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  1. Great, thanks. I'll come back if they give me any more trouble.
  2. Thanks for that. So since it was Scotland do I have to tell them who the driver is?
  3. One of our company vehicles apparently parked for too long in a car park in Edinburgh. I had been told by our employee that the fine was not legitimate as the van was actually there twice in the same day and that this was not picked up by the cameras, and instead they thought it was one long visit and exceeded the allowed time. This has happened to us before so I wrote to parking eye explaining the situation. I heard nothing and eventuallty got a letter from debt recovery plus. I called PE and they deny ever receiving my letter. I was also told I was too late to appeal. They did, however, listen to my reasons for not paying and I was told the camera has been checked and only one visit was made in that day (I was not the driver so cannot be sure either way). So now I have another letter from DRP saying I have to pay £135 by 25th Nov and they have quoted the PE V Beavis & Wardley test case. My understanding is that this case is going to appeal in January 2015, so should they really be quoting it as a test case? So what I'm asking is, what should I do now? I don't mind paying some money to make it go away, but £135 does not seem reasonable to me. Am I entitled to ask for the camera recording to check them myself? Thanks in advance
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