Housing Benefit department write back and say "Oops, yep our mistake - you were right invoice now gone" or more accurately written off by counter underpayment due to recalculation - but the crux of the matter is that they admit that they made an error. Question: Are we still liable to pay Court costs to the Council? Or as the invoice was for an "error" by the Council should they pay costs? Thanks in advance
  15. Hi, I took out a personal loan with Natwest about four years ago. About eighteen months ago I became unemployed and the bank put me onto a financial hardship agreement whereby after disclosing my ingoings and outgoings I was able to offer a token amount each month. After finallly finding work I learned that there where arrears on the repayment account of £650 in interest alone. Another arrangement was made in October 2011 to make two payments every month - one for the actual loan reapayment and one to cover the interest arrears. In November 2011 I received a letter saying the repayment had defaulted and the agreement broken, this even though I had obtained statements showing these repayments. When I queried the letter the Natwest I was eventually told that a banking error had caused a deficit of 7p on my repayment, thus causung the arrangement to break. I was reassured that the error was not on my part and the agreement was reset. That was Nov 2011. Since then the same thing has happened every month, with the agreement being reset. I was compensated £50 by the bank in June or July 2012 (Incidentally a letter which was generated and read out to me by a member of their Collections Dept informing me of the compensation was never recieved by m e, nor have several other communications). When the agreement is broken, they deactivate my debit cards, and i've found myself in the situation where i've been in resteraunts having my card refused because of this. The most recent inconvenience was on Christmas Day when I learned that yet again the agreement had broken (12p this time) and my card was unuseable. Christmas Day...I then found out that their collections dept - who where the only people who could unblock the card - would not be available until Dec 27th. A member of their customer services team actually said to me that he had spoken to another lady that same morning with the same complaint and he'd turned around and said there was nothing he could do. To say I was curt is an understatement. The matter is yet again in the hands of the Complaints Dept. who have assured me a letter will be sent detailing the situation, and the banks actions to prevent it from happenning again. I've gone beyond monthly rages to a wierd state of blissfull acceptance, but will certainly be closing all my accounts with Natwest once my loan is paid in full. Is there any further action I can take though? I'm livid at the thought of a company with Billion pound profits can operate such shoddy procedures (although considering what happened in the Summer it barely surprises). All the best!
  16. My Mum's a customer and bought some things on Buy It Now, Pay Later. Her October 2012 statement showed a balance of £0.00, but stated that £394.00 was due before 14th DEC 2012, or interest would be applied. Mum paid the full amount of £394.00, which reached them 21st NOV and was shown on November's statement. But this same statement showed they took the payment off the amount of £705.03(!) (which I presume is the full interest price of all the Buy It Now, Pay Later goods,) which left £311.03 as the new balance! But she doesn't owe anything now! The amount owed, £394.00, was paid in full BEFORE the due date of the 14th DEC 2012! And to add insult to injury, they've even added a £12 missed minimum payment fee to her account too, even though the balance should have been zero on the 24th December 2012 when it was applied! I've written 9 emails to them now, explaining this to them, but their latest email says, "I can confirm that we have now removed the interest and your outstanding balance is £157.80. However, if you pay the offer satisfaction of £87.00 by 10/06/2013, the interest will be removed." WTH?! I just can't seem to get through to them that she doesn't owe anything! My poor Mum is worried sick about all this, and it's sure to have affected her credit rating. Do you have any ideas of how to resolve this please?
