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  1. Thousands of people with lost or stolen contactless cards have been warned they could be used by fraudsters up to eight months after they are cancelled. The problem generally lies in contactless card payments being processed in one of two ways - 'online' or 'offline'. When payments are processed online, the card and payment machine immediately communicate with the customer's bank. If a lost or stolen card has been cancelled, this will be flagged immediately and a payment not allowed. Offline payments are stored in batches by retailers and processed online to the bank at a later point, sometimes a few days later with smaller stores. This can allow a thief buying goods on a stolen card to go undetected. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3779910/Thousands-contactless-cards-lost-stolen-warned-fraudsters-use-EIGHT-MONTHS-cancelled.html#ixzz4KtdyLapj If your contactless card is lost or stolen make suer you check your statement for fraudulent transactions.
  2. The council wants to gain access to my property to do some work on my neighbour’s property. I have already allowed them to put scaffold into my part of my land as my house is semi detach. This has been on for over three months I have no realistic time of when the job will finish. Furthermore i have been subjected to continuous cleaning resulting from the building and roof tiling dust. Thy have repainted the neighbour house while mine is still caked up in dust. I have reported damage to my roof tiles and my gutter damage by their workmen but they have not responded to my complaint 4weeks on apart from coming to view the damage. Now they are asking for more permission to put scaffold in my garden in order for them to complete their work. Please what are my legal position here? They might decide not to fix my damage properties after they complete their work or roll me in long time complaint and finally dismiss my complaint. What are my legal rights here?
  3. Can someone help me with my question? I need remortgage and on experian I have almost excellent scoring and HSBC has the best deal for us, so i need to know which credit agency they using. Thank you
  4. Not sure which forum to post this in. I signed an estate agent agreement this week and have since had a friend who wants to rent my house with a view to buying it in the future. The agreement I signed is as follows: typr of agreement - sole selling period - 20 weeks then 14 days notice to terminate and I see that I also signed a waiver of my cancellation rights. Do I have to keep it on the market for 20 weeks even though I don't want to sell it now? Many thanks.
  5. i HOPE I am posting in the right section. My hubbie is a secure council tenant and has been for 20 years. He has always lived here, never had a problem with anyone. I have been here for ten of those years with him. 25 February 2016, our boiler went west, so we had to have the gas contractor out. On the same morning I had to go the MRI scanner at the hospital at 8am, so we arranged for him to call at about 10.30am when we knew we would be home. He duly arrived. We´d only been in a few minutes. I was sat on the edge of my settee drinking a cuppa, my hubbie was by the man´s side in the boiler cupboard discussing what the problem was. It was agreed the Baxi man had to come the next day, boiler being under guarantee. Again, no problem, I am unwell, but not incapable, so stayed in for Baxi man. All done the next day, no problem. Fast forward two weeks. A letter arrived for hubbie. When he opened it, he thought someone was having a joke. It is a first warning letter, from a housing officer he has never met, who has never been here or ever spoken to us. It is saying that on 25 February 2016, we were "smoking cannabis" during his visit, She says "looking back at your file, on the balance of probabilities I think it is very likely that this incident has taken place and that I have evidence enough to the standard of proof required by the County Court!" Well gobsmacked hardly covers it! We have made an SAR (were told 20 days ago it was 18 quid ((I know its 10)) and just received a call today to confirm that this is now being done and to pay the 10 fee. We have arranged for this HO to visit us tomorrow at 12 noon, because this simply is not true and we do not accept any written warning! The facts are that neither of us smoke, not even cigarettes, but I used to many years ago and I have just paid the price of that by undergoing a horrible vascular bypass to my right leg. All through this time I have been fizzing and worrying over this false accusation, the way the letter was worded, and the way a tradesman can make a false accusation like that and cause untold problems. I am, I admit, a bit touchy on the subject of smoking, because of what I just been through. I think its also fair to say that a slight set back in my recovery has been caused by all this unnecessary stress and worry. (Get niggled, pull stitches etc) When the original letter came, hubby wrote to the gas engineer´s company and made an official complaint. He took it in by hand, gave it to the female manager, stood there whilst she read it at her invitation, and then was forcibly escorted from the premises by a large male colleague who stated it was all a load of rubbish and the Council were dealing with it, and he had to leave to premises! Of course, we have had no response from this firm. Could anyone offer me some advice about this? I mean, do we just lay down and take it? We haven´t done anything of the sort, and we believe this to be malicious on the part of the gas engineer. We have since learnt that three other tenants in our road have had to ask that he does not visit their premises again for various reasons. We have insisted he does not come here again. Normally I would be able to throw serious punches in this sort of thing, but I am very unwell at the moment. What I want is a meaningful written apology for this, and an assurance that we will not be harrassed in this way again. They´ve chosen their time haven´t they? When I am practically our for the count so to speak! Any advice about what to say tomorrow in addition to a point blank denial would be very welcome.
