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  1. hi sorry if this is in the wrong forum but i've just wondering if anyone has any experience with aqua card putting up interest rates? I've had the card about 2 years had a couple of credit increases always paid on time but today i've had a letter telling me they are putting up my interest rate from 34% to almost 46%, i am at a loss to unsderstand why? anyone got any advice for me ? thanks
  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/rate-swap-scandal/9639202/Barclays-in-court-over-mis-selling-claims.html
  3. Hi, I am employed as a sessional worker (casual worker) for about 2 years. I have recently been in a bit of a dispute with the employer with regards to holiday pay, the employer told me that sessional workers where not entititled to holiday pay, howver some time later I found out that sessional workers are entitled to holiday pay. To cut a long story short, I complained about the holiday pay situation, they ignored it, I got a solicitor to send them a letter, they ignored it some more, then finally admitted that I was correct pretty much. However, they have now come out with a sessional worker policy but they are now saying the hourly rate for sessional workers is 80p less than I was previuosly paid e.g I was always on £8.00 per hour now they have basiclaly cut it down to £7.20. There was no notice and no consultation whatsoever about the hourly rate cut. As a sessional worker I do not have any written contract and neither did I sign or see any sessional worker policy when I started work. What they have basiclaly done is take my hourly rate and take 12.07% off of it (thats the percentage to work out holiday entitlement for atypical workers) and then they have came up with the new, reduced hourly rate. I am currently taking them to an ET anyway regarding the holiday pay debacle, but can they just cut my hourly rate as they see fit? surely that cant be allowed, without some kind of notice or consultation, they are just doing that to get out of paying holiday pay again. Could I argue that it is unlawful deductions of wages, or perhaps discrimination on the grounds of my employments status? I am pretty worried as this reduced hourly rate will most likely put me into a difficult financial situation. Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated.
  4. Hi guys i have just cleared some debt off the past month and am now debt free but vodafone, o2, t mobile etc are declining me credit and im guessing it was related to this debt i have paid up. I have paid my Virgin Media bills every month on time if not before the pay date and keep getting mithered to take out a deal in my virgin media account i want a samsung galaxy s3 on virgin but bit worried they might also decline me
  5. rdm2006

    Rate fixing

    Are there any figures anywhere that show how rate fixing has affected mortgages loans etc
  6. There is notification Santander 'intend' to raise the int rate by half percent. The reason it is 'being considered' is because of 'the increased cost to Santander of raising the money which we lend to our customers, including what it costs us to provide you with your mortgage(what ever that is)' apparently those reasons in the mortgage conditions. Nothing mentioned about savers rates so I presume there's no connection there:madgrin: I just feel the BOE rate is low for a reason. How much can these lenders raise the int rate until someone decides to do something about it. I can hear the arguments from the hard line who say tough bananas but it doesn't have to be this way, I hear business economists are getting fraught over Government decisions. Anyone else with an int rate rise from other lenders?
  7. After notifying council on shutting down my business last year (Oct 2011), I kept getting business rate bill, irrespective of the fact that they are aware that the same premises had been taken over by another business and had since their commencement received their own new business rate bill. The next thing I received from them was a court summons which on attending the court, the council official did not allow me to attend or see the presiding judge in order for me to explain myself. All I got after the court attendance was a phone call asking me to get a letter from the landlord whom I know gives a kick back to the council officials in order to save himself from the empty property business rate. I am sure the landlord will not give me such letter as we are not in good terms because of his dodgy and cowboy dealings with tenants. Please advice, how can I go about dealing with this and clearing my name from this unnecessary debt.
  8. Hi, I took out the fantastic TWO YEAR FIXED RATE ISA (4%) in March 2012 but the adviser at hand failed to mention that there is a time window before you can make any further contributions to you ISA account for this financial year. So far I have only utilized about 3k of this years ISA cash allowance, leaving me short of £2,640 remaining for this year. What action can I take to ensure that I can utilize all of my allowance on this TWO YEAR FIXED RATE ISA (4%) rather then opening another ISA. It has to be noted that a copy of terms and conditions were not given to me at the point of sale. Thanks.
  9. I've come across this today ... I paid a lump sum of £2,000 a few weeks ago towards my mortgage arrears. However, the interest on arrears is more this month than last month, even though they're now £2,000 less. I enquired about this and was told that arrears are on a variable interest rate which changes, capital is on the normal rate, so I'll have to call every month if I want to know how much to pay. This is the first time I've heard of this and thought the whole balance, capital and arrears, was on the same interest rate which i'm informed of when it changes. I've never been told that arrears attract a variable interest rate. Can anyone shed any light on this?
  10. Continued from part 6 here; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?346170-The-great-intrest-rate-rip-off-part-6/page11
  11. Writing this post on behalf of my son who has been working for the same employer for the last four years. He joined the company aged 18 and was on the lowest pay rate possible for his age. During his time there he has been constantly ignored when it came to reviewing his hourly rate. Other people who have started working for the company after my son have been upgraded to the higher hourly rates. My son is becoming demoralised and dis-interested in his work which he used to enjoy. He sees relative new comers starting and overtaking him in the pay rates but when he questions the HR Mangeress at annual review time there always seems to be an excuse why he hasn`t been given an hourly pay rise (Yes he has been given the statutory pay rises in accordance with his age but company pay rises in conjunction with experience and multi skilled activities have not been forthcoming), they range from we can only put through a certain amount each month, your line manager needs to approve your upgrade or come and see me in a couple of months we`ll sort it out. A couple of months ago he undertook some additional training and the HR Manageress even mentioned that they ought to get around to sorting his upgrade out, however, on the occasions he has gone to see her, she is always too busy or got more important things to arrange, seemingly knowing that he is there to talk out his pay rate. He is getting increasingly frustrated even though he appreciates the fact he is fortunate to have a full time job considering the current economic climate. Many thanks for any advice or suggestions
  12. Hi everyone, Just received notification from motability that my car for my disabled son is being collected in a month as he no longer qualifies for the higher rate of mobility component for DLA. Curiously this arrived BEFORE any notification from DWP. We only had any warning as we had telephoned them on the previous day. As we are only 1 year into the contact that means we get 2/3 of the advanced payment back however: The paper work says that we are still liable for the 24(ish) outstanding payments as it is a 3 year contract, and this is confirmed by the small print of the original contract. (that s about £4000) I cannot see how, if the car is collected, that we can be forced to pay for a product or service that we are not receiving. I cannot see anyone having exactly this problem, but we have been through the contract, letters and it seems to be exactly what they are suggesting. In addiction the letter came with several debt management help contact centres. We intend to apeal this decision as far from there being any improvement in his condition, he qualifies more clearly for higher rate than he did when it was first awarded. Any advice gratefully recieved.
  13. Can anyone help? I have some large credit card debts on about 5 cards. I have sent a standard letter asking for a copy of the CCA and had replies back but some seem a bit dodgy. I'm no expert sp I joined the forum to see if there is any help here for me. Do I tell them that I dont think they have complied with what I asked for and put the account in dispute and pay the £10 for the SAR? Are they legally entitled to chase me for payments while the account is in dispute? I can post documents if anyone wants to have a look. Cheers
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