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  1. I've contracted myHermes to deliver a pair of Mission 782 speakers from the UK Mainland to Portugal. I've been buying speakers and amplifiers in the US and UK for months now, and apart from a Onkyo receiver being totaled by SEUR, 22 packages where successfully delivered. This baselines standard quality of service + my definition of good enough packaging to sustain normal transportation stress + a normal BAD transportation claim being settled correctly by ebay (that onkyo dropped by SEUR represented immediate FULL refund). My myHermes experience starts with the transportation of the 2 speakers. They where bubble wrapped (2 layers big bublle, then the edges where card-boarded, then a layer of foam wrap together with gum-tape holding everything together). When I got the speakers, the center drivers where: Speaker 1 - marked and broken inner cone Speaker 2 - no cone visible! it was inside the speaker together with the big magnet that makes a speaker work...both broken beyond repair. This speaker also had the front protector assembly broken. I've received much more fragile speaker delivered with less protective wrapping... a set of Castle Acoustics for instance was delivered with the box containing them literally falling apart, with the speakers showing, wrapped only in a layer of small bubble wrap...yet perfect in condition as they where handled with care, as you would expect from a transportation service. Since the ONKYO case, I decided to estimate the replacement value for those 2 speakers, and during contract from myHermes, I added insurance valued good for 200GBP. After receiving the damaged speakers, I've seek a repair solution and managed one at 162GBP. During claim, I added photographic evidence, together with a estimated cost form ebay parts to repair the broken drivers... that was not accepted as it was not a receipt. So I immediately brought the parts and added the receipt. Then came the so called deliberation: Insufficient packaging...no settlement. Please accept the good will 30GBP. Talking with client support the "official version was repeated over again"... a total and complete loss of my time. My conclusions?: 1 - they must be self insured and so in conflict of interest regarding defending the client against a claim.... hence insurance is a [problem]. 2 - insufficient packaging is an easy to claim nonsense.... Speakers are as heavy as they are fragile... dropping them is enough to damage them, even on original factory packaging... competitors had no issues with worse packing quality, yet myHermes managed to destroy 2 independently packed speakers...not one, but 2. They where packed for transportation, not rugby playing! The seller could have wrapped the speakers in steel... if they decide to shoot them instead of transporting them, no packing will ever be enough. This is the main point! A transportation company should transport their customer goods with care. Wrapping and protection serves the purpose of eventual, normal handling, accidents... not systematic, negligent, handling. 2 speakers 2 "accidental handling accidents"??? those odds would make billionaires on the lottery. 3 - During a claim, no claim is processed until you actually present a receipt of you paying for the repair... so they will force you into loosing more money. Then they deliberate... this is total disrespect for the client and a very bad practice. 4 - Finally they offer a "Good Will" refund. If they offer ANY sort of refund they know they are guilty.. the 30GBP is a joke and serves to reinforce that the insurance is actually no more than a ripoff form myHermes instead of a real insurance from an 3rd party entity. 5 - Will never use them again ever. 6 - Will pass this experience to EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE so others do not suffer the same fate. 7 - Will seek alternative ways of punishment (legal or simple bad publicity). 8 - If Ebay global shipping decides to use myHermes, I would not opose, as they have the power/volume to press myHermes into submission (just as they've done with SEUR and the ONKYO case). BUT I've already posted on the ebay community forum as many other have. I honestly think that the decision is down to price and that quality is ignored... but it is worth the try.
  2. Hi Me and my boyfried went into Mercedes last Friday, after spending almost 3 hours there we found a car (used 2 years old) we loved so we paid our order deposit of £500.00. We then left the garage expecting a phone call in a couple of days to go in and sign the finance papers and confirm when we can expect to pick up our new car as it would have to be delivered from one of their other garages. Later on the Friday we got a phone call to say that someone else was going to view the car on the Sunday who then bought the car. Mercedes now cannot find a car the same as the one we put our deposit on. I thought that the car was ours and that we entered into a legally binding contract when they took our £500.00 deposit as our order deposit. Can anyone else advise please?
