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  1. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/nov/07/tesco-bank-freezes-transactions-online-attack As long as their money has not been stolen !
  2. I have been a British Gas customer for several years and in several addresses, not because I think they're great, but because 3 house moves ago they failed to provide a monthly bill for 9 months and then hit me with the lot a couple of weeks before that xmas. I spent the next 3 years sufficiently in arrears as a result that I was unable to switch. For a home occupied mainly at evenings and weekends by 2 adults and a teenager I was paying £4-500 per month. We moved house again at the end of July and informed British Gas (again). I was asked to pay a deposit for both new gas and electricity accounts (£125 and £90), was given a sales order number for each account and advised that it may take "up to 2 weeks" to set up the accounts. I have signed in to my online British Gas customer page every week since (nearly 3 months), only to find the same sales order numbers and the new account setup status as "in progress". Until today. There's nothing there. Where have they gone? Why? Who is my energy supplier? Do I even have one??
  3. Hello everyone, A friend of mine is in a real mess, she wants me to keep details vague, she is a young woman who suffers from various disabilities. She has had an account with the bank since she was a child (one of the banks in the RBS family). She has a current account with an overdraft over £2,000, and a credit card. Earlier this year she reached out to higher ups in the bank, to make sure her accounts were in good order , and offered to pay her overdraft down. She explained she has had a difficult year and suffers various disabilities. She just wanted to keep in touch with the bank to avoid any surprises. (As she has been using her overdraft more than usual). She had made it clear to them that if they did want to reduce her limit, then she was ready to work with them to agree to pay it down at an agreed level. She received a letter back from a senior position in the bank, who appeared sympathetic and assured her that there was no need for concern, her account is fine and they don't wish to reduce her overdraft limit. All appeared well. Out of nowhere she received a letter, saying they were ending all of her accounts and all funds were repayable within 60 days. (including her credit card). A few questions... , does she have any grounds to stand on or can banks just treat people without any care and respect? 1. Does the fact that the bank assured her everything was fine, and never gave her a chance mean anything? . (She was in contact with the bank just months before, explained her disabilities and recent troubles, and, they told her there were no issues or concerns with her account, and that they did not want her overdraft limit reduced. The bank misled her and never offered to work with her or inform her of any problems with her account. 2. Do they have no responsibility to treat a vulnerable customer with care and caution? to just do this to all her accounts after assuring her everything was fine is just reckless, especially as they had just acknowledged her vulnerable position and sought to reassure her. 3. Should they have not discussed this with her, or worked with her to correct any issues?. 4. Is it acceptable to close all accounts including a credit card with just one letter - they are still adding crazy high fees to both accounts!. As far as I am aware they never issued a default notice on any set amount, and have continued to charge fees on the overdraft and profit from it. So frustrated as I know the banks seem to do whatever they want, and it seems there is little or no protection for the customer, but this just seems so in your face wrong. What route, if any , should she take to try to make them think twice? (any disability or vulnerable people avenue?, about them misleading her? I hope I can give her some idea of a way forward, they have also pushed her into a position where she will be forced into debt and hardship. I know she can ask for some fees back Thanks
  4. I posted a while back about my concern when opening a Santander current account that they had my details on file already. This was from a cahoot loan/credit card combination account. Going back to 2006 ish i had a lot of credit card debt and totally stuck my head in the sand and ignored them all. I tried to explain being off work on the sick to MBNA or Citi or Capital One i forget which now. But they were not helpful at all and wouldnt do anything until i had missed a payment. So they whacked charges onto charges and i had nowhere to turn and ignored them Moving on and they were all statute barred and nothing ever paid to them, not proud but circumstances gave me no other options. When i opened my account and they mentioned the cahoot details i had a panic moment and thought they would take the money away to pay the old debt. Nothing was ever mentioned but when opening the account the manager sat in taking notes but said nothing. To make matters worse i opened the account with my partner so she will be linked to me now also. Looking to change accounts now and wonder is it safe to choose a company linked to any of the credit cards i had all those years ago? How many of