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  1. From another forum http://www.theverge.com/2015/1/21/7866679/windows-10-will-be-a-free-upgrade-for-windows-7-and-8-1-users
  2. When I download pictures, they always appear in random order and not in the order that they appear. Has anyone else had similar problems with this version of windows ? Is there a way around this problem ? Thanks
  3. I'm not sure if I should post this under Currys but I think it's more a Windows query: I bought an Advent PC with Windows 7 installed December 2012. For the last week a message "This copy of Windows 7 is not genuine" has been displayed. I clicked a link which was titled "Windows Validation" and, after a week I finally received a "Thank you for evaluating Windows 7.. .. link to pay £109". Has anyone experienced this or is anyone able to shed any light? Cheers T
  4. Hello, If like me for your sins you have AVG Anti-Virus installed, AVG have just done a update to AVG 2014. My AVG Gadget on my Windows 7 Sidebar has disappeared (have not checked the Vista Computers or the Windows 8 yet) but AVG have posted in their forums saying the Sidebar Gadget has been discontinued. http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=240145 Stigman
  5. We kept getting calls from this crowd asking for Mrs B's dad. He passed away almost two years ago. I have told them countless times that he has passed away, and that every time they phone, Mrs B gets dreadfully upset. I have asked them not to call, and to remove all details have also done a Section 11 request, with which I received the following reply: Further to your email dated 2 July 2013, regarding the telephone canvassing calls you have been receiving from Zenith. I sincerely regret that it has been necessary to make a complaint of this nature. I can confirm that your telephone number has now been suppressed on our Database to ensure that you receive no further telephone canvassing calls from this Company. This will now take approximately one week to become effective. Furthermore, the Sales Branches in your area have been issued an instruction not to contact you further. Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused. Yours sincerely ******** ************** Sales Office Administrator This e mail was received on the 4th of July this year. Today at 12-55, Mrs B picked up a call. Once again it was from Zenith Windows. After I dealt with the guy on the phone, I then had to comfort her. She was crying her eyes out and asking why this crowd keep doing this to her. She watched her dad die a very slow and painful death. I have told this crowd that on countless occasions. I have been repeatedly told that our details are being removed from their system, yet today we received another call from them. I have had the number registered with the TPS from before her dad passed away, as he too was getting the calls. And even then, they were told not to call, and why they were not to call. I have had enough. Where do I go now? I want recompense for the stress, emotional upset, and distress that this company are causing Mrs B. I want them to pay for this. I have to pick up the pieces every time they call. It is not nice watching your loved one break down like this, especially after I have had assurance after assurance that the number has been removed from their database. I am a gnats hair away from contacting my solicitor, who is a bit of a rottweiller, but I thought I'd come on here first to see what you guys suggest, as you have been fantastic in the past with previous issues Mrs B has had. Any suggestions guys? Would a SAR be of any use, just to see how many times they have called, and when they have called?? Sorry for this being a bit of a rant, I am just so bloody angry with this company. Buncrana
  6. I bought a HP Ultrabook six months ago with windows 8 running on it. I keep getting a message for a free upgrade to 8.1, as just getting used to 8 will 8.1 be any better?
  7. Afternoon, Approx 10 days ago I bought a used car from a dealer. This morning whilst driving to work I was stopped by the police and fined £50 due to the tints on the front drivers & passenger windows being too dark. I have no issue in the fine being issued as I understand now that they were too dark however my question is do I have any comeback on the dealer who sold it to me? I have not changed the tint etc since buying it so have I been sold a car that was illegal from point of purchase. Your help is appreciated!!
  8. You have been warned for the past 2 years: Windows XP End of Life - XP Support Ends on April 8, 2014. Support for Microsoft Security Essentials XP will continue for another 12 months
  9. Just need some input please, my computer has died and now on look out for another one,I prefer a desk top but not sure which one to go for and windows 7 or 8, been told Windows 8 is awful? I was using Windows vista which worked fine.I do not like Zoostorm computers,had one before and it was the pits! the one that has just died was an acer with good spec,am using a laptop for now that had loaned to me but it has to go back real soon so need one but not got a lot of money to spend,looked on Ebay and not much there so any help advice much appreciated
  10. We had our windows installed in October 2011 and had nothing but trouble with leaking Eventually, they replaced them in April 2013 but they still leak. We have had 27 visits in total trying to fix the leaks. They are willing to deal with them but they never fix it What should I do next?