  17. Hi, Please can someone help. We moved into a new property in Feb 2012 and we are on a water meter. As we are a family of 5, a direct debit was calculated for £61.00 per month. The meter has been read by U/U twice between February and November My account was showing me to be in credit by £320 approx, I took my own meter reading and submitted that (00001). It took £35 approx, so I called them to ask if they could return the credit to me. I was asked for the meter reading again (00001), and i was told : 'Has the property been empty?' I told her no. She said 'since november 11, the meter reading has never changed so the water isnt going through the meter. you cant have the money back as its a false credit, you need a new meter to start with. then leave it a month, we will take a reading and that will be the monthly direct debit, which we will backdate to April 2012' I was horrified that, 1) we may end up owing a lot of money and 2) during the past few months, my daughter has been in hospital for a month, we have been away, the useage would have been less during this time than it would be normally, so there was a chance we would have gone in credit. But with them having to calculate it from another months useage, this wont be a true reflection of water used. So i guess what I am asking is where do I stand legally? If this meter has been read twice since we took over, and then in november 11, and they can see there was no change to the meter, isnt that their error? The meter is at the bottom of my driveway, and not inside my property. Any help would be much appreciated, as I was trying to ask the woman at U/U about it and she was really rude. Many Thanks in Advance
  18. Hi all, Just joined to report on a new PPI claim I've started with NRAM but would like some advice on this little nugget...! I've moved home a couple of times over the past couple of years (no, not avoiding anyone!!) just a bit crazy I suppose! For two house purchases, I sought the advice of a local IFA who is a REALLY good bloke and provided sound advice. In June of this year I decided to switch bank accounts and most of the DD transfers were sorted out by my new bank, however, they had a problem with one of my regular payments - "Select & Protect". Now, I had seen the name on my statements online but always assumed it was some kind of life insurance I took out via the IFA. After some investigating, it turns out "Select & Protect" do house insurance. It seems my IFA had pre-filled a form with my details assuming I would take out house insurance with him. I didn't as I got cheaper quotes elsewhere. He somehow mixed up my details with a completely separate client who I don't know from Adam and this was sent to Select & Protect who promptly set up a DD from my account. This was August 2010 and they even increased the premium in 2011. (I know, I should have realised earlier!!). Obviously any correspondence regarding the insurance policy went to the policy holder and I was none the wiser. I complained to S&P, they tried to get me to claim the money back from the IFA so I instead claimed via my bank and received a full refund of £700 Then the numpties took ANOTHER payment from me over a month after I had initially raised the issue. I went to my bank again and got another refund for the payment. At the same time, I complained to S&P and initially unknown to me, they also reversed the payment to my account. I decided to make a formal complaint to S&P due to their incompetence and lost interest on the money they had taken from me over the 2 years. They rejected this and said I had to claim from the IFA, they also said they wanted their £36 back which had been effectively double-refunded for the last monthly payment. I've since not bothered doing anything as I don't want to cause my IFA any more grief but do I have a valid claim against Select & Protect for accepting unsigned DD mandates and failing to conduct any checks when policy holder names and payee names don't match? Should I give them their £36 back or hold it for 2 years first?? Thanks, David (apologies for the long post)
  19. Hi, We booked an Easyjet flight to Istanbul and were due to fly yesterday from Luton, however when we got to the airport and tried to check in our baggage we were sent to the easyjet counter. My wife is not an EU citizen but has a UK spouse visa, we had checked with the Turkish consulate before booking and they had confirmed that she could get a visa on arrival as I as a British passport holder would have to do anyway. Anyway the girl at the Easyjet counter and her colleague refused to let my wife board the plane. I tried explaining that she will get a visa on arrival as she has a UK spouse visa but she said no my wife needs a tourist visa for the UK or a Schengen visa and that a spouse visa is not a visa its just entry clearance (not sure what she was on about). Anyway she wasn't letting us board so we left the airport. (this was at 6am). When the Turkish consulate opened we rang them and they again confirmed that she could get a visa on arrival as a spouse visa is indeed a valid UK visa. I have complained to Easyjet on the phone and they want me to provide evidence that she could get a visa on arrival so I have sent them thelink to the Turkish foriegn office site where it clearly states that if you have a valid UK visa you can get a visa on arrival. Anyway, I just want to knowthe correct way of complaining and getting maximum value from my complaints. I have lost £600 in hotel bookings in Turkey and I also paid for a night at the Ibis in Luton airport in order to catch a 6.30am flight as well as 10 days parking at Airparks. Thanks
  20. Hi, my husband and I have been called into the bank today as a deposit was paid into our account by mistake in October 2011. We had a lot on our minds last year as my husband was recovering from cancer and one of our daughters was getting married, so didn't check our statements correctly. We can't pay the money back as husband now not working and I am disabled. Any advise please as we are very worried.
