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  1. This is what the DVLA have sent me. [ATTACH=CONFIG]46474[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]46475[/ATTACH] I'll try to keep it brief as I can. In March/April this year I paid the DVLA £50 for the car not being insured and took their advice that the car needed to be SORN. The vehicle was not being used due to water leak problems. ( car was still taxed but insurance cancelled) Took the advice and sent off SORN and left it at that. Come 2nd week of August I receive this requisition. Within a week i plead not guilty (on behalf of wife- as it his her car) and wait. Last week 11th Sept, I begin to worry as I have not heard from them. I contact DVLA only to be moved from pillar to post, Find out vehicle has never been made SORN so do it over the phone there and then. Advised to write to the Enforcement Centre as apparently this is the only way you can contact them. Again, 16th Sept, worrying about no correspondence back, I call DVLA who ask me to call the courts. Eventually i speak to the appointed witness this morning (17th Sept) If i have put in a no guilty plea the case will be adjourned and ill be informed soon and maybe have a trial (!!) nearer to home in two to four weeks. There will still be a hearing which i don't need to attend! Speak to the dvla appointed witness, who says i don't have a leg to stand on. The car had lapsed insurance but still had tax. I originally paid fine to stop it going to court but the MIB checked again in June and the car was still uninsured therefore this is why i am going to court. I explained that once I paid my initial fine I sought advice and was told to SORN. I did this. He then asked whether I received an acknowledgement letter to confirm the SORN. i had not received it and he then went on to tell me that its my duty to call the DVLA and find out what is happening. I explained Ii had done what was required of me. Further more he also mentioned that while the car is still taxed you cannot SORN it. So, is there any advice or solicitor I can be referred to as it looks as though I will end up going to court. I did ask about changing the plea to guilty and pay the fine but this is unjust as I have not used the car illegally or anything. All help would be soo appreciated as I am stuck on what I need to do.
  2. ......Today is the 14th day of taking out motor car insurance, unfortunately my circumstances have changed and i no longer need the car insurance on this particular vehicle. Today is the 14th day but the problem is the company are closed for business today and no way to cancel for the reduced fee. Tomorrow when they open will be 15th day which adds a larger fee and extra fee for using it for 15 days. Are they allowed to close or at least not allow cancellations on a sunday? effectively in my case it leaves me with 13 days to cancel and not 14 as per their policy. Advice would be appreciated. Thank you
  3. Hi Guys Long story short, I dont know where these 4 accounts have come from and they dont show up on my credit file. This has been an ongoing saga for a few weeks that id thought id try and weather myself but im not sure of my next move. I requested over the phone very recently the address where i was to send the document requests to (4 x £1 Postal Orders With the usual on the back) however they said they could send them via email... However I got 2 today and they are attached below. Im no genius but these are not CCA agreements.... I think the wording of the letter is a joke... The main history here is i had a case of identity theft back in 2011.... But i dont know if it extended to the later part of 2012... :/ The 4 accounts are as follows, Quid24 - £375 WageDay Advance - £139 Cheque Centre... - £320 Notice the I said 4 accounts and i have listed only 3.... Supposedly there are 2 loans taken out on the same day with the Cheque Centre? I have never worked at Mcdonalds.... either... In fact i dont know anyone who has worked at Macdonalds who has been in close contact with me :/ I also dont want anyone coming to the home i live in as its a shared house and i love it here and i think if someone does turn up even though im going to send a "You have no rights to attend the property" letter from the template archive Down to you guys; What do I do next? - Send a Cease Letter / Letter Before Action? - Request The CCAs?
  4. Hi all really appreciate any help! I had a minor bump on Friday in the car- the car in front of me ended up with a few scratches. Afterwards I went home and looked through all my car details and I realised that I have a problem. Last year I bumped into a footpath and did a small bit of damage so I claimed on the insurance so this year we decided to have my partner as the main policy holder and me as a named driver (I disclosed I am the main driver). We both signed and dated the V5C registered keeper form in march but I forgot to send in the form. So I have just posted it off yesterday to arrive Monday. I am really not sure what to do now. Do I tell the insurance company? They might now pay out the claim and I might get in trouble? Or do I hope that when they check out who the registered keeper is the name has changed over already? I would like to limit the amount of trouble I could get in and the amount of cash I might have to pay out. Really appreciate any advice!!
