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  1. Hi All, I am wondering if someone can give me a little bit of advice. I took out a payday loan in 2012 with a company called MR Lender, I was already struggling financially and basically it was borrow off Peter to pay Paul scenario, anyway the loan defaulted and I arranged a repayment plan with them to pay £600 back over 9 months, (the original loan was £400), I made 2 payments of £66.67 and then missed payments and since then I have been burying my head in the sand so to speak. Anyway move forwards 8 months, and I decided to face my demons and confront my debt and try get on level ground financially, so I contacted mr lender to discuss repaying the loan, and they have sold it to a company called motormile finance. The original loan was for £400, when I spoke to motormile finance they told me that the balance now is £952, now I hold my hands up that I took the loan and out it is my responsibility to pay it back, as I am with all my other debt. What I want to know is whether the additional costs are within reason according to law? it is over 125% what I originally borrowed. should I just agree to a repayment plan or not? when I spoke to them they said the best they could offer is £650 over two payments, but unfortunately I don't have this kind of money spare. I appreciate any help or advice anyone can offer. Thanks Adam
  2. Hi again all I have had a lot of dealings with various debt collectors these really have reached a level beyond even mackenzie hall They have ignored 4 emails i have sent since receiving notification they have bought my debt from lending stream. They have now sent me a letter in a way replying to my email stating i revoked there right to visit my doorstep. I am paraphrasing a bit but it goes a bit like this... You are not correct that under oft rules we can only call at your home if you agree to make an appointment. The debt is not reasonably disputed or deadlocked, we are giving reasonable notice of the timing of the visit. I have had 5 letters in the 2 weeks since they have bought the debt. I am sick up to here and cant sleep or eat feeling worse than ever Please help I have not copied the original letter as previously in other cases as i have been advised by somebody on here they read the forums and it wont help me Thank you
  3. Hi all, Hope this is the right place for some advice on Motormile. Had a Wageday Advance loan back in 2011 for £135.00. I have been paying back £10 per month for the past 14 months to MMF. Total (£140.00) I canx the SO to them back in May and I am now receiving default letters from MMF stating an outstanding debt of £119.20 still owing ???. I have had no formal notification from MMF that they owned the debt as the SO was set up over the phone as far as I was aware to Wageday Advance (realise now it was probably MMF I was speaking to at the time). I have written to them asking what the outstanding balance relates to, as far as I'm concerned this debt has now been repaid. I have never received any correspondence from MMF informing me of any charges/ interests being applied to the account and feel that if I didnt cancel the SO when I did MMF would have continue to take payments indefinitely. I am currently ignoring their letters (3 so far) but just wondered where I stand in regards to any further payments, I dont intend to send them anymore money. Fortunately they do not have my mobile number so not getting harrassed by phone but have had junk emails from them in my spam account which i just delete. The letters relate to "home visits". If someone can let me know where I stand with this would be much appreciated.
  4. I owed some money to QQ in 2009, as usual little at first then with rollovers it kept rising. I was made redundant and could not pay back. Motormile have now obtained a CCJ against me and I need to get it to be set aside. The judgement is linked to an address I have moved from. I have no paperwork related to my debt with QQ and no paperwork from Motormile about the court action, presumably this was send to my previous address. The landlord (council) knows our new address as we informed them. What are the available reasons I can use to as court to set aside. Judgement was entered on 2nd August 2013.
