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  1. Hi. I have recently fallen into rent arrears with my housing association I have a long term tenancy, have been here since 2010. I have a long term illness that has got progressively worse and in the past 2 years, I have been totally disabled. Without going into a load of irrelevant details, I spend am average of 18 hours everyday in a lot of pain, and have been hospitalized more times than I can count. I have recently been told I will never get any better as the bulk of the pain is because of scar tissue from a series of operations in a short space of time. Our rent payments made have been quite erratic, in all honesty for a while now due to being very low income and prioritising food and heating over rent, as we knew we could catch up on the rent at a later date. We always did catch up in maybe a couple of months. We have had housing benefit for a while also, so even when we fell behind, it was not actually by much. However, with my illness getting worse and (7 months back now) the DWP curing me of my illness (I am appealing and my consultant says I should absolutely win and most likely go from standard to higher ontop of this, and get everything backdated) and removing a large chunk of our income, things have not been so great. Our housing association just switched hands a couple of months ago, and almost immediately I was threatened with a notice of seeking posession. At the time I owed 200 pounds in total in arrears. I missed one payment recently and was planning on making it up the next ESA payment, but I received a notice seeking posession a week after this. Since then I have kept making payments and still plan to, but this is quite scary as we have nowhere we could go if we were evicted. My questions are 1. From looking around on the internet, apparently I have to owe 2 months rent before a notice can be issued. I do not owe 2 months rent. 2. Is housing benefit supposed to be taken into account for this? I owe £160 in arrears (I confirmed this with an adviser, got her to take off HB owed. I also worked it out myself from previous bank statements crossed with recent rent statement), however the letter I recieved said I owe £360. This is likely because the housing benefit owed has not been calculated. The 2 months rent, would this be the 2 months worth of topup I am meant to pay? Which would make the total I am supposed to owe to make it 8 weeks £200. Or is it meant to be 2 months total rent, which would make the total I was supposed to owe £800 Or is the 2 month figure false altogether? If the 2 month figure is correct, then I do not owe enough for this action surely? If it is only supposed to be the topup I pay that counts for this, then the housing benefit owed should be taken off the total they are saying I owe, so it would be £160, not the £200 it would be of it was 8 weeks behind.. I suspect by the time I appear in court, there won't actually be any arrears at all, or they will be extremely low (people I have spoke to say that these are already extremely low at £160, but I mean low as in under 100). Or if I have had my tribunal and have had the backdated PIP then I will actually be way in credit on my rent account. Will any of this make a difference? And what actually are the chances of a judge evicting us? I hope this message makes sense, I am a little emotional right now.
  2. Hi all, I am new to this and I hope the good people out there can help me. I used to be in terrible debt problems in the second half of the 00's and beginning of the 10's - with many credit cards and unsecured loans. All of which I was paying large amounts of penalties and interest. This was with Lloyds, Natwest, Egg, Virgin and MBNA. A few weeks ago I received a letter from MBNA (relating to a Virgin credit card account) saying the when my credit card account was in arrears they should have sent me a notice of sums in arrears on 21st September 2009 but as a result of an error they didn't. Therefore they have refunded any interest and default fees that were added from the date and the date of this letter (9th Jan 2018). The total (to my amazement) was a £9k refund in the form of an attached cheque. I did not believe it until the cheque cleared which it now has. I have some questions: 1) Should MBNA pay me interest on top of this for keeping this money over the period of time. I think I am right in saying that if this was resolved in court then I would be due 8% straight interest on the refunded amounts. 2) How do I check if I am due refunds from Natwest, LLoyds, Egg? I did not receive anything regarding a sum of notice in arrears at the time as far as I am aware. - What criteria do they need to send the notices of sum in arrears? I have read on line that many of the top institutions failed to do this but could not get any real details. - Does this apply to credit cards and unsecured loans? - Can I do anything to chase this with them or is it a case of wait and see? I have found the odd article on this on line but am struggling to see if I have a case and if so what I need to do. I have rung Natwest and LLoyds and also went into the branch - but all useless and they had no information on NOSIA refunds or investigations. Anyway - it would be fantastic if anyone out there can help me on this. Many thanks and appreciation in advance Charles
  3. Has anyone got any advice for claiming distress or inconvenience?
  4. From their website: "Charged to cover the administration of issuing an arrears chase letter." - Outgoing arrears letter I'm not condoning missing mortgage payments, but surely £27.50 is a lot for a one-page (presumably computerised) letter and envelope being sent out? I think this has been covered previously (in 2011) but I'm not sure of my best course of action. Or whether I have a claim at all? Can anyone help me? I have received 2 of these letters in the last fortnight alone. £55 is hard to take for 2 sheets of paper and 2 envelopes! This figure is clearly exceeding actual administrative costs, and I find them unfair and therefore unlawful. Are they well within their rights to charge such a figure? Sometimes I have had these letters without even a prior phone-call to chase/remind me to make payment.