these cards are linked to accounts and am i worrying over nothing after all this time? A call blocker on my landline now means it rarely rings. I was still getting dodgy calls at all hours of the day and night until that was installed. The 2 email address that i used for the banking still gets tons of spam every single day, although the tempting offers of cheap consumer goods and PPI protection and offers of loans have reduced now. Rather more than a coincidence that out of 14 AOL email addresses the only 2 that get the spam are the 2 i used for banking. Even the ones used for chat which used to get harvested do not get anywhere near that much spam. The domains are mostly registered in Bermuda. If my memory still works i had these cards/accounts Citi, Capital One, MBNA, Monument, Cahoot CC/Loan, Barclaycard. Its embarrassing to see all that now but credit seemed easy back then. I think thats the lot? Any banks not safe to open an account with? You maybe pleased (or not) to know i have stayed debt free since. I have one credit card with a small limit thats paid off 100% each month. I do not wish to make that mistake again. Thanks all
  5. Hello, I hope I can get some help here about the worst case I ever had with a Bank. One month ago, exactly few days when I got married, my debit card details were compromised and more than £6000 were stolen from my debit card and paid into some online gambling site in Gibraltar. I found out about these transactions the day after the were made and immediately called my Bank - TSB. I had two accounts with them - a personal and a business one for my limited company. I spent hours on the phone with their customer service, then the fraud team and even they have some "complex" investigation team. After explaining them about the fraudulent transactions, they accused me that either me or someone that lives with me ( my wife ) has made those payments, becuase in their system nothing looks suspicious and event the fact that these payments were made over night every 30 minutes £1000 were taken of my account...really??? and they did not send me any message to confirm that I am making those payments..not a call..nothing. After a long conversation I was told that they will start an investigation and will come back to me and in the mean time I should contact that gambling company. this is what I did and I called the gambling site and the company behind Cassava Enterprises Ltd. I had to write to their security team, which answered me every day and at the end helped much more than my TSB bank, because Cassava's Security team found out, that there was an account registered on my name and also my debit card along with debit card on some other people's name on the same gambling account. they told me there is definitely a fraud activity and all transactions made from my Debit Card will be voided. I had to wait and hope I will have money back and be able to pay for my wedding. On the next day TSB calls me and tells me their Investigation team does not find again anything suspicious and even while those payments were made, address verification passes and 3ds security was not invoked from the merchant, so nothing can me done. Not only that, but they told me that I am the one who needs to keep my debit card details save and they are not responsible for not alerting me, for not detecting any fraud activity, because these payments happen over night to some site in Gibraltar...just ridiculous .. But I told them that I already spoke to the Gambling company, which found something suspicious and will void the transactions. ..They "Investigation team" even did not believed me and told me that if that is actually true, I should get my money back , they decided to block my accounts. After exactly 3 days even that my accounts were blocked I was able to access my internet banking and I noticed that all money were refunded and at least I was more relaxed. But of course TSB made the situation more painful for me, becuase I spent hours again with their fraud and investigations team on the phone and as I was abroad for my wedding, my only choice was to get my money with ID into a branch. After asking them isn't that action by the Gambling site clear enough that there was fraud activity and they returned my money, the TSB representative on the phone did not know what to answer me . In a week I went back home and I found check for my business account in TSB, which was already closed and after I went into a branch I got my money in cash from my personal account and they closed it too. After all what happened I was thinking that this is a bad story with a happy end. But of course not. I opened a personal account with Barclays online when I was still abroad and I got my cards and internet banking and etc. when I got home . I deposited my money there, after I got them back from TSB in cash. I had to open a business account and I went to Santader, where my other nightmare began - I was declined, because of I was told " They see some flag in CIFAS database about me" and I have to find out what and this is the reason they cant open me an account. I need my business account as soon as possible, because I am awaiting payments I went to another bank, where the same happened. My credit score is not perfect but is not very poor, so I was told to check my credit file and to look for CIFAS data, because