  5. Hi all, Received court claim papers Issue date 8 July 2013. States loan from 2010 – I had ignored it after rolling over at least 12 times and spiralling into problems, couldn’t afford to pay back and now got to this point. I guess my first step is to apply for more time online – will do this shortly. And then, send a letter asking for some kind of SAR/ CCA documentation. Then post back here? Many thanks for any help; I have no clue about how to approach this and if anyone has had any success with defending against a payday loan, by saying repaid many times over (rollover payments) ? Also, can you purely defend by post? Dont want to have to attend court at any point. P
  6. Hi I have been receiving text/calls/emails from these people for months so sent them the harassment letter and the revocation of doorstep letter. Today my ex wife received a letter at her house which I would just like some advice on. I have posted the transcript of the letter below, so could somebody please be able to give me some advice on how to respond, thanks Dear Mr XXXXXX I understand you have decided to revoke your doorsteplicence. In addition to this, you wouldlike us to remove any contact telephone numbers we hold for you. Firstly, I feel it is important to note that the contactinformation we hold for you was provided to us by Quickquid who issued you theloan. QQ obtained the information directly from you during the applicationprocess. I can confirm that the contacttelephone number details we hold for you have now been removed from the aboverecord. In relation to your notification of your revocation ofthe doorstep licence regarding our intention to send an agent to your home todiscuss the debt. I can confirm that weare fully aware of this and we ensure we fully comply with the OFT guidanceregarding debt collection and visits by agents. You are not correct in your assertion that, under OFT rules, we can onlycall at your home if you agree to make an appointment. The debt is not reasonably disputed ordeadlocked, and we are giving you reasonable notice of the timing of theintended visit. In law, a creditor is in a different position to apostman or a member of the public asking for directions. When you took this loan, you impliedly agreedthat the creditor could communicate with you to discuss repayment. You do nothave the contractual right to revoke that agreement until the loan has beenrepaid. We will not disregard any reasonable requests you make asto the timing or method by which we have those discussions. Unless we hear further from you with such arequest, we therefore give you notice that our agent will be calling at youraddress to discuss repayment of this loan. Alternatively, please contact us on 08009961103 and quoteref Mxxxxxxx to arrange a repayment plan for the outstanding balance. We look forward to hearing from you. Barry ellershaw Barry@mmile.com
  7. Hi All, I've recently started receiving texts and most recently a call from what appears to be Motormile finance. The first text referred to Mayday debt offers but also was addressed to someone else, hence i ignored it as it seemed to be the usual unsolicited spam. Since then ive had several more with the following text: It is very important that we speak to you please contact our office urgently on 01138876876 MMF ref. (ref number) along with a missed call from a similar number which traces back to Motormile finance. My question is: As i am obviously not the intended recipient of the original text (it was for a lady for a start - and im a man!) its obviously mistaken identity, but i'm unsure whether to speak to anyone from Motormile to clarify. From what i've read they sound like a particularly difficult collection agency and its not clear to me whether they are trying to extort money or legitimately try to claim on debt owed by someone else. As some of the messages i've read have said speaking on the phone is a big no-no and i'm not sure what i'm dealing with I thought i should ask advice on how to proceed. Please help! I'm actually finding the harassment quite stressful already and just want them to go away. Please also note i do not have any debt that i'm aware of and believe its extremely unlikely there could be a legitimate claim against me. Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi I went Bankrupt in June 2010 included in this bankruptcy was my Uncle Buck Payday Loan. Uncle Buck were informed of this and were sent a copy of my Bankruptcy Order. However after a year or so i was continually harrassed by Uncle Buck demanding payment etc. I emailed them and told them of my Bankruptcy gave them my Bankruptcy number and sent another Bankruptcy order to them. All emails from them stopped until early February when i went to visit my parents i opened a letter addressed to me from Motor Mile Finance saying that Uncle Buck had sold my debt to them and i wass to make a payment immediately, they have also sent me quitre a few emails to my old email account which i have just found threatening to send doorstop collectors. I immediatley phoned them and informed them that i had been made Bankrupt and the Uncle Buck were informed of this on numerous occasions, the lady asked me to provide the bankruptcy Ref, which i did. She then said she will look it up and if i didn't hear anuything within 24 hours then it would mean its all sorted. About 2 weeks later i recieved a phone call from my mum saying that she had opened a letter by accident that was addressed to me and it was from Motor Mile Finance stating that they were going to send out Door Stop Collection Agents unless immediate payment of my debt was made. I phoned them immediately and said i had told them that i was banrupt etc. She then informed me i was not on the register and would have to provide proof that i was made bankrupt, i have now provided this via email attachment and still they are sending me emails. I though that when you were made bankrupt that the companies could not contact or harrass you, and i would have thought that they would not be able to sell the debt on either. Is there anything else i can do to stop them contacting me and sending letters to my parents? Any advice greatly appreciated. Sarah
  9. This company has sent me three texts from three different numbers, and I've had a pre-recorded message asking me to ring them. I've rung them (I know I shouldn't but I love to wind them up) and they can't identify me due to the wrong address they have (an address I moved out of nearly 4 years ago!). The debt they are chasing must either be nearing statute barring (as was a previous debt they gave up on) or a mistake as I know I haven't had any loans in over four years. It is the text messages (3 in under 24 hours, and the phone call) that I am annoyed about, I've asked for a copy of their complaints procedure and will be following it up. When you phone them on 01138876876 you are told they can 'offer various solutions including a substantial discount, loan or payday loan (oh yes, they state this clearly) to help pay for the debt. - Major breach of OFT Guidelines here. Just as well I am a seasoned CAGGER and able to get their poor phone jockey to tell me off as she can't control the call herself and I refuse to give out my previous address. Shows that they do NOT employ proper tracing methods otherwise a cross check of their own system would have found me easily here - I last had dealings with them in November and they ran away then! Complaint to the OFT coming up as soon as I have complained to them first!
