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  1. After notifying council on shutting down my business last year (Oct 2011), I kept getting business rate bill, irrespective of the fact that they are aware that the same premises had been taken over by another business and had since their commencement received their own new business rate bill. The next thing I received from them was a court summons which on attending the court, the council official did not allow me to attend or see the presiding judge in order for me to explain myself. All I got after the court attendance was a phone call asking me to get a letter from the landlord whom I know gives a kick back to the council officials in order to save himself from the empty property business rate. I am sure the landlord will not give me such letter as we are not in good terms because of his dodgy and cowboy dealings with tenants. Please advice, how can I go about dealing with this and clearing my name from this unnecessary debt.
  2. I am presently in arrears of £2057 council tax due to loss of job and business, I had spoken to the officials in charge and asked me to filled a form indicating how much I can afford. I offered £10 weekly payment pending when I can sort things out or find a job but the only letter I received from them was a bankruptcy proceeding letter against me which after reading indicating that they are taking over all my possessions once such judgement is passed by the court. My house is presently mortgaged and also in arrears but I am scared of losing everything and rendering me homeless. Please help. How can I deal with this issue.
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