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  1. I am sure this is addressed somewhere on here but I cant seem to find it... can anyone help me??? Long story short.. . we have had eviction set aside by going to court and getting a judgement of current monthly payment plus £80. we paid that the first month and then got a letter from HL interactive the solicitors for Santander... .. that we have underpaid.. . seems to be that the solicitors, HL interactive, are charging us interest on our arrears also... . When we enquired at Santander they knew nothing about it... . is this legal can we do anything about it??? it was never done before and it just seems all they want is our home now because its not in negative equity and they can make some money on us..... HELP!!!!!!
  2. Hi, Just over a month ago, I was told about a voucher that I could use online at the HP store, that knocked £40 off every order. At the time, I didn't know whether this was a pricing glitch, or a publicity-seeking promotion, but I decided to use it to purchase some ink. I put 2 ink cartridges in the cart,(2x£23=£46), used the discount voucher (-£40), to bring the total to £6, which was displayed at point of sale. My problem is NOT that the order was cancelled (I have seen a few of these on the boards). My problem is that I was delivered the items, but only later found out that my credit card had been charged without this discount (i.e. £46). The fact that the amount displayed at point-of-sale was different from the amount charged, is not in dispute by HP. In fact, the email response to my complaint seemed thoroughly unsurprised that this had happened. They have told me that my 7 day return period has expired (presumably they are trying to pass the statutory "cooling off period" at the limit to my rights), and have refused my demand to return the goods and reverse the transaction. Surely this constitutes theft and/or fraud. Are there any legal-eagles that could advise?
  3. Halifax have charged me £30 for a returned direct debit which was due to pay my car insurance. Is this considered excessive and should I try to claim it back? I paid money into the account (cash) on the same day at lunch time but the DD had come out in the morning which I did not realise. Due to credit history I only have the most basic bank account with them which has no overdraft and an electron card. Andy
  4. Well if this doesnt make people sit up and take notice and avoid these companies like the plague - nothing will Read the full horror story : - http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2013/mar/16/payday-lender?CMP=twt_gu
  5. Hi All, Over the last year my car has twice been towed away by a 'Parking enforcement company' when it was parked in my own space. This was because the permit issued to me was the first time covered & the second time had fallen into the foot well of my car. To date if have paid almost up to £1000 to park in my own space! Obviously I argued at the time but they hold you to ransom by charging you on a daily basis if you do not collect your car. Also to the letter of the signs posted in my car park there was no permit so they towed me. I put it down to me being and idiot and not fastening my permit to the screen etc. Its only in the past few weeks talking with various friends I would like to challenge these extortionate fines! I have extremely limited legal knowledge but I think the grounds in which I want to do this revolve around my lease. In my lease it states I have the right to park in the space provided (the lease even includes a drawn map of the car park with my space highlighted) and mentions absolutely nothing about parking permits. After reading various different bits about leases etc as I understand it, for them to enforce a permit scheme, that constitutes varying the terms of my lease, something that I believe has to be legally agreed by me!? The management company claim that it is the 'freeholders' decision but from what I have read they could be wrong. I suppose my questions are; do I actually have a case? If so, who do I pursue to try and reclaim my money (Management company, freeholder or parking scumbags?) Also I have absolutely no idea how to go about it. Do i need some form of legal representation? Are there no win no fee type companies that can help me? Thanks in advance for any assistance!
