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  1. I renewed / took a new contract with you over 7 weeks ago. Part of the deal was that I get Sky Mobile TV included. Bottom line is it is still not working and I am getting bored of explaining the history of how much time I have wasted on this. Therefore please can you call Olly at the Bluewater store on 020 3551 8641 who has all the details of this farcical situation. My number is 079xxx. Your twitter staff are useless too. Now I keep keep getting nonsensical emails from people such as: Jagruti Manshani (Vodafone Customer Services) dated 10/04/14 Aftab Alam (Vodafone Customer Services) dated 11/04/14 Johnson Samuel (Vodafone Customer Services) dated 12/04/14 All of these emails and more are in breach of the companies act. It is confusing for consumers to know who they are dealing with. Under Sections 82 to 84 of the Companies Act 2006 (in conjunction with Statutory Instrument 2008/495) a limited companies letter-headed paper, emails and website must disclose the full company name, company number, registered office address and place of registration (i.e. a statement such as ‘Registered in England & Wales’). Anyway I have reported them to Companies House who are in the process of making contact with Vodafone UK. Perhaps Vodafone Risk and Compliance Department needs the sack?? Any news on my Sky Mobile TV? I only renewed my contract as this formed part of the agreement. As it still has not been provided Vodafone are in clear breach. Also please don't give me any BS about the contract is for airtime only. Check the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1972
  2. Concerning the issue of whether we are a casual worker or a an employee there is many criteria to consider for example the time we work for the employer, our skills, whether he employs us only in case of shortage or during peak time or he uses us in the normal running of our business...etc. However I would like to know if the conclusive evidence is not when the P45 has been issued because if it has been issued one year after the start of employment this means that we are now an employee. It is up to the employer to decide if he need us anymore or nor and as a consequence if he send us our P45 or not. If the employer decides because it is not convenient for him not to issue a P45 at the end of each project we could be consider as an employee There is also the issue of HMRC and in order the employer not to pay tax maybe a worker has to work only for a small period of time and not come back for a long time There is also the issue of the difference between temporary employee and a casual worker
  3. I wasn't sure which forum to post this in however decided on the CRA forum as I would imagine those on here would have the best knowledge of Data Protection. The long story cut short is that a very large UK business has disclosed my password for my account with them to various other bodies including several solicitors acting for them and have also submitted this information to the HM courts as a part of their "evidence" to defend my claim. The account is still very much active and had I not gone through their bundle with a fine tooth comb I would not have spotted the breach. This information has already been on circulation for some time now with their solicitor and now the courts. My concern is the format in which the password has been disclosed is in the form of a "screenshot" of their computer system which would indicate that all of their operators also have complete access to the whole password. I had always understood that passwords were stored in such a manner as the operator would only ever have access to 2 letters / characters. If this is the case then it would seem to be quite a serious breach of data protection in itself that passwords are stored like this. In my own case to say I am furious that my password has been circulated to the courts and their solicitor would be an understatement and I would l like advice on how you would deal with this. I would rather not say the company at this time as I do not want to compromise my own case, however this is a very large UK business.
  4. Apologies for this post if it is in the wrong place, so MODs please move it to the right place. Thanks in advance. My question covers two issues with debt. I have a dispute with my landlord about rental arrears. My landlord claims I am in arrears whilst I contend that I am in credit on my rental account. The landlord has threatened to contact my employers and disclose details of our dispute. My first question is - is my landlord classed as a creditor for the purposes of reporting the landlord to the OFT? My understanding of the guidelines is that as the landlord is a sole individual the OFT may not be the best place to make a report - am I right? My second question is - can the landlord simply disclose our dispute to my employers? Is that not considered a breach of Data Protection? I want to write to the landlord stating that I consider the threat of contacting my employers as harassing me and I am going to make a report to the OFT. Is this the best cause of action? Thanks to all who answer!