  10. Hi everyone. new poster here !! Had a text message from mmf . motormile finance with a reference number, so i gave them a call as ive no debts outstanding. They told me I owed £50 from an uncle Buck debt in 2010 / 2011, which i know i had paid off, so i told mmf that i wanted to contact uncle buck - After calling uncle buck they agreed that the account had been settle in 2011 and that mmf shouldnt have been contacting me. I just wanted to make sure you are all checking first with the lender. They have told me i wont get any more contact from mmf at all. fingers crossed !!
  11. I have been getting aggressive phone calls and texts from Motormile finance for several weeks, which I am dealing with using a telephone harrassment letter. I have today received the following email: Our Ref: xxxxxxxxxxx Uncle Buck Payday Loans Debt Value: £xxx.xx We note that you have not responded to our previous communications. Your continued default will shortly be reported to all 3 major credit reference agencies and this will make it hard for you to obtain credit in the future. The file is now being prepared for a notice of default to be issued and then for a Doorstep Agent visit to your property to try and resolve the matter. If you wish to deal with this matter, please contact our office and one of our representatives will happily go through the matter with you to reach a repayment agreement. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS MATTER AS COSTS AND INTEREST WILL SHORTLY START TO BE ADDED TO THE ACCOUNT BALANCE AND WILL GREATLY INCREASE THE AMOUNT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY. Please Contact us NOW on: 01138 876 876. Quoting reference xxxxxxxx Yours Faithfully, Pre-Visit Collections Dept. MotorMile Finance UK Ltd. Now, I know the doorstep visits thing is a threat they can't actually carry through, and if they do I am well-equipped to deal with it. However, I am pretty certain this debt is statute barred or if it's not, it isn't far off. There's nothing on my credit files about it yet. How do I prevent Motormile from putting defaults on my credit file now for a debt that I defaulted on several years ago - they can't do this, can they? I'm almost at the point of getting my credit files cleaned up and free of old debts, so I really can't afford to have Motormile registering somthing that's going to stick there for six more years! Any advice would be greatfully received.
  12. Okay; i needed some support in this, as my partner and i live together and he's just lost his job so we're going onto benefits. So i got a QQ loan in late 2008 (about beginning of nov) and then i lost me job. For four years i got no physical or electronic letters saying that i had defaulted and it was sold to Gothia, and yet Gothia were chasing me for this money. I ignored them. On 24/10/12 i got an email telling me it would be sold to Mercantile Recovery Solutions. I recieved an email on 5/11/12 from MRS, saying "We write to notify you that the above mentioned account has been assigned by Mercantile Recovery Solutions Ltd. to Mercantile Recovery Solutions Limited." and another one yesterday (aka 28th) telling me "Please accept this email as formal notice that your account held with Mercantile Recovery Solutions Limited, reference number , has now been passed for collection to Motormile Finance UK Limited."; Ltd. is the same as limited yes ? and where is the ref number ? does not count ..... bah I then got an email today from MMF saying"We act on behalf of Mercantile Recovery Solutions and have been instructed that your pay day loan has not been repaid to them. Shortly, this situation will affect your credit rating and we need to resolve it immediately to prevent this from happening Our instructions are to collect the outstanding amount from you and we would ask you to contact this office without delay to arrange repayment terms: Tel: 01138 876876 We will shorly be arranging for your account to be passed to our Home Visit Department, but would invite you to contact our office within the next 5 days to discuss this matter. We understand that situations sometimes occur that are outside anyone's control and we can assure you that we are ready to discuss any problems you may have and help find a solution. Please quote your reference of M1133291." I was up till 2am this morning looking up about MMF so i thought i'd post it here for some more advice and maybe another complaint to OFT, if needs be. Oh and hi you guys, nice to meet ye ! -John
