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  1. Hello, I am working my first real full-time job after graduating from university in 2014. I started on December 1st 2014 and have so far taken 10 days off on holiday. I have another 4 days booked off. My employer has indicated that he is unable to give any further holiday and I will not be paid for the remaining 14 days holiday this year. I have tried to make an arrangement with my employer whereby they offer a day off here and there (as my employer has stressed that they cannot be short-staffed for black periods) so that my 28 days holiday is reached however this seems unlikely. I say this based on the fact that my colleagues have suggested that in the past, they have generally not been given anything more than 10 days or extra pay to make up for the holiday not taken. If I am honest, both the owner and general manager of the company seem shady over the issue of holiday pay. The owner has also previously made me feel guilty about wanting to take the full holiday. Whilst I understand that since I have not worked a full year here yet I have not fully accumulated the 28 days holiday. I am posting this in advance so that I may be fully informed about appropriate procedure in this case. If anyone has any advice as to what I should do please let me know. No employment contract has been signed and there is no real process for dealing with issues in our workplace. Thank you. Useful information: Currently nothing in writing No employee handbook No contract signed
  2. My wife is off sick, and is in the process of being given her prognosis for her cancer (Specialist biopsy going to London specialist Hospital.) It's not looking good, and we're both worried about it being the worst case scenario. She has problems with incontinence and is signed off sick with doctor's notes, etc. Her work (DWP) are constantly on the phone, trying to talk her into coming back to work and saying things like "Well, we can work around you having to go to the toilet every five minutes." What is the legal position of all this? Things like how often are they allowed to contact when you have a medical certificate, etc/ Thanks in advance.
  3. To be honest I'm a little unsure on if this issue is beyond the scope of this group by want to ask for advice anyway. I've been working for a security company for a number of months that deal with various events all over the place etc. Done countless jobs for them and never any issues regarding my work, ability or conduct. Only I was supposed to be working a particular event for a few days. Nothing unique or special about the event in the slightest and I've worked a number of similar such events and countless 1 off jobs that's similar. But the company in question, without notice has cancelled this upcoming event work (and ALL upcoming work\jobs into December I had booked with them) citing a failed police PNC check they claim they do for all these events that directly instructs the company not to let me work this event!. The company has now placed me on "special leave" and cancelled this particular event work and all upcoming work. Now working in security and for this particular company I was recruited as an SIA qualified worker I fully understand they would have to carry out extensive legal checks, more so in dealing with events that involves constantly dealing with the general public in various situations. For the interview I had to provide an enhanced CRB certificate (which actually came as part of my SIA training), which was completely clean and clear of anything, my SIA badge\licence (which in itself would require extensive background checks to grant I'd have thought), training & qualification certificates etc. Everything was fine until this week never a problem or any issues working any event or job. Then I get this email putting me on special leave and removing me from all work citing a failed police PNC check that the company did for this event. So I call the company to try and find out what the hell is going on as ive bills to pay and a family to support and I know full well there is no legal issues preventing me working and I have a 100% completely clean record and background. This is where things start to get somewhat deceptive and defensive from the company I start to feel. They tell me for all such events like this the company does police PNC checks on all staff members that work these such events. Really I ask?, I've worked at least 3 other identical\similar events and if they do these PNC checks each time for all staff then clearly I've passed them, at least 3 previous apparent employer requested PNC checks so there must be an error I point out. I ask what's unique about this event that would cause a failed police PNC check?. Nothing unique they tell me except that it's the events project manager who requests these police PNC Checks on all staff working the event and that the Human Resources person I spoke to claims the project manager (in charge of the event) had received an email back from the police in response to the police PNC check instructing the company that I'm not allowed to work at this event. I plead with the company to accept this must be an error and to double check with the events project manager as they done their own checks when they first interviewed me, have a copy of my completly clean enhanced CRB certificate, had made apparent previous police PNC checks, the last (if a genuine claim) would have been less than 2 weeks previous to this claimed failed PNC check and if anything was going to flag up it would have done so a long time ago. The company dont seem to want to know or help much at all leaving me in limbo. Getting nowhere with the company I visit the police and explain it all to them in the hope they can at least check my name on there PNC. But they can't seem to help or offer a solution either. Except to say I'd have to apply for a police PNC check myself which would take several weeks. But they did suggest the only thing, due to a clean enhanched CRB certificate that could cause issues is anything post CRB dated, which there is nothing. Any advice as I'm lost on this and get the feeling the company is lying about something?. As surely they can't make multiple PNC checks if at all without written concent?. And surely a police PNC check would return a list of issues than simply give an instruction not to let me work this event?. Something don't sound right here about all this.
