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  1. Thanks for your reply. No I dont have a car and reading back I see I did not receive a letter charged at £75.00 but went straight to as you have correctly quoted £235.00 . As I mentioned I did contact the company /baliff but was told no full payment. I guess I'm just after a workable solution as it did go straight to enforcement. Thanks for your reply.
  2. Thank you for your reply No I doubt receive a letter at 75.00 at all I did contact the council but islington being islington said too bad set up a plan with the baliff who refuses. I literally cant pay the full amount but am willing to pay in instalments but it seems hopeless talking with the baliff and my council....very distressing
  3. Jyst before xanax last year literally a week I recieved letter from Phoenix debt collector for overdue council tax. With their feex its £1930 baluff wanted full payment inside no chance He said ok I'll give you until 27th if jan to pay... Again no chance My take home pay is roughly 250 a week as I'm a self employed massage therapist So I thought contact the council...islington council said ok you gave until April to pay it off. I tell the baliff company this and adj fir an instalment plan... no you have to pay in full.... Advise would be appreciated as I'm expecting another visit soon . By the way I didn't let him in only spoke on the phone
  4. Nope this is the first letter I've been given until 27tn of Jan to pay the lot
  5. Thanks for replying. It's for this year only. Letter says Enforcement officers visit pay up in the 24 or will seize goods
  6. Hello all , Today I arrived home to a bailiff letter for outstanding council tax. I don't dispute the fact that I owe the money but I have not had a chance to set up a payment plan. I have read here that this is the compliance stage whereby I can ask for a plan to be put in place ... All I have received is this letter today. My divorce has only just be one finalised.. I received nothing and I am ashamed to say I am in now lots of debt which I'm trying to set up payment plans to be able to sleep at night. I reaching out to see if I have any hope of setting up a plan with this company. . The amount with fees is 1,930... Thanks in advance
  7. Thanks for your reply. No Levy as enforcement order was posted through the door one morning. Baliffs have not been into my home I have paid £100.00 towards the debt and yes I am working now but only part time. My income has been reduced by -£500.00 each month hence debt with council and rent too. I did send equita an email but then received an enforcement notice. So do i resend an income and expenditure form? Thanks for your help.
  8. I gave a debt if £434 to repay to equita I gave had a payment plan but broke it when I was made redundant. Equita now want full payment but I would like to pay off the debt at 184 for a first payment. Where do I stand with this as I am about to okay it online just now. I did speak with the bailiff before Xmas but he wanted all otherwise he would add fees any advise would be helpful. I m not disputing the debt just want tine to pay. Thanks
  9. Hi all I have council tax arrears totally £594.00 Ive arrived home to find an Equita letter totally £802.00 for enforcement fee's £ 235.00 and compliance fee of 75.00 I have no means of paying the amount in full and I have been given 24 hrs to pay it all. Please give me some advise as to what to do next. The bill was for last years council tax currently paying £105.00 a month for current year.
  10. my wages go into a completely different account as nationwide and halifax have suspended my accounts with them. At present i receive £1658.00 working fulltime. i will do a budget planner now and go onto the debt line website and see what they suggest although i know im not going to have alot left to repay debts off given the time frame. I'm hoping to repay all the debts within 24 months. Thank you.
  11. thanks for your reply, i guess i am afraid that my repayment offers will be refused and ill be in a worst situation. Im in such a mess my own fault. but with an income of £1658 and debts that are way out of control i guess im just afraid of what may happen its my own fault i know stupid woman i am ;-(
  12. Has anyone considered a debt management plan to sort out payday loans? I'm seriously thinking of contacting one to help me consolidate my debts as i owe; Paydayuk £652.00 Wonga£350.00 WDA£659.00 Payday express: £552.00 Sunny £249.00 Money shop £249.00 Nationawide £1270.00 overdraft Halifax £1277.00 alot of money. I get paid £1658.00 and feel lost and in a rut im so stupid im in such a mess with money need some serious help!!! dont think payday loans will accept my £10.00-20.00 offer such a fool for going back to them what a mess
  13. can i just ask can PDL affect your credit score by placing defaulted loan on your credit file??
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