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  1. I received a Fixed Penalty Notice - £100 and 3 points for doing 46 mph on a 40 mph road. I am not sure I actually went above the speed limit as I have been careful with my driving having attended a speed awareness course recently. I requested for a video evidence to show that I actually exceeded the speed limit. The evidence provided was a photograph taken by the speed camera with no dates and time. Not still convinced, I asked for further evidence and ended up receiving exactly the same photograph, but with dates and time on it and a mail stating how the camera works, advising that I exercise the options of either paying the penalty fare with 3 points on my licence or referring the matter to court for further hearing. I am thinking of taking the matter to court and would appreciate any form of advise from anyone that have had similar experience. I haven't been to court for any reason and not really sure of how i could make a case for my self in this situation. The only thing I know is that the evidences were not convincing to me at all. A video evidence would have been more convincing and the photograph with date and time on it looked a bit like a 'hurried' piece of work. Doesn't look like a computer print out at all.
  2. Hi everyone my partner got pulled for a defective light and whilst stopped also got done for having no insurance ( he had domestic and social insurance and not commercial which apparently he needed) I have the fine to pay here but the offence code written is 608(a) and its not recognised when I try to pay the fine.. if they have written the wrong code is the ticket still valid? AnnMarie
  3. Hi Everyone I received a fixed penalty notice yesterday, and when I went online to pay the fine last night, the system said my Notice Number was invalid. I then tried paying over the phone with an automated system, but again it said my Notice Number was incorrect. I have today telephoned the ticket office to find out what I was doing wrong when entering the Number and I was told that the traffic warden had put an extra zero in the Number when writing my slip out, making the number of digits too many - I was trying to enter a 17 digit number into the system when it would only accept 16 digits. Have I got any grounds for appealing against this ticket on the basis that the information on my ticket is incorrect? Many thanks.
  4. Hi all, I'm new to this forum, I joined specifically just to have this query answered, so any advice is much appreciated. I was pulled over tonight driving from my in-laws to my home,a very short trip, with no seatbelt on. Yes, I should have been wearing it regardless of the speed I was going or the distance I was travelling but I just simply didn't put it on. The policeman said that he was giving me a fixed penalty notice of £100. £100 a couple of weeks before Christmas that I cannot - in any way, shape or form - pay in one go. I was told that I cannot pay in instalments, and that if I don't pay within 28 days it will be passed on to the court. I hold my hands up and acknowledge that I should have had my seatbelt on, but really ... really ... £100? ... what purpose does me paying £100 serve? it is ridiculous. Surely the government cannot justify the amount they charge people by saying it serves as a deterrent for future traffic offences. Put me on a 3 hour driving awareness course and make me pay for the tuition costs i receive - that is more than a suitable and effective deterrent. Taking £100 off people is robbery. I've just had to pay £20 to update my photocard driving license, when changing things like name and address on your license are free .. . how is updating a photo a worthy of a £20 fee when updating the text on the document free? the officer SAID he was giving me a £100 penalty notice, but has actually written no amount on the FPN itself. I have essesntially signed to say that I will pay (blank) within 28 days or they will increase the charge by 50% and pass it over to the court. Seeing as though I've signed the notice, the policeman has written the notice, but there is no amount stated on the notice, is there any way that this could serve as a request to pay zero? Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.
  5. Hi, I've just been issued with a fixed penalty notice which I suspect is not fair. We live on quite a narrow street, with a very wide (c.20 foot) grass verge in front of the houses. This grass verge is owned by the council, but some residents have put in tarmac driveways covering the length of the verge between the houses and the road. One house with such a driveway is (and has been for about a year) unoccupied. The landlord occasionally comes to do stuff to it, but the drive is almost always empty, especially overnight. Moreover, there is space for both our car and his on the drive. I phoned the council, and they confirmed they still own the land. In addition, parking on the driveway doesn't block access to the house, as there is a pavement and a front garden between the driveway and the house. There is a dropped kerb at the end of the drive. Can this still be classed as obstruction, as the ticket says, or is council land free to park on regardless of whether somebody pays for a drive?