  5. Hi, I would appreciate some advice please. My name was disclosed, by social services, to a family after I reported somethings that some children had told me and that was of concern in regards to their welfare. I have suffered almost 2 years of daily harassment and intimidation from this family, the police have been involved and they recommended to have a community alarm as a vulnerable person. Which I have to pay rental on as I am too young for funding. I put a complaint through and saw through investigation to stage 2 where the complaint was upheld and that my confidentiality had been breached. The social worker refused to believe police were involved (despite me giving them crime reference numbers). On top of this, the social worker continued to disclose details of the complaint and investigation to the family resulting in further intimidation. This was happening at the school gates daily, was overspilling into those children bullying my children and was the last straw and I had to remove my children from the school. The investigator told me to ask for the cost of the distress, the alarm, plus financial losses (I have had to cease my home visit business due to odd phone calls) but investigation report told me to claim compensation from the local authority but denied my business suffered because of the disclosure. I also want to claim petrol and car costs to get the children to and from their new school also. But I am not sure what to do for this and I guess this is where they expect me to give up. A solicitor will cost me money but will this get me more money? How much is a breach like this worth? I still don't go out on my own locally, I even changed my car as my old one was quite distinctive. This has totally changed my life. I want to claim liquidated damages if possible, so they learn and do not do this to others. The reported ordered all social workers to undergo further data protection training so I assume that disclosure is a serious issue. Any thought on how to proceed would be most appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Hi Needing advice here for a good mate. He has been subject to a breach of confidentiality by persons at his work and details of his medical condition and treatment have been leaked causing rumours and malicious talk. He is devastated but working on as there appears no option. He received a letter of apology and admission of the breach from the firm. In it, one of the employees named denied wrongdoing and named members of the public/relations of my friend as being the source. They have been named in several reports as having been the source of part of the breach, but were never contacted or informed to supply any facts. In order to keep his job, this employee pinned the blame on members of the public thinking they would never find out. The persons involved were shown the report by my friend and are furious as they have done nothing wrong but named as being the cause. This employee has caused so much damage and ill feeling and the firm appears to believe him and the lies. Where does my friend and his relative/friend stand here? He isnt interested in compensation, he just wants to ensure the truth is outed. The members of the public can trace the breach back to the employee. Is there anything that can be done to clear their names and get the truth out there? Cheers on behalf of my mate.
  7. I have been communicating with Lowell Portfolio regarding them processing my data incorrectly. A SAR was submitted and then a complaint was lodged with the Information Commissioner as I believed the SAR had not been dealt with in time. The SAR was sent to them at the beginning of April, requesting they notify me of a charge, however after the expiration of 40 days I sent in a £10 postal order. During this period Lowell wrote to me confirming they had rectified the incorrect entry and offered me £250 compensation. As the complaint was still being investigated by the ICO, I declined the offer of compensation until I received the adjudication from the ICO. I have now received a response from the ICO confirming that "on the basis of all of the information provided by you and Lowell Portfolio Ltd, we have decided that it is unlikely that Lowell Portfolio Ltd has complied with the requirements of the DPA in this case". The ICO have indicated that they believe the SAR was dealt with as in their opinion "Lowell Portfolio Ltd have explained that on 8 April 2013 they received a letter from you dated 2 April 2013 in which you stated you were making a subject access request under the provisions of the DPA. In this letter you also asked Lowell Portfolio Ltd to inform you if there was a fee that should accompany your request. However, before Lowell Portfolio Ltd could respond and make you aware of the required fee to comply with this request they received your further letter dated 14 May 2013 which included the requisite £10.00 fee". Lowell sent the information on the 24th June, bang on the 40 days. Now I may be biased, but I can't help feeling aggrieved at the ICO adjudication in respect of the SAR compliance, especially as Lowell had my address, email address and mobile telephone number and made no attempt to contact me to advise of the fee and the ICO think that over a month is a sufficient time for them not to reply!!! A situation I will have to deal with I suppose, but leads me to the point of my question. As Lowell have breached the 4th and 6th principle, what legal recourse do I have? Unfortunately I am not in the financial position to employ a solicitor at this stage. I understand that I can lodge a claim in the County Court but my dilemma is the level of compensation I should be seeking. I don't want to be greedy, however I don't want the company to get away with it either. Suffice to say the ICO have indicated that they won't be taking any further action against Lowell at this time. Any help/advice/guidance will be greatly received.