  3. I'm not sure if I have a case? I was a first time buyer if that helps to say in my case? Just looking through my files, the first year (aug 2001) of my mortgage for PPI all I can find is the Halifax mortgage letter saying thank you for applying for a mortgage "As the loan amount you require exceeds our basic lending limit it is necessary for us to arrange additional mortgage security. you will be advised of the fee in due course. Please note that if you are borrowing less than 90% of the lower of the valuation or purchase price we are currently paying this premium." Then on the mortgage offer letter At the end of the letter it says (oct 2001) SPECIAL NOTE We strongly advise you to consider arranging insurance cover to protect your ability to keep up your mortgage repayments if you become ill, lose your job, etc. You can obtain details of such mortgage repayments insurance from from any of our branches or your financial adviser... Then a few weeks later the halifax letter of acceptance for my mortgage says an additional mortgage security fee of £419 is also due. We will pay this fee. (explaining that they are lending me more than they normally would and additional mortgage security is required) But exactly one year after my mortgage I started paying PPI monthly for the next 12 years to St James Place. So who do I apply to and how do I explain the first year? Very confusing. By the end of the first year I must have believed I needed it but £419 per year is extortion, so I must have shopped around. I've never been in debt, ill, lost job or took out life insurance. any advice gratefully accepted thanks
  4. Hi there, I am new to this and would kindly welcome some advice if anyone could help? I'll keep it brief and to the point. Work for global corporation, my head office based in UK. Employed by this company for nine years, no complaints at all. Had various directors, regional managers and line managers over these 9 years. Company was restructured late December 2014, I inherited a different regional manager and line manager in January (both who work in a different division and have no knowledge of the job I do, regional manger been there for at least 7 years, line manager only promoted to line manager in January 2015, previously same job spec as mine only different division). Was given a complete new territory in January unannounced (had been consultant for a different territory for over three years and built up good trust and sales with these customers). Regardless, went out and done my job, hit my sales target in January despite the whole territory being new. Two weeks into February had a conversation with my new line manager who was enquiring why the mood was so low in our team ( a team of ten consultants) and I had offered a suggestion that "maybe the constant negativity wasn't helping" . I said this as we had all received a barrage of negative emails and phonecalls from said line manager, and everyone was moaning about it, seen as we were a new team that had been put together in January, me being the longest serving employee out of the whole team said what I said. The day after, at 7.30pm I received a friendly txt from line manager asking if I could meet him the following day to have a chat about figures, I agreed as didn't think anything of it, went to the meeting location the next day, was invited into a room by line manager, next thing regional manager walks in (unannounced) asks me "do you know what youre here for" when I replied "it was my understanding I was here to have a chat about figures with line manager, he said "no, youre going to pick your way to leave this company". He said "you can either resign, or I will make your life hell and make you leave". You have until Tuesday the following week to decide. I told him after a barrage of abuse from him, I wasn't resigning. The next morning the abuse continued, wont go into detail just now but will if anyone wants to know the details, just want to get the main points out just now. The next day I met with HR as I was disgusted at what had happened and told HR everything that had been said and proposed etc. HR (after hearing my side of the story), two days later, they wrote back saying they had spoke to both concerned and that they had all agreed that they would all meet with me to have a discussion. I was horrified at this, I had been duped into a meeting were it was a 2 vs 1 scenario, no witnesses, was totally bullied and intimidated, no witnesses, and HR wanted me to meet with them again under the same set up, ( HR are supposed to be impartial but in our company they are not). Before this week came around I was that ill after the original meeting, had nearly crashed my car on a busy motorway after suffering a severe panic attack, more followed, that my GP signed me off work and prescribed anti anxiety medication. To cut a long story short, I raised a grievance, it was heard by same HR I had spoken to initially and another manager who offered me a "new position" when accompanying me down in the lift out of the meeting room once the grievance had been heard, I said nothing. It took them 5 months to conclude the grievance stating time out of office and work commitments. When the notes came out it was clear that both managers had colluded, also my notes were missing, when I asked about these, they then sent a diluted version of my notes, when I asked them that I wished them to be amended to what I actually said, they thanked me for the ammendum but stated it wouldn't change anything. They also added parts to my grievance which were not included, to absolve themselves I guess. My post was on a recruitment site straight after (I know this is not against the law but trying to give an insight). None of it was upheld. The two investigating, made the conclusion. In between the grievance conclusion and me stating I wished to appeal, the person I raised the grievance about was promoted. The Grievance appeal was heard by same HR person and finance director, was cut short as they had a flight to catch. I was then sent the notes of said meeting, it was so heavily diluted that anyone who didn't know about it would have a hard time working out what all of the fuss was about, my witness emailed their notes, after that, although a conclusion was promised by the end of last week, straight after my witness submitted their notes I received a "without prejudice" email asking me to accept a paltry amount of money. I would gratefully accept any advice on what to do next, if anyone has any questions please ask, I just tried to keep this post short (ish) and to the point. Thanking you all in advance.