  6. I hope this forum can help me as I came across it during a google search on what to do in this scenario. Let me explain what has happened: I caught a train from a station that had no ticket machine, that I have used many times before paying the conductor when he comes down the train. On this day, his machine decided it wanted to decline my card and I was given an Unpaid Fare Notice, and told to take this to the nearest ticket office to pay off the ticket within 14 days. Later the same day, when I was at my destination, I proceeded to the ticket office and handed over the notice in exchange for a return ticket for the same price from where I boarded the train to where I got off. I thought that was done with as he took away the paper notice I was given. About 2 weeks later I was sent a letter in the post saying they had not received my payment and wanted to charge me £40 on top of the current fee. [EDIT] I'd done exactly what the conductor said and paid the exact charge written on the notice to a member off rail staff, and ignored the letter. Now I've received a further letter, asking for £80 + the rail fair, and that I will be taken to a Magistrates Court and charged £150 in fees if they do not receive this. Being unemployed and in debt I cannot afford and quite frankly refuse to pay that much money for a ticket worth £8.90. I even have the train tickets I was given by me. I am unsure what to do as of now, whether I should contact a lawyer and defend myself in the court, or I should write to the rail company, although this has caused me undue stress and inconvenience with these 'threats' when I owe them no money. I don't understand why I should be fined for this or even taken to court, as I have followed exactly what the conductor said, and paid off my debt. Please help! Thank you, Sean.
  7. Hi, info please if poss. I had my handbrake fixed on my MOT Thursday 4th july. Today 7 july...it rolled down a slope and bashed another car. Where do I legally stand with the garage??? Gary
  8. Hello I'd appreciate some help here please. Back in December, there was an incident where a friend drove a relative's car where a speeding ticket was incurred. My relative wasn't the driver or in the car but it was her car so she got the notice in the post. She quickly replied she was not the driver and named the person (my friend) she believed was the driver at the time. My friend sometimes stays at the relative’s address but not always. Anyway, a few notices were then sent to my relative in the name of my friend which my friend (the driver at the time) apparently did not respond to. A Court Summons FPN has now arrived at my relative's address in my friend's name. My friend insists he was not guilty of the speeding offence and suggested that something may have been wrong with the camera that awarded the ticket. Also, the court summons has misspelt his name and he's wandering how best to plead/address the matter. The summons was received on 16th of May with apparently 7 days given just to defend it or plead Not Guilty. Kindly please urgently assist. Many thanks.
  9. Hi All, I need your suggestion on my case which is bit tricky and i need to find a way out. I was caught by police on 15th April 2013 while driving with my wife and 2 year old son. Because my wife is holding my son on her lap as he was crying. Immediately they have given me Fixed Penalty Notice with 3 points and £60 fine. I have Surrender my paper copy license and card license in Nearest police station and paid fine over phone on 16th May 2013. on 18th May 2013, i have called my insurance provider to update the same. Insurance provider asked for DVLA offence code, i was not able to provide offence code as i don't have it. Now the problem is my Insurance is getting expired on 30th of May 2013 and my insurance provider is not going to provide insurance for me. I have checked with other insurance providers and no one is ready to provide insurance without DVLA offence code. Now, to find out my Offence code i have called up Center Ticketing team and they said they have not received my License yet. I have checked with Police station and found that they has sent the License, but, Ticketing Office not received it. So, Police lost my license. My Insurance is going to expire on 30th of this month. So, Please suggest something what to do and how to do.
  10. Hi all, if Ive been on a 6 month fixed term contract and it has been rolled four times since I started! Should I have received a new written contract everytime my employer rolled it! As my end date was 30th June 2012 and since that date I have not been given anything at all in writing its now been a year I've worked past my last written contracts end date.
  11. As I was growing up in (and just before I left at the age of 20, most of the banks there had a 'fixed deposit savings account'. IN short you: 1) Depositied x amount into the account when it was opened and you got interest on that amount 2) DIfference is from here to UK is that you weren't allowed (nor could withdraw money) from the the account within the first year of interest Are there any accounts like that here? Reason I ask is that I'm terrible at saving, and it would be great if I could have a redeemable 'money hole' to throw money in as and when I could and let it build up for year without me draining it before that time. CHeers, A
  12. I am currently on a Fixed term contract which expires on 25/4/2013. I have had no indication as to if it is going to be extended or if I am to finish on this date. I have been working for the company since September 2012. As I understand it I am entitled to a weeks notice if they do not intend to renew. This is impossible as it is now 6 days away. What is my position with regards to this?