  5. I bought a car from a dealer 6 weeks ago and noticed some stuttering accelerating when cold. After some advice about this and the type of car I got it checked out and found some engine errors on the ECU (knocking and misfiring). It's likely carbon build up on the direct injection engine and won't be cheap to fix. Although this can't be proved I suspect they knew about the fault as the car was a lot cheaper than it was worth. The dealer provide 3 months warranty on all cars with £500 excess. I know there's a satuatory law about car warranties, so what are my rights? Can I tell them to pay for it all and also what if they say the warranty doesn't cover the engine?
  6. Hi. I'm looking for advice as to how to proceed (or not) with a purchase of a car. I took a test drive of a Freelander 2 advertised on a local motor trader's web site. It is an '07 GS Model with 50,000 miles. I liked the car and agreed to pay the asking price of £10,995 so long as they agreed to take my car in part/ex for the price I wanted, which they did. The Freelander's MOT lapsed in June 13. As part of the deal, the trader agreed to MOT and service it (oil and filter). MOT has 4 advisories: two were for deteriorated rubber bushes (wear and tear?), and one was to indicate that the under-tray obscured some components, and another to indicate that engine covers obscured some components. I paid for the car using a bank transfer, having borrowed the funds from my parents to fund the purchase. I collected the car on Wednesday 7th August at 11:00. The car fuel gauge indicated 3/4 of a tank of diesel. This 'Distance to Empty' display gradually rose to c 250 miles, and I drove about 240 miles. The fuel gauge dropped to just below half full. On Friday 9th August at 09:30 I was driving close to my home when the car went into 'limp' mode while driving up a hill. The error message on the dash stated "reduced engine performance" for about two seconds, then the car stalled and would not restart. I walked home and spoke with the dealer who, after some persuasion, agreed to return my part/ex car and bring a mechanic to assess the problem. The mechanic brought one of those devices that plugs into the car's management system and there were about 10 fault codes, but the one that stood out stated something like "reduced / no fuel pressure forced engine shutdown". The mechanic alleged that the other fault codes were not important or were related to the pressure fault. The mechanic insisted the car had run out of fuel. I doubted this and described the fuel gauge / DTE etc. He guessed that the fuel sender unit had jammed, and that the car had run out of fuel even though the gauge read half full. He put about 10 litres of fuel in the car and freewheeled the car somewhere flat, and restarted the engine. I was then offered the car back, and it was suggested that I keep a fullish tank while they ordered the part from Land Rover and fitted it later. Instinctively I declined, and asked them to take the car away and fix it and only offer it to me when the fuel system had been fully tested. It was explained to me that the repair may take a week. In turn, I responded that I was on leave for two weeks so it may be the end of August before I can swap vehicles again. Which brings me to my query. I have read through some of the threads on the boards, and looked at summaries of the SOGA 1979 and I guess I could ask for a refund, but I may have a fight on my hands. I like the car, and what I'd like to do is to have it independently inspected for any other faults before accepting it. Clearly I should have thought of that before agreeing to buy it, but I can't change that now. Or, can I write to the dealer and set out my rights under the SOGA and explain that if I accept the car, I will have it immediately inspected and I will return it for any necessary repairs? Any advice very much appreciated. Many thanks, Paul.
  7. Hi all, My First post. I was recently been very successful in getting a default notice from a welcome finance debt which was being chased by a dca called Compello. The debt was statute barred! My attention has now turned to Motor Mile Finance (MMF). I'm not one bit concerned about their threats of agents coming to the door etc, the debt is for £140!!! Payday loan from the Loan Store. What I am concerned about is the effect on my credit file. Firstly the debt is about a year old and they have registered the default a couple of months after. However they have registered the debt at an old address (my university accommodation from about six years ago) on my credit file. It simply isn't the case that i haven't updated them with my current address as i have been in the same place since the debt was taken. I can only assume they pulled this address from my credit file. Can anyone please advise? does this give me any type of edge with trying to get them to remove it? Any advice and template letters would be great! - Thanks in advance.
  8. I had a finance agreement with Park Motor Finance in Wales in Sept 2006. I have lost the original agreement so have only memory to go by. I paid the car for 2 years and tried to Voluntary Terminate, sent letters and phoned them. They made it difficult to VT as they said the car had to be taken to Wales from Scotland. Then said Newcastle or i could arrange an uplift for £500 all at my expense. The long and short of it is the car was Reposessed about 6 months later after i had stopped payments to them about Aug 2008. As far as i remember i never had a court order to reposess the car. After it was taken the car was auctioned and the remainder i was told to pay through various debt collection agencies. Forward to June 2012 and i received a court order to pay the remainder of the balance of £1800 plus costs and interest, which was to be paid in installments of £194. i was away on holiday during the case date and couldn't attend so made an offer to settle as advised by CAB. This has now been settled in full. Is it still possible for me to get copies of all correspondance during they sent up until the reposession and court order. Can i still fight back or is it too late to dispute. Thank you for your help, sorry if this is confusing.
