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  1. We moved a house 4 months ago and there are various items left by someone who was not even the tenant a car ,tv etc . We have asked for a them to be moved several times to no avail . What are our options !
  2. Hi guys, I'm just trying to get a bit of advice for a friend of mine who's mother has recently passed away. He has lived with his mother all his life and has been her carer for the past few years. The house they live in was left in trust by his grandmother, his mother and one brother were named as trustees. The house was left for his mother to live in as long as she wanted, after this the will states that if the house is to be sold the monies are to be divided equally between all four of her children, or her children's children if their parents are deceased also. As it stands there is one surviving sibling, but both siblings that were named as trustees are now deceased. Two of the deceased siblings both had two children, my friend is the only son of the other sibling. The questions that I have are: 1, If the will was to be dealt with by the trustees are the siblings of the trustees now the ones responsible as the last remaining son was not named in the will as a trustee, only mentioned as to he should get a share of the estate. This son thinks that he should be the one to deal with it, but is this legally the case? 2, My friend is still living in the house it has been his family home for around 20 years, and he is entitled to a quarter share of the house as stated in the will. His remaining uncle is keen to force him out and sell the house. My friend wants to continue living in the house but where does he stand legally? Thanks
  3. I have been fighting Cap One for almost a year with no luck. They take month's to give a reply and it has dragged on and on. I have all the required doc's SAR Etc. I now want to take it to FOS but they issued their 'Final Response' on 21/3/13 although many communications have passed since then. I have read somewhere that there is a 6 month time limit from the final response.... I did not know what this actually meant... thought it meant they would not discuss it any more lol. (sorry) Am I too late to go to FOS now???
  4. Hello Peeples Several months ago, I ordered something from a business at the other end of the UK from me. The funky little gadget never worked since it arrived, but I was told to leave it plugged in charging... So I did do this, and *kapow* the power supply cooked while I was out, melted into a grotty blob of goo (no damage to my property luckily). I notified them, (this is going back 12 weeks) which only told me that they were sending a replacement unit.. . Nothing was mentioned about me sending this unit back. Well I threw it in the skip the building has for electrical goods. 4 weeks ago, they call me up asking why I hadn't sent it back. I was never told to, never asked about it, they were clearly told I was going to sling it as it's hazardous waste. They've made promise upon promise to have it picked up my UPS, which never seems to happen that's another 4 times I've had to sit in ALL day waiting for nothing. What do I do with equipment like this? I've seen stories on various websites about this company, and that the moment ANYBODY sends it back via registered mail etc... it mysteriously vanishes and they wind up with a ca. £350 bill for the item. What's the time limit on selling goods to 'defray expenses'? At the end of the day, it's taking up space in my business unit and there's nothing I can do with it. I've written to them twice, which prompted phone calls from the continent, yet again promising me a pickup... I can't afford to sit in 'between 8 and 5' hoping UPS will rid me of this thing. Any ideas? Cheers, A
  5. I recently left a house for various reasons, had trouble with landlady, solicitors involved etc etc. It has now come to my attention that one of the other tenants has sold some of my belongings left in the house as I was unable to move everything all in one go. Am I correct in thinking the landlady still has a duty of care for my belongings, and this is theft? I have had no contact with the landlady or other tenants aside from through the landladys solicitors. I have also discovered that the landlady has been discussing the matters between us with another tenant, such as her taking me to court (it was threatened but has since been resolved), me owing £2000 (not the case, and has also been resolved), my reason for leaving (bullying by tenant that has sold my belongings), and me breaking the tenancy agreement (not true and has been resolved). Does anyone have any advice on this situation??!!
  6. My friend separated from her boyfriend about 3 months ago. About 4 months before he went, he brought two items of exercise equipment on H.P. My friend will be moving to a smaller place in about 5 weeks. Her ex partner sold one of the items but the other remains in her property. She as had no contact with him for about 6 weeks. Should she ring the H.P company involved and ask for them to take it back, (she is unsure if he is making payments). If they do not want it what can she do because it is quite a large item and there will be no room at her new place. She is also receiving mail for him from debt collection companies. I have told her to send the letters back with not known at this address wrote on them. Is this the correct thing to do.
