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bri mac

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  1. Thanks for the advice so far:- Police and employer are aware. HA have admitted their mistake in writing and are currently investigating what exactly happened, but the 'correct officer' is on annual leave for a while. They have offered any security measures for the house. They have not referred the matter to the ICO, so I will do that on Tuesday, and will speak to the Housing Ombudsman too. In the meantime, Ive had a strange visit from someone rearranging my hubcaps. In a CCTV blindspot, which is no longer the case. I think they should be made to realise that this changes things for a long time now, given my job
  2. they forgot to redact their evidence before sending it to him. He has now retained those documents
  3. I work for a local authority doing criminal prosecutions and have been involved leading a case with a dangerous mental health patient. During this time he has been violent to me and other individuals, threatening people with knives, guns and rape. I have also seized equipment from him with a case pending. A partner organisation is running a civil case to evict him, but in doing so have disclosed to him, my full name, date of birth, home address, home phone number, place of work and employee number. He has seen and retained the information. With the cases pending, all agencies - council, housing association, mental health team and police, consider that myself and my family are at great risk as the individual lives 10 minutes walk from my house. The housing association have accepted a breach of data protection, but offered no redress, so I am considering pursuing damages in court. With the tightening on damage claims, does the forum think i have suffered damage and distress ? (I do, and the house has been altered to make it as secure as possible, however the wife and kids are extremely uncomfortable) Thanks for any advice.
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