  8. Hi i was working for a company in the public sector , one of the things in my defense is the basic fact that they was in breach of contract because .... The manager forced me into taking a break at the end of the duty which i am claiming effected my performance According to ACAS It's extremely important that workers take breaks. Studies have shown that heavy workloads and stress can make workers less productive, increase the risk of mistakes, and affect health. and should have their break at some point during the middle of there shift rather than adding the break to the end or beginning of work. In the CWU agreement contract it states breaks must not be taken at the end of the duty. I have it in writing in the interview notes when i pointed out that i was stressed because i had had no break " we have spoken about this before , U MUST TAKE YOUR BREAK AT THE END." ( which was just to suite manager so he can can close doors early and get away earlier while im on my "break" as im walking home) The company s CWU has a binding agreement which means it is contract ... contract of employment explicitly mentions the inclusion of collective agreements with the cwu.This means that all valid collective agreements are express contractual terms.Breaching those terms is a breach of contract. Its gone straight to FINAL HEARING .. i dont know if that is the final thing skipping any kind of pre hearing or whatever? Anyway would you guys say this is breach of contract or what. sorry if this makes no sense
  9. I got a phone call this morning which went something like this. "Sorry to bother you but can I speak to xxxxx xxxxxxx"? I said I was speaking. "The caller then said I'd just like to confirm we can still contact you at (and stated my address)"? Alarm bells went off at the back of my last remaining braincell and I asked who was calling. We are 2F. I asked from where. Hull. I asked why she was calling me. After some evasive tactics, she eventually said they had a client who had been trying to deliver correspondence to me. I asked again who she worked for and why she was calling me and that I believed she was breaching DPA (and I meant by deceptive tactics). I told her I was ending the call... there's really no point getting into a conversation with debt collectors on the phone for all the reasons stated in these threads. When I google 2F Hull, it comes up with Westcott - who are also mentioned all over these threads. So, is this a new tactic? To call someone out of the blue without even trying to establish they're actually talking to the right person? Just wondered if anyone else had calls like this from 2F Hull?
  10. Hello, Id appreciate some advice. I took a contact out around this time last year with Orange for an iPhone 5, I never received a copy of the T&C so I am just going off the EE website. My phone got damaged last weekend at Bestival which I accept liability for (this isn't the problem) . I cant afford to buy another iPhone so I have bought a cheap handset as a make-do for now. As the iPhone 5 uses a nano sim, and my new handset uses a micro sim I called EE to see if they could send me a replacement, I offered to pay for this service as per my contract. I have been told on 2 occasions that this is not possible and was told to buy a sim card adapter. I followed there advice but unfortunately the adapter makes it slightly thicker and it still doesn't fit. Called EE a third time and this time was given the advice to cancel my contact early and pay the termination charge. (11 months line rental) Are they aloud to be this awkward over something as simple as a sim card? Thanks for the help, Nathan
  11. Has any been contacted by this company or one of the firms of solicitors that they use and been told they have forfeited their property due a breach of the mortgage contract. This action is taken without any reference to any court and usually give 14 to 28 days to repay the full amount of the mortgage plus costs. I am aware of at least two other incidents of this happening but keep reading of rumours of many others.
  12. I work for a local authority doing criminal prosecutions and have been involved leading a case with a dangerous mental health patient. During this time he has been violent to me and other individuals, threatening people with knives, guns and rape. I have also seized equipment from him with a case pending. A partner organisation is running a civil case to evict him, but in doing so have disclosed to him, my full name, date of birth, home address, home phone number, place of work and employee number. He has seen and retained the information. With the cases pending, all agencies - council, housing association, mental health team and police, consider that myself and my family are at great risk as the individual lives 10 minutes walk from my house. The housing association have accepted a breach of data protection, but offered no redress, so I am considering pursuing damages in court. With the tightening on damage claims, does the forum think i have suffered damage and distress ? (I do, and the house has been altered to make it as secure as possible, however the wife and kids are extremely uncomfortable) Thanks for any advice.