  7. I've been living in the UK for two years , I had to leave the country leaving 12k unpaid loan I took in 2004 I paid only one installment. I left UK to Kuwait and since that date I was not bothered to contact my bank, DON’T ASK ME WHY. Now I am planning to move to Europe I am sure this loan made troubles for me in the UK I want to know if this loan will affect my visa application to Europe? I wanna pay back this loan to my bank what I have to do? Will this loan put me in trouble with UK and EU police?
  8. Hello there pretty new to the forum and need some advice on my situation in regards to my student overdraft which I believe is now dormant. Being stupid I have ignored this problem but now I want to tackle it head on. Some background information. I took out a student overdraft account with Natwest in 2008 as I was going to University and had to pay my accommodation costs upfront, so I used my overdraft of £1250 to pay for it. Over the course of the next two years I was in and out of the overdraft as my student loan didn’t go directly into my Natwest account it went in to my other account (Halifax) and I would transfer money directly into the Natwest account to pay off the balance (1250 usually). Going into my third year I stopped using this system of paying off my overdraft instead using my Halifax account to pay my accommodation and left my -£1250 account to drift into dormant. I had an email from Triton (I believe to be the in house debt recovery agency for Natwest), saying I need to get into contact with them, this was in 2011. Now it is 2013 and I have no contact with anyone in relation to this debt, no correspondents from Natwest or Triton (last contact was the email in 2011 from triton to get in contact with them). While I know I have been foolish to bury my head in the sand, life circumstances have made me completely forget about this debt until now, I need advice on what to do, my main questions I need answer are: 1. Will the debt still be 1250 or will it be more, if so how much more? 2. How should I approach sorting it, contact natwest? Or triton to find a solution? 3. will I be able to negotiate how much I pay back each month until the debt is paid off and will they send me a letter once the debt has been fully paid to let my know I can stop worrying. Thanks in advanced for any replies, I just need to sort myself out with this and the added stress is not helping at this current time. Thanks for reading.
  9. Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me out in this situation. I jointly own a home with my wife but last week she just left. A few days later she text me saying she needed some space. There was no row or anything like that and she just went. I have a full time job and it's the school holidays so can't go into work as I have the kids. They are all under 6 years old. I haven't spoke to work yet as I don't know what to say. Should I go and get a sick note off my doctor... Would he give me one for stress in this situation. I have been pretty hands on with the children since birth and always done the cooking, washing, cleaning, school runs, etc around work. My wife would just lay in bed all day and let the children trash the house. She became extremely cold with me and it was a daily battle to get her motivated to look after the children. She wouldn't get up with me in the mornings to help get them ready for school. I would worry all day at work that she wouldn't be caring for the children. My wife didn't have a job and when I was off or returned home from work she would disappear for hours saying she was going round a friends house. If she went out on a night out she would take drugs and I would find them in her handbag when she returned. This was frightening with the kids around. It was cocaine and she said she only did it when she went out. Now she's taken off and left me in the house I don't know what to do. I will become a full time dad and give up work but I am worried financially. I don't want her to all of a sudden 6 months later think it's her right to steal the children away from me. I don't mind letting her see the children but want her to be in sound mind and not on drugs. She gets the child benefit paid into her bank account but now she's gone that's rightfully my children's money. How can I go about changing this into my name and account.. Would it be better just to get her sister to ring pretending to be her and changing the bank details over... What would you recommend. My in-laws are being extremely supportive but I'm worried further down the line they may change their minds and force some sort of intervention or kidnapping off the children. I want my children full-time and to be the main sole parent if it comes to that. What steps should I take from here onwards... Thanks in advance for any help
  10. I was left stranded last night on the A4, one of the main archeries into London, after my car broke down at 19:00 on the inside lane of the A4, near Hogarthroundabout, causing a major traffic hazard. The advisor told me my call would be a prioity, due to the circumstances and I was informed that I would be recoved within an hour. Two and half hours, I was still there until another garage I contacted recovered me (the short story). No customer services department to speak to, or anyone skilled to understand my frustration. I have been told if I cancel my membership I will not receive my money back. Has anyone been in a similar situation and can anyone advise how to get a refund? M
  11. An elderly neighbour has died, leaving just under £10,000 in cash in the house. (No bank account - she didn't like them!) Her family banked it, though, after her death - thinking that was the right thing to do. Now the benefit people are chasing them for extra information... I don't know how she did it, probably a war-time rationing mentality, but she managed to save the money while living on benefits. She only ever claimed what she was told she was entitled to as a widow, living on her own, with no other pensions etc. What will happen now? Did she do something wrong? I can't see why someone (or their family) should be penalised and punished for saving on a meagre income. Will some/all of the money have to be repaid?