  5. The following news article featured on SCOOP today: http://www.publicsectorexecutive.com/Public-Sector-News/london-council-to-launch-ethical-debt-collection-for-residents?dorewrite=false/Page-1749 https://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news
  6. Hello, I have an eviction date of 13/07/2011, i am £7500 in arrears with my mortgage the original repossession hearing was back in 2005/2006, since then I have had a very poorly baby, been very ill myself and still have problems with my blood pressure and liver. NRAM have issued an eviction date and i have complied with them and provided all my I&E details. I rang today to make my normal payment the gentleman stated that they have made a decision and that i need to pay £4k off the arrears and increase my offer of overpayments, they are stating that i have in excess of £500 surplus income a month.... ..i deffo cant find this surplus in my bank! I have offered to pay £200 per month on top of my normal payments. I am not able to pay the £4k and they have suggested that i contact the court to let them decide. I am petrified that i am going to lose the house, i am married and have two children age 10 and 5, we do not have any family support so there would be no were we could go to. I have admitted to NRAM that i had not been prioritising my debts and that I have since seeked advise from a financial advisor and that i am in the process of dealing with our debts with payplan. I have made arrangements to go into my local court on friday to fill in the form but im not sure what details i need to provide. Can anyone help?
  7. Has anyone had any dealings with Paratus incorrectly calculating their arrears wrongly? If so how did you get your money back?
  8. I previously sent a CCA request as I could not locate the original that was taken out in 2001. I received the attached edited copy but is I am not sure if this is correct ? I then sent off an SAR and again received the same amongst details submitted. Am I missing anything does anyone know ? I've checked the forum for BH credit agreement examples but all seem to look different to mine. Just one other question, should BH be sending me annual statements of some sort ? Thank-you for looking.
  9. Hi, I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place but I need help. My daughters boyfriend has just received an eviction notice, stating the eviction will take pkace a week on Thursday. I'm currently sketchy on the details but it's all due to problems with housing benefits etc. Hes had a nightmare of a couple f years, he was persuaded to take a 16 hour a week job because he was on DLA and could claim working tax credits, he also kept his housing benefit. He then lost his claim to DLA when he had to change to pip and so lost his working tax credits. He also lost his housing benefit but that was reinstated. Currently he has a total income of £120 per week and is supposed to be paying towards his rent as his housing benefit doesn't cover it all. Now he's buried his head in the sand, my daughter had just phoned me to say that he's being evicted and the eviction notice was delivered on Saturday morning. He has tried to contact the council today to see if there is any way he can stop the eviction and they have said no not unless he pays all of the arrears. I don't know if the amount they are wanting includes all of the costs that will have been added to the debt outstanding. Is there anything at all that can be done to help him keep his home or are we looking at a lost cause?
  10. I had a loan with Blemain about five years ago. The loan was secured against my property. After two years I remortgaged and repaid the loan. I have checked the paperwork recently and noticed that I was charged £4,681 for collection costs. I have now written twice to Blemain asking for a detailed breakdown of these costs. The reply I had today said, the costs were "as a result of administrative costs applied to the account". I know that! They don't seem to want to give the details of the charges. I don't know what to do now. Shall I write again or what? Please can anyone help me.