  6. Hi, please bear with me I am new to this forum. I hope I am posting in the correct place. I've been charged with "failure to promptly notify the DWP in the prescribed manner of a change of circumstances which you knew would affect your entitlement to Carer's Allowance, namely that you were earning in excess of theh permitte amount Contrary to section 112(1A) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 (SS92042). This Charge letter came to me in early Jan 2013. I had attended an Interview Under Caution in February 2012, after I had received a letter from the DWP to attend. So, almost a year in between. Long story short, in March of 2009 my disabled daughter had surgery that required me to take unpaid Parental Leave to be in hospital with her (3 weeks) and care for her afterward (recovery, pain management, learn to walk again, loads of physio). I applied for Carer's Allowance to help out for the few months with full intention of going back to work, and informing DWP. On my application form, in the back, I explicitly state in my own handwriting that "I do not yet know how long I will need to care for {daughter's name} at home, and I will contact the DWP Carer's Allowance to discontinue when I go back to work, as I have done in the past." [the past referring to an instance in 2007 when I returned to work after receiving CA and informed the DWP by letter wiithout incident]. Also, on my letter to DWP I state that "she will be at home under my care for a period of 2-3 months...." and asking for CA to be reinstated. On April 6, 2009 I started a new job (since my old one had asked me if I could extend my Parental Leave because the company was struggling). On that very same day I popped into the post a letter to DWP saying simply that my circumstances had changed and to please discontinue my CA. No reply came from the DWP, and I hadn't expected one since I never got one when I cancelled the first time in 2007. So, I never questioned it and carried on with my life. Then in Jan/Feb 2012 I receive a letter out of the blue from the DWP about possible benefits fraud and the Interview Under Caution. Unbeknownst to me, I had been receiving CA all that time! The Interviewers stared at me in disbelief, saying how could I not realise about the payments. I explained that my husband and I both make a very good wage, when working our full time jobs, and that we don't live or rely on benefits in any way. So the small amout of £50 coming into the bank account was not noticed. Furthermore, we only do online banking. We do not receive monthly statements, nor do we receive notification if a payment is received. The online statements are full of outgoings and someone would have to scroll back many pages to come to an 'incoming' payment. Something which I just simply never did. There was never any need to. Now, when the overpayments allegedly started, I was still caring for my post-op daughter, but had also started a new full time job. It was a full-on period of time for me, constantly on the go. The last thing I was doing was checking the bank account. I didn't need to. My husband and I both receive paper payslips when we get paid, therefore I don't need to check the account. Everything else is 'outgoing' and as we live within our means, there simply wasn't any reason to keep an eye on the statements. 2009 was full of teaching my daughter how to walk again, loads of physio, and managing my 3 children and full time job. I am the 'family business manager' for our family, so I am the one applying for things like Carer's Allowance and also doing the banking, etc. in addition to caring for our children. I'm a busy lady but I like it that way! By end of 2009 it was clear my daughters situation was not improving. In early 2010 I was already researching another surgical operation and in the spring of 2010 she was accepted for spinal surgery in America (because the surgery was not offered in UK or Europe at the time). Therefore, 2010 was full of this activity.....and not checking the bank statements. So, basically, (and I really am trying to keep this short) approx. 3 years went by and we were receiving CA without realising it. The Interviewers seem to think it impossible that we would have missed this. Perhaps I confused the CA payments with the higher rate Care component of DLA (disability living allowance) that my daughter had been awarded -- we literally got the letter informing of this that DAY AFTER the same date that DWP is accusing me of beginning to receive overpayment of CA. My hindsight is definitely not 20/20, but if I ever questioned the weekly payments (and I don't know that I did) perhaps I thought it was the DLA??? I'll never know. Anyway, I want to plead Not Guilty as I don't feel I've done anything wrong. BTW, after the IUC I received an Overpayment Letter of £7,900 in May 2012. I repaid this IN FULL a week later. This information has not been acknowledged by the DWP nor was it included in the very large packet of 'evidence' (payslips, transcript of my interview, etc) against me to substatiate the Charge. I'm looking for opinions, advice, etc as I have never broken the law, not even a speeding ticket, and am Really Scared about this. Thanks in advance for your help.
  7. Hello when I was 17 I had a 6 months relationship with this girl and she cheated on me and falsely accused me of rape. I was charged with the case even though my lawyer said I should should not had been charged because of the evidence. while in court some evidence came to light like the day she accused me of raping her she was not even at home, she was at doctors. and even though the prosecution could not find another day where it could had happened, the cause still continued. I was found not guilty by the jury. I have applied to university to do a pharmacy course last week and at the university they will do an Enhanced criminal record check. Does this mean they will not accept me because I was charged with rape? I find it very unfair that someone can just make such a allegation and it can ruin someone's life like this. I could write all the thing that happened during this case which I found extremely unfair and you will probably be shocked. one of which is how she lied during her questioning and gave a completely different detail to what she gave to my college ( where she made the allegation) but yet in the end she was allowed to walk free without any punishment. The justice system in this country is completely unfair and obviously it seems the police want to convict people of a crime regardless if they are innocent. ..This is what it seemed in my case Please help.