  4. I'm hoping for some advice please..... here is my scenario exactly as it is: I work as a Lunchtime supervisor, in April I received a letter saying I had been receiving too much salary for a few years and given the option to accept the new salary/hours and that no claims would be made on these overpayments... I agreed to the new terms and was told that a new contract would be drawn up for me to sign with the new hours/rates. Since then I have received nothing........ until............... Last Friday, I was told that SINCE MAY 1ST an overpayment on my salary had been made and they were deducting the full amount from this months wages! Now I know they are not going to reclaim ages before the letter I received BUT............ I have still not received my new contract with adjustments so am still on the old contract on the higher wage. How do I stand legally about this...? Do I have to repay this amount as I'd verbally agreed to the change? Or do they need to have informed me in writing and provided me with the new contract BEFORE they made the adjustment to my wage? I would appreciate any help asap as I have been called into a meeting with the "business manager" on Monday to discuss the matter - and I don't want to be bamboozled by them Thank you so much.
  5. Hi all, I was caught speeding a few weeks back, 106mph on a motorway. Going to court at the end of the month. I had no excuses or mitigating circumstances, I'm planning to hold my hands up and apologise, be humble etc.... My job involves driving to many different sites all around the country. I take lots of equipment so can't really get public transport. I plan to take a letter from my employer which says words to this effect. I basically want to get across that any disqualification will affect me (fair enough) but also affect my company, colleagues etc.... What should the format of this letter be? Who should it be addressed to, what sort of content etc....? Thanks in advance!
  6. So in April 2015 I walked out of my job. My boss posted me my p60, which I thought was all I needed, However now I am trying to apply for ESA due to health conditions and I am told I need a P45 form. I asked my boss for a P45 and she said she sent it with my P60, but I know for a fact I don't have it because I keep all forms like that in a drawer and I have checked for it multiple times. What can I do? She swears blind that she has given me it already, and without this I cannot finish my claim, also from what I gather you cannot get a replacement form.. HELP
  7. Hi I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me. I used to work for a sole trader only for 18months. I was paid on a monthly basis but only for every 4 weeks so which should have been 13 payments throughout the year. i was contracted for 24 hours a week but my pay slips say less than that. I confronted my ex employer about this and he kept going on about that I were'nt entitled to holiday pay blah blah and that his accountant knows what he is doing. Any way he changed accountants as he messed up the accounts, which i told him he would, but managed to get the knew accountants email address, and email him to ask for the correct calculations on my payslips and to confront his client about missing wages. well his accounted issued NEW payslips with what i should have been paid, which is fine as they wouldnt have done so if it was all correct in the first place. I kept asking and asking for what was owed and I was fobbed off each time. when the end of tax year came and my P60 was issued again i told the accountant that obviously that the pay was wrong it and it needs to be corrected, but the P60 had already been sent to HMRC but the accountant still issued ANOTHER TWO P60's HMRC have the wrong information. I left that employment and was issued a P45, I then found another job and because that P45 had the wrong information I emailed the accountant and he said he would rectify it but only to issue me with another P45 and not inform HMRC just like with the P60. I have started court proceedings against my employer, and he has decided to defend it. he has now come up with an invoice that I OWE HIM MONEY, but he has given two different amounts on both invoices one to us and one to the courts. the place of work is a scooter garage, I had work done on my scooter at the garage at an agreed cost, verbally, which has been paid, but now he has given me an invoice which i have never seen before, and its all ready been paid. I dont know where i stand in court with this false invoice that he has pulled out of thin air and the wages he owes. I have tried sorting it out with him but he will not listen then he threw abuse at my wife when she researched everything, all because he does not like being told by a woman what is right and wrong, so this is the reason why its going to court, we tried the tribunal road but it was out of the 3 months by the time we go in touch with them, and we didnt even know about the time frame. any advice where to gather information or any advice in general really, as me and my wife are a little stuck. Jon