  21. I recently went into my local HSBC with my employer who is disabled and her mother who was third party to the account, I am a carer. We had been locked out of the telephone banking and had to go into the branch to get it set up again. We set up a new pass code and I handed over my payslip along with my HSBC Bank Card to the CSR and asked him to transfer my wages from my employers HSBC account into my HSBC account, he then slides a piece of paper over to my employers mother and asks her to authorise the transaction. The next day I call the HSBC telephone banking service as each month I transfer £200 over to my Barclays current account to cover my direct debits and ensure I keep myself in a negative {overdrawn} or zero Balance to ensure BarclayCard cannot use there right to [EDIT] my wages while I have put the account into default/dispute! The balance of my account showed that I hadn't received my wages, not fully aware of what had happened I transferred what I had left in the account over to my Barclays account, hung up and recalled HSBC with my employer to discover that the CSR had transferred my wages into my Barclays current account. After two hours on the telephone to the HSBC they logged my complaint told me it would take five day to resolve the matter and I should hurry things along at the Branch where we had made the transfer. During the 2 hour telephone call I logged on to Barclays online banking to discover that in under 12 hours of the money being transferred at 05.30 am BarclayCard helped themselves to £266.07 of my wages. I requested HSBC stop my telephone banking transfer but they said they were unable unless it was transferred by mistake!. When I went into the Branch I was told there was nothing they could do as my employers 71 year old mother had authorised the transaction. Although the CSR put my wages into a completely different bank account than the one requested, after being handed my HSBC card the fault lies with the 71 year old woman who believed the account details on the paper matched the card details she witnessed me pass to the incompetent man at the desk. I might add that my card and payslip were passed back to me and then the mother was asked to sign and authorise the transfer not check if they were correct. I'm truly amazed that i could be shafted like this!
  22. Hi I returned from France with my family flying via easyjet. When we arrived at Toulouse airport to check our baggage in to return home the display board said it wasn't open. we waited an hour and still not open, so I asked at the desk we would be checking our baggage into. The woman said its not open yet come back in 15 mins. we went back in 17 mins and she said it was closed we would have to pay 50 euros each to put our baggage in the hold! I complained at the time, but was told I had to pay the euros or we couldn't get on the flight so we paid. I have written to easyjet twice now and they have replied saying they can see we arrived at the airport 2 hours before the flight was due to take off as we checked in our hire car then however they can't refund the money. Is there an omnibusman type thing I can take this onto? I feel agrieved that we have had to pay for an employees erroneous comment which made us miss the check in time, we were standing right by the check out all the time just waiting to be allowed to put our baggage in the hold. Does anyone have any advice about how best to pursue this next? Thank you for any help you can give I am annoyed we had to pay an extra 150 euros
  23. Hi, I have just discovered that wfs made an error. In September 2008 I cancelled my PPI, and they said they would refund the rebate of £388 to my account. A couple of months ago I heard from FSCS who said I had a valid claim for PPI. The refund cleared my remaing balance, but the original refund in 2008 was £110 less than the FSCS quoted on their calculation. Anyway to shorten the story a little, when I checked my 2008 statement, they had added the £388 on to my balance before deducting it off. This meant that I didn't get the rebate. They have just agreed that this was an administration error, and I am owed £388, and as my account is closed would send a cheque for what I am due. Can anyone tell me, would I be entitled to interest on the £388 since 2008, and if so would it be at the same rate listed on my agreement 44.7%, or would it be the basic 8% (I think called contractual interest). Any thoughts ?
