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  1. Hello there, I have a serious issue regarding my parcel shipment from UK to Nepal. I had sent 2 ounces of gold along with other 21 pages of documents via Dhl to Nepal on 4th June 2014. I was not sure if they ship gold. I went to the DHL service point and asked if they deliver gold. The agent said that the value has to be less than £5000. Since my gold was worth £1850 I was happy to proceed. Gold along with my 21 pages of other documents were packed and shipped for £51.95 in 1kg box. Declaration on the parcel cover was clearly made 1) Documents 21 copies 2) Gold Bar 2 pcs and the total value of the item was mentioned £1850. After few days the receiver of the Parcel in Nepal got a message from the DHL Nepal saying the parcel was with the custom department and some legal formalities to be done by the receiver. When they went to Customs, they were told that we were not allowed to ship gold on a parcel. Further, they said that DHL was not allowed to ship gold in that manner. They should have stopped us in Uk. They said us to speak to DHL instead. But when they went to DHL there, they said to speak to customs department. This went on for few months. Then I called customer services DHL UK. They took a month and half to find out what was happening and finally said that my Parcel was destroyed by the Customs in Nepal. I opened a claim file in DHL UK and after few arguments DHL sent a letter yesterday offering £51.95 for the full and final settlement of my claim. I have no idea at all what I should do next. I would be very thankful for any ideas and ways to come to a conclusion. Its really hard to give up since it is a big amount of money for me. Many Thanks, Devi
  2. Could I please have opinions as to whether this guarantor agreement linked below would be legally upheld - the landlord referred on this to is actually the letting agent, and the witness is also an employee of the same agent. A county court claim has been issued for an amount of rent oustanding less than £1000 but has nearly doubled due to their charges and fees despite the claim form stating no solicitor has been instructed... No breakdown of fees was given with the tenancy agreement (referred to as an appendix but not provided) and has been requested twice but not provided so we are minded to dispute the claim based on the unreasonable fees (the rent is still being paid by the tenant) http://s6.postimg.org/hcha1cpm9/img023.jpg http://s6.postimg.org/god0w5ga9/img024.jpg http://s6.postimg.org/th14w2rw1/img025.jpg Any views welcome please
  3. I have a question on capability dismissal. I have recently received First warning on my performance. The ground for it is an assessment that I had a month ago. I had few objections on the assessment (the way the assessment was done, range of questions etc..). I have raised these issues on the formal meeting with my line manager and HR representative, but I still got First Warning. The formal letter I have received is mentioning my right to appeal to one of CEO. I do not think that it will make much sense to appeal as I believe this is happening with management approval. But I do not think that assessment was fair and I think I have enough evidences for this. My question is as following: if I will be dismissed and go for tribunal will it take into account that I appealed or haven't appealed on First Warning. Is it worth to appeal from this point of view? Many thanks. Emily
  4. Hi In the last few days I've received a County Court Claim Form from a company called 1ST Credit (Finance) Ltd of Reigate which states my HSBC Gold Visa card debt was assigned to them last September. As I have now less than 14 days to respond unless defending the claim, is it worth opting to defend the claim and requesting a CCA from them to see if I can have the claim refused by the court? Or do I just have to accept a CCJ? Thanks in advice for any advice, Terry
  5. Hi, I had an account a number of years ago with Halifax. It was a 'cash card' account with Visa Electron. Originally this was my main account but then I got a standard current account also from Halifax. I moved to France for a year and when i was away the Electron account went overdrawn by approx £80. there was no interest or charges associated with this and I left it with the intention of returning the account to 0 and closing it. By time I moved back to the UK and went into the Branch to close the account I was informed that it had been closed. The assistant in the branch told me the debt was written off. As I was a 21yo student i did not understand the implications of this, but now i am encountering problems. The Halifax account appeared on my credit file in June 2011, and in July 2011 was closed showing as 3 months in arrears and partially settled. I would like to fully settle this account as it is the only blemish on my credit history, but as this is 4 years ago and I know that it will be removed in 2 years I am unsure of whether to do so. If I fully settle now will the account still be removed from my credit file in 2 years or will it 'reset' the 6 year 'life cycle?' Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. Well worth reading a must if you get a parking charge notice (PCN) http://www.shropshirestar.com/news/2015/01/22/could-parking-fines-issued-to-shropshire-drivers-be-illegal/ Main story from here http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news?page=3 I have also added now a parking guide from "WHICH"