  11. 16/11/15 Loan Start Date £200 26/03/16 Default Notice (Did not receive) 01/07/16 Default Registered 26/10/16 Account Settled 17/08/17 Complaint to Creditor (Dismissed) 31/08/17 Referred to FOS (Ongoing) 07/10/17 Letter from Creditor (Very important) Summary: Took out a payday loan for someone in my name - stupid I know. The agreement was signed and funds were transferred on 16/11/15. No repayments were ever made. Apparently a default notice was issued on the 26/03/16 but I do not recall receiving such notice. A default was then registered on my credit file on 01/07/16 and I settled the account on 26/10/16. The default is now showing as satisfied on my credit file. I made an official complaint requesting the company remove it immediately because I didn't receive the notice. The complaint was dismissed and currently with the financial ombudsman. Since referring the case to the FOS they magically produced said default notice but it's the first time I've ever seen the document and it's missing legal information. I believe they made it up purely for the sake of the complaint.... I received a letter yesterday from the creditor (bare in mind the case is currently with FOS) saying they should have send me a NOTICE OF SUMS IN ARREARS in accordance with section 86B of the CCA 1974 on the 16/06/16 and that they are sorry for any inconvenience caused. They go on to state there was a system error that prevented the database from generating the notice. This notice contains information about what I could have done to bring the account up to date and consequences of ignoring the notice. Please refer to the dates above - am I right in saying now they have owned up and apologised for not sending me this notice (required by FCA) that they wasn't entitled to enforce the agreement (Arrears Notice Penalty)? It's bad enough I didn't receive the default notice but now this...... ..I'm living a nightmare! Is this new grounds for default removal? Credit profile is now clear this is the only thing tarnishing it! Any advise or template letters appreciated.
  12. Hello, Found myself stuck in a bit of a situation and feel over my head. Have just received a letter from Lowell solicitors in the post titled 'Second notice of county court judgment (ccj) arrears - £150' This is from an old debt from orange dated 2013 or thereabouts. i last received a letter from them in 2015 and have never contacted them in-regards to the debt. The letter starts We wrote to you previously regarding your judgment arrears, but we are yet to receive the payment as required under the terms of your CCJ. As a result you currently have arrears of £150.00 This is the first i have heard of any CCJ or any letter other than in 2015, the debt is for a small amount of £590 repayment is no issue, but i wish not to cause further harm to my credit file. I have checked my credit score on clearscore, no sign of ccj or any changed or listed debts etc. Paid and checked my name and address on registry trust,once again nothing registered. My problem is where do i go from here? Who do i contact? What do i ask? Why isn't this supposed CCJ showing on my credit file or the trusts website? My current address i have lived in 8 months and is registered to my name on electoral roll etc. Previous address i lived in for 3 + years. The letter further on threatens county court bailiffs etc attachments of earnings etc. Repaying the debt is no issue, what is important to me is my credit score. having spent the last 4 years rebuilding it i would like to keep it on the up. Ok so i have just checked my credit file in depth, i have just found this. What changed in August 2017 You are now on the electoral roll at your current address •You opened your LOWELL PORTFOLIO 1 LTD (I) •Your LOWELL PORTFOLIO 1 LTD (I) account went into default •You closed or settled your LOWELL PORTFOLIO 1 LTD (I) account When i check on noddle i am greeted by this active court judgment. Judgment date 20/06/2017 Amount £ 587 Court name County Court Business Center On the accounts page it shows an open account with Defaults monthly since the opening of this account. Looks like my credit score is shredded Thanks in advance guy.
  13. I purchased a Leasehold property on 30 Oct 2014. Since then I have had no demand for ground rent until this morning. I have received 13 x 6 monthly demands for ground rent dating back to July 2011 totalling £975.00. All of the demands are stating that payment is due on 7 October 2017 so there is no suggestion that previous demands have been sent. I have yet to discuss this with the solicitor who undertook the conveyancing. Can anyone tell me the legal position with this?