  8. I'm looking for advice on how best to deal with the problems I'm currently facing with my employer. I started working for this small company full-time in February of this year, having previously worked for them for a short spell in 2012. I was glad to be asked back and the first few weeks went fine. After a period of absence due to illness (one working week, monday to the friday, unpaid) I was told in the March that I still had a job but the terms of my contract had changed, and I was now on a temporary "zero-hours" contract for 4 weeks, after which I'd be put back to my normal "full-time" contract. They were still allowing me to take my weeks planned holiday in April but now I'd no longer be entitled to any holiday pay. This was all put to me verbally. I've never seen an actual contract at all in all my time there, and requests for written confirmation of any of these changes or to actually see the terms of my employments are met with replies of "I'll look into it". Fast forward to two weeks ago. Under the impression I'm now a "full-time" employee, the police roll in looking for me on a Thursday morning to tell me my dad unexpectedly passed away. Cue more unexpected time off work dealing with the shock, planning (and attending) his funeral and trying to sort out his estate. By sheer bad luck I'd had another few days holiday arranged the week of the funeral (authorised back in February), so I've been absent for about 2 weeks now. While my employer seems to be understanding that these are circumstances out of my control and allowed me time off work, I haven't been paid for any of it. Not even the two "holiday" days. Feeling utterly shafted. I know little about how leave due to bereavement works, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is correct and I'm not entitled to anything. But surely I'm entitled at least to holiday pay? They can't just keep changing the terms of my contract to [problem] me out of paid holidays can they? I'm getting increasingly frustrated. I have little choice but to return to work on Monday. I have little mouths to feed as well as my own here. But surely they can't keep getting away with treating me like this? Are they not obligated to notify me of any changed to contract in writting? Why don't I have a copy of my actual contract surely I have a right to see it? I hope someone can help. No idea where to start. I've wrote to citizens advice only earlier tonight but their opening hours clash with my working hours, so actually attending their local office could be problematic. Please, does anyone know where I should start? Feeling utterly shafted. Thanks in advance. Bert
  9. hi, one of my friends is not well, she was on sick leave about month ago (problems with back), she works in the warehouse where lifting is involved. she is not well again so she did ask doctor to give her a letter stating that she can work but is unable to lift parcels over 10 kg, doctor stated on the note that she can lift only between 2-4 kg. when she gave it to her employer he send her home until letter expires which is 2 months. She can work but is unable to lift, they used to move other girls to do different thinks before. do they have to pay her for this time even when she will be at home for next 2 months? thanks for any help
  10. Hello Everyone, I have been suffering from a physical impairment, which occured a little over 12 months ago. I have difficulty walking and suffer chronic pain because of this. I am also having tests for other possible damage to my body, which could have serious consequences for my mobility in the future, if the tests show what the doctors are looking for. Nevertheless, the state I am in now is bad enough and I will be like this for the rest of my life. When this first occured, I was absent from work for 9 days. I could have been absent for longer but felt compelled to get on with things. There was then a period of 5 days and then 1 day a few months later for the same thing. When the pain flares up I simply cannot move without great difficulty. After the last 1 day absence, I was called in for a 'welfare meeting'. However, rather than see how I was doing, like the letter I received stated, it was more of a warning that if I am absent again for this condition I will be subject to disciplinary procedures and