  11. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this. I live in London (Ealing) and I've been having some problems with my postman - or postmen as I'm not sure if it's the same one. Specifically on three separate occasions I've had them throw a parcel through an open window because it wouldn't fit through the letter box. My bathroom has one of those small windows at the top of the window frame that we usually leave open during the day and the postmen evidently seem to think that if a package doesn't fit through the letter box it's fair game to just lump it through the window. The first time they did this the package knocked my shower screen off its railings and landed in the toilet (I came home to find my new phone floating in the toilet - though thankfully it still worked as it was well packaged). On the other two occasions I've just come home to find a package lying in the bathroom/sink with toiletries scattered everywhere. Slightly less annoying is that on a regular basis they just leave packages lying in the garden rather than take it back to the depot. I've never actually spoken to them because I'm out at work all day, but I did contact Royal Mail and they more or less said that if something hasn't explicitly been damaged in the delivery then it's got nothing to do with them - so I guess it's fair game to just keep throwing packages through windows until something breaks... About the only solution I can think of (short of just dealing with the symptom and locking all our windows!) is writing a note to the postmen and leaving it on the door, but I doubt that will help.
  12. OK, so it's 3am and you're up for whatever reason - would you have your downstairs windows/backdoor open for relief from the hot weather? I had my front living room window open last night, and a regular guy in work clothes tried to pull the window wider from the outside - I assume with the intention of a theft of opportunity. What do you think?
  13. I've been given an old laptop (Compaq Armada) running Windows 2000 but I can't get past the Windows Password screen. The previous owner hasn't used the laptop in ages and doesn't know what password it has.... If anyone can help I would apppreciate it. Laptop is rather heavy but in excellent nic - and comes complete with Bubblejet printer! Don't think I will be using that although it would be interesting to see if it still works. I didn't have the original power supplies for the printer or laptop but have found them in amongst my collection.
  14. Mifi = mobile wifi. I have a Windows 8 netbook and went to use my mifi thing on Friday and it wouldn't work. 3 said it's probably because it's not been used for a while and I was given a new sim. It's still not working. It shows up in my computer and there's nothing to allow me to connect using mifi. Any suggests please?
  15. I moved into this 3 bed house in March, and immediately told the landlords that the windows in the house don't open. The only windows that open in the whole house are the one in my bedroom and in the bathroom. My children and grandchildren and in the other 2 bedrooms, and they bake in there, especially now that we're getting into the Summer. The kitchen windows don't open, so cooking is always difficult. I've told the estate agent many times, and she's even sent someone to have a look, but hasn't done anything about it. I'm really annoyed, and just want to know how I could make them sort out the windows. I pay £800 per month in the house, for goodness sake. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Hi Techies, I have a windows 2008 R2 Machine and for the life of me I do not recall what the password is to log on to the machine. I also do not have the installation disks either. How can I gain access to my unit. Trying hard not to go down the rebuild route. What suggestions or options do I have. Help please.
  17. I love Windows 8, it is much faster and reliable than Vista and 7, but with Microsoft trying to force people to use the tiles has put a lot of people off it. Fear not, as soon as I installed Windows 8 I changed it into a Windows 7 clone with its look and feel Simply search and install: Classis Shell 8Gadgetpack Instantly you now boot to the Desktop, your Start button has returned, and your gadgets are back
  18. My mums laptop is playing up. Windows Media Player keeps starting and giving a message ' Windows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the file' This is a long with the WMP Window. She doesn't know how she has managed to do it. I have tried opening Malware Bytes to do a scan, but it seems to be opening with WMP because the same pop up keeps comong up. I tries msconfig to stop it from starting up, but the same message keeps appearing with the Media Player. It's as if it is programmed to start up with everything I try to do. I can't even install a program with a flash drive because when I click on 'setup' WMP starts again with the same message. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Guys. ps. Her OS is Windows 7 Home Premium.