  13. Not certain where exactly to post this so here seems to be not unreasonable. I have a couple of (well old) loan agreements both of which were covered by PPI. I became unemployed through ill health in 1997 for a protracted period of time and submitted claims through the lenders for the PPI (sold by them) to be invoked to discharge the loan balance within the terms of the contracts. For unspecified reasons the loans still have the outstanding balances on them and I am continually harassed by one DCA after another. So far as I am concerned the correct action was the proper discharge of the debts under the terms of the insurance agreements. Since 2007 I have been subjected to continual harassment and my "credit score" flags up adversely because of breaches of contract by the lenders/insurers. I'd like to get these monkeys off my back so would appreciate any guidance as to the proper procedure for doing this (bearing in mind that my own attempts to resolve matters (writing to the lenders and insurers) hasn't borne fruit. Ideally I'd also appreciate some recompense for six years of harassment and the the negative impact on my ability to obtain credit.
  14. Hi all, Hope you can help, apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, or if this thread is in the wrong place. I've received 2 e-mails over the past 3 weeks from a high street bank relating to a complaint, which isn't mine. The information includes bank details, the details/ history of the complaint and named contacts within the bank who have been dealing with it - including the chief exex. The blurb on the bottom of the e-mail demands I must send this back and not forward it on etc. I won't be disclosing the bank etc publicly, but I'm currently in dispute with the same bank and have issued the chief exec emails of details of my complaint some months prior to receiving this. What are my options? I don't want compensation etc for the above breach, but are concerned the bank cannot handle data securely? Should I contact the bank, raising a formal complaint? The ICO? FOS? OFT? The original complainant? I don't want to let this drop, but not sure where I should go? Any ideas and in what order I should make the complaints? Sorry for rambling, I'm still fairly new to this. :?:Thanks for your help.
  15. Afternoon all, I've had the following e-mail from Past Due Credit Solutions regarding a Three Mobile account for £116.00 I am a Three Customer and hold 2 accounts with them, both of which are well up to date. I have checked my CRA's and there is a default registered and it actually shows 3 accounts. Tad confused where this third one came from?!! I had been ignoring their e-mails to be honest and I have made no telephone contact. However here is the rather worrying e-mail: There is also this little statement at the top of the e-mail... What the do they think they're playing at then? The contents of the email is clearly confidential as it contains account numbers and financial balances. Lets assume I never received this e-mail because I had an Out of Office and it went to a colleague. That is fairly likely to happen in my case, as I attend regular hospital appointments and use out of office to redirect my e-mails to a friend to deal with. What would you do here then? Or am I making a mountain out of a mole hill Cheers Caggers and have a good weekend
  16. Hi and thanks for any who can help. I raised grievance for bullying, and periodic aggressive attacks on me by secretary (relation to owner). last straw was when the owners "secretary" said she was giving my admin work of home office stuff and staff files to senior care assistant. she is studying her NVQ sorry now QCF level 5. my roles are admin and Activities as per my contact. I have had attacks on me since 2011 but was unable to do grievance until now as 1. did not have employee handbook until 2012. 2. because of aggression 3. changed of matrons' who did not want to deal with my concerns or who were being bullied their selves. The care assistant has been gradually taking over most of my admin work , i have had all good feed back in the past and now, so apart from care assistant just starting her QCF, i dont know why, she relabeling, she's auditing "my" staff files' and even tried to publicly critise.even nurses are asking care staff member to do forms for them, so am unsure what they have been told too. Anyway i raised grievance, yesterday the owner asked to speak to me, she said it;s informal chat , then started asking me questions which relate to the grievance, said i would like you to focus more on activities and anyone can do admin, then said she did not know anything about the grievance/ meeting due next day today... the person who wanted to take the notes is also related but yesterday denied any knowledge of the arranged grievance hearing* when last week he called me over and said the grievance letter it.s no biggee we can sort out, perhaps we can have meeting next thursday or friday i will do a letter I said next friday would be better for me, whilst he walked passed meyesterday he told a staff member that he would not be in tomorrow. So in the end the owner said she would be coming in to the initial hearing. Today 1 hour at 1pm ish before hearing she had bad head and headed off to hospital, i was asked to put meeting back later to 3pm. at 2.46pm she rang , said she was at hospital having blood tests, i asked about our grievance hearing as the home manager who was to take the meeting was on annual leave after today. she said are you in on monday i said yes, she said it's only a grievance , i can do it on monday without the home manager.. so now im worried. firstly she tried to have informal chat in the middle of process, she is the owner and she would be the person who i would need to appeal to after the home manager has done his investigation. Now she wants to hold herself without the home manager being present..she's broke our own employee handbook policies and procedures with regard to grievances. she did ask me if i wanted to do an NVQ, i feel she's trying to sweep under the carpet. what do i do when she calls for an informal chat to deal with a formal grievance monday. grateful for advice, thanks so very much all.