  13. Hi Just a quick one hopefully. My partner has had one of their letters sent to her former address, her parents home, last week. We've sorted some things in the past with the help of all you excellent people, but it's been for debt that she was aware of This appears to be unknown or very old. The only loan or credit my partner has has in the last 3 years has been a wonga loan, but this has been repaid in full, I've checked So, my question at this stage, is do we even contact them. Do we phone and if so, how much info do we give out. Do we write using the 'no knowledge of this debt template' or do we ignore it thank you
  14. MMF are trying to collect on 2 accounts, both Payday loans. I have sent several requests to MMF asking for proof of my liability to the alleged debt plus a full breakdown. MMF have continued to ignore my requests and have continued to send emails and letters with their usual threats of court and doorstep collection. I sent a recorded letter on Monday 26th November and was received and signed for by MMF on Tuesday 27th November telling MMF that ALL Communication MUST BE IN WRITTING by post, and no telephone, e-mail or text contact will be tolerated, Furthermore I expressly state that I have no wish to make any appointment for any agent, representative or employee of MMF Ltd to visit my home, should such a visit occur the person will be invited to leave failure to do so and will result in their removal using any necessary means. I have requested a full explanation and proof of my liability for this alleged debt along with a full breakdown of the alleged debt and MMF have failed to provide any data in this regard; therefore I do not acknowledge any debt to MMF Ltd., or any company you may claim to represent. I have also sent an email to Baranby Page & home visits with the same information which has been read... Fast forward to this morning whilst in the shower I heard a knock at the door and Ignored it. Through my letter box was 2x letters from MMF, hand delivered. The leter states "I have now been instructed to visit your property to discuss repayment. I am your local MMF Doorstep Agent and although disappointed that I could not meet you today, I am constantly in your area and a revisit can be booked. Why are these people ignoring me?
  15. Hi guys, MMF just called my work phone number (Security Department in an MOD building) with a pre-recorded message saying "We are looking to speak to a Mr. Yukiko regarding an outstanding account; please contact us back to prevent a home or workplace visit". Is this legal? My manager has just rang them and given it to them hammer and tongs, and he's backing me all the way. There's no way they should have this number as when it's called from, it is witheld. Cheeky much!?
  16. Hi. Motormile have ignored all my emails to them so I took the details from their website and set up a standing order for £5 per month. I missed a payment last month so I emailed them to say I'd pay £10 next month to make up for the missed payment. I then received the following email - 'Thank you for your email on 19/11/2012. Due to the fact that you missed your payment there is a broken arrangement now, hence, further collections activity will incur on the account. MMF have reviewed your account and here are a few options for you to avoid any further legal action: Offer 1: we will accept 60% of the balance - £115.35 Offer 2: we will accept 70% over 2 equal instalments - £67.29 per month Offer 3: we will accept 85% over 4 equal instalments - £40.85 per month The above offers are available on the proviso: · The payment is made via debit card · The first payment is received in November · The payment plan or settlement figure to close the account is set up for a date in this month by Friday 23rd November 2012. Please fill out the below details in order to setup the arrangement, Please note that default interest may be added to the account which you will be liable for until a valid payment plan is put in place. Card type: Card number: Valid from: Expiry: Last 3 security digits: Date of payment: 28th November 2012 Amount: Whatever offer you accept Failure to email me back in regards to which offer you accept then your account will be transferred to the litigation department for legal action and you will get an unexpected visit from one of our doorstep agents for which there is an additional charge. Also, by setting up a standing order without agreeing something with us is not a payment plan.' So it appears that because I missed a payment, they now think they have the right to theaten me by phone, email and at my own front door. Any advice on how to respond to this email would be appreciated. Thanks. Paul.