  13. can anyone help please ? ive just been issued an £80 fine for urinating in a public place i was not visible to anyone passing and there is no cctv in the alley where it happened all the police officer saw was me walking out of the alley he then walked up there with a torch and found urine on the wall and floor and instantly assumed it was me can i appeal as i think the evidence is not strong enough to have been issued with this fine as he didnt actually catch me doing it
  14. My husband was given a fixed penalty notice this afternoon while stopped on the hard shoulder of the M602 in Manchester. He had pulled over as our two year old who is currently quite ill was coughing so much he was really worried he was choking on something. He had to undo his seat belt so he could turn round and and check on our little boy and make sure he was OK , while he was doing this a police car pulled up behind him and put on his lights. The police didn't get out of his vehicle he wait a couple of minutes and then beeped at my husband and gestured for him to get out of our car and go to the police car. At that point my husband was still trying to settle our boy down so waved at the police man and let him know he would be a minute. Once he went to the police car he was told to get in and the office told him he had stopped him (which he never the car was already parked up on the hard shoulder) as he shouldn't have stopped the car where he did as this was only for emergencies and in which case he should have been out of the vehicle and over the crash barrier. My husband tried to explain what had happened an that he had been worried our son was choking but the office wasn't interested and told him as he wasn't wearing a seatbelt at the time the police car pulled up behind our car he was going to issue a fixed penalty for not wearing one. I am sooooo angry how on earth can this be justified. Was my husband really expected to ignore the sick child in the back and not stop to ensure he was OK it's ridiculous and I do not understand at all why he has issued a penalty for not wearing his seat belt as the he wasn't driving at the time. I really want to appeal but feel that may that would be a waste of time as does anyone ever stand a change doing so and there is no way I could afford the fine to rise if we lost.
  15. Kids are a bloody nightmare. As above, my Son and 3 mates have had a 12 month FT AST from 8/9/2011 to 7/9/2012. This is managed by Leaders. They recieved an invitation to extend the contract from 8/9/2012 to 7/9/2013 (intention to renewal or similar) and have continued to live at the house. My Son popped into Leaders last week to ask for the current Tenancy to see if there was a leaving early clause as they all finish in May this year and didn't want to pay rent for the 3 months they wouldn't be there. They were given a copy of the original Tenancy and have never signed for 2012/13. In addition, the original has been signed on all 15 sheets by all 4 boys but the Owners have not signed the agreement. I take it, that as no Tenancy has been signed for this year, that it has become a Statutory Periodic Tenancy now, or am I mistaken? Sorry for the long post for such a small question!
  16. Hi, Hi, I'm new to this forum but thought someone on here may be able to advise me with a problem. I received a penalty notice today for failure to display a tax disc. I was surprised as I always pay my car tax (and everything else) in plenty of time, however when I looked at my windscreen it was definately missing! the tax disc was there a couple of days ago because I remember looking at it to see how much tax was left (June 2013) so don't know where it could have gone. I've searched the car thoroughly to no avail so my only conclusion is that someone must have taken it (don't know what good it would do anyone). I don't really want to pay the fine on point of principle as I don't feel I've broken the law however I don't really fancy a court appearence either. If anyone has any advise I'd be very grateful. Many thanks, Jack.
  17. I was caught speeding (37mph in a 30) back in July. I was sent the usual letter asking for confirmation of the driver shortly after which I returned straight away .... and then heard nothing .... until last week when they issued the fixed penalty notice 5 months late! Would this give me grounds for any kind of appeal or dismissal?