  17. Hi, I recently sold a mobile phone on ebay for £200, I listed in the article twice that the phone had a defect and I had numerous emails from buyers asking about it which I gave full information on, some of them bidded. It was then sold and the money paid - i sent the item out, a few days later the buyer puts in a dispute saying that the item doesnt match description as it has a defect (yes the same one i listed in the article). After a few back and forward emails ebay stepped in and yesterday I got an email saying they have decided in buyers favour - immediately i contacted ebay who informed me this wasn't the case and it was an automated email but they have asked buyer to send item back and i should check it when it comes back for any faults. Now if they would of read his complaint to me they would of realised it was the same thing i mentioned in the article and looking at ebays OWN terms and conditions it does state that they will not decide the buyer is right if the defect is mentioned fully in the article... but obviously it seems they have ignored this and are trying to push for a refund anyways... as far i'm concerned they are now in breach of there own contractual agreements with me and anyone else who has a similar issue. I am pushing the complaints every day and seeing if I can get anywhere but keep getting conflicting emails off different members of ebay staff all the time. Some saying when I get item then I should appeal and say it does match description, others saying it will auto refund when it is returned. I have closed my paypal account (can they still push a refund?) and will be closing my ebay account after this, I am totally unwilling to give a refund based on what the buyer has said (he has simply changed his mind). Does anyone know where I stand on this as I am totally willing to push a small claim against ebay for breaching the contract and going against there own buyers/sellers protection guidelines. As you can imagine, this locked my paypal account for like 2 weeks and caused loads of issues with shops I use paypal to pay - and it looks like this is going to continue for a while yet. Thanks for any help Kevin
  18. After racking up a few victories against banks and DCA, I'm now itching to take a fight to them. Because I know, given the chance to take me to courts regardless of the merits they would. The Issue: My bank who I have had no problems with except a deteriorating level of customer service and increasing incompetent level of customer service has disclosed my confidential details which has caused me to incur financial loss. I opened a business bank account with my bank by phone and was told there would be some paperwork I would need to sign and return by post. The letter never turned up. A week later, I informed the bank and they sent out another letter, which again failed to turn up. However another letter did. First of all the letter showed clear signs of being tampered with, the letter was addressed to me, however the contents did not pertain to me. They belonged to another customer and contained all of his intimate banking details, name, address, bank account numbers. I can only assume that a similar letter containing my personal info, has been sent elsewhere or been intercepted. Due to this I have had to move all of banking to another bank, which has been at some considerable expense as the task has been time consuming and has prevented me from working. Do I have a claim under DPA ?
  19. Howdy Folks, Want to know how to deal with this. Had an account with lloyds that fell into arrears and collection and recovery. They begun to pursue and i refused to pay a penny to them and eventually i get to a Team Leader who confirmed he would close the account with no further charges due to issues that i had with Lloyds and hey presto, he did it. Now since coming back to Lloyds due to being fed up with RBS i have had nothing but problems, When wanting to mirror 2 x current accounts with RBS, Lloyds wouldn't do it... "009 Indicator" which just quote "Drops Off When It Feels Like It"... (Their staff at the bank not mine) Preventing me from opening another Current Account, Savings Account and anything else related to Lloyds Banking Group. ^__^ Even the branch staff cant understand how the collections team work ^__^ Now that you have the background, here comes the latest dilemma, and i've only been back with Lloyds 8 weeks ^__^ Because Recovery / Collections use the same system but different data set (Old Accounts etc) To Phone bank etc, it means that they may not have updated the address when i moved to where i am now. Phone bank confirm this is the case and that they have the correct details while Recoveries don't... So how does this tie in? I recently received a letter from them with regards to compensation however they had put an address that i have never lived at. then on top of that, they had realised crossed out that address and put the correct address on the envelope. My concern is and this has been confirmed by Lloyds is that letters have gone to the incorrect address which i have never give them, however they can't confirm to me how many and what date the address was incorrectly changed. They confirm i have given them the correct address. A complaint was raised yesterday officially however i've been hammering on at them since Saturday to sort it out and they keep hanging up when mentioning the word "complaint." I've been into branch and they have taken a copy of the letter to confirm but refused to let me speak to the Branch or CS Manager. I wanted to speak to them as i have previously had a case of Identity Theft happen to me and im still picking up the pieces with the company in question. What should I now do to deal with Lloyds and the DPA breach? If they offer compensation... What should I accept?
