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  1. Hi!, I have an income contingent loan from the SLC that hasn't been paid on for a few years, when I left my job in the UK and moved to the USA where I'll soon become a citizen with no intentions on moving back. Please know that this is an embarrassing situation for me but hearing past stories of how nasty the SLC can be with adding penalties, etc. I was never in a good financial situation to be told I needed to pay in full or have the interest rates tripled. I'm aware of several other threads on this forum from others in a similar situation, but since they're either very old or left no follow up posts with success (or failure?), I'm creating a new thread here. The current situation is not dire - I have recently received a letter simply asking to update my details for repayment. I have parents in the UK which is my last known address for them, and it was them who actually received it and happened to forward this particular letter to me. The SLC does not currently have my new address. I did send them an update via mail about a year after moving over but obviously it had gotten lost!! I do not want my parents involved in any further communication, so my plan is to update the SLC with my new address. I'm unsure about giving them any more details than that. I'm hoping I can work out a repayment plan with the SLC, but as some other OP's have described, it's easy to get thrown into a loop where the only outcome is "pay the amount WE tell you or face legal action, or a DCA". If this happens, I fear I won't be able to meet their demands and thus have the following concerns: Have there been any changes in the law that would allow them to force repayment here in the US? Although I have no plans to move back, I would still visit - is there anyway that future court action would cause problems at the airport? As I said before, I'll try and work something out with the SLC first and foremost. I'll keep this thread updated with the outcome in case others also have the same concerns! Thanks for the great site!
  2. Hi, I have a default account with MBNA dated 31/08/10 for a credit card account opened 31/10/97 which has been sold to Arrow Global on 15/02/12. I wrote to Arrow Global to tell them that I do not recognise the £ amount that they are chasing and also that I currently live in Australia, with full residency, in order that they do not try and lodge a CCJ as I am no longer living in the UK. Today I had an email from them '' Please find enclosed of a copy of the statement showing all transactions on this account. At this time we are unable to obtain a copy of your Consumer Credit agreement fromthe original creditor. This account will not be subject to collection activity until such time as the document becomes available'' I never paid for or formally requested a CCA. My question is if they have said that they have asked for one from the original creditor and it is not forthcoming, will they be subject to the normal 'default' even thoughI have not requested this information myself? Really appreciate some clarity!! Thnaks
  3. Hi, I am wanting some advice on how to deal with Concentrix (the privatised part of the HMRC) with regards to a accusation that my mum is living with someone. Background Information: I am a full time carer for my mum and so live in the same household along with my adult brother and 2 under 10 year old sisters. My mum has a boyfriend who lives and works 200 miles away from us and visits most weekends and holidays, but he does in no way financially support us. I have lasting financial power of attorney for my mother. This accusation is likely another aggressive action from my mum's ex who has made accusation to everyone from the Police to the DWP, Child Support and now HMRC. We have been asked to provide ALL bank statements, bills, coucil tax etc... since April 2015. I will be sending them a copy of the power of attourney so I am able to speak to this new company on the phone etc... I have been repeatedly told to write a cover letter explaining things but I have dyslexia and my confidence with such things is not good. Any advice on this or how to stop these accusations happening again would be welcomed. Thanks!
  4. I suffer badly during the winter months due to rheumatoid arthritis, bad back and wonky right knee. At present I get the DLA middle care and higher mobility rate. My wife gets carer's allowance for me plus she gets the lower care element of PIP. We both get State Pension however I also get a Pension credit element. We are considering that maybe we would be better off living in a warmer climate like Spain however we cannot do this if we lose all our benefits. Can any one advise whether we would lose all benefits if moving to Spain? The other option is to go for 6 months and then return for the summer months in the UK. Thanks. PS We came across this web site https://www.gov.uk/claim-benefits-abroad/illness-injury-and-disability-benefits
  5. Living with PTSD: Former military medic reveals how the battle goes on for veterans The first female RAF paramedic to work on the Afghan frontline, she now finds it impossible to step outside the front door of her Wigan home most days. She wets the bed and has recurring nightmares, in which she regularly finds herself back in Afghanistan surrounded by the horrors she has witnessed. Flt Lt Sanderson completed three tours of Afghanistan. During that time, she was routinely flown by helicopter into the heart of the fighting to care for military and civilian casualties. It was after the third tour that the impact on her mental health became clear - and in September last year, she was given a medical discharge. Please also watch the video as it gives you a better perspective Read More Here: http://www.itv.com/news/2015-03-09/living-with-ptsd-former-military-medic-reveals-how-the-battle-goes-on-for-veterans/