  18. Hi, I (foolishly) agreed to be guarantor for my sister some time back so she could get into a rental property. I have copies of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement and the Deed I signed. The rent has fallen into arrears and I'm now being chased by a debt collection agency to the tune of £2500. However, the ASTA expired in February this year and there was no further agreement signed and no contact with me regarding signing a new one. She is currently renting on a month-by-month basis. They are threatening me with court action now. I thought I was only signing up for the fixed term and was happy to help at the time, but could someone please help clear this up? Here is a copy of the deed: Guarantor Deed I'd be forever indebted if someone could clarify as the worry of this is making me ill!
  19. Was disappointed to be told (by txt) that Vodafone are putting prices up mid contract on both our phones - seems that they can though (not that I've ever seen a contract from them). This was after the earlier disappointments of deleting the itemisation on my bills (unless I paid more, then stopping sending me bills altogether (unless I paid more). They have also ducked and worn us down on trying to get the iPhone 3GS' (known) intermittent reception issue fixed. Last straw however is losing the Passport service (25Mb daily free data abroad) which I used regularly and was the deal clincher in agreeing to a 2yr contract. So its clear to me they have breached their part of the contract and I sent a 'substantial disadvantage' letter to them. They sent me a txt with both PAC codes and wanting £400 to terminate. I responded by webform refuting the charge and got an awfully amateurish response from India (stating that 'the price increase is not in our hands' but is 'to be decided by telecom companies'. I responded to this quoting my reasons again for 'substantial disadvantage' and hope for a more professional response (and not a txt m8!) and asking them for their reasons if they do not agree with me about a breach of contract/disadvantage. I believe I can take it to the Ombudsman within another month if they don't agree they acted unfairly etc and don't see why they should get the full profit of the contract by adding an early termination fee. I think I need to state the term 'deadlock'? I'd just be happy to have the contract back to the terms I agreed to in the first place - what is wrong with them!? If anyone has any help, tips or advice then I'd love to hear it. Thanks
  20. Hi, A friend of mine is getting into a bit of hassle with the house he's currently renting. He shares the house with 3 others, due to personal differences they are not all seeing eye to eye. After his refusal to leave the house and seek new accomodation the other 3 have decided they are going to leave. Not a problem apart from the fact they have submitted 2 months notice to the landlord and agency for the entire property, without the agreement of my friend! Now he's happy to stay on in the house until the end of their fixed term contract which is in December this year, but with the notice being handed in he has been told he will have to leave in October instead. I've been doing some research into this and it's my understanding that a fixed term joint tenancy agreement can only be ended early with agreement from the landlord, or use of a break clause, and ALL tenants on the contract. I If all tenants do NOT agree to hand in an early notice then surely this means those tenants have every right to stay in the property until at least the end of the fixed term agreement? I am aware that all other tenants have the right to leave the property whenever they wish, bar notice period, but they must find replacement tenants or face continuing to pay rent as agreed in the contract until the end of the fixed period. Can someone please confirm if I'm correct in my thinking and if you could also back this up with some sound legal advice I would be very grateful. Kind Regards, R.
  21. Hi i got a FPN on the 23/03/12 for driving with my fog lights on in genuine error- it was the 1st time driving at night in the car as i had collected it earlier in the day- i am a disabled driver with adaptions and i neglected to hear the dealer explain the lights as i was ensuring they were fitted correctly for safety, i pleaded with the police officer and nothing i then fell ill with a stomach upset as i have ibs In the mean time i received a further steps notice- i then phoned up the court and advised i was going to write in - but i fell unwell again- around the end of june they stated that they would give me 14 days to write in which i did but they sent the case to marstons on the 11th of july and recieved my letter on the 13th- i stated i had been unwell and provided my work schedule showing i was off and doctors notes they did hold the case but have now sent it back to the baliffs i would like to point out that i have never refused to pay for this ticket i have simply asked for common sense given the circumstances I got a response from the central ticket unit basically upholding the ticket and stating that: ' i have carefully considered all points raised in your correspondence regarding the above fixed penalty notice and have to inform you that the ticket remains in force. As it has fine registered it will continue to be dealt with by the central finance unit. i note from our records that i took you three months to contact us to contest the ticket and you only did so when you had been notified that the fine had been increased due to the non payment. The fact you had been unwell and working and did not have time to deal with the fixed penalty notice does not eliminate the fact that the offence had been commited i am not in a position to withdraw the ticket and as you did not elect for a court hearing within the required time frame this option is also no longer available to you. Under the circumstances the only option to you is to pay the increased fine to the central finance unit to prevent any further increases. It has been decided that the fixed penalty notice will stand and i am therefore unable to enter into any further correspondence. ' So as it stands the fine is with Marstons and i have been unable to pay with the central finance unit as they say its with the baliff they have also refused to set up a payment arrangement. i know what marstons are like and they wont be interested in any payment arrangements i dont see why i should pay marstons my fine along with £85 quid for a total of £130 for sending a 5p letter. any ideas as to my options would be most helpful thanks guys. i have been hearing that i could get the fine paid and then produce the documents if the baliff turns up - is this true ?