its not about bad credit score. I went into TSB branch ( my accounts are already closed and I cant get any help over the phone anymore) and the lady on the till tried to call "someone" and told me to check Experian . I registered for Experian, Equifax, Callcredit and Checkmyfile and I find no CIFAS records on the file. After researching CIFAS website ( I never heard of CIFAS before) I found out that I can send a Subject Access Request Form so they can send me all the information about me within minimum a week or max 40 days. I don't know now what record has been held on my name in CIFAS I sent their form today. I opened a case with the Financial Ombudsman and I am awaiting their answer too . I do not know what else to do and how can I find our more information about this Flag in Cifas and as I generated a credit file in all possible Credit agencies and no information about CIFAS is there, I am out of ideas. Also from Satander told me to ask the gambling company if they sent maybe something to CIFAS, so I wrote their security team and I am waiting for an answer. Did anyone of you had any similar situation and do you know how can I resolve it? I was a Victim of Fraud and not only that but now I am experiencing all these problems and I am more than frustrated. My only fast option now is to add my wife as a director and to remove my name from the company, so I can open at least the business bank account and to make VAT and salary payments on time, until I resolve the issue with my name Thanks, Ivan
  6. Hi I have 2 debts with Lloyds both managed by Apex but now owned by Cabot The debts are for £4K and £10K they are 8 years old and are for closed current accounts. I pay £1 pm I was originally in £60K of debt with various lenders but have brought it down over the years with Partial settlements, My 2 Questions are Q1; I do not remember a £10K current account debt and have asked for a copy of the original contract on both accounts, they have replied by saying they will send me a statement but do NOT need to send a copy of my signature as its a current account and not a loan... is this correct?? Q2; Assuming due to age the debt it is no longer on my credit file what % is usually acceptable for a partial settlement? Thanks
  7. Hello I have various outstanding PDL loans that I've been ignoring and need advice on the best way to sort them out. I want to begin repairing my credit file ASAP. Wageday. Default £286 Not paid since Nov 15 Lending Stream. Default £507 Not paid since Sept 15 Uncle Buck Default £307 Not paid since Oct 15 Instant Cash Loans t/a Payday UK Late Payment £608 Not paid since Jun 16 I also show two settled accounts: Pixie Loans LTD and Mr Lender - both of these accounts I've received letters chasing the debts from CRS and SLL Capital. What does this mean? These two companies who the letters are from aren't on any of my credit reports. My account with Instant Cash loans hasn't defaulted. If I ring them and agree a payment plan will it default? I have already rung Uncle Buck and agreed to clear the debt in two months with a partial settlement. Was this the best thing to do? My overall objective is to prevent any CCJs. Thanks for reading
  8. Hi I have several defaults for various amounts totalling approx. £5000. For whatever reason I didn't pay my bills for several months and am now in a position to begin tackling this mess. I can probably pay off all of the debt in around nine months settling several smaller accounts within three months. Lots of the debts have been sold on to various debt collection agencies. They're offering me various discounts to write off part of the debt which I am open to for obvious reasons. However I am also keen to begin the process of rebuilding my credit rating ASAP and am wondering whether it is better to settle in full for this reason? I've also read that if you only settle partially, the remainder of the debt can be sold on which is concerning. If I decide to offer a partial settlement which is then accepted, how do I avoid that scenario? Thanks
  9. I've signed up to Virgin Media at my new address. I've gone for Broadband only, no phone line, no TV, so no possibility of calls or pay per view. My bills will of course be for services in advance. So, I'm struggling to see how there can be any aspect of "Credit" here. Yet, they've hard searched me. In fact, according to Clearscore, they have performed two hard searches, one at my new address and one at my old address (I'd think this would count as one, yet apparently Equifax/Clearscore count it as two searches). Is this normal? Can I argue the point with VM as there is no credit facility?
  10. Hi, I don't know if anyone is able to give me any advice. Three or four years ago I had some financial troubles. Recently I decided to get my head out of the sand and I ordered copies of my credit files. I have found that in addition to the actual accounts that have been defaulted (bank account and storecard etc) Lowell Financial have also added their own default. The main question that I have is can Lowell do this? I was intending to try and pay back as many companies as I could, but I object to paying two people for the same debt. In addition to this my credit file will never clear as Lowell's default date on some of the accounts is nearly a year after the original holders date. Thanks in advance.