  6. I've currently been told I've been awarded £3,700 pounds from a credit card that goes back to 2001 with RBS (not got any money yet though). However, in the text sent to me it said that "It was under investigation with the claims department because of outstanding amounts with the RBS Group"... I had another credit card with RBS that I am paying off and still owe £1,200. .. Can RBS use the 3700 from the PPI credit card to pay off the outstanding on the other credit card? Is it not a separate debt? Or is it the case that this IS allowed... Thanks
  7. This feels a little awful as my mother is alive and kicking albeit in her 90s but I have never dealt with a will - everything was in joint names when my father died so there was no "estate". There will be little when my mother does "go home" as she delightfully describes it but I would rather sort it out liaising with my brother to ensure there are no debts! (He is abroad) I have just read an article which says you do not need to use the solicitor named as the executor but feel I know so little about this and wonder where I would start. I wonder if someone could help just so I know the first steps and am not anxious when (she says she will live to 103) we get to this point.
  8. Hi All, First thing, is this notice now legal or does it need more work? READ THIS NOTICE Removal of ‘Implied Right of Access’ Notice: Except: Family, Friends, Postal Services, Delivery Services and the Emergency Services - (limited to the time needed to deal with the reported emergency), a Bailiff with a valid Court Order Signed by a Judge including full printed name of Said Judge. (Note: A Bailiff has NO legal right to force access (nor is it implied by this notice) to a residential property, only by “Peaceful” enter by invite only)). Any other person(s) and/or any companies not on the exceptions list above will be liable to Prosecution for Trespassing - definition: [Entering onto land without consent of the landowner/homeowner or Tenant] and be fined £1000. Access MUST have been granted by prior appointment ONLY by the landowner/homeowner or Tenant of the Property. Note: CCTV is in use on this PRIVATE PROPERTY. Thank you. Second, if you have this notice up can this be used as a defence against the "amended in 2014" Dangerous Dogs Act", which states "Except Trespasses", meaning your Dog will not be taken away as the "Implied Right of Access" Notice (excluding people named on the Exceptions) are now trespasses. Thanks for any input and help. Paul Barnes
  9. Hello, My ex hubby and I took out a loan in 2003 with Citi financial, it was never paid off due to running into difficulties. It is now been paid through the courts. After reading the paperwork from Reston solicitors we noticed we had paid ppi on the loan of £2373.53. I want to claim it back if possible but I have to much going on in my life to do it myself so want someone to recommend a company who don't charge the earth to claim it back for me. Thanks in advance, Debbie
  10. I had a few personal accounts with NatWest with a few grand overdraft on each which I couldnt pay back. These accounts were eventually closed by the bank and are now in the hands of debt collection agency. I also have a business account with them which has no debt attached to it. A while back I stopped using my business account in case they took money out of that account to repay the overdraft and just used a basic personal account from a different bank for my business banking which really isnt ideal but helped me get through at the time. Im now wondering as I dont have good enough credit to open up a business account elsewhere if I can still use my NW business account without them taking money directly from it since the personal accounts are now closed and the debt passed to another company? What do you think?
  11. Can somebody advise on the rules regarding use of a computer for reference purposes during a Tribunal Hearing Thanx in advance
  12. I purchased a car on 27/11/15 from a car dealer named 'wonder value' in south London. when I bought the car I was advised of no problems at all however on the invoice the dealer wrote a note that the vehicle may need new cam belt, brake pads or sensors. I accepted the offer as the car had only recently passed its MOT and I had looked at the certificate. I purchased the car for £1795 and paid £60 for him to drive it home for me so I could insure it once home. The day after a note on the dashboard was flashing up saying 'anti pollution faulty' and 'oil level low'. I obviously expected the oil to be low that was not a problem, when I got home I then put oil in the car thinking both lights would disappear. Both lights did not disappear I took it to the garage, I paid for a diagnostic and new spark plugs. the next day again, the anti faulty pollution light and oil light was still showing. the garage checked my oil level and it was not low at all. i then took it back again and there was still a problem they wanted me to pay another £350 when i have spent £320 on diagnostic, spark plugs, sensors for the car and the oil to be filtered. I have contacted the man who sold the car and he gave £120 towards the repairs, however this does not even cover the cost of repairs. I have had to pay insurance for the car and all these repairs and have only owned it for 3 weeks. I have not even been able to drive the car apart from to and from the garage and had non stop problems. i am a student and cannot afford to pay all these expenses. i have contacted the dealer and told him i want a full refund and he needs to pay for all the expenses. he then replied stating he has refunded the £120 and that was the final offer, however i believe due to my statutory rights i am able to return the car as he has sold it faulty and it was not advised of any of these problems when purchased. I have threatened him that i will take him to trading standards and take this to court if he does no agree to the terms. Please advise the best and first course of action Regards Mashmallow
  13. What are the consequences of one party referring to without prejudice discussions in court without the consent of the other party?
