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  1. Ask your advisor just how many of these letters he or she thinks will get to the right person. Ask many will be considered junk mail and shredded without even being opened? Also ask the best method of finding the right person to address any correspondence to. Because if they don't have the answers to these questions or even considered them, then they should not be asking you to write so many letters. Far better to be targeted like a sniper rather than using a blunderbuss firing buckshot everywhere.
  2. tfp


    I attended Ingeus like your good self a few years ago under the WP. Yes, it was mostly a waste of time and taxpayers money. (Funny how these companies are never mentioned by those slating the welfare bill for being too big) With regards staff, I found it a crapshoot. A couple were fine and acknowledged I had a brain. Others were pretty much 'meh'. One in particular was just totally incompetent and out of her depth. Whilst I nor anyone else are in your shoes and can tell you what to do, I hope you do not put yourself and your health at risk by having no money. What is the tone of the Ingeus advisers? Again, as I am not in your shoots it's hard to know, but have you considered a formal complaint. I did in regards to one adviser. I was no longer one of her clients after that. Just a thought. I know it's easier said than done, but hang in there and be bolstered by what you know to be the right thing.
  3. When at Ingeus, I was unseen for about THREE months! A chap I know was ignored for longer still! Little wonder Ingeus rightfully earned the nickname 'Ignore Us'. Par for the course with these dodgy W2W companies.
  4. Good! Smith claims the cuts to disability benefits are the prime reasons for his resignation. A pure con job. No doubt saying these words while rubbing his eyes with half an onion. I for one do not believe Smith one bit with regards his reasons for resigning. For this is a man who has wasted £BILLIONS on the WP, Univ. Credit and Univ. Job Match. Anyone with half a brain will see the prime reason for his going was simply due to his spat with Cameron and Osborne over the EU becoming an open chasm.
  5. tfp


    Yes. And the funny thing is when I attended Ingeus, one useless adviser seriously said I was looking in TOO MANY job categories. Even though I had some experience / qualifications in them. Consistency and the DWP may as well be in different universes.
  6. Do NOT give Ingeus your passwords. Leave aside the fact many including myself find them wholly incompetent, you should refer them to this page: https://www.cyberstreetwise.com/passwords This is a government internet safety campaign telling the public and business how to be safe online. Divulging passwords to a third party is generally held not to be a good idea. If asked again, perhaps enquire what Ingeus' policy would be should a clients online safety ever be compromised due to their password falling into the wrong hands?
  7. tfp


    A very good point. I have a book on writing sales letters somewhere. Ill have to dig it out. The author mentions that if you write a sales letter or brochure promoting your products or service, no matter how brilliantly written, constructed or designed, it is no good if it does not get into the hands of the person making the purchasing decisions, often the business owner. Why do JCP advisers think a CV is any different in principle?
  8. I wonder if what dozeymare has experienced is par for the course. I suspect it is. Esp. with regards not being told what such 'courses' entail and the advisers being totally clueless. Sadly it takes me back around a decade. I was about to attend A4e. I asked the useless adviser what the so called course at A4e entailed and what would I be doing during the 13 weeks of my attendance. She could not answer. All I got instead was an A4 photocopy of an A4e brochure!!! So it surprises me not that advisers have no clue about the 'courses' they are sending their clients to. Little seems to have changed since I was at A4e and later Ingues and certainly since I signed off around three years ago. And as Mr P rightly says, if they have no idea about these 'courses', how do they know what benefits a jobseeker will gain from them?
  9. It is possible to have a lack of self worth in even in a job. Esp. if you are low paid, stuck in a rut and /or your talents and skills are undervalued. Nystagmite is quite right. JCP is not fit for purpose any more. It is at best a processing centre than a job centre.
  10. I can see your point and agree to the extent that DWP / JCP frontline staff are but small cogs in a much bigger grinder. However, it does seem that the union representing these advisers is very quiet with regards arbitrary and unjust sanctions. Not just with regards to the obvious effects on jobseekers, but what it may be doing to the long term mental health of the more conscientious JCP staff members.
  11. Disgusting behaviour. Iain D. Smith has truly turned the DWP into a rogue department. Just when is the PCS union going to step in and make noises about its members being coerced into treating jobseekers in this manner?
  12. Marigold, firstly may condolences. Not much more to add. Except that several years ago I did jury service. Yes, even me! I remember one case involving the abuse of a young girl we had to preside over. At the beginning of proceedings, one woman had a word with a court usher who then informed the judge. She was excused from being a juror on this particular case. Dunno what was said but one can assume she felt uncomfortable and perhaps was affected by something similar in her past. Now, if someone can be excused from sitting as a juror in something as serious as a court case, then why the heck can someone not be excused from MWA / Workfare if sent to an industry / sector that clearly affects them? Some may say you should not be choosy about the jobs you are prepared to do, so why should MWA be any different. Except it's unlikely someone like yourself would choose paid work in a sector dealing with cancer sufferers if it clearly affects them so much. Just as a vertigo suffers will not choose to work in a job that involves ladders, cherry pickers or cranes.
  13. Jesus, this thread still going? Little wonder the odious Smith gets away with such blatant lies with the sheer wanton ignorance shown by some. I think some on this thread should receive their A+ for missing the point completely - namely a major government dept. telling lies to further government policy. If you think this is a fair and proper ay for ANY government to act, then so be it. Maybe the MOD should lie and use the testimonies of fake soldiers, sailors and airmen? Or DEFRA should use fictitious farmers? Or perhaps the Dept. of Education can now start using made up students? Why not. Or is it because we're dealing with jobseekers. they're fair game and deserve to be treated with such contempt. As for political allegiances, I have played a major part in exposing Labours equally disastrous New Deal to media (BBC). So I will criticise regardless of government. P.S. Commenting any more on this thread is pointless in the face of such ignorance. Thus I agree pretty much with capquest w n. It need closing to save it from itself.
  14. Alternatives to what? Not lying. Okay, then don't lie. You seem to be deliberately missing the point.
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