  6. What is the point in introducing a living wage, if there is no legal obligation to pay it ?
  7. Hello and good evening Can anyone clarify that if I claim JSA will anything be deducted due to the fact that I live with my son age 18 a full time uni student he receives the full student loan. I know students are not counted for HB but will anything be taken off my JSA. Many thx in advance
  8. Hello New to this site and I am looking to get help regarding a MBNA Credit Card Debt. I owe about £20,000 on a MBNA card in the UK and recently have run into financial difficulties here in France. The card is registered to me at my French address although was first applied for whilst in the UK. I have just paid the latest min payment but I fear this will be the last I can manage. I called them today to explain my difficulties. They took details of my current income and expenditure which highlighted why I could no longer pay. They said they would freeze the interest but if no payments were made after 6 or 7 months then they would sell the debt. My main concerns are what happens after that. Who will pick up the debt and what can they do? I rent in France and own no property anywhere. My income is lower than my current essential expenditure. Will eventually someone march into my rented property and take what things I have left? Can my van and tools that I use to make a self employed living be taken? I have no hidden assets or wealth. Through ill health my business suffered and the debt went up. I've written to the tax people here in France who have agreed I can pay my owed taxes over the next 2 years which is difficult enough along with the rent, rates, cost of raising children etc etc. My business is currently improving so I hope to at least be breaking even regarding my essential costs but I fear I will never be in the situation to service or pay back the UK debt. I have no other UK or French Debt and it is the first time I've found myself in this situation. All very worrying. Thanks
  9. Hi, I am hoping for some advice on this. I am living in the United States now, and I used to be a part owner of a company in the UK. In 2009, this company went into liquidation after my partner took money out of the business, and we couldnt pay our debts. There was a loan for 50,000 which was personally guaranteed by myself and my partner. My partner died a few years ago. The debt was taken out in 2008. After many years of paying small amounts, I became unable to pay any more, and moved a year ago to America. They have recently gained a judgment against me in the County Court, and I wondered what my options were now, and whether they could enforce this, and if so, how. Thank you in advance J
  10. I've lived in Latin America since I finished university in 2010. Yesterday I was given a letter which had been sent from the UK almost a year ago (dated August 21st 2014) saying my account is in arrears by over 1300 pounds. God knows what that has escalated to by now. A few weeks ago, someone called at my dad's house in the UK looking for me - I'm guessing that that is whatever debt collection agency they've sent after me. 1300 GBP is is pretty close to what I earn in a year in this part of the world (basically a volunteer worker) and I've never earned anywhere near their threshold for paying them back. I think this demand for money has been triggered because there was no contact between me and them throughout 2014 (googling this seems to show that you're supposed to submit forms every 12 months, not that they ever told me that). Obviously I cannot pay them back anything as I simply don't have it, and will not have it for the forseeable future. I've emailed them a response asking them to phone me, but until then I'd appreciate it if anyone could shine some light on what I should be expecting here. Basically, what do I do? And what about if it has gone to debt collectors, which I suspect it has?
  11. Hi Daughter has a car on finance among many other debts.Just been passed over loads of debt letters from her old address including her car finance. She hasn't paid any payments for months and there is a Repossession Notice as well as a " nice, handwritten note" from a collection agent. I have her car gathering dust on my property.She owes about £8000 on it and it is now worth maybe £2000 - high mileage etc. I would not be adverse to offering them £1500 for it Would they be likely to accept this, or, am I putting myself at risk by getting involved? Any advice appreciated
  12. Information for War Pension recipients and Armed Forces Pension Scheme members living in Greece. The financial situation in Greece continues to be subject to change and is fast moving. Veterans UK is closely monitoring developments but given the recent banking restrictions being imposed by the Greek authorities, the MOD has written to all War Pension recipients and Armed Forces Pension Scheme members living in that country offering 3 options. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-pension-payments-to-those-living-in-greece
  13. Last year the social fund contacted me and stated i owed £500 from 1997-98 in the UK. I did the usual SAR, Dispute etc and they were unable to substantiate the debt. They still started taking £15.00 out of my ESA every two weeks despite my objections. After transferring to Northern Ireland and my ESA is back up and running, the Northern Ireland Social fund has sent me a letter. They state i owe the social fund £111.00 and must pay it back at £7.19 a week Northern Ireland has not recognised the Governments welfare reforms so we still have the social security office, not the DWP. This is interesting The say i can pay it by cheque in one lump sum, in cash, postal order, or standing order and first payment to reach them within 7 days. They also asked me to sign the letter saying I AGREE I OWE THE SOCIAL FUND THIS MONEY. My question has to be why they are being so nice about it? Why have they not just started taking the deductions from my ESA like the DWP did without my consent?