  5. Hello all, I live with my landlord and two other tenants in what was his house. He put it up for sale and somebody has 'purchased' the house, he will pay my landlord this Friday for the house. Long story short but my landlord is going through a divorce and half of the money for the house that's now sold, is going to go to his wife. But she has not agreed to the amount being offered to her and wants more than half. Now my landlord was informed today that we all have to move out this Friday. Also just to inform you, my landlord has been told by his agents twice that we needed to move out by the end of the week, last week and the week before. The new owner has already showed the house to some students and they want to rent it from him. I was there when they came to see the house. The new owner doesn't even want to bother with cleaning/sorting out the house before the students move in, he wants them to move in the day after we're to move out. This sounds weird to me, I mean surely if a house is sold, the current landlord living there, or any tenants would have a month, in which to find a place? None of us have found anywhere to live yet, if we have to move out on Friday, then unless by an absolute miracle, we find somewhere, we will end up homeless. Is there something going on here, this doesn't seem at all right-or even legal (though I might be completely wrong about this). Is there something that my landlord could tell the estate agents regarding us having to move out by Friday, so that we could at least have two weeks to look for somewhere to move to? Also what are the legal requirements regarding somebody buying a house and giving the current landlord and tenants notice? Thanks for reading this and hope to hear from you soon.
  6. We moved on the 17th April from one council to another. We informed our old council and gave them thr new address just for final bill purposes and are now paying our new council. We received a letter stating they were closing the account and we were due a refund of £228.66 which arrived separately on the 8th of May. On Saturday we received a billstating we owed £1072.44 including the £228.66 refund! I have set up a payment plan and said how angry I was but every time I said about it to the adviser she pointedly ignored my comments! Can they do this? Also we had a slight rebate as my husband was on a low income but this bill has asked for it back from the 12th Jan to the 31st March? Any advise? Thanks
  7. Hi guys well heres my horror story. Girlfriend wanted to go away really bad so we went to Thomsons. In store my girlfriend got talked into buying a holiday to Tenerife and it sounded good so we booked it. When we returned home the hotel had bad reviews and people had said it was based on a huge hill that was unbearable to walk, especially if you had kids and we did have a 2 year old son. So I asked the travel agent if the hotel was far from the town centre and she said its not according to Thomsons website. I have the call recorder app so I guessed that as the call was recorded and I had nothing to worry about, at the worst i could complain in resort if it was very far as per the numerous reviews. So I took her word on it and we flew. When we arrived in Tenerife our son's pram didn't come through. I contacted a rep there who I recorded the conversation with and he said that Thomson's agent and not Thomsons had lost the baggage and I would have to call the airlines agent Iberia in the morning and in the meanwhile hire a pram and get reimbursed when I got to the Uk from Thomson. I immediately questioned this and asked what Thomsons would do and the rep just said they couldn't do anything in resort/at the airport and it would have to be dealt with by Thomsons in England, which i have the whole conversation recorded. Anyway the hotel did not have any prams to hire as the agent suggested and so we were left for the first 72 hours without a pram. The hotel also was on a very very long and steep hill which wasn't described and was so bad that whilst we could walk down it, walking back up it was extremely gruelling and tiring. The room we got was damp and had condensation and when I did attempt to contact the resort rep they were never in resort and we were told messages would be left with them but none were. We decided just to clean the room the best we could and I continually rang the agent on a day to day basis - Iberia, who 72 hours later found the baggage and said it was never put on the plane thus the delay. Iberia had the pram sent to our hotel reception. When it did arrive it was damaged and stained with mud and the wheels would not properly allocate and move. I immediately took photographs and thought that I would complain when back to the UK. When I returned back to the UK I wrote to the store I bought the holiday from outlining my complaint with photographs and also prove that on travel republic (another site) they mention different km distance from the same town centres that Thomsons did on their site and brochure. I never received any response from the store and so i complained directly to Thomsons through their website. A few weeks later i got a response from 'Sky Tours' who as far as I knew were not even who I booked with..anyway they said they could only pass on my baggage claim to a department in Crawley who they would get to contact me. As for the loss and misdescription they put it down to 'opinion' and said they couldn't do anything more. I then got a telephone call a few weeks later from Thomsons again