  7. Legal battle over 'illegal' car park fines at supermarkets and hospitals could spark refunds for millions of motorists Millions of people given large 'fines' by private firms could be owed a refund Includes charges issued outside hospitals, train stations and supermarkets New campaign claims that penalty charge notices breach contract law Trying to gather 100,000 cases together to go to High Court to end charges Millions of people given extortionate car parking charges outside train stations, NHS hospitals and supermarkets could be in line for a refund thanks to a new campaign. Cambridge law graduate Michael Green, 22, is leading a legal battle to have the 'fines' overturned in what could be Britain's largest ever group litigation. Private companies which run car parks outside some of Britain's biggest store chains - including Aldi, Lidl, B&Q and PC World - will often allow customers to park for free, but threaten a large fine for exceeding a certain time limit. However, Mr Green believes that these fines are unlawful - and is trying to gather 100,000 cases together to go to the High Court and prove it. If he wins the landmark legal case, then that could open the door for 'at least 10million people' to claim their money back, and could put a stop to the fines for good. He said: 'These "fines" are not official fines, but instead a matter of private law between two parties. 'When you park in a car park you are entering into a contract with the company which provides that parking space. 'If you breach a contract then under contract law that company is only allowed to make a claim for the amount they have actually lost. 'Because these spaces are free to park in, I would argue the amount is actually nothing. 'People take cases like this to the county court fairly regularly, and judges will often rule that the fines are unenforceable and the charge will be overturned. 'However, because of the way the county court system works, this will only settle the claim between one person and one company. 'By gathering the cases together, and taking it to the High Court, we can set a legal precedent.' When a judge made a similar ruling over PPI, it opened the door to a flood of claims that has seen banks set aside tens of billions of pounds in repayments. In the case of PPI, the ruling applied to 90 per cent of policies sold. Mr Green believes a new ruling could apply to 98 per cent of parking fines handed out by private companies. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2807735/Could-millions-parking-fines-overturned-Legal-battle-launched-win-refunds-motorists-hit-illegal-charges-supermarket-hospital-car-parks.html
  8. In March 2008 my husband began suffering dizzy spells. He went to the doctors who thought he may have some infection but after 1 month of high blood pressure they decided to refer him to our local hospital. After a few months and no change he was then referred to a bigger hospital 30 miles away. After various tests, procedures and changing of medication over 4 years he felt he was getting nowhere and asked to be referred to a hospital closer to us. A few months ago he underwent some genetic tests and an echocardiogram. The results of the echo showed thickening of the artery walls which they say was a concern and today he went back to be told they still have no idea why his BP is so high (221/136) and all genetic testing was negative. They have said they are very concerned about the thickening of the arteries but until he BP is lowered they can't do anything. His BP has been high for over 5 years now and even when he goes twice a week to our GP for bloods and BP he is very surprised how my husband is still walking. For the last 18 months my husband has suffered blackouts. We are starting to get desperate now as his BP is at a dangerous level and shows no signs of going down and now the consultant my husband seen today says he is referring him back to the hospital over 30 miles away. My husband takes 9 lots of medication each day but nothing is working and every consultant he has seen is baffled. Also my husband is only 42. We have 3 daughters aged 14, 11 and 9 and my husband gets so depressed as he has no energy that is needed to bring up 3 girls.
  9. I am looking to reclaim my bank Halifax charges (£271.63 in total) that have been coming thick and fast recently. Is it worth perusing? Will I also lose my planned overdraft limit? Also, will they close my account entirely? TIA.
  10. This is quite a long one so I will try and condense as much as possible. Alcoholic Husband left a year ago leaving behind myself and two teenage children. New partner from the start. He was on ESA when he left new partner working. He hasn't engaged in any of the divorce proceedings so had to get him served. It seems that he and his partner are working as relief pub managers so are moving around. He lies to the benefit office and to the CSA. I work three jobs but am on a very low income. Suddenly the last few weeks I am now being chased solely for joint debts (Council Tax arrears, Tax credit overpayments and Water arrears ) as they have no idea where he is. I accept that I am liable for half of the debt how is it that he can walk away leaving these debts and not provide even for his own children ? Is there anyway I can reduce the payments or have my half written off due to financial hardship? At present I have more outgoings than income and am just waiting for the next debt to arrive
  11. http://metro.co.uk/2014/10/15/tory-work-and-pensions-minister-disabled-people-not-worth-minimum-wage-4906892/?ito=v-a I think even his own party should be calling for his resignation. I would say that 90% of parliament are not worth what the tax payer is shelling out for them.. especially when they make crass statements such as this ??