  8. Good news for everyone locally in the UK. As of yesterday, the new iTunes (10.5) and iOS (5) was released for the iPhone 4 and above, as well as the iPad and above! If you want to upgrade, feel free to do so by: 1) Upgrade your iTunes to 10.5. This usually happens automatically 2) Once iTunes 10.5 is installed, plug your device in and upgrade as per instructions For those of you who like to tinker with toys, i.e. have jailbroken your phone, this will break the jailbreak, and you'll be returned to the land of the living and have to pay for your apps again Have fun peeps, and RIP Steve Jobs Cheers Adridude
  9. Govan Law Centre have found that some people have been charged legal fees more than once, and offer advice on how to claim them back. http://expensesback.weebly.com/index.html
  10. Here is the latest news on the universal credit which comes into force next year ! http://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/is-lord-fraud-laying-a-debt-trap-for-benefit-claimants/
  11. Hi Guys, had a loan off Paragon finance in 1998 for £5000, paid it regularly untill my heart condition developed and put me in hospital for several months, had to pack up my well paid managers job and take a lower income job. Negotiated via debt advisors to pay a reduced amount, I was told over the phone that interest had been frozen. This lower payment continued untill 2009 when Paragon wrote to me for the first time to say interest had been added since the inception of the loan and I now owed them £22,345 instead of what I thought which was £1800. Just wondered what your thoughts were on this, I am now on a pension and this amount is just unpayable, any advice will be very much appreciated.
  12. On 24th May 2010 I moved house, I called to book a service move to my new address, I told o2 there would be a lapse of about 3 weeks between addresses, this was all ok they said. On the morning of 24th may 2010 I found the broadband was still working, concerned as I was leaving about midday, I called them to confirm it would be terminated, I was assured it would be. I moved to a temporary address and on 5th june 2010 to my current address where I called o2 to have the service switched on at my new address and my new number, ok, no problem there. Now, present day, I recently changed banks and had to re setup all my direct debits, a few were missed but sorted as I received letters saying the dd had failed, all sorted and all quiet for about 3 weeks, then yesterday 1st oct 2012 I got a text from o2 saying sorry we have suspended your broadband as we were unable to collect your direct debit, I thought that's strange my broadband is set up on the dd and is working fine. I called them and quoted the account number they'd referred to in the text, that's when it came to light the account was for the address I'd left 26 months ago and they'd not cancelled it and had been collecting payment for over 2 years. I have had a couple of conversations with their customer services team and they say they have no notes on their system about a cancellation of service from 2010, they also admit there has been no activity on this account during that period and that they are aware of my account at my new address! And up to the point of writing this, they have so far refused to re-imburse me the £500 ish they've taken over the last 2 years and 2 months. I have put in a formal complaint but that apparently takes 10 days unless I press the on screen button and talk on line to one of theirs, this I did, same result, because they failed to cancel or note the request they will not give me my money back, the money they took from me for supplying broadband to a house where I have not lived for over 2 years and they know it. Here is a transcript of the last conversation to date; Welcome to O2. Someone will be with you soon. We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting. If you're after the latest information on the iPhone 5 please go here Did you know you can find out your upgrade date by logging into MyO2 here. You can also do lots of other stuff like check your bill or change your tariff too. The current wait time is around 49 minute(s). You're through to Alister. martin willmott: Hi Alister: Hi I'm Alister from O2 Complaints Support team. How can I help you today? martin willmott: account number 430XXX martin willmott: I cancelled that account when I moved out on 24th may 2010, I just found out it was not cancelled and I've been paying for it martin willmott: tel number was 01788 890XXX Alister: I'm sorry that your account is still active. Alister: Let me check this for you. martin willmott: I think i must be owed a few quid martin willmott: I only found out because I changed banks and the DD failed Alister: Okay. Alister: Can you tell me your full name. I'll also need the 3rd and 5th character of the answer to your security question. