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  1. Drat Got it wrong again eh. I used MS paint to put a line through all identifiable data not a marker pen I'm not sure what other data is left that is identifiable. Only the address where I got the parking infringement - should I remove this too? Many thanks for bearing with me
  2. Ok Have uploaded as a PDF and removed all personal identifiable data. The hospital in question is King George Hospital in Ilford
  3. Dear Group, I received a paring ticket at the hospital I work at. On a day where no parking was available I needed to park to attend an emergency. I parked in the 'overflow' car park but apparently strayed into the residents parking and received the PCN below. The next day I took the ticket to work and gave it to security and they said there was nothing they can do and advised me to appeal it. I wrote to the appeals (i now know this was a mistake!) and appealed my emergency circumstance. I received the rejection from them below. I'm furious that a car park I pay £70 a month for has issued this to me. Is there anything I can do? I have no intention of paying and would sooner quit and move job to be honest. Any advice would be most appreciated
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