who in the end told me they'd investigate only to tell me in the end that they again could do nothing as the mis description was 'opinion' ( i.e. it could be debated if a hill is 'steep' to one person to another's version of steep..etc') and saying that now as Thomsons could not pin point where the damage occurred they would not repair or issue a new pram or any compensation and as I did not take out travel insurance I breached their terms and conditions and am not protected. I have found this to now be the final draw to me and I am seriously considering taking the matter to ABTA and even the small claims court. In my opinion Thomsons breached their duty of care as they and their agents lost my bag and were negligent, They have failed to address my clear evidence of misleading distance in their brochures and information provided by evidence and photographs of the rooms which is different to that of the brochures which as this was a package holiday is covered by the Package Regulations Act from my understanding.. so what would you do next?
  8. My line manager made the accusation after listening to voice communications with a member of the public.
  9. My car is normally parked on a roadside with no restrictions. I parked the car on last Friday and there were no notices on the pole. On Sunday morning my car along with other 3 were picked and moved to another road and also given a PCN of £110 (discounted to £55). When i saw the proof online they had put the parking restriction cones and also stuck a new parking restriction notice on a pole not next to the car but one outside the parking zone. Does the council not have a minimum period to inform the residents for the change of restrictions? Also there was no change of parking restriction notice anywhere. The council is behaving like it can do whatever it wants however it pleases. I have challenged the PCN but i am waiting for the response as to what their counter argument is? Any help will be much appreciated.
  10. I have received a CCA from HSBC dated 05/2005 Does not appear enforceable to me but would appreciate another set of eyes Also guessing it is a copy from microfilm or computer not from a physical agreement
  11. Being a pensioner[to prevent £6 charge I usually leave enough money in account to cover the interest charges. This time I knew my pension was due on 19th which unfortunately clashed with an outgoing leaving not enough to cover the interest charges. Fool me thought [what cat did] that the incoming pension would cover it - no such luck. Seems the computer processes all outgoings, apply charges then processes incomings on same day. I think this is criminal.
  12. Well this could turn nasty so i wanted to get some heads up opinions here first. me and a family member decided to go down a new venture and purchase 3 or so cars from a car auction. We turned up in person and paid them in reception for a few cars. We arrange a recovery guy to collect them and drop them at our desired locations. 1st car collected and dropped off fine. 2nd car the recovery guy calls me and says his truck cannot handle the weight of the vehicle so he will have to skip that one and do the last one which was delivered fine. Straight away i have called the auction company and told them is the particular vehicle out the front they said yes, i said can i keep it there until i arrange someone to collect it. They said yes how long. I said maximum 2 days, they said yes thats fine we'll leave it there no problems. The next day i have called them to get a quote for them to deliver the vehicle themselves as i was having a nightmare finding someone who would do the job at a reasonable price (quotes were £100 for 22 miles!!!) the auction company said it would cost about £35, i said fantastic the car is out the front of your offices please double check and i'll go for that. They said fine they'll locate the vehicle and call me back to sort it out. I got a call back saying there is no vehicle there. The vehicle is not out the back (with the other 1000 or 2000 other cars they have) nor in the front where the recovery guy i used said the auctions staff parked it up next to reception. I have literally called them 4 times a day as they never call me back when they say and they have yet to locate the vehicle. On their systems it is showing as being released (because 1. i paid for it and 2. the recovery guy i used initially gave the paperwork/receipt for the vehicle to the staff member who located the vehicle and gave it to my recovery guy) which then in turn said it cannot go on his trailer. To make matters worse this auction company leave all car keys attached to the steering wheel on a string. Apparently the yard where the vehicle was left (at the front) does have gates which do get locked..etc) So could i get some opinions on this? in the worst case scenario, some truck has come and pinched the car from the auction companies property. But 1. Is it my responsibility as i paid for it and initially collected it but then did not take it away (my recovery guy) or 2. Is it their responsibility as its on their land and under their control. I have not got this vehicle insured as not once have they issued me with the reg plate number so if this is pinched the only thing i can do is turn to this auction company. I hope in the next few days i can repost here and say the vehicle was located but as its been 2 or 3 days already im really doubting the vehicle is no longer in their possession and has been pinched. I am a bit lost here, help?