  12. Hi all As usual, no posts until advice is needed but thats the way of these forums I guess, apologies anyway, ... and so to the matter in hand. I am about to get involved in a messy argument with my ISP. They are apparently notorious for causing customers who want to escape their clutches a whole nightmare full of problems and when they do eventually relinquish the required migration codes and you get away from them, even close the account etc, they then hit you with a 'termination fee' that has been known to be a high as £300.00 ... I've checked, they have no 'process in law' that allows them to legally demand this payment especially when you have no contractual agreement with them apart from a verbal phone conversation where they trick you into agreeing that you would like to continue using their service for a short period ... That apparently can tie you into another 18 month contract ... well no, again, I've had it checked and it can't, it's not legal and unless they can prove a properly worded contract properly agreed by you, then they are breaking contract law however, I digress ... Having read up on hundreds of complaints on 'which ISP's ' type websites, I read with horror that even though you are disputing that you owe them any money, they are just taking it through your debit card using the transaction code set up years and years ago when you first joined them. ( I've been with this ISP for 15 years so you can imagine, I'm not leaving lightly or for flibbertigibbet reasons) So, I went on one of the above named forums and asked what would happen if I contacted my bank (NatWest) well in advance of the pending battle with the ISP commencing, explaining what's happening, and asking them NOT to grant any payments to this company other than the agreed monthly SO / DD so as to avoid large sums of money disappearing out of my account which will inevitably not only put me in a position of negative funds, but will also force other SO's and DD's to bounce and all the associated problems that come with that. I was told that basically, I'd be wasting my time as NW dont really take any notice of any letters they receive and when presented with a transaction code they will pay out even when you've asked them not to, so just put up with it as the will refund the payments later so no loss. Well, that's ok I guess, if you are lucky enough to have a good financial buffer in your account, but if like me you are forced to live pretty much hand to mouth, and £300.00 plus is nearly a months income, you really cannot afford to "put up with it" even if the bank do refund the payments at a later date. So my question is this really, is there a contact within NatWest-SW that people can contact in such situations? .... After all, I'm trying to avoid foreseen problems with my account and therefore acting responsibly right? I find it hard to believe that NW would refuse to act as I've been with them a long time and never really had any big problems with them. .. I'm guessing (hoping) that knowing who to contact is the key to this one. Oh and if there is anyone out there who knows, an email address as opposed to a phone number would be really appreciated as I'm currently unable to speak due to an illness. Many thanks in advance Jo.
  13. Evening, Is it true that letting agencies cannot do a thorough check like a bank and only see CCJ's and other similar marks on your report? Or Do they only look for those? I read somewhere they cannot access the defaults on an account. Looking to rent but have a few defaults. Hopefully I'll find somewhere.
  14. Kew Garden 50p coin worth up to £120 From the Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/kew-gardens-50p-coin-is-incredibly-rare-worth-up-to-120--and-one-in-300-of-us-has-one-says-royal-mint-9141817.html So get checking your 50p coins.
  15. My mum has the opportunity to top up £4k to get near enough the full state pension (due to start in June this year). She was missing a few years of contributions and by topping up, the extra money each week will mean that she will get it all back in about 3 years. I thought it sounded like a 'no brainer' if she has the funds which she does. However, people keep telling her (friend, relatives) that there is no point as the government are going to make the state pension the same for everybody despite contribution levels. I can't find anything about this? Thoughts? Top-up a good idea or wasted money?
  16. Hello everybody! I'm tackling my debts! I used to have bank accounts with Lloyds and Natwest. Due to charges, unpaid item fees etc (and I'm not kidding, it's mainly due to that!), both of the accounts were closed and now on my credit file I owe Lloyds £3k and Natwest £2k. I am about to SAR both banks. But... What will it change? So far I've read on CAG that banks are not very compliant with SARs and it's nearly impossible to get any of those charges cancelled/revoked, even if hardship request has been made. So is it really worth it? I only ask because tbh I haven't got much money to spare and i'm just about to invest £20 to send SARs off. Bit scared and unsure of the entire process... If anyone could advice me in this matter I'll be ever so grateful!
  17. so the dreaded ESA50 has landed on my front door mat again. I got this feeling that this time I will be taken out of the support group and sentenced to WRAG where because my partner is working my money will stop. Is WRAG, JCP and WP worth the hastle? I dont expect to live past 65, serious heart condition, so a pension means nothing to me. I also expect to lose motorbility when PIP comes around so even less money. Oh what joy!