  17. So it looks like my other half has received a fairly standard Transcom letter on behalf of Motormile. My instinct was to fire off a 'prove it' letter, but I'd just thought I'd ask you guys 'n' girls your opinion in case different actions may be better. Anyway, here's a synopsis of the letter: re: Motormile Finance UK Ltd A/C No: xxxxxxxxx Quote ref: xxxxxxx Amount due: £xxxx.xx Banner: RECEIPT OF PAYMENT Dear Miss (old married name) With effect from 18th September 2012, BCW Group Ltd sold the above detailed account to our client Motormile Finance UK Ltd [MMF]. We have been instructed by Motormile Finance UK Ltd to collect the outstanding balance. The balance outstanding under the agreement is £xxxx.xx. It will now be reported to and recorded by the credit reference agencies as a debt which is outstanding to Motormile and not as a debt which is outstanding to Greenwood. Motormile Finance has appointed Transcom Worldwide UK Ltd to administer you account on their behalf. You should now make payments under the agreement by calling us on 0844 7422064. Our client will accept a suitable repayment plan, if you are experiencing financial difficulties please contact us immediately for assistance. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the ownership or administration of your credit agreement, please contact us, as above. Your sincerely Generic Squiggle So, I gave the other half a good grilling after doing some research on what this alleged debt might be, as she has had some outstanding bills when I met her. She remembered that she had had a 'payday' type loan a few years back when she lived somewere else (a few houses back), but not with any of the companies listed in the letter. This was a weekly doorstep type collection loan, and she informed the agent in writing when she moved. She thinks she had paid it off but can't be 100%sure, and won't have any paperwork. The timescale is around 2005-2006, and as far as she can remember the last contact she had was around Christmas 2006. Questions: 1) as the timescale is around the 6 year mark I am hesitant to fire off a 'prove it' letter... but rather hang out for a couple of months just to get some clear air. Good idea....? 2) what exactly defines the 6 year period....? Would a standard 'prove it' letter and the ensuing communications, using the wording available on this site, restart the 6 year period (if liability was not admited obviously)...? 3) if a debt really has previously been reported to the CRAs (as Greenwood), she wouldn't have been able to get a credit card recently would she...? Cheers for the assistance people Rich
  18. Hi Received the letter (below) today from MotorMile Finance regarding a payday loan defaulted in 2009... Your advice is greatly appreciated! (I have a few questions below the letter). Dear BSBS, ACT NOW TO PRESERVE YOUR CREDIT RATING Our Ref: XXXXXXXX QuickQuid Payday Loan (debt as signed to Motormile Finance UK Limited) Debt Value: £XXX.XX We note that you have not responded to our previous communications Your continued default will shortly be reported to all 3 major credit reference agencies and this will make it hard for you to obtain credit in the future. The file is now being prepared for a notice of default to be issued and then for a Doorstep Agent visit to your property to try and resolve the matter. If you wish to deal with this matter, please contact our office and one of our representatives will happily go through the matter with you to reach a repayment agreement. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THIS MATTER AS COSTS AND INTEREST WILL SHORTLY START TO BE ADDED TO THE ACCOUNT BALANCE AND WILL GREATLY INCREASE THE AMOUNT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY. Please Con tact us NOW on: 01138 876 876. Quoting reference XXXXXXXYours Faithfully, Pre-Visit Collections Dept. MotorMile Finance UK Ltd. My questions: 1) What's with their wording at teh start of the letter: QuickQuid Payday Loan (debt as signed to Motormile Finance UK Limited)? 2) How can they threaten to issue a default notice when it's three years since last payment and they arent the OC? 3) Not sure if this is relevant but Fredrickson chased this debt (albeit briefly) in 2010 so it must have reached a default stage in 2010for that to happen? 4) This isn't currently present on any of my credit files - I have a couple of defaults due to expire in three years which would be similar to this if the default was issued at the correct time... certainly not happy about having a new deafult added to my account in2012 when I've been really good these past few years! 5) the visit threat is easy enough and I'll just revoke common law with Shepherd... 6) with regards to costs and interest... this is all smoke and rubbishisnt it as I'm happy to dismiss this as idle threats!? Any help much appreciated! Thanks BSBS.
  19. Hi guys, Just had an email frmo these guys about an old Wonga account that was defaulted a good 3/4 years ago. Never heard from them before... what are they like? Are they a trading arm of one of the big boys? BSBS.