  13. Hi, I am new to posting but not new to the site. I cam on really for a little bit of advice. I am trying to improve my credit rating. A few years ago it was terrible so I've been paying things off and not applied for anything other than this card. I was declined....however, I then received a form through the post to fill in, one of their "invitations" so I filled it in and a week later I got a call asking for my bank details as part of verification. I then got another call saying that they have trouble verifying people who use my bank and so asked for my driving licence number. I gave this and was then asked to set up a direct debit. After setting that up, I was told I was approved and offered £100 cash advance. I said yes ok I will have that and it was due to go into my account by tomorrow. However, I got a text today saying the £100 has been cancelled and to call them! I called and the lady said they need to see proof of my bank details and that nothing will be sent out to me until they can verify these. They need to see my name, address, account number and sort code. So I have just got the front page of my bank statement showing all of this information and put it into an envelope to send off. Is this usual practice as it seems very strange to me? Will this one piece of paper be enough? They said they only want to verify the details so that surely is plenty. Or is this just messing me around and then I will get declined? I've not heard anyone else say that this has happened to them before. Please respond if you can thanks.
  14. A car somebody sold a few months ago has been receiving invoices from these people. The amount started from £100 then went upto £140 and then a few months later went down to £70. I attach the correspondance and hope it helps someone. As of yet court is being threatened. Before anybody asks. Commercial collection services LTD are running from the same address as the now defunct CCS ENFORCEMENT SERVICES which was a bailiff company taken over by rundell and co when they went pear shaped a few years ago.
  15. I bought a salvage vehicle earlier this year. Repaired it. It was a cat. Then later on the car was reversed into by a tesco insured driver. My vehicle was taken away to the body shop while i had a courtesy vehicle. Two weeks later i was told that as my vehicle had been involved in a previous accident and the damage had not been fully repaired. My insurance company offerred me £100 as salvage and told me the vehicle would be a cat c. I asked for the engineers report which stated that the damage was similar to the damage the vehicle had sustained in a previous accident and that the vehicles value was £1000 plus the mileage quoted was incorrect as the car had only done 68000. The engineers reoprt stated that the milage was 83000. I told my own insurance company about this and they said chase tesco who will be able to handle this claim . I then contacted tesco who have sent me from pillar to post. I.e Wanting proof of repair, Where the repair happened, How much i paid etc. Where the parts came from etc. I got a letter of the garage who repaired it. over the 3 months i have been given the run around. Something i found out earlier this week. My vehicle has had a cat c marker placed on it by my own insurance company who will not remove it until tesco place their own category marker on it. MY company is ageas and the policy underwriters for the third party are ? youve guessed it Ageas. Tesco came back with a offer of £290 after their own engineer came out to inspect. Then after waiting for 2 weeks for this payment to arrive which i was going to reject. i phoned up only to be told that i claimed major damage to my car where as there was minor damage to it. So now it is being further investigated. What do i do ?
  16. I was employed with a 6 month probationary period. 10 days after the expiration of this 6 month period, I was sent a letter to notify me that due to performance issues this period had been extended for a further 3 months. At the time I agreed to the extension and carried on with my job. One month later I was called to a meeting with my line manager and HR Manager and told that y probationary period had been unsuccessful and was asked to leave my position with immediate effect and they would pay me the one week notice period as outlined in my contract. As my probationary period had expired when they informed me that they were extending it, am I entitled to the month long notice period pay that is outlined in my contract as I had been with the company for more than the 27 weeks it states is needed for a 1 month notice period? I know that I agreed to the extension, but the letter I have notifying me of it is dated after the 6 months was up.
