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  1. Hi all, I'm kind of in the same boat with these guys, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?476654-Australian-Debt-Complete-Credit-Solutions&p=5042016#post5042016 but for a far less amount ($5k). Im based in NZ - long story short the debt is in my name, but don't trust your (now ex) girlfriend in an absolute manner to settle the debt on breakup, even though its hers! No amount has been paid on this in two years. What is a reasonable timeframe to propose for a payment arrangement? Its a rather small(ish) amount, so I do know they won't be spending large amounts of time/money recovering a debt from someone based overseas. Any and all advice/direction would be greatly appreciated. The lady on the other end is an absolute hothead and hung up on me, so I'll keep that ace up my sleeve if they try to play hardball (I did state I was recording the conversation). Total amount - just over $5kAUD Debt - Personal Loan with Commonwealth Bank Im based in NZ - long story short the debt is in my name, but don't trust your (now ex) girlfriend in an absolute manner to settle the debt on breakup, even though its hers! No amount has been paid on this in two years. They have been trying to call me for months, but have ignored, but I did pick up a call from them expecting it to be someone else this week. Documentation (Notice of Assignment of Debt) has been emailed through to me on request. What is a reasonable timeframe to propose for a payment arrangement? Its a rather small(ish) amount, so I do know they won't be spending large amounts of time/money recovering a debt from someone based overseas. Any and all advice/direction would be greatly appreciated. The lady on the other end is an absolute hothead and hung up on me, so I'll keep that ace up my sleeve if they try to play hardball (I did state I was recording the conversation). Cheers
  2. Hi there, I have recently been contacted by the above company about an outstanding debt from my time in Aus, I left 5 years ago. They have called and emailed (not sure how they got my details plus my name has changed). Below is the email from them, firstly I don't work, I am a stay at home mum and secondly, I just need any advice possible on what my course of action should be - any advice much appreciated. 'My office has made several attempts to contact you to discuss your outstanding Commonwealth Bank Personal Loan matter that has been assigned to my office. Your balance as of today currently stands at $xxxxx with interest continuing to compound daily at the contractual rate of 15.9%p.a. For your reference, I have also attached the following documents: 1. A copy of the Notice of Assignment letter issued to your previous address confirming your matter has been assigned to our office. 2. A copy of the Final Notice letter issued to you today, outlining the current status of your matter. Our investigations confirm you are now residing in the UK and are no longer in Australia. With this being said, I kindly request you contact our office to resolve your outstanding balance. Unfortunately, if you do not make contact or if we are unable to resolve this matter with you, we will be transferring your matter to our UK agent, who will be instructed to make direct contact with you to recover and secure your balance. Please note, it is our preference to resolve your matter without the involvement of our overseas affiliates. Should your matter be transferred to our UK agent, the full balance plus all interest charges & transfer costs will be due and payable immediately. However, should you be of a mind to contact us, I will happily discuss a commercial outcome to settle your legacy matter in Australia. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards,'
  3. I have had a "pcn" from one parking solutions through the door today, I actually happened to be at the hospital waiting in intensive care at the time of the pcn, but that's irrelevant... What am I in for, what can I ignore etc etc This morning I had a pcn from one parking solutions land on my doormat. I have no idea as to what to ignore and how to proceed with dodging the money grabbers As shown in the pictures my van isn't clearly shown in a restricted/double lined area but is that enough?