  12. Can anyone give me any information or advice on the following: I'm trying to get insurance for a left-hand drive van with Spanish number plates in the UK. To register the van in the UK I need a British MOT, insurance and tax disc. I've had no luck trying to get insured with some of the big insurers (Direct Line, Tesco, amongst others) and ended up getting a quote from Bewiser Insurance for £753. So far, so good, it's expensive but what the hell. However, reading some of the customer reviews about insuring a vehicle with this company has left me frankly worried about having anything to do with them. Has anyone had any experience insuring a foreign-registered vehicle in the UK? I'd appreciate any help or advice with this matter.
  13. I am absolutely fuming. They left a very explicit message making it quite clear who they were on my work answerphone which is obviously a work phone as the message states the department and hospital. They are threatening to turn up on my doorstep (they have my old address) but nevertheless, I'm so angry I could spit. I have previously offered them monthly repayments which they turned down as they said it was too low (was £30 a month for a £500 debt).
  14. Just wanted some advice, my son and his friend parked a car on my drive as they wanted to work on it, the car belongs to my sons friend, its been there a year now and I want it gone. I have asked my son to contact his friend to arrange for the car to be moved, so far my son has not been able to contact his friend, so he says, can I dispose of the car? It is not drivable, it isnt taxed or mot'd, am I allowed to dispose of it or must I just leave it there?
  15. A YOUNG office worker has told how a £100 loan ended up costing him £6,000. Nick Ellis' finances spiralled out of control after he says they were "hijacked" by high-interest online loan firms. ​ Nick Ellis A top money expert today launched a scathing attack on 'payday lenders' and likened the industry to the drug trade. Recession-hit Brits flock online to borrow £1billion each year from the booming payday loan industry. But behind the glossy TV adverts and catchy company names are "merchants of misery" who prey on the young and vulnerable, according to Plymouth-based Steve Meakin, chairman of the Institute of Money Advisers. The leading cash expert spoke out amid fears of a ballooning crisis of debt-riddled youngsters in the city. "Debt, like drugs, destroys lives," Mr Meakin said. New research from the Plymouth Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB) reveals how around one in five disadvantaged under-25 year-olds in the city has already taken out a payday loan – and half admit to money worries. The paperwork-free loans can land in a borrower's bank account within minutes – but often come with astronomical interest rates and pricey penalties for missed repayments. "There has been a huge explosion in the use of payday loans," said Mr Meakin, money advice coordinator at the CAB. More ...
  16. Hi there, I have recieved a PCN for being in a bus lane whilst turning left into a car park. I definitely want to appeal this as the picture shows my car in the bus lane for only a few metres before turning left into the car park. What are the rules on this? I have tried to look up the Traffic Management Order for this bus lane but Mcr council don't have any on their website. I have read somewhere else online that the bus lane is supposed to have a break in the solid white line where the junction is?Is that correct? This specific bus lane has no break in the solid white line. Hope someone can help!
  17. Slow and steady wins the race..i have no more dealings with CFO and the Money shop..Take heart people it can be done x
  18. We bought a property in 2008 and pay around £13 ground rent to the council. At the time our solicitor said our property was on a 99 year leasehold with 8 years left; he could organise the buying of the 'freehold' I think but it was relatively easy and we could do it ourselves as he would charge. I rang the council who confirmed there were 8 years left and they just needed 8 x £13 plus admin charge to do it. What are the advantages of buying it and what happens if we do nothing? many thanks
  19. please can someone help me i have read on here something about credit card agreements taken out before 2007 do you need to have a copy of you agreement i dont or can you ask the card company to send you one also how do you know if the agreement is enforcable i am really sorry if this as been asked and answered before but any replies would be very welcome thankyou
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