I should be looking at it "from their point of view". I was offered no support. They also wrote to my GP, with my permission, and I also received a copy. My GP confirmed everything that I had already told them. I made a Reasonable Adjustment Request, but HR said that I needed to submit a Flexible Working Request, which is not the same thing. I submitted the Flexible Working Request. I was called to a meeting to put my point across. I felt that if I was able to do my job from home during the pain flare-ups, then the company would not lose out and I would not lose out either. My request was denied on the grounds that it would cost the company too much money to provide a laptop and my manager would not be able to monitor me as I work. Why I need to be monitored is anyone's guess. I appealled the decision and said that I was told that this was the only way to make a Reasonable Adjustment Request and they should be looking at it as just that, not a flexible working request. Although, in hindsight, I feel that they may have wanted me to submit it as flexible working for their own purposes. I appealled and was invited to another meeting. This time I felt that the attack on me was harder than the last time. I was told that I should expect to be paid less if I worked some days from home, as I would have no travel expenses. I was also told to take annual leave if I cannot get into work! The company offers 4 weeks paid sickness, of which I have only used 1 day of this year, I do not feel it is right that I have to use my own annual leave if I am unable to get to the office. Again, I asked for support and received none. When the decision came through it was denied, as I knew it was going to be. They said that they do not agree with anything on the doctor's letter to them, nor do they agree with the doctor that I am now disabled. I use a walking aid to get around! Also, it was the same things as before; It would cost the company money and my manager cannot monitor me. the letter also told me that I will be invited to a meeting with HR to discuss my GP notes. I feel that they are setting me up for constructive dismissal, it is really upsetting me and I really don't want to go back into that place. They are making it extremely hard for me. I am trying to come up with solutions and they don't want to know. What can I do?
  11. Hi there, I am having a bit of an issue with my employer, basically I was on the wrong tax code and so was mistakenly taxed an excess of about £1000. I spoke to HMRC and they informed me they had told the company that they had to refund me as a tax refund. Despite my tax amount accrued dropping on my next pay slip the company are refusing any knowledge of it and despite calling hmrc and sending a letter I haven't heard anything from the letter and they told me something about it potentially being too late. I have sinced been dismissed after raising grievances about this (within the 2 year requirement for unfair dismissal ). Is it the case that I will never get this tax back? I'm completely at a loss of what to do right now. Anon
  12. I have just had a return to work interview where I was off sick for 9 days in total. I have been told by my manager that due to company procedure that due to me being off sick on more than 3 occasions in a 12 month period they will not be paying me the days I was off sick. Their company procedure states that: "The Company reserves the right to limit the number of absences in any 12 month rolling period to a total of 3 periods of absence. At this time the Company will review the application of the sickness scheme and reserves the right to withdraw the entitlement to OSP at any time" I had followed procedure and had contacted them keeping them updated of my illness and I went to the doctor on the 3rd day of me being off sick and I have a doctors note for the period I was off apart from the 1st 2 days. My question is, where do I stand, are they allowed to not pay me anything? What do I do now?
  13. About 7 years ago I started work with my employer (a college) on a part time (0.5) but permanent contract. Very soon additional work became available on the same course I was teaching on, which I was offered on an hourly paid basis. This had a separate contract but I still had one pay code and one pay slip. Since then this mix has continued and I have argued on many occasions that the hourly paid work be turned into an increase in my part time position but to no avail. Recently the matter has come to a head as the employer wishes to appoint another 0.5 to teach on the course, which will probably mean a loss of my additional hourly paid work. Does anybody know what my rights are under UK employment law?