  24. Hello everybody, I had an account with Natwest which was marked as satisfied on my credit file in 2009 after massive rows with the bank. I am not banking with them any longer. Everything was fine until September - October 2011 when I received a letter from Natwest stating that my account (the satisfied one) was sold to Capquest. Then I received another letter from Capquest confirming the same. As expected I was inundated with calls sometimes as late at 8 p.m. and letters asking for payment. I spoke on two occasions with Capquest and advised that the account they were chasing was already settled unfortunately they would have none of it. Furthermore the guy I spoke last advised that if I don't pay up Capquest will enter a default on my credit file. Now a little bit about myself. I am a sole trader (working from home) and I run a very successful business with a turnover of about £250,000. I work approx 12 hours everyday and around Christmas when I am really busy sometimes I hardly get the chance to sleep. I am married and have two young children. It's hard to imagine how it is when you you are trying to work to have Capquest ringing constantly and asking for money. I think the worst it became when my parents came to see us for Christmas and Capquest kept on ringing us. In order to complete the ordeal Capquest entered a default on my credit file I believe at the beginning of March. As I monitor my credit file very closely I noticed the default straight away and contacted Capquest advising them that I was in process of applying for an overdraft increase to expand my business and asked them to remove the default prior me making my application to the bank. Unfortunately Capquest refused and kept asking me to pay up. I spoke with my bank manager and he clearly declined my application for the overdraft increase. He advised to have the default removed first and then re-apply. I went back (via email) to Capquest and explained that I was refused the overdraft increase and advised them that I will take legal action to seek compensation for the financial loss. I provided them with a hard copy of my credit file and asked them to investigate. After they completed the investigation I learned that Natwest sold my account in error and consequently I should not have been chased for money or having a default entered on my credit file. Capquest apologized for the error and stated at first that they acted on the basis of the information provided by Natwest and they don't have to pay me compensation. Then they asked me to prove that not being able to obtain an overdraft increase for 4 months caused me any financial loss. They removed the default obviously at the beginning of June. However I already lost four months and I will now have to delay my business expansion until the next year. Although the default was removed from my credit file I believe that I should not have been subjected to such treatment from this debt collection agency and I am just about to take action in the county court to claim compensation for financial loss and harassment over the phone and mail. I have been looking into the templates library and I cannot find any template for such case. If any one out there can provide any information or advice on this matter I would greatly appreciate. Many thanks for having the patience to read this.
  25. My problem relates to a very old defunct current account that I once owned with Natwest. It was closed 7+ years ago to my knowledge with full settlement. In recent times whilst trying to secure a mortgage, I have discovered an entry on my credit files from Natwest stating that I have a rolling balance of between £500 and £700 which is defaulting each month. I say between 500 and 700 because the amount changes each month, sometimes up, sometimes down - sometimes even back to £0 and then £500 again the next month. It smacks of a computer error to me. Natwest were first contacted over a year ago and to this date refuse to speak to me on the basis that I am not a recognised customer and cannot be found on their systems. None of my records exist, and they cannot find me by address, sort code or any of the details that were previously valid. They have also searched their archives. I am advised that Natwest purge their systems after 7 years. The problem is that if, for example, then the 7 year expiry on my credit file would have expired by now and the record should have disappeared. Because however they've logged it in such a way that it appears to be a live account being defaulted each month - the entry will never disappear. I logged a case with all three credit agencies who contacted Natwest. Callcredit received no response so they have "suppressed" the information from my file. Experian and Equifax however were both contacted by Natwest Telford at the 11th hour and told that the information was genuine and not to remove the entry. They gave a reference number. Over two months later, having suffered the insanity of the RBS/Natwest computer crash, Natwest have told me that the reference they gave is not a valid one and they STILL cannot find me on the system. I've made it clear that at this stage, I don't even require them to prove the debt is correct. I am happy to pay it just to clear my file - however with no account to pay it against they will not accept a payment either. Because of the 100s of thousands of complaints logged over the RBS computer crash, they say that it will be many many more weeks before they can process my case, even with it flagged as top priority. Meanwhile, I am still trying to secure a mortgage having found a perfect house. I am being refused purely on the basis of this defautl - much to the extreme distress of my family. Experian and Equifax (both of whom I'm paying the premium account service) are hopeless! A month between every email, as thy refuse to keep the case open, and each time they say that the information "belongs" to Natwest and ergo they can't do anything without express permission from Natwest. For some bizarre reason, they cannot accept Natwest's silence on the matter as a clue that the entry is wrong. Last point - I've also logged the whole case with the Financial Ombudsmans' office twice - once through my accountant and once myself. Neither of us have received a response despite the first case being logged over a year ago. Extremely desperate situation from which I feel there is no escape! I'm in dire need of any good advice. Eliot.
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