  9. Hi Took a car loan with Close in 2004. The car handed back and the account settled in 2006. there were numerous charges between 2004 and 2006. I wrote to Close to reclaim and received the reply attached. Can I reclaim theses charges and if so what approach is best? Thanks in advance.
  10. hi all, don't know what to do, don't know if you could advise, my insurance was due on 7/7/13 had a letter before saying it was going to happen automatically and I would receive documents after payment auto taken from bank, received them today but apparently they were sent last week, because I have limited mileage (5000) I have a deadline to send it back so I rang to explain I have just received it, that was ok I could just tell them over the phone, but they also asked about any change in circumstances and I told them I was now temporarily unemployed and they said they would have to cancel my policy they could not offer any insurance and they would charge me £30 admin and £9.88 for 7 days from today insurance. surely I should not be punished and charged for my unfortunate circumstance
  11. Good evening, Today I purchased a one day "temporary cover" motor insurance from Haven, the purpose of this was to use my brothers car in order to move some stuff around. I took the insurance out through a broker called temp cover. The site was very misleading and anyway after 20 minutes I managed to process the application for the policy. I paid 39 pounds for the one day cover. However, when my policy certificate was emailed to me when I opened it the policy was in fact for the 3rd to the 4th of June. So either through a mistake on my behalf or a glitch in the system (I cant be sure) I had a useless policy as I am in work on that date anyway. So I looked to remedy this and on the website it had a number on the top. It was an 0845 number and I have no idea whether this will have cost me money to ring. Anyway, after about ten minutes working my way through the minefield I managed to get through to somebody. I explained the problem and the agent automatically answered me back with "unfortunately Mr Higgins we cannot give you a refund or neither can we change the date of the policy". Basically, tough!!! I asked her if i could speak to her manager to which she replied I am the manager. I explained that I am pretty sure I have some statutory rights to a refund and feel it is completey unfair that they cannot offer me at least a partial refund. I have decided not to take this lying die, why should we as the consumers be bullied by this big companies. 40 pound is not a lot of money but the principle of it is worthless. So this is were anybody reading this comes in. What I would like is some free honest advice. Also, I have a few questions aimed at people who know the Sales of goods and services act as well as long distance selling regulations. Under the latter it states that I am entitled to a 7 day cooling off period. Now I know it would be pointless as in 48 hours the service would have been null anyway. But should I not be entitled to a refund? Any free advice would be much appreciated. Kind Regards Mr Higgins
  12. Hi I have Motor Mile finance chasing me for a couple of pay day loans. I received all the emails and texts threatening home visits etc. I have had to send letters my recorded mail for them to acknowledge me. I've finally had a reply and they have provide details of the loans taken out (1) October 2008 with Wonga for £180 but with interest now £588.08 (2) July 2010 with Uncle Buck for £200.00 but with interest it is now £2,035!! My question is for anyone who can help - what can I do about the interest that has accured on these loans especially the Uncle Buck one. I will offer them what I can afford inline with other debts I have but can I do anything about the interest??? Thanks
  13. I have just renewed my car insurance (with Hastings Direct). I got a letter today skin me to send them a copy of my V5 to prove that I have owned my car since 2005 as stated. I cannot see the logic behind this for a number of reasons: They did not ask to see it last year The value of my car will not change depending on how long I have owned it My premium is not affected by how long I have owned the car Is this necessary? Why do they want it? Can I refuse?
  14. The story goes like this I took out a trade policy 2 years ago with Unicom and listed my cars and had a year of no worry insurance. Last year we renewed my policy with a company called gardners insurance in Chelmsford. they took the deposit and started the policy. The company was given a list of vehicle's to be put on the MID website. 1 of the car on the list is not registered to me. The owner of the car that was not registered to me got a letter saying that the car had no insurance on 06Sept 2012 and has been flagged up as uninsured and Not on the MID and fined. I contacted gardners insurance and asked them why the car wasn't on the list. they said it was added at the start of the policy and that it was a mistake by traderwise the underwriters . they said they would sort out the mistake. after a few months they did nothing and the fine went up, then went to court. I gave up and contacted traderwise and had a good chat with a guy, and found out that from the start of the policy 1st may 2012 till 13th/14th sept 2012 there was no cars added to the MID list. then all 3 cars was added. I asked how the 3 cars details was added to the list and was told that the list was updated by gardners insurance. I phoned gardners and asked how the details got to the MID they said they are not sure. I know we didn't contact them and give them the list of the cars after the 06/09/12. the woman said the policy didnt have any cars added to the policy for 4 months as we didn't give them any details of the 3 cars. I replied that someone must be physic as some how the MID list was updated. I was thinking of asking Gardners in S.A.R letter to show me all the emails they have had from myself to them. I was also told to ask them for all call records kept. From the way I see it Gardners had missed listing all my cars on the MID and then added then after the no insurance offence. I was also lucky they didn't fine me for the other 2 cars as they was not on the list too. I would like some help in getting gardners to admit to the mistake and pay the fine. does anyone know what I should do now??