  14. Hi All When I left my ex-employer due to to some payroll issues they claimed I ended up owing them approx £5,500. I arranged to make them payments of £50/month and have been for the past 3 years. So they now say I owe £4,000. I am currently off work due to long term-sickness of several months, end of last year I stopped receiving sickness pay so mentioned to my ex-employer that I would not be able to make the £50/month for the time being, I mentioned this by e-mail. I heard nothing back from my ex-employer on this but I have received a letter (sent to an old address.... which I coincidentally managed to receive!) from a solicitor dated Fri 10 April advising they are acting on behalf of my ex-employer and require payment of £4,000 by Tue 28 April or they will issue a CCJ. Please advise? - Is this possible? Whilst I have been paying the claimed amount back at the agreed rate I never agreed to it in the sense of signing a credit agreement etc - My intention had been to continue paying it as soon as I was back at work and earning again. Any and all advise Greatly Appreciated. Thanks
  15. hi I have had a lengthy phone call with Occupational Health who said i have high stress and high anxiety levels, at the moment so i have been signed off stress - 'not fit to work' for 2 weeks minimum as the doctor will re-assess me in 2 weeks time. My employer has now asked me to attend a stage 2 absence meeting ( as i have previous absence for stress at work and at home), during this period that i am off on sick leave. So my question is simply.. is this a reasonable request from my employer and do i therefore have to attend the meeting? please help me, your knowledge and experience will be greatly appreciated on this matter. thanks you..
  16. Sorry, deleting temporarily as I don't want to be identified. Moderators feel free to delete this post/thread.
  17. Hello CAG, Apologies if this is the wrong place... Ok. Cutting a very long story short. Back in January I received a P800 which basically showed and underpayment of £755. After a lot of back and forth (and holding on the phone, Grrr!) with HMRC and my employer, it turns out the reason why is the employer put on the P11D when the company cars were being swapped over an end date on Car 2 when it should have been left blank to say in effect the company car is still being used… HMRC then did as per the P11D and updated their side to remove the benefit of the car. However, when the next P11D was sent for the next year, this shows that I did have a company car through that period, and they have then backdated the tax. Then, just to rub more salt into the wound, I’ve had another 3 months added on top of the £755 initially sent, taking the total underpayment to £1100! Not nice So, I’ve spoken with HMRC who initially said that because it’s an employer error, contact employer. Employer then said that everything is correct, go back to HMRC as P11 is correct. Spoke with HMRC again, who said there were 3(!) P11D’s sent as they corrected 3 things in all, initial P11, Car mess up fixed, then Dental Cover added (they forgot this as well)... HMRC then said that because the employer has made an error, they are liable. Ask them to step in and pay this for you, or lodge an appeal with HMRC to advise that you (I) believe the company has made a mistake. Anyhow I spoke with the employer and tried to put the blame on them but then after the employer doing a lot of checks then speaking with HMRC on the employers helpline, they have been advised by the employers helpline that the “tax liability remains the responsibility of the taxpayer”. So, yes… I understand that is my fault as well for next checking my tax code on wage slip (yes, im naughty, its automated and have to log on so haven’t bothered in yonks – that’s obviously changed now!!), however in my eyes if the employer hadn’t made the mistake in the first place, I wouldn’t be in this situation now! So, this brings me to today… Need to know what to do next… I can think of the following: 1. Push the employer to pay 100% of the underpayment (preferred, obviously!) 2. Ask the employer to pay a proportion of the underpayment, being as it was partly their fault and partly mine for not checking tax code etc. 3. Submit an appeal to HMRC and ask them to investigate – I don’t think this will do anything except delay everything and they will still ask me to pay, however it makes me wonder why they said to me that I could hold the employer liable but then the ‘Employers Hotline’ turned round and said the onus was on me… 4. Take it on the chin and let the underpayment re-payments start in April Or, have I missed something and there is a 5th way? Yep, I agree that really this tax should have and would have been paid anyway, but now because of mistake I have to pay almost double tax this next year, April 2015 to April 2016 which is basically going to blow my savings plan for the next year… Any help, advice you can offer is very gratefully received. Cheers and keep up the fantastic advice that CAG offers
  18. Hi there I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I was off sick from work and visited the company Doctor. I was then emailed the report as was my employing manager. It stated the letter was private and confidential and at the bottom of the email it stated it was restricted. This email has now been used in a potential disciplinary investigation against myself. I received the disciplinary papers with this email included, yet some of it had been redacted although not very well as you could still see certain parts of the email, however the nature of my illness had not been redacted at all. I have also been told that the other person involved in the disciplinary has been given the exact same pack that I have which means that they have not only access to my medical papers but also my home address. I work for a well known large company. I believe there is potential for two issues here. Any advice is gratefully received.