  14. Does anyone know whether ESA is paid one week in front and one week in arrears or is it 2wks in arrears ?
  15. Lloyds Banking Group is to repay nearly £300m to about 600,000 customers over failings in the way it applied mortgage arrears policies, in the latest scandal to hit the UK’s biggest high street lender. Sky News has learnt that Lloyds will unveil a customer contact and remediation programme on Thursday alongside half-year results that will also be blighted by a bigger-than-expected provision for mis-selling payment protection insurance (PPI). Sources said that the redress scheme would cost Lloyds just under £300m, with more than £50m also set aside to cover administrative costs. The issue is understood to centre on the way Lloyds applied policies relating to financial difficulty assessments, leading to some customers being charged in error between 2009 and 2016. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/lloyds-repay-300m-customers-over-mortgage-arrears-errors-173400189.html
  16. Hello, The landlords had started court proceedings for rent arrears, £3,500 although they have submitted incorrect amount to court I put in a defence providing as much info as I could & telling the court I was getting further legal advice. In the meantime I've sought legal advice from Which Legal who confirm that the landlords were in breach of Gas Safe Regs. I've then spoken to Gas Safe Register, I luckily got to speak to an Incident Investigator who said I must definitely report the landlords to HSE. We were in grave danger the entire time we lived at the property & the landlords failed to meet even the very basics of their legal obligations. The only reason there are rent arrears is because I became so ill I couldn't work for a year, still struggling now. Not sure what to do about this claim for rent arrears as I've been sent a Notice of Proposed Allocation to the Small Claims Track to be returned before 7th July. Which Legal can;t help as it's already at court, they told me to contact Shelter, Shelter say thay can't help any further because it's already at court?! Is there anything I can do? Get it delayed in any way? Should I update the court with the info that the landlords were in breach of Gas Safe Regs & further action is starting against them? What do you think would be the best way forward? Will I have to pay the arrears when the landlords were the cause of the arrears? I'd really appreciate any help or advice. Thank you reading my post
  17. Hello Need some help please? I’m currently in arrears for previous 2 council tax bills and paying installments to clear balance. This year’s bill 2017-2018 has landed and council are threatening to take recovery action if installments are not made to bring account up to date for current arrears. I wrote pleading with council I am fully stretched on making payments for previous years and kindly add this amount together, payments will remain same until full balance is cleared out. My current payment plan is £160/mth. My Tax bill for year is £900. I cannot afford anymore to pay and worried they might increase debt by summoning to court adding further charges for this year’s bill. I want to pay and with current installments I will clear all arrears eventually but council will not budge. Any template letter I can send them that may make them change their mind and accept my plan? TIA.
  18. Dear all I would be very grateful for any help with my situation. I had a SPO following mortgage arrears (£3600) in 2008. Since then I have been making my contractual payments but had missed payments on three occasions from unexpected expenses resulting from direct debits being returned unpaid. I was in a particularly bad financial condition in the last 6 months following an elderly family member falling unwell while abroad. The mortgage arrears accrued to £3400 again and the mortgage company ( a subprime lender) has now applied to the court for a warrant for possession. I panicked and raised money from friends and family to clear off the arrears, but the lender is refusing to accept any payments and instead insists that I send them last three months of bank statements before they would decided whether to accept the payments or not. They insist that until I serve them the bank statements, they can't do anything about the eviction and says an eviction date will be issued in due course. They also made me complete an income and expenditure with them over the phone. I am very reluctant to send in bank statements, since with the financial difficulties over the last three months, I have resorted to payday loans (cleared) and I am very worried this will again jeopardize the situation. I am otherwise in a stable job and would be able to afford my contractual payments going forward. I have raised the money and want to clear the arrears but I am left in this dire situation. With family and young children, it looks as if my fate is sealed. May be someone else on this forum would have had a similar situation and I am sincerely hoping for some advice and help. Apologies for the long post.
  19. Hello, just to give some basics. The past couple of years has been seriously bad healthwise and has caused the obvious roll on effect of being skint because i am stupid enough to be self employed. Money being tight and getting even tighter i have allowed myself to get in trouble with my council tax. On my 2016 account i owe £116 + £75 compliance stage fees, this is now with Collect Services. I have agreed to pay £20 per month on this which should get me out of trouble. Unfortunately, and please don't judge me as i have suffered and still am with severe depression along with many "real" ailments ,i have now got into trouble with my 2017 council tax. I received the bill in April with imstallments,but i have not paid any. So far the council for whatever reason have not contacted me, i am going to start paying the minimum amount plus additional to catch up, however i do not see the council accepting this and fully expect it to take the same route as the 2016 account and end up in the hands of the bailiffs ... ANY ADVICE ON HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS WOULD BE GREAT. Thanks Dan
  20. Hiya all, Trying to help my brother out, He has been issued with a money claim alongside a section 8, They are for differing amounts but issued on the same day which is odd I am going to help him out with responding but a quick technical question should a letter before action have been sent to him beforehand? I know it is practice for companies but not sure if applicable to rent arrears? Also worth saying he wrote to LL on date it was issued asking for a rental breakdown as he disputes the amounts ( especially as different from the section 8 ) and it was signed for the day after ( 13 days ago ) he believes the LL has applied his own charges and then implemented them without a breakdown to him. I am assuming he defend it on the basis that the LL has not responded to his asking of a rental breakdown/ any charges applied?