  14. Excellent FOI question asking about electronic signing pads and an equally informative reply from the DWP FOI Team. Download it and use it when you're asked to sign electronically. My only concern about signing electronically is worrying whether it has actually triggered the payment successfully - I'd still prefer to have the clerk put my money through while I'm sat there to see it. Question and response can be found here: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/requirement_to_give_biometric_si#comment-59764 Basically, we do not have to use the electronic signing pad; they can only 'encourage' us. No sanction can be applied for refusal to use it. You can bet that the advisers will not mention this to you. Interesting to note that not only does the pad record your signature, it also measures the angle of the pen, pressure of the writing and speed too. Big Brother knows no limitations, does it. Another request was for all signing pad guidance issued to advisers, that can be found here:) https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/electronic_signing_pad_guidance Had a quick read through - most interesting. If your signatures don't match after 3 tries for any reason, they're going to want to know why AND expect you to provide more ID like driving licence etc. Also there is NO mention of electronic signing not being compulsory (did we really expect there would be!). Even the sample letter they give telling you all about it makes no mention that it's optional.
  15. I am upset and angry that the Financial Ombudsman Service clearly has no regard for vulnerable consumers using their service. I would like to warn people DO NOT use the Financial Ombudsman Service. My first complaint was against my bank Halifax, lending me money I could not afford to pay back, breaching parts of the lending code, and that they had leant to me whilst breaching their own lending criteria. FOS sided with Halifax saying they did nothing wrong, even though I'm nearly £14 in debt. My second complaint was against Debt Free Direct. I had complained that they had used my DLA as income, the FOS said they had to. They still insisted I was getting £962 per month, this is not correct as it was £888 per month. Said Debt Free Direct had done nothing wrong, no surprise there. I moaned about the fact I had paid in "2790 and they had only paid £158 to my creditors, they said they couldn't. I am sat here in tears, the FOS are an utter bloody disgrace who do not help the consumer. ]I would warn people do not use them at any cost. Totally flabbergasted!!
  16. http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=519a4338-60a7-49be-8ff1-28f070eca937#.UH0wHaFr1Ws.twitter PPI reclaims soicitor LOST on every count. Mrs Plevin’s claim therefore failed in its entirety. Against this, Recorder Yip QC considered the conduct of Mrs Plevin’s legal representatives, Miller Gardner. Their costs, including a very significant ATE insurance premium, amounted to some £320,000 by the time of trial as against a maximum claim value of some £5,000. Despite the level of costs incurred, Recorder Yip QC also found that Miller Gardner had failed to get to the bottom of the factual case, this had caused the repeated amendments to Mrs Plevin’s claim and the eventual abandonment at trial of all but two of the heads of claim, and that there could be “no justification” for the way in which the claim had proceeded. As against this background, Paragon had made a without prejudice offer to Mrs Plevin back in 2010 on a commercial basis simply to see an end of the litigation. Miller Gardner had rejected that offer and therefore did significantly worse at trial than could have been achieved two years previously. Recorder Yip QC held that as a result, and given her “real concerns” over Miller Gardner’s conduct, it would be appropriate to order that Mrs Plevin pay Paragon’s costs on the indemnity basis in relation to the entirety of the action. This is the strongest order that a Court can make and is illustrative of the displeasure with which Miller Gardner’s conduct was regarded. It was clear from the amount in question as against the costs incurred that the litigation had been run only to benefit Mrs Plevin’s solicitors; and not to achieve the best result for her. Generally, given the findings by the Court of Appeal in Harrison and Recorder Yip QC in Plevin, claimant solicitors now have little chance of successfully continuing with claims in relation to PPI mis-selling. Further, the Courts are now very much alive to the fact that such claims cannot be regarded as being in borrowers’ best interests. The industry that has grown up around PPI should beware.