  20. Evening all, wondered if anyone could offer some advice on a DPA breach by my employer? The facts are these: I have a disability I work for one of the 'big six' energy companies My manager keeps a folder with my data in it - as to be expected The folder contains things such as letters from my consultant so therefore gives my addresses, sick notes, occupational health reports and emails. One of these emails categorically states that I have HIV The problem is this: My manager has been keeping this file on his desk for months, in a building which could be accessed by 500-1000 people. It has never been locked away. I have raised a grievance citing various issues, this being one of them. I have also raised this with the data protection officers within the company. My question is that this is clearly a breach, do I have any further recourse against my employer and/or my manager personally? He told me today the reason he doesnt keep the file locked away is because he doesn't have space for it!
  21. Hi all, been reading these forums for a while and found it much help! I work for a high-street retailer and have recently "stepped" down from a mangerial position to my original position as a customer service advisor. Basically my contracted hours are 20 and have been since I was a CSA, (since Jan 2010) but to"step down" back into my original position I would have to take a 10 hour cut in my contract, I declined and asked management for them to justify this and was told the hours "are not there". I feel this is unfair because: - Another manager who recently stepped back down to a CSA has been in the organisation 11 months and has managed to get a 16 hour contract. (His managerial contract was 16, worked 39 hours as a manager but as a CSA before his promotion had a 8 hour contract as a CSA) - The store is currently advertising for new 8hour customer service advisors to join the company. - I was not issued a contract of terms relating to my managerial promotion which began in January 2013 (first pay date 18th). However I was verbally told there is a 3 month probation and was told my "contracted hours" would be the same as my previous role of customer serive. (I notified my manager on the 1st April 2013 of my intent to step down) My contract for customer service states in the terms that "Your working hours are subject to variation and directed by your manager" but at the top it states "Contracted Hours: 20. I have no updated contract since I stepped up to my promotion in January. It's a bit of a complicated situation but would anyone mind giving their thoughts if this is enough evicence to support a formal grievane to obtain my original hours back? Much appreciated!
  22. Hi there, i have had a account with perfect homes and they harrased me when I got into arrears and as a result once standed out side my door for half a hour threatening to call the police. the fellow resident within the block isnt prepared to make a statement of this. But she did say on the phone to me that she would phone them which I had said in a letter. they then decided to speak about my account to my ex partner and phone my mother who was a reference asking both of them to ask me to get in touch with them as they wanted the dryer back. I feel that this is a serious breach of confidentiality and after making a formal letter taking loads of advice on the law on here a manager from the west of England ( I live in Wales) wants a meeting with me i feel that he wants this to avoid paying any time of compensation. As I cant see otherwise why someone would travel this far. i was wondering if anyone had any advice on how i can request compensation if they refuse how would I take them to court for breach of confidentiality. As they have not stopped harrasing me I cant see I have a strong enough claim for harassment the breach of confidentiality is a huge cause of concern as I dint want my ex partner or my mother who is unwell to know that I am having financial difficulties. They had been once when I arranged for someone to stay in before all of this to collect the washing machine and dryer but only took the washing machine and this is the reason i havent given it back as i work full time and never in so have to have someone to stay and at the moment I dont have anyone. Thanks for all your help in advance.!!!