  21. Hello I have received an email from Bristow and Sutor that looks like spam but it caught my attention purely because it is addressed to myself and my ex. After looking up the company online I am certain it will be due to council tax arrears from 2012. At the time we we’re living together, sharing with another couple. We called the local council, we wrote to the council and I even sent a bankers draft in the post with a letter explaining that we would like to start payments etc and we received an acknowledgement. But after months of trying to pay we got nowhere, even the landlord tried to help and wrote to them until the point we were moving out and we eventually gave up. I haven't spoke to our flat mates since as we never got on anyway, we moved to a new place before we later broke up in 2015. She now lives at the other end of the country and we are not on speaking to terms. She was never good financially so I doubt I would get much joy from contacting her myself. I'm very concerned by all this as I have always paid my way and never been any negative debt and after reading things online about Bristow and Sutor. All of this has occurred as a direct result of the local council's error and I have never had any communication from them whilst we were at the address or since. Where do I go from here? I really don't want to deal with Bristow and Sutor paying their fees and dealing with them. I don't see how that will help me. Do I contact the council? Explain and Pay them what I owe directly? At the moment I've not received any post, just an email Any help or knowledge would be hugely appreciated Thanks!
  22. Hi, I have just received a letter from Agilisys Revenue asking me to contact them to update my address details confirming that I stayed at a bed and breakfast. i went into B&B with my 3 children in 2001, i was on full HB as i was single parent of 3 school children. I assumed that I didnt owe anything when i was moved to temporary accomodation 2 years later.. .I did have contact from the temp housing services a couple of times over the next few years saying that I owed over £1000 , (dont remember exact amount but i questioned it as i was on full HB and was told it was the £30 per week that i received food brought by the letting agent. I then told them i refused the food after 2 weeks as it was of the lowest standard possible . . from a shop called Kwik Save and their basic range of cereal, bread, sugar, tea bags, and milk which when i went in store at the time and added it up came to about £3.50 ,i refused it and bought my own food. I was then told I should have informed them, and i thought the dodgy letting agent should have done this anyway! I agreed back in 2007 to pay what i could and i believe they were taking £2 a week from my benefit for about a year but i then needed a loan from social fund to buy a fridge and wardrobe so they couldnt take it anymore as i was paying back the maximum to social fund . Long story short I moved into permanent housing in 2011 and they last contacted me about 4 yrs ago, i told them i couldnt pay anything as i didnt have enough money after bills etc were paid and i heard no more until this letter today. My question is this, can they force me to pay this debt as the original amount was from 14 years ago?
  23. Hi. Due to not paying any rent for a few months (due to being ill), the local housing are going to serve me with a notice of intent to seek possession. I've contacted that and have mentioned that I'll be claiming unemployment benefit (Universal Credit), and that they only pay housing benefit after 6 weeks (their rules). I've also offered to pay a small sum each week, but they have refused the offer, and mentioned that they'll proceed with going to court. Would appreciate any advice as to what to expect, and how to proceed. Thanks.
  24. In July 2010 my wife I purchased a static caravan on a Park Resort holiday camp for £13693.75 a deposit of £2500 and the balance on Black Horse finance. Our finances changed 8 months later and was no longer able to pay for the caravan we spoke to BH and they agreed they would take the caravan back sell it and we would have to pay the outstanding finance on a agreed amount of £50 per month and top up as and when we could with no interest on the outstanding balance which was approx £6500. Since 2013 we have kept a regular paymant of £50 as agreed with BH and have a outstanding balance of Approx £4500. Recently i checked my credit score on Clear score and found that i was in arrears with BH, i contacted BH and discussed that i had kept our agreed payment every month and i was still in arrears. BH told me that i was and would continue to be until full payment i asked if i paid the original monthly amount of £275 or paid a settlement figure (which they declined) would i still be in arrears, and the answer was yes, Do you have any advise Is it to late for a "voluntary termination"
  25. Hi everyone, it is a long time since I used this site, but would really appreciate some help and knew this would be the safe place to do so. It seems many others have been in a similar predicament. Joined Fit4Less in Halton, Leeds last summer. I was not really using it during Nov/Dec so cancelled the DD in mid December believing that I was under no contract terms as had taken a rolling monthly contract. I was away for a few days over new year and returned to a letter from Harlands requesting £16.99 missed payment and with a £20 charge slapped on for admin costs. This sounds ridiculous. Please could you advise as to what to do. Surely I shouldn't have to pay such a massive £20 charge? I have read some of the threads but am unsure of the success people are having in dealing with Harlands. I am a little anxious as feel I shouldn't pay it but don't want loads of debt collection letters. Thanks in advance
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