  17. Hi i'm a taxi driver and was on the lookout for a new 8 seater cab with wheelchair access as my current vehicle was ready for the knackers yard and after shopping about decided to use a company call cab direct. I ordered a peugeot eurobus with them on 27/7/2015 on finance and paid £1000 pound deposit. I felt after speaking with salesman on the phone that things were a little rushed by him and he didnt quite explain things but i assumed with them being suppliers to the taxi trade and after looking at the pictures of vehicles on their wesite that they would know what they were doing. When i recieved the paper work for the order it was clear that he hadnt explained a great deal to me on the phone because i dicovered that the cab wouldnt have basics like handles to hold on to whilst getting in and out and a step to help people whilst getting in and out. So at this point i questioned the seating as the cab needed specific seating comply with council regulations. The seating and types of seats were described to me by the salesman on the phone the best way he knew how and it sounde like he was describing what i wanted and what i had seen on their website so it was on with the order and wait for delivery. Fast forward to 17th september and the vehicle was at my door being delivered. I was shocked as the vehicle was nothing like any pictures on their website, wasnt like anything i was expecting or had ever seen in 15 years of taxi driving and was not like i felt they described it to me. My main bones of contention were that there was no partition between the drivers front cab and the passenger section in the back ( a big safety issue for me due to previous experience ) the middle row of three seats (which are removeable ) would have to be totally removed from the vehicle and stored away from the vehicle in order to fit in a wheelchair passenger which isnt practical at all. I refused the vehicle and it was taken back to cab direct and they then told me the would do their own investigation. Thay came back to me and said the type of vehicle i was expecting was the sr or srx model how ever the sold me the sx model. They said they could see the website was mis leading how ever pictures on there are for illustration purpose and this is stated on there website. The pointed me toward the download brochure on their website to tell the difference between models how ever i dont ever recall being told on the phone which model was sold to me and after going through all my paper work i cant find anything stating the model type. That being said after looking at their brochure and if i had known the model type im still not sure i would of being able to distinguish that there was difference between models and there are no pictures in the brochure that resemble the vehicle the supplied. Thire stance is they supplied what they believed they were asked to supply so the fault is with me. I believe that the goods were mis sold to me as they were not adequately described and are not fit for purpose. I asked to cancel under sale of goods act but they were having none of it and told me sale of goods only applied to goods bought for cash and since the vehicle log book is registered to me and the finance company have paid them then this is an issue for me and the finance company to sort out. I rang the finance company and informed them yesterday and im waiting for them to ring me. Where do i stand on this from a legal side of things ? Sorry for long post and any help/advice is greatly appreciated
  18. Illegal EM technology use by collection agencies ======================================== USE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION TO SPY and HARASS (Cant post links yet but will soon ... See websites/links for details on the possible technology being used) ============================================ Websites and links: - Use infrared and microwave image mapping and spectral reconstruction to invade privacy ... entire home mapped and monitored - Monitoring is 24/7 and includes all family - EM brain monitoring device which stores brain activity patterns and uses them to selectively manipulate (see links at bottom) - Most likely remote EEG >> has subvocalization recognition capabilities (mind reading) - Mobile - can be used from a car - Software with the antenna system which is used to select from a list of options of torture/intimidation tactics - Use EM radiation to induce unpleasant sensations and pain (see links for the full list) - Induce emotional states - Torture pets/animals in neighborhood - Flipping MOSFET on adaptor power supplies and damaging wires connects - Aggressive drive-by and cutting up in traffic - Power cuts/fluctuations - EM microwave burns - EM manipulating of heartbeats/dreams/limb dexterity etc - Jamming Internet and cell phone calls - EM suppressing brain activity - EM enhancing waves at time of stimulus to accelerate memorization (or enhance association) - Operating during sleep cycles to manipulate subject's memories - Manipulating motor behavior - Illegal hacking of electronic devices - Bug and stalk/spy on online activity - Read all emails/texts - Spy on other electronic devices / power cords =============================================
  19. I am moving into my new house in two weeks so decided to get BT to change my supply over from the UK to Northern Ireland. They are coming out in three weeks to do the install, my only problem is that i have lost my modem. It was BT Infinity 2. That is not an issue as i have taken out another contract with BT for BT Basic, not infinity. That will be the copper wire job. Seems i will have to Ebay to get a compatible router Any suggestions on a compatible BT Router that will work on normal internet, not Fibre