  11. I am trying to get my finances in order and have been reading up on forums about those who have had successes dealing with DCAs, but unfortunately my accounts don’t seem to make sense. I have four default accounts on my credit file, showing a D sign every single month on my account, but I have three payments from DCA going out of my account two I know why I am paying but PRA I don’t know what its for, and the two bank account overdrafts I have defaults for I don’t know what is happening with them and what to do. Should i send out CCA letters to all creditors including barclays and natwest? On my credit file are these four defaulted accounts Lender Idem Capital Securities Current Balance £1,868 I am paying this via direct debit reduced monthly installment at the moment, this has been passed from Agilent to Moorgate and now to Idem and I it was so long ago now I cant even remember who the original company was who I took a loan out with. Lender NWB Current Accounts Current Balance £1,691 It says I am paying £5 per month but I cannot see any standing order or direct debit going out of my account for £5 per month, so I have no idea what is going on with this account. Both Barclays & Natwest overdrafts have been passed over to DCA I am sure of it, but I am unclear on who they are or what is going on with these accounts. What shall I do? Do I chase up with the actual banks to see what information they can pull up (send SARS) Lender Barclays Bank plc Current Balance £1,590 Similar to my Natwest account, I do not have anything on my bank account showing I am paying them, yet it shows I am paying £18 per month, once again I do not know how to handle this and whether I have a DCA I am paying, I haven’t received any letters for a while and I don’t have a clue what I should do. Lender MKDP LLP Account Type Credit Card Current Balance £264 Finally I have a PRA Group direct debit set up for £8.86 per month but yet again I don’t know what debt this is for now, as it seems to have been set up some time back, with moving and getting married last year I lost a lot of paper work and I cant remember what DCA is for what account and why now. DCA payments: Idem Robinsons Way this is on my credit file under MKDP (are they the same company?)But there is nothing on my credit file saying I am dealing with Robinsons Way PRA Group £8.86 No clue whatsoever why I am paying this and for what account.
  12. Hoping for some advice. After significant debt issues just over 6 years ago I am now in the year when various defaults and a CCJ hit their 6 year mark on my credit file. All payments being managed through stepchange (I have charge against my house connected to CCJ) If i understand correctly as the respective default dates pass these will drop off my credit file? Do the accounts completely disappear from the file or just show as accounts that are being paid? Are companies more likely to accept a full and final offer once the 6 years from default date has passed? (i understand the money is still owed but i'd like to pay them as little as possible!) The CCJ is managed by Marlin, who brought it from Virgin and Optima... they've not been the nicest company to deal with... I have claimed back all PPI etc so i can't reduce the debts any further that way. All help appreciated!
  13. Hello Last week I received an SD for 3 accounts :- 1 - Overdraft (lots of charges) 2- Loan 3 Credit Card Total is just over 9,000.00 I notice that part of the stat demand has been deleted which would notify me of my rights to seek legal advice. I am waiting for CCA response to Loan & CC which I sent last week but not sure what I can ask for relating to the current account other than SAR the OC. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  14. I also was in the middle of a dispute and they have sold it to cabot they say. They can't do this!! When are they going to be dealt with? I have refused to deal with cabot. If we all did the same!?? Can they pass an account on during a major complaint? Thanks
  15. Hi All, I am trying to get any information possible on the removal of Settled Accounts that were in good standing from the main credit agencies. I used a well known payday loan company back in 2013 and rolled over the loan a few times and always paid early and in full. Never late and no negative info at all. However fast forward 3 years , I am trying to secure a mortgage and have been refused due to having 6 entries from a specific payday loan lender. Even though they are all settled and paid and closed they underwriters see that as there were 6 entries, that I am a risk !! I have a good credit score and this is the only negative. This is causing me to have to look through other "brokered" lenders who all want to charge fees and I am looking at a higher interest rate also. It crazy that I borrowed and paid back on time and still penalised for it. Can any one give me any advise on how I can persuade the payday lender to remove the settled accounts from my files?? As its causing me financial issues if I have to pay a higher interest rate because of them. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  16. Nine High Street banks and building societies in the UK are to launch basic bank accounts which will not charge a fee for missed payments. The new accounts will be available from 1 January to people who fail to qualify for a full current account. But current basic bank account holders may not be automatically switched to a fee-free account – so you should contact your provider to check Users of the new accounts will also qualify for a debit card, which they can use to shop online, or at cash points. But they will not be able to run up an overdraft. Nine banking groups have agreed to offer fee-free basic bank accounts: Barclays – Barclays Basic Current Account The Co-operative Bank – Cashminder HSBC – Basic Bank Account Lloyds Banking Group (Bank of Scotland, Halifax and Lloyds) – Basic Account National Australia Bank Group (including Clydesdale Bank and Yorkshire Bank) – Readycash Account Nationwide – FlexBasic RBS Group (NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland and Ulster Bank) – Foundation Account and Basic Account (England and Wales) Santander – Basic Current Account TSB – Cash Account http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35168705