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Alister: That's correct. Alister: Thanks for the details. Alister: Please give me a few minutes while I check your account details. martin willmott: ok martin willmott: I moved into my new address XXXX long buckby 01327 844XXX on 5th june 2010 and ordered my o2 service at that time Alister: Thanks for waiting. Alister: I've checked your account details and I see that you're account is active with us. It has been temporarily deactivated for non payment of your bills. martin willmott: yes because i changed banks and the dd failed, this month martin willmott: thats how this came to light martin willmott: that account was supposed to close on 24th may 2010 Alister: I'm sorry that it didn't close, but I can't find any cancellation notes on your account for the month of May 2010. martin willmott: Both I and my secretart cancelled it and I called again to make absolutely sure it was cancelled martin willmott: secretary martin willmott: Why would i want to continue a service after I moved house? that would be very silly martin willmott: I closed that account and started 2 more one at work on 01327 700XXX which is still current and one at my new home on 01327 844XXX which has recently gone to bt Alister: I'm sorry but I really can't find any notes on your account. Alister: If you want I can mark your account for cancellation over this chat. martin willmott: then that's not my fault, I AND my secretary both made sure it was cancelled, this is an o2 error martin willmott: has there been any useage on that account since 24th may 2010? Alister: Let me check this for you. martin willmott: was the o2 phone line active from 24th may 2010? Alister: Your phone line has been active from May 2010. But, there hasn't been any usage on your account. martin willmott: well the phone line is either in the new occupier's name or not switched off, I suspect the current occupier has it but I will need to see if I've been billed for that too! anyway no useage, I can prove when I moved, I have a witness to the conversations re de activating the service and the dates tally with the zero usage, so are we going to do the decent honest thing and re-imburse me? martin willmott: the dates also tally with my new o2 broadband service at my new address Alister: I'm sorry but I won't be able to credit the amount to you. martin willmott: then I will have to pass this on to my solicitor and the BBC Alister: You'll have to send an email to our Complaints team. martin willmott: already done, this evening martin willmott: I thought you were the complaints team Alister: How did you contact us to cancel your broadband account? martin willmott: Have I been getting billed for the phone at 01788 890XXX since 24th may 2004? martin willmott: I telephoned, several times to cancel, they said that was fine at the time martin willmott: In fact I was concerned that the service was still running in the morning so I called to make sure it would be cut off! Alister: If you called us then we'll listen to your call and then we'll inform you the remaining procedure about the credit. Alister: But, this will take time and it can't be done over this chat, so you'll have to send us an email. As you already sent us an email you'll have to wait and we'll get back to you. martin willmott: Ok, thankyou, I have kept a copy of this conversation. Alister: Sure. Alister: If you want you can click on the 'Envelope' button next to the 'End Chat' button to send this chat as a confirmation email to your email address. martin willmott: about the phone line, have I been paying that too? Alister: Your phone line is not with us, we only supply you our broadband. martin willmott: ok, thanks, will await an email response before escalating We'll email a copy of your chat transcript to (XXMy emailXX). Alister: I understand how important this is for you, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to resolve this for you. Alister: I hope you'll understand my limitations. martin willmott: but as you say it's a different dept so I'll await their response, thank you martin willmott: for my records do you have an employee number or i.d ? Alister: Yes, what I meant to say was I wasn't able to sort this for you today. Alister: I'll paste this chat you had with me on your account notes. martin willmott: for my records do you have an employee number or i.d ? Alister: I'm sorry but I can't give you my Employee Number. Alister: But, you can take this ID 404908XXX If Ronan Dunne would like to discuss this issue, I'm on 07792 536830, Martin
  13. I noticed today when about to pay for BT years advanced line rental a clause saying a charge of £1.50 per month would be made if at least 2 calls werent made in a month. It seems a very strange clause in a contract in which you can make as many calls as you like for free, but dont make any and you are charged. I wonder what Moron at BT thought that one up. I actually noticed that I fell foul of this charge once last year. Needless to say I havent paid for the upfront line rental and I am looking for another provider and made a complaint to BT about the stupidity of the clause.