  22. Hello All, I am seeking some advice for a friend of mine. This friend receives a parking ticket for parking on double yellow line opposite her house at 20:30 pm. The ticket issued had the wrong address, this address does not exist in her town, also the ticket does not have the from time recorded. It just states it was issued on 23/07/2012 at 20:30pm; my friend’s next-door neighbour alerted her at 20:28, the police officer was still writing the ticked when she went out to move the car. Questions: - can she appeal because of wrong address recorded? - is there a time period given before the ticket is written (from time was not recorded) - does it matter that she has a witness to collaborate the above. Thanks for your help in advance
  23. Hi. This is probably discussed a lot so I will be brief. We informed our landlord (via agent who has handled all of this) that we wished to leave our (fixed term, no break clause) contract early on the 25th of May. We stated our wish to move out on the 2nd of August and this was agreed to by both parties on the condition a new tenant was found. In the meantime, assuming that 2+ months would be a long enough time to find a new tenant, I and other tenants have found new places to live and entered agreements. The 2nd of August is fast approaching (just over a week away), however, and the agent has failed to find a new tenant. We live in a 3 bed in Highgate, London which is a desirable area so it should really be easy for them to find new tenants - especially over a long period of time. I have seen the flat advertised at a ridiculous £50 more per week than the £400pw we currently pay for it which it is certainly NOT worth, though within the last week they have lowered the asking rent to £425 which is more reasonable but still high. We are also expected to pay a fee to the agent for this 'service' of finding a new tenant. I am interested to know if we can somehow claim that they have failed to effectively search for new tenants, and what my rights are in this situation. It is difficult to find more info on the web and my local CAB is hard to access at times, especially when working. I am really frustrated by this situation. My main bother is that we have given them so much notice and they have failed to find new tenants - it seems ridiculous to me. Thanks in advance for any help, tips, etc. Henry
  24. On the way back home from work 2 days ago, I was stopped by a traffic cop and fined £60 plus 3 penalty points for having a crack on the windscreen. I feel very harshly done by and I am considering appealing. A few facts 1. The crack is not in the line of vision and does not interfere with driving. It is 250mm long but only about 30mm off the bulkhead on the passenger side. 2. The offence code stated on the ticket is 1412 which is use of a motor vehicle in a dangerous condition. By the way his spelling of dangerous was 'dangeos'. 3. He first spotted me on the motorway but stopped me on a road 0.5 miles from the motorway. On the ticket he put the location as the Motorway not the actual location where I was stopped. I took photographs to prove. 4. I had an appointment to replace the windscreen which I informed him off. Reasons why I want to appeal. 1. In my opinion he should have given me a Vehicle Defect Rectification Notice since my windscreen was not at the time dangerous in the respect that it was hanging off or something similar. 2. If he deemed the car as in a dangerous condition, why did he think it was still safe to be on the road? ie Why did he allow me to drive home? 3. I have researched endorsable codes and I cannot find any relating to 1412. 4. I have spoke to several managers from Autoglass, Nationwide Glass and all have never heard or knew of a case why someone had received a FPN for a cracked windscreen. 5. Spoke to a sergeant from the Traffic Police and in his 10 years as a traffic cop he had come across similar examples but never issued a FPN. Firstly have I got any grounds to appeal? Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks Greenbat
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