  18. Please can someone help! Had a visit today from a bailiff stating i owe £450 for TV license debt from 2008 from a previous address in another area. I called the majestrates court and told them it was the first i had heard about the debt. They advised that i did actually aknowledge the debt back in 2008 and made a £30 payment so a stat dec is not an option. The court advised me to call their fine department which i did and they say because i had a baby 7 months ago, self employed on maternity allowance am classes as vunerable and should be allowed to have the debt passed back to themselves and just pay the original £150 and have baliff taken out the eqasion. So i called marstons, spoke to someone who clearly could not be bothered to be there said i was told a crock of lies (his words) and it was up to the majestrates to claim the debt back. Another call to majestrates, they confirmed they could NOT take the debt back and its up to marstons or the other option they told me - IGNORE IT?!!! they say just dont answer the door or let them in......i don't want a default of CCJ though been working hard to sort out my finances. Called marstens again spoke to someone who was incredibly rude and told me to call the baliff as it was HIS decision NOT the companys to send back the dbt?!! Am confused and have spent the past 2 hours on the phone back and forth whilst trying to look after a 7 month baby. Its seriously stressing me out and inder loads of pressure from baliff HELP please xx
  19. I need to leave my bike at a railway station every day. Do you think it's worthwhile to buy bike theft insurance? Or perhaps to buy a cheap old bike and use two solid locks? All locks can be cut, but locks from proper steel can't be cut with bolts. It requires an angle grinder to do so. I don't think a thief is going to bother with an angle grinder to steal a cheap old bike. It makes a lot of noise and would attract a lot of attention.
  20. My situation: I'm 64 and have been ill for a few months with blood pressure problems which the Doc says are now OK. The job I had was quite a physical one working 50 hours a week. I don't think I'm capable of doing it any more so I've resigned of my own free will. I have a couple of small private pensions which will mean that if I do sign on I will only get about three quid a week JSA. My question: is it worth signing on at all? Are there any other benefits (not money but perhaps training or other facilities) that I'd get that would be worth the hassle? If I could get some interesting training out of it I'd be happy to sign on but if I'm going to get bureaucratic grief but nothing else I'd rather loll about in bed late every day
  21. These everyone seems to want to sue everyone else for minor injuries just to get some cash. But if the NHS done something minor, but a company told you to sue, would you? For instance, you are in hospital and they leave the drip on high into your hand and it swells up twice the size. It's very painful, and the staff don't seem to be bothered and just leave you. Hours later the shift changes and the first nurse in quickly turns the drip off. It then takes over 24hrs for the swelling and pain to go away. Now some people may try and sue for that and would probably get a few hundred quid, however I wouldn't even think about it. It would be another matter if I'd lost the hand , but it was only a 24hr issue and mistakes are made. I look at suing the NHS as taking away treatment from someone else, and so would only use it as an option in the most serious of cases. What do you think?
  22. Hi, I applied for DLA on 12th Dec 2012 after spending over 6 months "signed off from work" due to Plantar Facilitis and Heel spurs.I am not able to walk or stand up without pain. I went to the Doc's with this 18 months ago, ive had steroid injections, Lithotripsy treatment for 4 wks, x rays, ultra sound, the whole shabang....I am now waiting for PRP injection, if this does not work, my consultant says its MRI scan and the dreaded surgery, to release my Plantar...I had a visit from the DLA Doctor last thursday 22 March, 3 months after my application! I read on the web about PF and HS and it says, its a condition, that "just goes away", lol, my consultant however says i have a resistant case. I am used to working, not claiming benefits!!!! I want to work, but am faced with DLA Doc, checking my arms to see if im a drug user, looking around my home to see if im a liar. Unable to earn my own money and rely on benefits, ESA at £70 pw, forced to pay a bedroom tax for a room that cannot fit a bed, wardrobe and chest of drawers (a boxroom) and council tax! in April... how am i supposed to live on what i'll have left? How am I supposed to work, when I cannot walk ...I also have a teenage Autistic Daughter, she helps. But im supposed to be helping her. How do these benefit changes help folk like me? the folk the changes are aimed at, will still drive their Mercedes, wear their labels and have their I phones....and the folk who need dla will not get it, to pay for the others..... Fleur x
  23. I have read several posts here about Brighthouse and their OSC and DLC policies. I have had several agreements with Brighthouse and have managed to remove the OSC but not the DLC. I have a TV from them which has been accidently damaged by person or persons unknown spilling some kind of liquid on the screen and although still working perfectly the TV has strange marks on the screen. I have told Brighthous about this when I went into the store to make a payment but the DLC was not mentioned. From what I have read on here I would think that I am not covered by the DLC "policy" and have wasted my money paying for this. Would I be better off just trying to claim on my Home Contents Insurance which has a new for old cover for accidental damage? I only have 6 weeks left on the agreement with Brighthouse.
  24. I looking for a bit of advice. My husband has been unwell for the last 18 months and last year had spinal surgery to correct the problem. Since he had the surgery he has suffered blackouts. He went back to work in June but is still suffering. Work has paid for him to have a medical and while the report says he has problems, the company should try and make allowances while the cause is found out. The report also says his problems are covered by the Disability Act. What I'm wanting to know is can they sack him. He has a stage 3 meeting next week to discuss his level of absence and the letter does say that as part of company policy he could be dismissed. We are both worried as if he is dismissed we are not entitled to ESA contribution based and I earn just over the limit for income based. Any help would be appreciated. Joanne
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