  4. Hi Everybody. I'm new here so please go easy on me if I've missed anything. I live in the Olympic Village and pay £75 a month for a number allocated parking space in the underground car park which is managed by Gemini Parking Solutions. Last Monday (Bank holiday Monday 17th) I found a Parking Charge Notice on my windscreen and a ticket attached for £100 or £65 if paid within 14 days. I also found that my parking permit had fallen off of the dashboard onto the footwell. I emailed my managing agent who asked for a photograph of my permit + a photograph of my ticket and they would ask Gemini to cancel the ticket. I received an email back today stating that because the permit wasn't on display they can't cancel the ticket. I've filled in as much of the information below as possible and would really appreciate any advice on how to proceed. 1 The date of infringement? 17/03/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] N if you have then please post up whatever you sent and how you sent it and the date you sent it, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload has there been a response? please post it up as well, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload guide] If you haven't appealed yet - ,......... have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] what date is on it Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? No NTK 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] 5 Who is the parking company? Gemini Parking Solutions 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Venetian House, Olympic Park, Gemini Parking Solutions
  5. Friend parked at Wilco (Mexborough) on 22 Mar 17 at 8ish in the morning. This was closely followed up with a PCN from FlashPark (Vehicle Control solutions) dated the 24th March. AFAIK, there was no NTD, they have gone straight after the keeper? He has just received the ''Final Notice'' with their invoice escalated to £85 I have copies of the two letters he's received so far, along with three photographs he's taken, of where he was parked, the DYL's that were obscured by leaves, not that it matters, and the side of the Wilco's he was shopping in that has a plastic FlashPark sign attached to it. I'm sure their missives fall foul of any PoFA guidelines, their 'alleged' contravention is ''Permitted parking only''. Told him NOT to ignore them, but am hoping that this can be easily dealt with with one letter, any pointers please, TIA. BB
  6. Hi All, this is a commercial rent issue. I have an action against the landlord being processed by CCMCC for a sunstantial amount after the landlord installed solar panels without any notice (my lease is for the entire building) during this process carried out whilst I was away on my honeymoon scaffolders erected scaffolding on the roof of my £75,000 race lorry and smashed the roof Landlord refused to supply insurance details, this then led on to it being discovered the building actually doesn't have planning permission it has a "agricultral storage" covernant on it, it can not be used for commercial purposes. My lease has the permitted use as "light industrial and machinary repairs" I have had to cease trading as the council have said they will not change permission of use. in response to the CCMCC the landlord it would appear have instructed High Court Solutions to take control of the building and eject all my goods, change the locks etc. The notice of attendance was served (well posted through my letter box I wasn't in) at my house after they did this (no former notice has been received at all) the top of the notice states queens bench division but district registry and county court claim number are blank, as case reference number starts HCS so I assume it is there internal one. below this it states "I have received a high court writ against you in respect of the above matter made up as follows" then it lists judgement debt with an amount in it, but no judgement costs or execution costs only enforcement fee and vat have amounts in them. I have not had any correspondence from the landlord accept a reply to my pre action notice, he has had a notice of action and also a duty of care notice and the HC EA was aware of the CCMCC claim but claimed it was bogus. I have requested the writ and quoted the CCMCC ref to the company but had no replies I think what has been done is a CRAR, again this is without any notice so I can set aside. could anyone advise on the need to supply the writ, or how I can obtain a copy given I have no ref number or district registry? and can a high court writ be gained without a court hearing at a lower court? Many thanks James
  7. Good Evening, Completely new here, but after searching and reading some of the previous threads on the forum, there seem to be several knowledgeable members so was hoping you guys can offer some advice here... I thought best to start a new thread, as i imagine circumstances change case to case, so i thought i would give you the upshot of my experience and you guys can decide if i have a leg to stand on and what my best course of action is. To give you an overview - I play badminton at a local recreation centre. The centre has a private car pack, marked bays etc etc. There is a pay and display sign, and there are meters to put money into, to get ticket, to display in the car. First few times I paid without ever really reading the sign, the terms and conditions etc. However after a few visits i went into the centre to ask for change, as i only had a note for the meter. I was advised that i need not pay after 6pm by one of the leisure centre staff, as they said the site wasn't monitored after this time. i have since received a PCN Parking Charge Notice from Gemini Parking Solutions - asking for £60 if i pay by feb13th (issued 31st Jan) or £100 after 31 days. From reading previous threads, this seems like the absolute standard first form of contact by the company. this is where i have a few questions - firstly do i have a case to appeal? The sign after re-inspection does say 24/7 charges apply so i am not sure how much word of mouth that an employee of the centre said charges didn't apply will actually stand up in any form of appeal proceeding? my next question is what i have received is titled "Parking Charge Notice to Keeper" - from other threads i have looked at on here i have seen both a "PCN" Referred to and a "NTK" - with most saying wait till you receive a NTK before acting - have i received both in one hit or will the NTK appear later? Also do i have anything to lose by appealing it seems i either pay £60 now or worst case lose and if it goes to POPLA and lose i pay the £100 a couple of months down the line? I should add the invoice has been issued by ANPR. any advice is most welcome thanks
  8. Hi Petroholic, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?466036-PPM-PCN-claim-form-from-Gladstones-Solicitors-received&p=5014823#post5014823 Hope you are well. I just wondered if you had your court appearance yet and if so, how did it go against gladstones. I have received similar letter from gladstones few days ago. As with your case, there was no NTK and no PCN on the car, only letters from Debt recovery plus last August asking for the fine to be paid, which i ignored as other forums indicated that was best call of action.
