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  1. I have just received a letter from Ikano charging me £12 arrears fee for receiving their payment on the 17th when it was due on the 16th. I had paid on the 16th using their new payment facility which I initially struggled to get through but did. They are trying to charge me because they claim to have received it on 17th. I offered them the opportunity to reverse the charge and the person I was speaking to said he would only offer to return half of the amount. The strength of his argument is that on the statement it has a small line underneath where it says "Payment to reach us by" saying (allow 5 working days) in brackets. I drew his attention to the fact that it says nothing of this on the information they sent regarding using their new payment facility and I advised him of the basis of the rulings under UTCCR. As he does not seem inclined to remove the charge I will first write a complaint to them as part of my pre-action protocol then happily sue them for £12 plus costs of action. Should anyone else run into the same problem I hope you follow the same route. Service Charge Support LLP Ps I hope this can be tweeted to them.
  2. Wow, thanks for this! This is a huge war chest! I'll doubtless come back for some clarifications and advice, but this is a real flying start.
  3. Hi there all, I have just discovered you and am about to start the journey of fighting my credit agreements. Could anyone please send or direct me to the starting template with which to request the CCA's? Thanks
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