  14. I am 25 and in full time work in central London. My job doesn't pay a lot, I am generally left with less than £100 - £200 a month after all expenditures. I had moved out of my parents into a maisonnette with my girlfriend, but due to mould problems, we had to move out. She moved into her parents house, I couldn't find anywhere to live so had no choice but to live in my sisters box room (along with 3 kids and her husband in the same house). The room is so small, my head touches one end and my feet the other when in bed. My job had changed and I now need to drive and pay £220 to TFL for the privilege of 40c heat in packed trains. I had applied for a council house a year ago, back when my girlfriend and I both lived in another box room at my parents, we were put on the second from highest group at the time. My issue is that since she has moved with her parents, (they have two spare rooms), we're no longer a priority and wouldn't get housing for many years. I desperately need to move out, have even contemplated living in my car. I have looked high and low at renting out a room, but It's next to impossible to find a place that will accept me. The one place that I did find, was full of dodgy people and smelt like weed. I'm at a loose end, and can't figure out what I can do about it.
  15. Hi all, Just a quick message anyone have any bankruptcy experience when the debt is held in the UK by a UK resident at the time of loan advance (in this case it is a mortgage) where the debtor is now resident in an EU country. What are the implications to any assets held by the debtor located outside of the UK when the debtor is no longer a UK resident? Thanks
  16. Hi can anyone one help I am a single mum with three children two disabled, I have received a letter from HMRC saying that they have been informed that someone is living with me when I have not and have concrete proof can you help please Thank you
  17. hi all I was international student and left australia with 14000AUD credit card debt, its my fault and i am not able to pay if off at the moment. I am in China now and scared that the credit provider will get a court order in Australia and make enforcement in china or they will sell my debt to a chinese or international debt collection agency. I am wondering if they can find out that I am in china now and that they will do to me. I think only immigration knows my china address My life in Australia was scawed by gambling and it's all my fault. any advice will be appreciated.
  18. Hi to all, it is my first post to this forum since and I would like to thank in advance for your help. Recently, last January got myself in trouble with one of the Forex broker companies. The price on one of the pairs went down a lot and caused a lot of people to have negative balance on their account. I was one of the unfortunate ones, having woken up with -50k GBP on my trading balance (invested just few, since I don't have a lot of money). Next day the company went into insolvency due to poor risk management, etc... and huge negative balance (30+ million pounds) and a company hired by High Court of Justice have taken over to deal with the insolvency process. While most of the Forex companies are forgiving the negative balance, they say that they will not do that and everybody is expected to cover their balance. They are still looking over all clients accounts and once they are done, they will send an email to everybody in the next few weeks, with their current balance, giving money to those that have positive accounts and asking to pay from others that have negative balance. Now, I am not willing to give them full amount since I don't think it is only my problem, they should have reacted better as well, but their risk management were poor and now they are trying to put blame on customers. But, ... After they sent an email that I should pay, I heard if I ignored it after two weeks they can sell my debt to a debt collectors agency. And I would like to try to avoid that. What are my options? To send an email that I disagree with their balance? Do I need to give some reasons, or simply saying I disagree is enough? In that case they have to take me to court to prove that negative balance is accurate, is that so? Since I am not resident of the UK, but Slovakia, and I have never lived in the UK, the court they have to raise a complaint would be in the UK or in Slovakia? As well, at the time of opening of my account I lived in the Middle East. Since they had their office over there, I was contacted my that office to sort out papers required for an account. In the end, I got my account with them without providing half of the required documents for opening an account. Is it a valid point to use that argument and claim that my contract and everything else (negative balance) are not valid, even though I traded with it (never withdrew any money from it though.), since the contractual requirement were not fulfilled at the first place. Any advice is a great help. Cheers, idiom
  19. Hi all, this is my first post. I had a compliance officer visit today to look into my claim to see if I am living as part of a couple. I would like some advice on a few things. I claim ESA (transferred from longterm IB last January) income based and get DLA middle care and lower rate mobility with that being reviewed as I have gotten worse over the last year (it was awarded for 5 years in May last year). I do not live alone, I live with my carer and this has been since 2011. My carer gets income support for looking after me and obviously carers allowance. We both get separate housing benefit and council tax reduction. we are joint tennents. At no point in our time living in the same house have we mislead any agency by claiming to be living at other addresses etc. We started living together because I was unable to continue living alone (I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and depression) as I was suicidal. My carer could no longer cope with her parents so she needed to move out. At the time there was talk of changing the housing rules to anyone under 35 only being entitled to a bedsit or shared house. We decided that better the devil you know and we moved in together (we had been friends for 7 years prior to the date we started living together. We had a similar check in September 2012, and were found to not be a couple. Bascially the compliance officer said it is up to a decision maker if we are a couple or not regardless of whether we are in fact a couple or not. He also said that we should have had a follow up check 13 weeks after the first and that if we are found to be a couple we would have had an over payment and the amount would be back dated to the date we should have been re assessed even though it is the DWP who did not arrange this. I want to know, would we be responsible for an overpayment where we have not mislead or given inaccurate or incomplete information and also if we were found to be a couple (which from what the compliance officer said is almost agiven) would that mean we would have to either move into separate houses or else move into a single bedroom property and share a room, which if we were a couple obviously wouldn't be a problem but as we are not it doesn't seem fair. I know all of this is what if at the moment but it has got me worried and as stated I suffer from depression and was hospitalised last January under section 4 of the mental health act due to being suicidal, its only just a year later and again the DWP is making me ill. Thank you for taking the time to read this and any help would be appreciated.