  19. Hello everone, There are so many really useful threads on here, I've already learnt loads and feeling a lot less anxious. So I've signed up, in the hope that I can get some advice that's specific to my situation. Which is a lot less awful than some of the hair-raising stories I've read - but still causing me a lot of anxiety. I'd appreciate advice, and/or where to post about this issue. So glad I found this website. Basically: joiners built and fitted windows. Windows ok, paint and fitting very poor. We raised concerns with them at the time, they lied about the paint ( it's possible to have it checked: manufacturers have a lab for this ), they promised all would be well with other concerns. When they left, I could see they had not done a good job at all, including key concerns I'd raised with them. Another joiner looked at the job afterwards - said "it looks like a child's done it". Several other concerns too. So we made a goodwill payment of a third of the outstanding fitting cost (had paid for windows in full already), withheld the rest, and suggested we get the problems left behind sorted out, present them with all bills, and pay them any balance remaining. Long story short... they filed a MoneyClaim Online claim against us (amounts to 10% of what we've paid, including the windows). We have already filed an Acknowledgement of Service, indicating defence/counterclaim, but now we need to put together evidence to show why. So many questions on how best to do that - it seems so important to have 'legalese' lingo. It's Small Claims/MCOL and I can't afford to appoint a solicitor or even a surveyor. There's other fiddly aspects too, such as difficulties getting quotes - because the job is so messy to sort out. So: 'nice to meet you all', and if I could get a bit of help about this, or where to post more details, I'd be grateful. It's spoiling the Christmas Season, having to deal with this instead of cards and prezzies. Cheers, Suse
  20. Just as a favour I'm offering help with templates or amending templates too. If anyone needs help, or needs some custom changes made, I'd be more than happy to kick in and assist. Why? because CAG helped me loads and I think things like this need to be done on a free basis. years of IT experience, with years of experience with being in debt have honed my skills in this area to a diamond-sharp point What I don't do! You accounts or look through your books NOR want to see any of your personal details. What I do do: Help edit the templates (blank templates) to basically do waht you would like them to do Impossible No templates can't take out the garbage, do the ironing or wash the dishes lol, so if you have any mac or windows excel, numbers, word, pages help, I'm here if need be hope I can help! Cheers, A
  21. My friend reset his laptop to factory settings, so I said I would do all the Windows Updates for him. One of those updates was Windows Service Pack 1. After successfully installing it, I scanned for any more updates. It keeps saying '1 important update' and that update is always Windows Service Pack 1. Why does it keep doing this when it is already successfully installed? I have installed optional updates with no problems either. Just this Service Pack 1. When I look at the update history, Windows Service Pack 1 has been successfully installed about ten times. Any ideas? I think this will cause problems for future updates.
  22. I recently signed a purchase order and associated credit payment plan for Anglian Windows. The agent assured me that I had 14 days cooling-off period. After sending the cancellation request on the 14th day I have received a 'breach of contract' letter from Anglian legal department informing that 25% of total purchase price is due as cancellation was sent after the 7 days cooling off period. As the agent gave misleading advice, do I need to pay this?
  23. Hi, My PVC windows have started leaking and i've had to remove the plaster etc to find the problem. Imagine my suprise when i saw this when i removed the plastic facia on the windows: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39913[/ATTACH] These were installed by Safestyle around 4 years ago Do you think they will fix these if i contact them, or try and fob me off?
  24. Recently went out for quotes for a number of windows to be replaced with UPVC double glazed. Safestyle were fastest in response and initially we were impressed with the salesman who visited. He did the - here's my quote but I may get a better price after talking to my boss etc etc. In the end we were quoted a price much lower than we had expected, nearly half the nearest competitor, so we agreed to proceed. We were then hit with the classic [problem] - I am since told by another company that it's well known in the trade but considered underhand by most, just as we were about to get the survey underway and pay our deposit, a phone call is made only to reveal that there had been a mistake and that the price should be 30% more than we had been quoted and agreed. Of course by then we had declined the competitors which of course was their intention. So we were presented with the choice - agree to the higher price or we can't proceed. Now this raises issues of good practice or even contract law, we had been offered and accepted the quote which was then raised by 30%. Obviously we said a few choice words and told safestyle to go away (although I didn't use those exact words). As predicted, we received phone calls insisting that they had made a mistake and that they could offer us a good price, but how could anyone possibly proceed with a company that behaves like this. We don't know what the fitting service and quality would have been like but based on the sales tactics we would have been mad to go ahead with a company that uses underhand sales tactics. Do not use this company. They are not trustworthy. If you do risk dealing with them, be warned that they will 'low ball' a price and then hike it when you are hooked. It's hooking and reeling in.
  25. Hi all, Hopefully a simple question! Yesterday I invited a guy round from Anglian to quote for a new front door. After three hours of pressure I agreed to buy one from then, putting down a £200 deposit. I can see that under the doorstep selling regulations I should be able to cancel within 7 days and get all my money back (the right to cancel is written under the contract terms). However, I'm worried by the following clause in the contract: 9. If the purchaser cancels the contract otherwise than in accordance with these terms and conditions, the company reserves the right to charge the following, which represent the losses and expenses incurred by the company prior to cancellation: (i) 25% of the total contract price where the purchaser cancels prior to commencement of the survey. (ii) ... Am I liable to pay costs to the company if I cancel within the 7 day period? Many thanks for you help, Neill
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