  23. Hi quantum. I'm in a similar situation - can you help me at all? Many thanks. R
  24. Hi, Hope someone can provide any advice. On the 11th May 2012 I requested a grievance hearing meeting concerning my Area Director on how he was managing my long term sickness plus when I requested my staff file I found two outcome letters, both written by the same person, dated the same, with outcome upheld but different actions. The one I received was lodged in my staff file and the other one in my line managers filing but HR had been advised it was partially upheld and told the actions on the line managers copy. Due to the fact I had been off work with work related stress, occupational health (AXA PPP) then requested that I attended an independent medical assessment on the 28 May 2012 to gain a better understanding of the clinical reasons for the ongoing sickness absence. As a result of this, a medical report was sent to OH and they forwarded this on to Human Resources on the 31st May. HR then emailed a copy of this to my Area Director on the 7 June 2012 and at the same time sent a copy of the report to me. My grievance was heard on the 11 June 2012. Due to circumstances I had to request my staff file again and have since found evidence that when my report was emailed from HR to my Area Director on the 7 June he then forwarded this email to his assistance and my grievance hearing manager on the same day. The email clearly states that the attachment was only intended for the recipient of the email and under no circumstances should any of this info be disclosed to any other third party not entitled to receive it under the DPA 1998. It was also password protected sent via a separate email. I understand that under DPA this is classed as sensitive data and permission should be sought from the data subject first before disclosing to someone else. As my grievance was in no way connected to the independent medical assessment as this was carried out after I had lodged my grievance I believe that my AD should not have forwarded the contents of the report. I have spoken to my ex-employers Data Protection Team who advised me that if the grievance was about the assessment then he could forward it on, as soon as I mentioned that there was no connection they clammed up. Please can anyone advise me as to whether my understanding is correct and if so should I complain to the ICO. I have already reported them for not releasing my file after 5 separate requests, they were given a warning and given a chance to correct it. I wait in anticipation..... Many thanks
  25. Hi all having a little problem with T-Mobile, Slightly long winded. Got a new contract last year with T-Mobile and 2nd month had a problem with £2.50 + VAT been added to my bills, a charge for not paying via direct debit or bank transfer. A few emails were exchanged and I received an email explaining how to pay without incurring a charge and that stated you can pay online through your account and its this way I have been paying it. I ended up writing to T-Mobile to let them explain these charges and unless they were willing to give me a breakdown I would not be paying them. Everything was fine I was paying my bills on time (minus the £2.50 + VAT charge) every month and have written to them at least 6 times now explaining I will not be paying the charges until I see a breakdown as I know its a penalty charge. Cue last month when I get a phone call from T-Mobile regarding the £10.71 owing on my account and I explain to the guy that I will not be paying that amount until T-Mobile either provide me the breakdown on how the charges are calculated or remove that amount from my account. 2 Days later my phone goes to incoming calls only, can't phone T-Mobile on 150 as incoming calls only. I have a good read of the terms and conditions and found a nice clause and that states: 4.4.5. If You don’t pay a bill by the date set out on it You will have broken an important condition which is a fundamental part of this Agreement between You and Us and this will entitle Us to suspend Your SIM Card from the Network and/or terminate this Agreement immediately and charge You a Cancellation Charge except where: You have a genuine dispute with Us; and Before the date by which Your bill must be paid, You have written (see point 9.6) to Us setting out the details of Your dispute, including the amount of Your claim against Us and the amount You intend to withhold as disputed. If the amount You intend to withhold is less than the total amount You owe Us then You must pay the difference by the date set out on the bill. If You don’t, then We can terminate this Agreement immediately. I then wrote to T-Mobile claiming breach of contract for disconnecting my services while I had a clear dispute, they had been informed at least 3 times in writing of the amount I would be witholding and yet they still put my phone on incoming calls only. Bill was paid 7 days before this happened. I then promptly got my PAC code and moved to an alternative provider. Now I have had a letter from Moorcrap claiming £400 owing to EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE for phone charges and early disconnection fees. I have started a letter to T-Mobile explaining my position and inviting them to take me to court as I have all the letters I have sent them which covers me under the clauses and, I also added that legal action against them will be started for any adverse credit reporting that damages my good name and credit worth. As far as T-Mobile are concerned they say they answered my queries regarding the non direct debit charge by sending me their terms of service leaflet and I owe the early disconnection fee. Anyone any ideas on how to go on with this, I can see T-Mobile putting up this £400 onto my credit file as a defaulted amount. Regards George
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