  15. Hi. Hope this is the right forum! Two weeks before I changed my motor insurance company I got a cheaper quote from who I was with and paid up front. Had an accident which the old insurance company sorted. Straight forward. Repairs took place as the new policy with the new company took over. My problem is with the old company who I am no longer a customer of. Basically My car was parked and someone drove into the front of it whilst it was unattended and drove off. Reported it to the police. Front end was bashed and a scratch down the side. When it was returned from the repairers they said the scratch repair was not authorised. After many calls to the insurance engineer they are saying it will need to be a second claim £350 excess! As the scratch was vandalism and not part of the accident I reported. I absilutely dispute this as the scratch wasn't there the day before! My argument is that had the front end accident not happened then neither would the scratch. Any ideas where I might stand? Thanks in advance.
  16. has anyone had any similar experience to us i had a accident back in june 2010 ,as a result of us being 3rd party fire and theft covered only ,we where told to contact a seperate company from our insurance provider and they would deal with any losses We contacted Broker assistance who insisted that we where entitled to a courtesy vehicle ,me being suspicious declined initially but was reassured (via a phone call with one of thier representatives) that we would not be responsible for any costs involved and they would write it off against the claim ther fore we took the courtesy vehicle for a total of 1 week just before xmas where where contacted by a seperate comapny, motor claims managment, who sent us a very threatening letter demanding £700 for the cost of the car it turns out that broker assistance have gone bust and ba are working on behalf of the administrators to recover outstanding money as the result of my accident left me at fault they have contacted me has anyone had any similar experiences ,where do we stand legally?
  17. Hello, I'm new to the site but have been reading the advice given on here for a while now and now I'm hoping somebody can help me out. I recently sent a letter to Close Motor Finance about some CPI which I found was ticked on an agreement but without my signature. They have been very good in keeping in contact and after only 3 weeks I received a letter this morning. It stated that they have looked into my complaint and found that I did indeed sign an agreement for CPI, however, due to my dissatisfaction they are going to give me a "goodwill gesture" of £150, which was what was paid out in CPI. The thing is, I have looked at the paperwork they have included as "proof" and several things were immediately flagged up. Firstly, the form I have on file different to the one they have sent me, there are missing or extra text boxes on the form. The form they have sent me is also in black biro for some of the writing but on mine its all in typed text. The form they have sent me also has space for two signatures, where as my copy of the form only has one signature space. But more alarming is the fact that the two signatures on the form they have sent me, are totally different to each other and barely similar to that of my actual signature, they are also in blue biro, whereas the rest of the form is in black biro. They have said the "goodwill gesture" is a full and final offer, they haven't added the interest I believe should be added but my question is should I accept the offer of take it further? I have a form with no signature on it at all but they send me "proof" with two dodgy looking signatures on it that they say are mine. Also, if there was no case to answer through my complaint, why have they offered me a "goodwill gesture"? Any advice would be very welcome. Thanks.
  18. LV motor insurance have arranged for a field investigator to call at my house,i had a small accident few months ago. i was told by the insuance that they need a statement. but now im told the investigator wants to have a 2 hour interview with me. are they just wanting a statement of what happened ? thats a 10 miniute job. i suspect the investigators job is to find some loophole to not pay out. can i refuse to allow the interview investigation? i claimed for a windscreen only. the third party pedestrian is claiming for injury. its annoying because insurance company only told me they need g4s person to come and take a statement of what happened. now they want a 2 hour interview. what are your views on this
  19. Hello I have a motor trader policy which has myself, mother and step-dad on it. When we took out this insurance we requested that it cover our personal vehicles. My step father has now had his seized by the police as when they checked the insurance they were told that it would not be insured because the regsitered owner ie him was not the primary policy holder.This depsite the fact that it was registerd with them and when taxed no one from dvla has said a word that it should be in my name. I can not get a straight answer from my insurers all I am told is their policies changed two weeks ago. is there any legal right to get the recordings of the phone calls made both when I bought the vehicle and today. Are all calls to insurance companies recorded. I have basically spent 1600.00 GBP on a policy which does nothing and is no use to me or my business and feel I ahve been conned. I have had traders policy for over thirteen years and never had this problem or been told this. My step dad is looking at in10 offence through no fault of hiw own and has tow ait until Monday to recover his vehcile as the police are so backed up we have lost a fortune as xmas such a busy time of year I just feel they should not be allowed to get away with this. In effect we have all been driving uninsured and we all have families which non of us would put at risk. Any suggestions gratefully recieved.