  17. Hi all I am currently helping 2 friends sort out their debts with the CO-OP both have current accounts and credit cards. Both debts in default 2013/14 both pre 2007. Defaults in 2013/14 all debts currently showing on credit files. I am waiting for the monthly updates on the CRA files Last payments both were 2013/14 I sent a CCA to them 07/07/2014 no reply to either. Follow up letters sent still no replies to both. Both sent via RM and signed for receipted and still have the screen shots of the signatures date and time. So on 01/12/2014 I SAR them both. Via RM and signed for receipted and still have the screen shots of the signatures date and time. On the 19/12/2014 I receive a letter from the CO-OP saying the debts have now been sold to HOIST. Why would the CO-OP sell the debts in access of £20k? I know that the CCA's and SAR are still valid what would the next steps now be?
  18. I was quite disturbed this morning when I wondered whether certain Insurance Companies are [problem]ming the public via computer systems which ask you to pay more money than you should be. I am a landlord and insured my first house in early July via Bedford Insurance and a company 'e-unlimited'. I paid £315.13 for the whole year. I was told that when occupied this would fall to £178.13. Due to extensive renovation, a tenant walked into my house on Wednesday ie. exactly 5 months from the date of insurance cover. I contacted 'Bedford Insurance' and after having done some basic sums beforehand was surprised to discover that the money due back to me was less than I expected. I spoke to two insurance brokers who immediately got defensive when I questioned this figure stating they were simply doing what the computer had told them. Given there was a discrepancy of £7.28 in my favour, I asked whether I could speak to a manager. Credit to the manager, he did phone me back this morning, much to my surprise, and he bothered to go through the sums in detail with me. He suggested that insurance quotes go up and down and therefore wondered whether the £178.13 quoted to me in early July was now higher. On checking, and much to his embarrassment, it was a little lower! He agreed with my sums and then, almost flippantly, said he would offer an additional £10 on to the quote the computer gave me the previous day. This leads to a disturbing question: How many people are paying more than they should be because the computer has got the sums wrong? Or more conspiratorially, are some companies purposefully manipulating the computer system to achieve financial figures very much more in their favour?
  19. One of our company vehicles apparently parked for too long in a car park in Edinburgh. I had been told by our employee that the fine was not legitimate as the van was actually there twice in the same day and that this was not picked up by the cameras, and instead they thought it was one long visit and exceeded the allowed time. This has happened to us before so I wrote to parking eye explaining the situation. I heard nothing and eventuallty got a letter from debt recovery plus. I called PE and they deny ever receiving my letter. I was also told I was too late to appeal. They did, however, listen to my reasons for not paying and I was told the camera has been checked and only one visit was made in that day (I was not the driver so cannot be sure either way). So now I have another letter from DRP saying I have to pay £135 by 25th Nov and they have quoted the PE V Beavis & Wardley test case. My understanding is that this case is going to appeal in January 2015, so should they really be quoting it as a test case? So what I'm asking is, what should I do now? I don't mind paying some money to make it go away, but £135 does not seem reasonable to me. Am I entitled to ask for the camera recording to check them myself? Thanks in advance
  20. http://metro.co.uk/2014/10/15/alzheimers-pensioner-sells-home-to-pay-for-care-then-gets-all-clear-4906574/
  21. I discovered two years ago that for 6 years I had been paying day time rates for my E7. They admitted and promised to refund within 7 days. A tear later they were denying it and saying there had been no error. By this time the records had been destroyed forever after a system upgrade. I had calculated around 2000 in overcharges in the 6 years and stopped paying them until they sorted it out and refund me whatever I had not gotten back that way. After a few months I sent details to the ombudsman who acknowledged my complaint, but then lost it and never acted. I then became suspicious when I was turned down for a job and found that BG had defaulted my credit record every month and had me down as heavily in arrears. They used that false information to illegally get a warrant rubber stamped by magistrates and turned up one Saturday morning and began drilling my door lock to break in and fit a coin meter. (This pushes the cost up considerably apart form the inconvenience) I had to pay them most of what they demanded there and then to get these heavies to clear off. The following Monday I received their letter threatening to break in if I didn't pay. I then got the ombudsmen involved again and they apologised did noting and eventually sais they found in favour of BG, but gave no grounds for that decision. I am determined not to be bullied but they continue threatening and sending make believe debts to debt collector firms.. I am paying 2000 a year to heat a two bedroom flat and I cant switch because they claim I owe them money. I find it hard to believe they could be given such power to ignore normal law. I simply said, send me a statement proving what fuel I used and how much you charged me for it and if that is correct I will not argue. They are unable and unwilling to do this and seem to be able to use to the system to simply make up a sum and demand it with the backing of the state. Does anyone know the true position? I cant afford to employ lawyers, but at this point the principal is as important to me as the money. Any suggestions? I eventually got them to clear my creit file