  14. I have just received a letter from Ikano charging me £12 arrears fee for receiving their payment on the 17th when it was due on the 16th. I had paid on the 16th using their new payment facility which I initially struggled to get through but did. They are trying to charge me because they claim to have received it on 17th. I offered them the opportunity to reverse the charge and the person I was speaking to said he would only offer to return half of the amount. The strength of his argument is that on the statement it has a small line underneath where it says "Payment to reach us by" saying (allow 5 working days) in brackets. I drew his attention to the fact that it says nothing of this on the information they sent regarding using their new payment facility and I advised him of the basis of the rulings under UTCCR. As he does not seem inclined to remove the charge I will first write a complaint to them as part of my pre-action protocol then happily sue them for £12 plus costs of action. Should anyone else run into the same problem I hope you follow the same route. Service Charge Support LLP Ps I hope this can be tweeted to them.
  15. Hi, we ordered online an adult return for my 16 year old son to go to school. The system said the charge was £2.90 on the 7.56am so we booked the ticket and collected it from the machine at the station. When he then turned up at the station he was told the ticket was wrong and so had to buy a new one, and took his out ticket. He then returned earlier than expected and was stopped told the ticket was wrong and I have been presented with a £20 fine. We have re-entered the times onto the compter for another day and it still shows a £2.90 return fair for that train. Obviously we will appeal with copies of the paperwork, but if we pay the fine now that appears to be an admission of guilt and means they would not be taking me to court to allow me to have my say if they refuse the appeal. I guess my question is: If I pay and the appeal is refused how would I be able to take it further? Are the rail company actually able to act as judge and jury on their own actions?
  16. My partner was due to get paid today but wasn't paid on time, we contact them telling them that he had no way of getting into work as he had no money for petrol for the car. there lovely reply was it your responsibility to make sure you got enough money to last till payday! our reply we did and today is payday!! after much taboo over it and getting told it would go in bank tomorrow, he said im so sorry i cant get in tonight so the manager director then said i will give you £50 out of your wages which i will take out tomorrow and there is a charge of £20 for this, if you don't come in tonight you will face a disciplinary! felt no option but to take it just logged on to bank to see how they paid the sub is how they paid the wages i spoke to the bank and questioned as each time he got paid it would be by FP (faster payment) and the night before or a later time of the day on paydate . She said basically what it is, is that someone is putting it in the system one by one to process it as it all done at different times. after much working out i questioned as to why they just didn't process his wages today but they cant and that they had to give over 30 members of staff a £50 sub!! i think it wrong and a blackmail especially after payroll said it would be paid into today guaranteed they said his timesheet was in late but i had faxed it a few days before and his manager had rang and asked him to get it in by 9am the next morning Friday to be paid on time so we did his supervisor got it in that same day for 3.30pm Thursday but still were in the wrong
  17. http://www.scotsman.com/news/scottish-news/top-stories/scottish-police-charge-andy-coulson-with-tommy-sheridan-trial-perjury-1-2326534 Given the circumstances, it must really be against his interests to open his mouth in court for his defence. Yet to defend the case would require cutting up his previous mates. Pleading guilty without a trial (based on the Sheridan verdict) would be likely to get him two years.
  18. Hi, I have recently transferred bank accounts to Nationwide and I had a direct debit set up that is due today (monday) so I transferred the money across from my other account yesterday (sunday) via faster payments and it was there, available, immediately. However, I checked that it had gone this morning and it has but, it is listed first and then showing my balance as -157.00 and then the credit below bringing it back up to zero so if the money was available yesterday, how come it wasn't this morning when the direct debit went out and it is showing as paid in after the dd went out. My question is will this now be returned and charges applied? Doesn't seem right to me!