  9. Hi All. I'd like to share my experience to date with this: On 13 Dec 2016 I parked at Battle rail station and paid using my mobile phone. I successfully paid but my phone would not reply to the 68680 SMS I was sent and had to reply to with my vehicle reg. When I returned I found a Penalty Notice quoting Rail Byelaw 14 for £100. My appeal with Indigo through their web based appeal system was rejected and I am now in the process of appealing through POPLA. I have been investigating why my phone would not reply to the 68680 SMS. I only had 7p credit on my phone and the 68680 SMS short code is classified as a premium rate number by O2, and is therefore excluded from my pre-paid phone bundle. The cost was more than 7p (I believe it to be 10p) so it would not send. The car park placard with payment instructions states that there is a 20p charge for using the service, which is added to the parking fee and is paid when you call the 0345 number. No where does it mention an additional fee for replying to the SMS. O2 have 68680 as operated by Mirada and listed as a premium rate gaming number. I have also spoken to OFCOM and they say because the charge is no more than 10p it is not classified as a premium rate number, and is therefore unregulated. This looks like an operator exploiting a loophole to me. The number is listed as premium rate, so is excluded from pre-paid packages, and because the charge is 10p, OFCOM say it is unregulated, therefore there is no need to display charges. If I had had more than 10p credit the SMS would have gone and I would most likely never have noticed the additional charge. To rub salt in the wound Indigo make a big play on their web site that there are no hidden charges. I have informed trading standards through the consumer advice phone line.
  10. Hi I hope you can help. I received a Parking Charge Notice from Gemini Parking Solutions on Sunday, 30th October 2016, whilst parked near the Olympic Stadium. I have been parking here on Sunday mornings for the past two months as there are no road markings, etc and normally leave within an hour two at the most. I have also seen a number of other people parking their vehicles in the same location without incident. I do not believe that I parked illegally as there are no ‘road markings’ and there is no indication as to define which area parking is/is not permitted in. The area is a ‘ghost town’ on most days, unless West Ham are playing at home, which is when I avoid the Stratford area altogether. Whenever I have received a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) from the local Council, I always appeal it via email within 14 days to preserve the PCNs discounted rate, whereas I have noticed on this forum that people are being advised not to appeal the Parking Charge Notice and instead wait for the Notice To Owner (NTK) to be sent before appealing. Your advice in this matter would be greatly appreciated as I am sure a lot of other Drivers have been caught out by Gemini. Many thanks in advance.
  11. Hi All, I had a default from advanced payment solutions and I was told that the default notice was sent via email which I didn't receive so I am guessing it went into my junk box. I have tried to have it removed but was told that it was legally put onto my credit file. My questions are: 1. Is there anyway that I can get this default removed? 2. If I pay of the debt which is around £30 will this improve my credit file and will that prolong the date that it will drop off of my account as it is due to drop off in two years. Thanks in Advance for your help
  12. Hello all, 1 Date of the infringement 20/11/2016 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 25/11/2016 3 Date received 28/11/2016 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Yes (see attached) 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes - ANPR. 6 Have you appealed? Yes - standard template to receive POPLA code. In the process of writing POPLA appeal. Not currently attached as standard text used Have you had a response? Yes, their (the parking company) rejection also attached. 7 Who is the parking company? Total Parking Solutions Ltd. 8. Where exactly Heritage Retail Park, Crewe So, I overstayed my welcome. I honestly did not see the signs, not about the length of stay nor about the charge - they are unclear and the writing is tiny. The store where the carpark is was closed at the time. Attached photos of the sign, one zoomed in from my car and the other standing right underneath it trying to read it. My question is about POFA liability and the NTK. I can understand the legislation but from my reading of the NTK, I cannot see whether it is POFA compliant. So how do I use this? They haven't any evidence of who the driver was and the appeal has been from the keeper at all times. No liability has been admitted. Thanks in advance [ATTACH=CONFIG]66694[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]66693[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]66695[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]66696[/ATTACH]
  13. Hi all - first post on these forums, hoping to find a solution to this problem! Over the last few weeks I've received a number of letters from Pastdue Credit Solutions about a supposed debt of £32.40 that I owe to Three Mobile. These letters have demanded that I pay up or face further debt collection procedures or legal action. I held an account with Three Mobile for two years, but closed my account in October 2016 when I switched to Virgin. When I called to close my account, the man in Three's call centre remarked that I had been a model customer, with no late or missed payments, and that they'd be sad to see me go. There was NO outstanding balance when the account was closed. Also, my account with Three Mobile was registered to a different address - my parents' address, where I was living when I first took out the contract. The letters I'm receiving from Pastdue Credit Solutions are coming to my new address, which has never been associated with my Three account. I never informed Three that I'd moved house, so there's no way they could have passed this address onto a debt collection agency. I've also checked my credit score on numerous different providers - Noddle (which I believe is part of Callcredit) and ClearScore (which obtains its information from Equifax). My Three account shows up as 'settled' and 'closed' and there is no sign at all of this mysterious £32.40 debt. My question is - how do I proceed? Do I ignore these letters and hope they'll give up, or do I risk acknowledging this debt to get them to leave me alone? Many thanks in advance for any advice you can give! I've read conflicting posts about Pastdue Credit Solutions, some saying they're legit and others saying they're phishing and intimidating people to try and get them to pay debts which aren't theirs. Not sure who to believe or what to do next.