  20. I am changing my vehicle on Thursday and the insurance company after re-newing the policy in October. They are not competetive for the new car so am going to change companues. They say they are going to charge me admin cancellation fees and for loss of commission, is this right?
  21. Hello, Im new this forum. I was recently hit by another car reversing into me whilst i was stationary getting ready to start a 3 point turn and the dispute goes on that the other gentleman said that I was moving as well. Which is un true - I think he can see no other way out but to try and claim it as a 50/50 claim. Now the gentleman has not contacted his insurance's and they had only one response from him saying it was 50/50 - no other contact for about 6 weeks. His insurance has now said they will accept in my favour but without prejudice. But they also said if he does call back in 6 months down the line and dispute then I could still have to pay half of my excess. I wanted to know is there a legal timescale that has to be ad-eared to by him ? or something stopping him after they have filled in my favour? Thank you in advanced for any help.
  22. Hello! I am very new to this but would really appreciate some advice. I have already made a successful claim to MBNA and others that are being assessed for mis-sold PPI but this one is hitting a brick wall! I am trying to make a claim for mis-sold PPI by First National Motor Finance. I originally sent the claim to Santander but they are saying that they have no record of the loan agreement which the PPI was atatched to. Having "Googled" for many hours I am now wondering if I should be pursuing the claim with Santander or submitting the claim to GE Money or London Holdings Limited who were the contact in the event of a claim under the policy. Can anyone help me with this? Many thanks. Sue:-)
  23. They are being referred to the CC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19755037
  24. Hi hope someone may be able to offer advice, my son has been insured with endsleigh for past six months, previous to this with insurance company for two years with no problems, he has never had an accident nor made a claim, as his mum I am named as additional driver, I rarely use the car and I have no other car and therefore no other policy, I have never had an accident nor made any claim, I just drive very occasionally. Today my son has received a letter from Endsleigh wanting an explanation as to why when they have searched the Claims and Underwriting (CUE) register, the information supplied by him at time of taking out the policy does not match suggesting in the letter, nothing specific but stating that " they have searched this register and can confirm that claims have been supplied to the register by other insurers in relation to previous insurance experience on another motor insurance policy for a driver on your policy" this made no sense to him at all, but as they were asking for a written explanation within 14 days or they would cancel his insurance from inception, he rang the number provided, when he explained , they stated the reg of car involved and my son realised this related to my husband, his dad, they have both got same christian and surname but different middle names and certainly different dates of birth. My son explained the error , however Endsleigh state it is my son who needs to prove it wasnt him and that they dont have access to dates of birth to search this register, when it was suggested to Endsleigh that this was a breach of Data protection, they then said the additional driver was my husband, therefore that is why his information came up, however I am the additional driver different christian name , date of birth etc from hubby, who by the way is appalled his son now has been given this information, Endsleigh have given my son the name of insurance company (hubbys previous)again hubby furious, to contact as they say my son must sort this out. Question is how ? and why do insurance companies have access to personal information if they are not able to protect it ? help anyone ?
  25. he OFT's market study has provisionally found that the following practices appear to inflate the cost of replacement vehicles provided to not-at-fault drivers, making it on average £560 more expensive each time: After road traffic accidents, many insurers of not-at-fault drivers, brokers and repairers, refer those drivers to credit hire organisations that tend to charge higher daily hire rates, in exchange for a referral fee of between £250 and £400 per car hire. Not-at-fault drivers appear to receive replacement vehicles for longer periods than necessary, leading to inflated bills for the at-fault driver's insurer to cover. The report also provisionally found that the following practices appear to be inflating the cost of repairs to not at-fault drivers' vehicles, by £155 on average each time: Certain insurers receive referral fees and rebates from repairers, paint suppliers and parts suppliers. It appears that the cost of paying these referral fees and rebates to insurers increases the repair bills being passed to the at-fault driver's insurer. Certain insurers have agreements with their approved repairers to charge higher labour rates when repairing the vehicle of the not-at-fault driver which they insure, leading to higher bills being passed to the at-fault driver's insurer. http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2012/44-12
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