  22. My husband has been in dispute with Cap1 for several years, as they never managed to produce a valid CCA. Didn't hear anything from them for years, then suddenly, the attached letter was received today, and we're not sure how to proceed. There has been no notice of assignment (but we have moved home, twice, so they may not have the address, although CSL seem to have found it relatively easily). Can anyone advise what our course of action should be please? Many thanks. [ATTACH=CONFIG]49506[/ATTACH]
  23. My wife had an account with lloydstsb which she closed several months ago with a £0 balance, she surrendered her bank cards and thought that was that. Today she's had a letter saying her account is overdrawn by £265.57!!! It seems there is a £250 overdraft and they want £15.57 to get back within the overdraft limit. The letter goes on to threaten all sorts so she called the number on the letter giving the reference number only to be told that there is no such account, they went on to say that someone would call back to discuss the contents of the letter, needless to say no one rang back. Is it at all possible that they can claim this money from her?
  24. Guys Check this out below; This truly goes to show the shady dealings that company had... I think this should be a lesson for us all. To see a company like this go under is truly a good thing! I also like how it mentions about NDR and MHB being fit about holding Credit Licenses ^__^ What id like to know is how they define the loan book as "Potentially Recoverable"
  25. im looking for some feedback and for someone to tell me if i have a case here or not. i am a 3 uk monthly sim only customer. I spoke to 3 yesterday asking if i could upgrade my contract to a handset deal, the operator reccommended a phone for me and we went through the credit check and all was ok. Imediately after the call i realised i had chosen the wrong handset for my needs so immediately called them back and asked them if i could change my decision. The operator put me on hold and after a while he came back and said yes that it wasnt a problem and he could cancel the offer that was made earlier and put it through on the new handset i had chosen. He explained to me the new pricings, how much i would be charged and told me that my handset would be delivered on friday, he also offered to text me the terms and conditions for the new contract. I said no and accepted the contract offer from him today i recieved a call from 3 saying that as i had changed handset i would have to go through another credit check. we went through the credit check and it came back saying that i would have to pay £150 deposit for the handset. I declined to pay this, because as far as im concerned i had already been offered a new contract verbally over the phone and there had been no mention of a credit check having to be performed. The operator told me that it didnt matter as the credit check had to be done. I asked for this to be escalated as i was not happy with the resolution and i called them back this evening to see how my complaint was progressing. I spoke to a complaints manager who said he understood my predicament but the person i spoke to yesterday had made a mistake and that i would have to pay £150 or not have the upgrade. At this point i asked what the escalations procedure was and i was told there was no more escalation as he was the complaints manager so i asked for a letter of deadlock as i would be putting this forward to the relevant ombudsman. He then put me on hold and told me that his manager(who didnt exist 5 minutes ago!) would call me on sunday. now, my question is can i hope to get anything out of this? i booked a day off work for tomorrow as i was told that my handset would be delivered and someone would need to be home. He offered to change my handset and said it would not be an issue, at no point did they mention a new credit check. am i right in thinking that being told my handset would be delivered on friday, being told my new pricings, being told the terms could be emailed to me for reading and being told the start date of my new price plan constitute an offer of contract and myself accepting them is agreeing to this contract? a mobile contract is not governed by the CCA so they do not have to send you letter of contract so as it currently stands they are trying to renege on a verbal contract after the acceptance of it. I have already lost out on a days wages by booking the day off
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