  14. Another day, another TPS Parking Charge Notice courtesy of my lovely partner who keeps overstaying her welcome. Free car park, but only for 120 minutes. Rather than letting this one get as far as legal letters, any suggestions on an appropriate response at this time? I cannot argue the parking conditions or signage, just don't wish to pay these cowboys. I don't recall receiving previous notices on this one either, but as I've been battling them on another notice, I can't be certain they haven't issued them. Letter attached. Help appreciated.
  15. Hi there, I hope someone is able to help me regarding a PCN I received from Total Parking solutions in July 2015 for overstaying my parking outside Pets At Home. I still have the receipt proving that I spent £50, although doubt that will even be considered! I ignored all 3 reminders that came through the post as I had followed advice seen on another forum. I heard nothing until March 2016 when I received a Letter Before Claim from Premier Solicitors, which I also ignored. I thought it had all gone away until another letter from Premier Solicitors turned up on 8th December 2016 advising that if payment is not received within 14 days then they will commence formal Civil Court Proceedings. What I would like to know is does anyone know if they are in breach of this procedure due to the lack of communication received in between each letter? Do many of these actually make it to court proceeding? Thank you for your help.
  16. Hi All My wife and I have been claiming Tax credits pretty much since they began, and have alway sent our renewal back on time and given correct figures. according to our award notices for the last couple of years we were told that there had been an over payment, and any future awards we recieved would be reduced by an amount to pay back the overpayment. On Saturday my wife and I both recieved letters from a DCA called Past Due Credit solutions saying they had been appointed by HMRC to recover £4738.56 regarding Tax Credits! Then this morning I have received a text message from them asking for contact, although the text message to my number was actually asking my wife to contact them!? I have no idea about this debt although I did get a call about 6 months ago from Rossendales who said they were calling on behalf of HMRC and I told them that we were paying back an overpayment via our current rewards and that was last I heard of it. I can only think that this was from a number of years ago as I was unemployed for 2 years in 2012/13 and have be working since but always kept my figures up to date with them even before my period of unemployment. Is it possible that if this debt is very old that it could be statute barred? Also if it is very old why have they started chasing now? I don't know what to do, I certainly haven't got £4738.56 Any advice anyone can give would be greatly apprecieated. Thanks in advance Simon
  17. Hi My wife has received a letter today from Past Due Credit Solutions saying that HM Revenue and Customs have asked them to contact my wife on their behalf. It asks me to call a number and pay in full or if I am finding it difficult they can discuss whether I can spread the payments. It says all discussions and payments now need to be made through them. Any advice about this would be welcome as there is no way I can pay the amount that it says off and also I do not know if this debt is my wife's. Please advise? Thanks in advance.
  18. Wife parked on double yellow lines at our local hospital received a Pcn on 18/5/16. We have now received a reminder requesting the charge of £75 be paid and also the name of driver at the time of offence the letter was dated 21/06/16. I haven't made contact with Gemini whatsoever, can i ask for advise on what to do next? Thanks in advance.