  17. Packaged accounts are current accounts that have ‘benefits’ attached. Such as Travel Insurance. It is a good way to obtain Travel, Mobile or breakdown insurances. However, you might be able to get these cheaper elsewhere and those included in the packages were not always beneficial to the customer. However, for this type of account, a monthly fee is charged, usually about £10 - £25.00 per month. – Doesn’t sound too much when you say it like that, but say £120.00 - £300.00 per year and that could be quite substantial. If you made a decision to take a packaged account for these benefits then all well and good. If you didn’t, and were advised that this was the only way you could have a mortgage or other type of loan, credit card or overdraft with your bank or it simply appeared – then you were mis-sold. If you were mis-sold, then you can reclaim:- Reasons for mis-selling You didn’t know you were paying for this type of account and don’t remember ever agreeing to having this account. You were upgraded without your knowledge. You were told you would be eligible for travel insurance but later found out this wasn't correct. You weren't told you wouldn’t be eligible for one or more of the insurance policies. You were told you had to get the account in order to take out a loan / overdraft / mortgage. You were told you wouldn’t be eligible for the Banks' fee-free accounts and had to get one. You weren't told there was an alternative, free account. You tried to cancel the account but the bank wouldn't let you . There is a draft reclaim letter in the CAG library. HERE Ideally you should fill out a copy of the statint.xls sheet HERE Please start your own thread in the appropriate Bank Forum to chart your progress and to ask any questions we might not have covered. This is not to be used for Bank Charges and/or unfair interest
  18. In simple terms this is 1 of my 3 accounts, its literally used for a couple of direct debits that I want to keep separate. Having second thoughts considering I keep missing them. I had a direct debit come out this morning which I had forgotten about, checked my bank and it had been paid so I thought best transfer enough in so i'd not go overdrawn which I did. And being extremely cynical of banks I take screenshots of everything just incase. Interestingly I just checked back and that same direct debit has now been bounced and if you have a look at my screenshots from lunch time today and this evening you will see that they prized the bounced dd between the dd and the credits. Naturally i'm extremely anoyed about this and you can bet that if i'd not of credited the account they'd of paid it and charged an od fee. I will be charged £25 for this so naturally if I can get around this i'd like to. I should add that there is no charge for being less that £10 overdrawn and they do not charge for being overdrawn if you are bank before 3.30 that working day. Any ideas much appreciated. Screens Lunch : http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/before.jpg Just now: http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/after.jpg
  19. More than one million customers with RBS and NatWest will soon be forced to pay up to £2 extra a month for their packaged current accounts. From January 17, customers with the bank’s Black account must pay £26 a month for their deals. Those with the bank’s Platinum account will have to fork out £1 more, totalling £16 a month. RBS Black account offers worldwide travel insurance and access to airport lounges. The Platinum account includes travel and phone insurance and UK breakdown cover. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-3322929/One-million-customers-RBS-Natwest-face-price-rises-packaged-current-accounts.html#ixzz3rwIxQmWD
  20. I recently sent CCA requests to Barclaycard for the two cards i have with them and have received replies to both requests. I not sure however how to interpret them and how to proceed. A little background might help to explain the situation. The two accounts are positively ancient. I'm not sure when i got the Mastercard account, i think it was a few years after the Visa account, but when exactly i don't know. I know when i opened the Visa though. It was opened when i went to university, in 1984. I've been making reduced payments to Barclaycard for about 4 1/2 years under what i assume is an arrangement to pay. But i don't know as Barclaycard have not been reporting the accounts to any of the CRAs. Its odd, but i've checked all 3 and they're not on any report. So i'm unsure what to do. Do i leave things alone knowing that its not going to effect my credit rating or do i make a claim of unenforceable debts? Any insight or advice would be most welcome.