  20. I've recently received a claim form for a debt originally with Quick Quid and then assigned to Motormile Finance, MMF is the Claimant and it's been issued by Optima Legal. I've heard about enforcability issues with Quick Quid in the past, is that still the case? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  21. Hi all. I was due to nake a payment to mr lender in the morning. I have got the cash but can not pay by debt card. They only accept card payments so will add fees if not paid. Just another way in ripping off people. Just need to transfer funds and get rid of them asap
  22. hello to all could someone advise me of my situation, i received out of the blue a threating text from northern debt recovery stating that if i dont contact them asap they will send baliffs round to empty my house there were other things in the text to, they said i took a loan out on the 12/10/12 thats amazing because i have been unemployed for 6 months now i am an x policeman, i had to leave for medical reasons, so i was shocked to receive this so i replied and guess what it bounced back, so i tried to find out there address and with my contacts i still had trouble simply because they are not where they said they were, these people are invisable, i since had another text and a letter, i have replied to the address that i have found through colleagues research and sent all 3 a kind letter (not) but still had another text saying that they have passed on my file to solicitors and bailiffs, and a doorstep collection would proceed, i cant wait for them to turn up, i am 6'5" and 20 stone, if they turn up i will bury my size 13 foot where the sun dont shine. so after all that has anyone got any idea where these people get off, and a possible address so i can arrange a visit for them ? this makes me laugh but makes my family worry that someone will turn up when i am not there, i have been told to report these muppets to oft but i have trouble finding theses ********s how can oft trace them? thank you all any advice would be great
  23. Hey all, Looking for some advice on this one. Have a default registered on my credit file with Motormile Finance. Queried this as per the 'Prove it' letters, no response, so sent a CCA request and queried it with the Credit Reference Agencies also. 43 days after sending the CCA request I received a 'reconstituted agreement' which they claim I signed. This was apparently for a payday loan - which I have never taken out. I immediately sent them another letter asking for details of how this was taken out in my name, statement of account, notice of assignment etc.... EDIT: Sorry Notice of Assignment was sent to me a few days after this, dated 2xth September 2012 stating that on 1x July 2010 Motormile Finance bought the alleged debt and all payments should now be directed to MMF. Nothing further for two weeks, I received an email (not letter) stating that: True to their word, no further contact from them... new tactic? What concerns me though is the Default on my credit file. I have had emails from Equifax and Experian, stating that they have failed to respond to their communication, as such the data is assumed correct and will remain on my file What??! In what world, does a DCA failing to respond to a CRA's request automatically prove legitimate data? On a side note, Motormile have now exactly 4 days before they are in breach of my Section 7 Subject Access Request
  24. I have had a debt with QQ and received many letters , calls and texts and ended up setting up a mandate using debit card to clear the debt . I filled out the mandate with a payment scheme and was advised i had to text my card 3 digit security code to them . First payment was to go out on the 20th September 2012 of £15 . Now by chance i'd asked for a period of holiday pay to be put into my account through Bacs by my employers and you can probably guess the rest , on the 20th (yesterday) MMF took the whole of the debt amount from my account of £420 ! . I contacted my bank to which they said they couldnt stop the transaction until it had gone out and further said i'd given my card details so really they couldnt see a problem with said amount taken if it was what i owed !. I rang MMF and told them they'd left me with £11.24 and i was more than happy to them take a portion towards debt but not all of it and of course i got an unsympathetic No Hard Luck but at least you cleared the Debt . I have spent hours dealing with bank yesterday and today to try and stop the payment still being processed but they say until gone they can't deny transaction i can only dispute afterwards , to me thats as good as letting a burglar sell your goods infront of you before you can act to get them back ! . I have a copy of the Mandate given to MMF and they only acknowledge ive agreed to pay the debt , They had the nerve to say i paid a lower amount than owed because they could take one lump sum payment . Ive cancelled my bank card and claimed it was stolen as i'm told this should stop all transactions from my bank account but i'm not convinced . I can seriously hope the whole team of MMF gets some serious diseases as to leave people in such a position is nothing short of criminal .
  25. Hello, MotorMile now "own" a debt from WagedayAdvance have been contacting my work every single day 5-10 times a day leaving messages, threatening bailiffs to visit. Doesn't scare/bother me in the slightest but Ive just contacted them and got into a huge argument with one of the staff members asking them to stop calling my work and harassing me while trying to force me to pay a non priority debt. I booked 2 weeks holiday off from work to enjoy with my family and received them while i was away. Now hes basically saying if i can afford a "holiday" i can afford to pay my debts and a doorstep bailiff will be visiting anytime soon. Leading to more arguments, saying i don't allow a bailiff round etc etc and then just told me to grow up and stop being a loser and pay my debts. Then hung up the phone. Is there any reason i should pay the debt if i'm getting continuous harassment and told to grow up? then hung up on. What would you suggest i do? ill be honest Ive ignored the debt as its not priority and i have more worrying matters on my hand but just getting back to work today and being took aside by my manager about all these voice mails being left on the company phone has left me feeling crappy and embarrassed to be honest.
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