  19. Hello, Please can somebody help me. I am new to this forum and feeling rather desperate and anxious. I have received a 2nd (and final) debt recovery letter from Eos Solutions who are collecting a debt for EDF Energy for a supply address that I have never ever lived at. The supply dates for the supply address are from May 2014- May 2016. My address that I've lived in for over 10 years is very similar to the debt/ supply address except I live in a street, the debt supply address was in a block of flats. I called Edf Energy last week to explain the situation and also that the supply adress for which they are owed the debt from no longer exists. The block of flats went into demolition last summer, so it baffles me who they supplied energy to after the summer as there was no flat in existance. They seem very reluctant to help me; 1. I don't have a customer reference number to quote them (I've never been a customer of them), 2. The only way they can help me is if I give them my name and other details which I was not willing to do so. They have the necaessary information to find out who lived at their supply address and pass on the correct details to Eos Solutions but it seems that they don't care as long as they get their money back. So in short, I'm being chased for money for a supply address that I've never lived in nor ever been supplied energy by Edf. How do I tell Eos Solutions that the addressee and address do not match the supply address and that they need to stop hassling me for money? I do not owe anyone any money, never even owned a credit card in my life . Any help would be gratefully appreciated. I'm really scared that they will now come knocking on my door demanding money or removing things from my house. Should I call them or is it better to write to them? Thank you
  20. Hi Guys, I'm new to cag, so I hope what I'm putting is ok. I have read most threads if not all on here about similar cases but I wanted to start my own to get some advice that is specific as there is so many different things being said. Are Complete Credit Solutions Pty registered with AU FOS or Asic or should they be to carry out collections? Thanks for any answers in advance.
  21. Hi all, I purchased a steam iron from Currys about 5 months ago but recently it stopped working. I wanted to take it back under the year's warranty it had on it but when I went to find the receipt i saw that it was faded and barely legible. Turns out it was printyed on some sort of thermal paper that fades with time... either way, no surprise, they wouldn't accept it as proof of purchase. Has anyone else had this problem???? And if so what did they do to get around it? Not the most expensive item but ridiculous that I can't take it back through no fault of my own. They should print these receipts on better stuff. Thanks
  22. Dear Group, I received a paring ticket at the hospital I work at. On a day where no parking was available I needed to park to attend an emergency. I parked in the 'overflow' car park but apparently strayed into the residents parking and received the PCN below. The next day I took the ticket to work and gave it to security and they said there was nothing they can do and advised me to appeal it. I wrote to the appeals (i now know this was a mistake!) and appealed my emergency circumstance. I received the rejection from them below. I'm furious that a car park I pay £70 a month for has issued this to me. Is there anything I can do? I have no intention of paying and would sooner quit and move job to be honest. Any advice would be most appreciated
  23. So, despite all of the bleating, the hype, the threats, the smooth posting on these forums and elsewhere, BES utilities have been found to be in breach of several obligations of required industry standards. This will come to no surprise to a large number of people who had dealings with this shabby company and in particular it will come as no surprise to the victims who have suffered from the unjust bullying that they have received at the hands of BES utilities and which in some cases have even destroyed their businesses and their hopes and ambitions. I see that as usual, not only as a regulator taken his time in sorting this out, but the resulting sanction amounts to a mere slap on the wrist and produces no real motivation that any utilities company to do any better. Part of the reason for the limited sanction is that apparently BES utilities cooperated and also admitted the breaches – even though, there were only denials elsewhere. Of course, it makes business sense that when you've been caught out that it is best to put your hands up as quickly as possible and it seems as if this is what BES utilities have done to the regulator despite being in denial to their customers and elsewhere. It has now been left to BES utilities to approach their own customers with proposals of redress. Will they go about this in an honest and decent way? I'm sure that we will find out eventually on this forum and we invite all victims of BES utilities to come here and tell us whether they have received an approach and whether they are satisfied with the way that it is being handled. For people who are looking around for somebody to manage their energy supply, frankly we suggest that you avoid BES utilities for at least two or three years until they have established a track record of straightforward straight-dealing. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-bes-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-standard-licence-conditions-7a-7b-7-14-and-21b-and-consumer-complaints-handling-standards-regulations-chsr-2008 BES utilities have previously come onto this forum in denial and also to assure us of their best intentions regarding their customers. I wonder if they have the bottle to come onto this forum now and to apologise and to explain to their victims what the next step is.
  24. Hi everyone I am new and need some advice I had virgin media in my property in 2010 20/11 I defaulted 2011 I think . In the end they collected their box and said that it would be used to clear the balance .. No contact from them since roll on today I get a debt collectors letter from a company called past due credit collections asking me to pay £126 by the 13/6 .. I was not even aware that I owed any money to virgin media . let alone they are passing my information on Like I said I've had no contact or demands . What do I do next ?
  25. Help!. Received a £60 fine from pps on 1/5/16 for not buying a parking ticket for a stay at Keaton Rd pay & display, Ivybridge, Plymouth. I had bought a ticket for the correct fee / time etc & left on dashboard but I typed a letter M instead of a W so the camera did not register the ticket with vehicle. I sent a letter of appeal explaining and just received a request (from pps) confirming I was the driver at the time, now ive found this site & thinking I should ignore? Appreciate advice.
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