  19. I did some voluntary work at a festival this Summer. I had to pay £100 deposit, of which £20 was non refundable, to make sure I attended. I did 3 days work and was told on my last day that they wanted me to return next year as they were so pleased with my work. I've just emailed the company to ask when I'll get my deposit back and been informed that I was involved in a fire on the campsite, along with 2 others, and have therefore forfeited my deposit. I was aware of the incident, somebody set fire to a chair, but was not involved and replied stating so and asking what evidence they have. Their response is that they have a witness. Is there anything I can do about this?
  20. Hello. I need some advice please. I have been working for the last fifteen years for a "charity". My boss registered herself as the charity rather than the business....I think to do with tax etc. Anyway, over my time as an administrator there I have been given more & more work with expectation that I am available all of the time. I used to get paid an hourly rate and submit a time sheet each month but this was changed three years ago to a minimal fixed amount each month and then twice a year in June & December I had to submit a timesheet for any excess....but this is always queried and payment always begrudged. I only earn £300 per month so we are not talking megabucks.....but I am fed up with being expected to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Whenever something needs doing it becomes my job. I feel like an octopus sometimes! Just before Christmas it was demanded that I worked Christmas week doing something that could have waited. The boss doesn't work Christmas week and nor does anyone else - just that the expectation was for me to do it and this is the third year this has happened....but this time I refused. She nearly blew a gasket!! I heard from a colleague that the boss was raging about me and I have been summoned for a meeting this week....I think my days are numbered as she does not like people saying no to her. My query really is to find out where I stand legally? My job does not have a contract...it has always been by verbal agreement. Originally it was voluntary but as the workload increased I began being paid. The office is my home....and everything for the business is stored at my home/garage/shed etc. All of this has been done free of any charge. If I do suddenly get the sack as I suspect is going to happen....what can I do about it if anything? Many thanks.
  21. Looking for advice about my employer Im currently under a fixed term apprenticeship contract running Feb-Feb im due to finish on Feb 13th and be dismissed at that point which is fine. Some back history on issues with the company already would be a meeting i had back in November about my supervisors concern over my attendance. I have had 5 weeks off for medical issues (all on doctors sick notes) as i had surgery. taken all my annual holidays and have had about 11 days sick across the year in total and one compassionate leave day my manager gave as a death happened in the family. Come friday our jobsite has a strike and i cannot gain access to the site due to intimidation at the gates. I explained this and it was okay. The same has happened today and iv now been told there considering dismissing me effective from tomorrow if i don't turn up. No verbal or written warnings either Were do i legally stand? EDIT: There trying to force me out since my op pretty much or so it seems :/
  22. Hi, I have been working for a contract company since Sept-13, I was employed on a fixed term, 12 month, term time contract. When the contract expired we were waiting to find out if the company had won the tender for another year but it was dragging on and on so the manager said our contracts would roll on. Apparently all staff are only ever offered 12 month contracts which I understand, and this is fine. However me and the girl who started with me and on the same terms, have been "let go" because apparently we are "the only temporary staff". I can't understand how this can be the case, surely all staff are the same? Also, I work a set amount of weeks per year and they restarted the count after my 12 month expiry and so IMO it was implied I would continue to work there for another year. We were told even if current company did not win the contract we would transfer to the new one over TUPE. Turns out they didn't win the contract and our details were in the TUPE paperwork but we've now been told we were temporary (news to me) and no longer required. There is an element of nepotism here as the boss' son who worked PT has now been given FT hours (he wanted this) so basically, how can they say I was not required when they've given him my hours? Conveniently this is just in time for the new company taking over. He has worked there for 3 years and he changed his job role/hours a few months ago which boss denies (?!) Can anyone give their thoughts on this? I think this is very dodgy and I'm not sure it is legal?