  20. Recently had a direct debit presented to my TSB account when there were insufficient funds. However, I knew that a BACS transfer from my employer (they had short paid me this month) was to reach the account the next day. I rang TSB and explained the situation, they stated that "they couldn't see inbound payments, regardless of where they are coming from" I don't understand this at all because under the BACS scheme, the fund would have been already with TSB ready for payment to my account the next day! Indeed every bank I've previously had an account with has always been able to see an inbound BACS payment the day before. I then asked if they would consider making the payment and they told me that I didn't qualify for an overdraft and there was no flexibility there (computer says no syndrome) I then asked them to confirm for certain whether or not the payment would be returned, to which they told me they couldn't and it was "up to the computer" later that afternoon?! Surely it's not unreasonable for me to expect the bank to be able to tell me for certain whether or not they are going to return a payment? Had they confirmed for certain, i would have cancelled my meetings that I had scheduled and borrowed the funds from a colleague and taken them to the branch by hand to pay in. However because they couldn't tell me I decided to take the chance.. . Obviously it didn't go in my favour! My question is, are TSB talking rubbish about not seeing BACS payments and not being able to tell me if they are going to make a payment or not? All seems very 1990's to me and a world away from my experiences of First Direct / HSBC
  21. My daughter has moved overseas (2yrs) she did have cards and student loan, in the UK she lived at home and does not have a property here. Letters that came addressed to her I would return to sender with ''moved overseas'' written on - now she has a CCJ application from a card company - what can I do? I don't want the heavies banging my door down.
  22. Hi All Thanks in advance for any help. My Situation: I left the UK in 2010, and used my MBNA CC in Canada, I think I last made a payment near the end of 2010. I have received a letter (dated 28/11/2014), asking 'What are you able to pay?' from 'Robinson Way' debt collectors sent a letter to my sisters address (sent on to me via my sister), stating that I owe them nearly £3150. It is asking me to work with them to come up with a payment plan, or they may allow you to pay a reduced balance over 3 months (which isn't very likely in my current situation). I have dual British & Canadian citizenship. And have no plans to come back to England in the short or medium term, but I might like to come back to live at some point. Question #1 My sister is upset at receiving these letters at her address, can I get them to stop? We're concerned that this is bad for her family. I've not lived there for over 4.5 years now. Question #2 What is my legal stance here? I'm very dubious about giving a debt collector in the UK my Canadian details. Question #3 What should I do next? What should I say to these debt collectors? I'm not sure they would like my desired payment plan. Thanks again
  23. Hi My partner split up last year with his ex. They owned a house together in Denmark which they sold, leaving them with negative equity of £70k. The debt has been split between the two of them. My partner's ex is paying her part of the debt and me and my partner have moved to the UK. He has part time work but doesn't earn much. We have now received a letter from a UK debt collection agency (at our old address, not our current address where we have lived for 6 months) asking for immediate payment of the debt and threatening to take legal proceedings. Does anyone have any advice on what we do next? Do we have to deal with the debt collection agency? I know the rules are slightly different as he's from Denmark. Many thanks in advance. Jo
  24. Disabled men lose high court bid to stop Independent Living Fund closure Judge rules that Mike Penning, former minister for disabled people, had not breached equality laws over ending support to live in the community. More Here: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/dec/08/disabled-men-lose-high-court-bid-stop-closure-independent-living-fund
  25. Banging my head on a brick wall here. My ex is self employed. He owns the business, building, land and has around 6 employees. He lives with his partner who only works 2 to 3 days a week. their house is mortgage paid. They have a car each, numerous holidays, all mod cons and can afford expensive concert tickets. He only has my son overnight around 3 nights a month, he has never bought him clothes, paid for school trips etc or even attended a parents evening. As he's told the CSA he pays himself between 0 and £100 a week, he only has to pay me £5 a week.(He does his own accounts). I know he's lieing but the CSA's hands are tied as he's self employed. I was advised by CSA advisors to appeal via the Gov CSA online re: ex living beyond means. There is absolutely nowhere on the site to do this! I rang the advisors back and even they looked online and agreed. I've sent an email to the site to complain about this problem but haven't heard anything back yet. Has anybody got any ideas or advice?
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