  19. Hello everyone, I wonder if I might seek some advice from some of the knowlegeable people here, because I don't know very much about any of this stuff! I recently set up online banking for the first time and discovered a direct debit on my account from MBNA which had been there since 2003. I didn't know what it was and so I cancelled it, but I was a bit concerned and it caused me to go looking through my statements. I was alarmed to see that it had been making approximately twice-yearly charges to my account for a long time. I had never noticed before (I know it wasn't smart of me not to read my statements thoroughly). I took out a credit card with Santander in 2003, which was managed by MBNA, and cancelled it in 2007. When I cancelled it I specifically asked Santander if I needed to cancel anything else and they said no, so I never thought about it again. While trying to find out what is going on, I have just discovered that cancelling a credit card is not the same as cancelling a credit card account and things can still be charged to the account - no one ever informed me of this, but I was still confused because to my knowledge I had never signed up for any recurring charges on the card. However, I managed to find some of my old credit card statements, and discovered there were some recurring charges after all. One of them was "card protection" which seemed to charge me around £30 several times a year. The other was PPI. I don't recall signing up for either of these things - I don't even know what they are - and interestingly PPI was not on the earlier statements but appears on them around 2005. I know for certain that I did NOT initiate that. And it would appear that since cancelling my card they have continued to charge me for either one or both of these things on a card that does not exist! The PPI is for small amounts and probably doesn't add up to a significant amount, but the "card protection" charges (is this the same thing as PPI, and if so why was I being charged for both?) add up to a lot over so many years. I'm quite bemused because up until a few days ago I didn't even know I had an account with MBNA. I am currently writing to them to ask for a full summary of all charges made to the account in the last six years. I'm also confused because I don't know if I would be issuing the complaint to Santander (who apparently mis-sold/misinformed me both when I took out the card and when I cancelled it), MBNA (who have the account and were taking the money) and/or a third party (I don't know yet if the card protection is with MBNA or a third party company, since I didn't even know I had it). It doesn't seem fair that I could be penalised for not cancelling something I didn't know existed. I can prove that I couldn't have used the account or used an associated card beyond 2007 because I changed my full name in that year, both first name and surname, and cancelled the card rather than request a new one with new details because I didn't need it. So I couldn't possibly have legally used the account beyond that point. I wanted to know if there was a likelihood of receiving a refund under these circumstances, and if so if I would be able to claim going all the way back to 2003 or just to 2007? And do any of you have any advice regarding how to go about claiming it? I know I need to request the details of the charges but I'm lost beyond that! Thanks in advance (and also for reading this rather lengthy post), James
  20. Hi everyone, I am looking for a bit of advice. At the beginning of June I was contacted by telephone by the Grampian Police (Scotland) stating that I had been involved in a road traffic accident, and that I had failed to stop at the scene, and failed to report the accident after wards. I was at the specific junction at the time stated by the police, however I was unaware of any collision taking place. I was alone in the car at the time. After receiving the phone call from the police I checked my car over, it had no marks/bumps or anything else to suggest a collision had taken place. In my opinion this means 1) the collision must have been very minor for me not to have heard or felt anything at the time, and for my car not to have any damage, and 2) as there was not a mark on my car there was nothing for me to pick up on later to suggest something had happened and prompt me to contact the police/insurance etc. I have since been charged with failing to stop at the scene of an accident, and failing to report an accident to the police. I have received a court citation which states the date my case will be heard at the Justice of the Peace Court and states that I can either plead guilty by post and if I wish I can also attach a letter explaining the circumstances, or I can plead guilty in person at the court, or I can plead not guilty in person. As the person who I am said to have had a collision with had their daughter in their car who is acting as a witness I do not feel pleading not guilty would be wise. I can recall the junction at the time and date in question and I do not have any reason to believe the people I am said to have collided with would make it up so I believe although I was unaware it had happened that it must have taken place. I am therefore unsure whether to plead guilty in person or by post with attached letter. Some websites I have seen have suggested attending in person is not desirable as it costs the courts more in time and expense. I am fully willing to attend if this is the best option, however by what I have seen so far a letter may be a better option. If this is the case should I write it myself, or would I be better taking the hit and paying a solicitor to do it? Does anyone have any advice/experience in this area? Also, attached to the court citation was an explanation of what happened in the eyes of the driver of the other car and his witness - but this does not include any information which I gave to the police in my statement. Does this mean the PF has not received any information relating to my view of the events? Thanks in advance, any thoughts or advice is really appreciated.
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