  20. Hi, I was just wondering if the Bill of Rights was of any use? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_of_Rights_1689 It's been likened to the "amendments" that the US statutes have, but does it really have any punch? Cheers, A
  21. Hi Everyone, Newbie here who found this website whilst googling for information on F & F debt settlement offers. I'm looking for some advice please, on our next course of action. My husband and I jointly have 5 debtors, one of whom is our son. We used some of his inheritance money to try and pay off credit card debts when I was made redundant, something we are both deeply ashamed to admit. In 2010 we sought the help of the CAB who arranged a debt management plan with our debtors. We have been paying minimal amounts ever since as we have virtually no disposable income. This what we currently owe:- Tesco credit card debt 2994 Natwest credit card debt 11,811 M & S card 6099 Store card 900 (This account has been sold on to Moorcroft and was the smallest sum!!) Son 9000 We are paying them a total of £25 per month (between them all, excluding son) and as my husband and I are 56 and 57, I don't see our financial position improving substantially any time soon. We have substantial mortgage shortfall on various endowment policies and this needs to become a priority for us, if it's ever to get paid off!! (We re-mortgaged 3 times to pay off credit card debts over the years). due to the changes in the law I can now access a pension lump sum of about £10k and was going to try for a F & F settlement of our debts with this sum just so that we don't have this hanging over our heads right into retirement. I don't see that we will ever be able to pay off the full amounts owed to the credit card companies. Our son has agreed not to press us for any amount now, he knows we have no way of getting more money at present. We will eventually inherit a lump sum from our mother in law and will pay him then, but she's currently in rude health So, should I try and use my pension to pay off these debtors, and is it likely that they would accept such a small percentage of their total debt? We are not worried about what's on our credit record now as it must be totally trashed and we never want another credit card anyway. Also as we are homeowners is it likely that they will try and get money from us if we ever sell the house (which we don't want to do)? Many thanks for any advice.
  22. Hi Everyone, I post this with much hope that I can get some support and help in knowing where to start. In January this year my house was repossessed right from under my feet. My mental health had declined to such a degree that I ignored letters and just completely buried my head in the sand. Thankfully, my parents have been amazing and there for me 100% and we tried to agree that we would pay in full the arrears so we could have the house back to which the mortgage company declined after two weeks. now I am left with a huge cost and a house that has reduced in sale price 4 times, it wont sell weve tried in the past its got lots of subsidence problems and theres work that's been completed by the previous owner who has not had planning permission for some of the purpose build brick buildings. I am now of the belief that the house will go for auction. Again, this is something we have tried to do and failed due to the issues with the property. My question is can I claim back any charges? Can the contract be reviewed and looked into? I went through broker and was given very poor advice on the mortgage and hence why this situation is so bleak. What can I do? I know I cant get my house back but I am so worried about the huge cost they will put on me. I just need some advice and it would be helpful to have people who have previously been in this situation. Its awful
  23. my driving licence got revoked and my ar siezed can my dad use his car insurance to get my car out as my driving licence at dvla waiting to up date ..?
  24. Thought it about time I had a dabble with Linux and thought would use it as a dual boot with a Vista desktop. Initially downloaded Ubuntu 12.04 LTS a month or three ago but never had time to give it a whirl. Over the last few days upgraded it to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, downloaded the ISO file and mounted on a DVD but it falls over each time with different problems. In the end gave up and have tried again with Linux Mint Cinnamon but again it falls over. Vista does freeze a lot so think it may be something to do with this. Now I've bit the bullet and ordered a new harddrive for an unused P4 system as think it may run better as a standalone system. Or is there a better Linux to try?
  25. The company are forcing me/work colleagues to use a 'makeshift' rest area consisting of a couple of tables pushed together and 4 chairs on the factory floor where we work as they say it takes to long to go to the proper canteen upstairs. The environment is noisy with machines running/radio on etc. I've challenged this stating the fact I can't remove my PPE in this 'rest area' as it's still on the factory floor as per HSE ,'facilities for rest and eat meals' as I'm on my feet most of the day and I like to take my boots off when I get the chance as my feet ache etc. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg244.pdf As a side note,The tables and chairs partially block the route to the fire exit. It also states I'm not allowed to bring food onto the factory floor but they're willing to 'over look' this as they say we can bring snacks in! Am I right in challenging this or should I consider myself lucky to get a break? Thanks for reading,any advice much appreciated
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