  23. Our employer has cut our hours from 5 days a week to 2.5 days a week. This has been in place now since 1st August this year. The cut was due to a downturn in work and as things show no sign of improving i am wondering how long this can go on for and how long he can enforce this. I/we have accepted the situation as a temporary measure, but we have had no contact from our MD as to what his intentions are. I have been with the company for 10 years and presumably would be entitled to a redundancy payment but dont know how this works.
  24. My friend has been trying to register on the forum to ask this but he is having some problem with his registeration? Anyway, he has asked me to put this up as he id desperate for some advice. Thanks 'I had my first day off last week after a year with my company. For the first 7 months I was actually a temp and for last 6.5 months a full time employee. I was told I would taken on after a 3 month period but had to wait, reducing my Christmas bonus by £80 for those extra four months I was a temp. Although two members actually left the company to go somewhere else to work. However it did not work out for either and returned and received a full years bonus. After my only day off, the company ask me to complete an in-house self-certified sick note. Which I did. I did this with my team leader, we completed the first page and started the second, he then said just sign it as its the a repeated form the first page. I did, had no reason to mistrust him and then I just returned to my post assuming I could be able to get a photocopy. The next day when I went to the office and ask if I could have a copy of my sick note, I was denied bluntly; spoken down to (patronised) . I would like to know if is this legal, can an employer do this? Furthermore, do I have actually have to complete the part about why I was off or can I keep my reason to myself under my confidential clause?
  25. Hello everyone, I have been working for a big Pizza home delivery company from last 5 years. Last year my manager started giving me less and less hours, despite knowing that this was my main and only job. The situation continued for a few months and I was forced to get another part time job as self employed. In my self employed job I was given generous hours in certain shifts but I decided to keep my first job at the same time have enough hours. Since August I have not been offered any hours at all and at end of September I received a letter saying that I had not attended a meeting with manager and that I was therefore sacked and have right of appeal. (I had never received any notification from my employers asking me to come for the meeting) I appealed and in two weeks the area manager chaired the appeal hearing. He explained that because I had not worked for some months and they have a automated system, that a letter is issued automatically and had been sent to my address. I explained my position and I was promised that I would get at least 30 hours a week in future. I contacted my store manager and informed him of my availability and the hours I can work. I was told that they would answer back soon. I also told my manager that I would be away for three weeks to visit my parents abroad and would return on the 25th. Yesterday I came back and I found a letter saying that they could not guarantee hours because my contract says that I will be given hours according to the business needs. I called the manager and he started asking me question when I received the letter and did not reply to my answer about getting hours. I have a feeling that they will sack me again and will skip all the disciplinary process. I called head office and asked the HR that I want to file grievance against my manager and area manager. They asked me to send details in writing and they will take action. I have been working there for 5 years now and never ever gone through any disciplinary. Have always been punctual and hard working during my shift. They are still hiring people for the same position I had, but they are not giving me any hours (they have window posters for hiring staff) They also have some staff members getting over 60 hours a week. Also in five years I have never been trained for health and safety at work, food hygiene, or fire and safety at work. In the past 5 years I was never paid my full entitlement of holidays. They do not pay us from September till end December (not allowed to take holidays) and the holiday year finishes en December means we cannot claim holiday pay. They will have all this on record. I need some advice from someone on how to proceed. Can I ask them to provide me all the information they hold of me through freedom of information or data protection law? Or I just send them a letter asking for a meeting? I personally think they are picking on me and I have not done anything wrong. I have also worked in same field for more that 25 years in UK and abroad and do not understand why they are treating me this way. I feel frustrated that instead of benefiting from my past experience, they just want to get rid of me for no reason.
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