  21. Hi there! I was not sure where to post this, but as this forum has been useful to me in the past with personal matters I was hoping there would be a person here to help me with a current problem I have. Google couldn't help me, so .... Hopefully the kind people here can. When my grandmother died, she left me a sum of money in a Post Office account. She paid into it all the time and when I turned 25 the money was mine.. === Now, I don't have children, and I wont have. What I do have is two cousins who are the best part of my life. I wan't them to have an great future and I would like to help. They are still young. As hard as I have tried, I cannot find a way to setup an account like my grandmother had for me, for my cousins. I want to setup accounts for both of them and pay money into it on a regular basis. I wan't to keep paying into it till they are ready for University, and hopefully give them a sum on money to help them with their education and achieve a good start in life. Am I being stupid here and simply missing a keyword in seaches for these services or do they simply not exist anymore? If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I am fearful that due to the rise in criminal activity involving financial activity such services have been stopped and that would be a great shame. Thank you for your time.
  22. Hi All, I was wondering if someone could help me please as I am a bit confused as to Settled accounts and dates they are removed. I have managed to settle all my debts finally and I am trying to be realistic when I will be able to apply for a mortgage so trying to work out dates etc. There are 8 showing as Settled and 3 credit accounts as up to date and have't had any issues. Could you tell me how long a settled account stays on my file for is it 6 years? If so when is the date from? Is it Default date? of Satisfied Date? or any other I haven't thought of. Also if anyone knows, now they are settled does this increase my chance of getting credit or will be it once they are gone? I repaid them in November last year mainly, so its been almost a year Really value your thoughts, thank you.
  23. Paypal have been closing and freezing accounts in the UK and EU citing US laws and regulations which it is trying to impose here in the UK and EU. This I believe is illegal. I have located what I believe are two pieces of legislation to back this up: THE PROTECTION OF TRADING INTERESTS ACT Link: http://www.law.stetson.edu/lawreview/media/u-s-secondary-sanctions-the-u-k-and-e-u-response.pdf and the following EU legislation: Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 of 22 November 1996 protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom Link: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:31996R2271:EN:HTML My question is can I use both pieces of legislation in making a claim against Paypal for the closure of an account in the UK when no UK law has been broken in the use of the account? This being in a small claims action for damages caused by such a closure and asking for the reinstatement with no penalties of the account closed? Also does anyone know of any other legislation that can be used in regard to unfair business practice in what Paypal are doing in trying to enforce foreign law in the UK where such law has IMHO no jurisdiction? All comments and input are welcome whether positive or negative.
  24. I have applied to several UK banks for current accounts over a period of approximately two months and, for various reasons (such as mistakenly being classified as not being on the electoral roll), been rejected by all of them. The application searches are on my Experian credit file. I appreciate that having too many applications in a short period of time is not something the banks take too kindly to. Should I wait a period of time before applying to further banks? I appreciate it's a question one can generally only guestimate, but how many banks would be "too many" to apply to before further banks get suspicious and reject an application? If I should wait for a while, how long should I wait please? Thanks a lot.
  25. Hi there, 18 months or so ago I was going through some hard times and stupidly relied upon Payday loans to keep me afloat. Most of the loans (had around 10 in total, all with Wonga) were around 500 pounds and all were paid off before the due date. 5 years before all of this I had had some trouble with credit and unfortunately got a default from a lender meaning I was struggling to get credit anywhere else. At the time of signing up to Wonga they were running their 'Wonga will do wonders for your Credit File' campaign (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2237712/Wonga-sorry-sending-emails-implying-loans-wonders-peoples-credit-ratings.html) and saw them as a kind of win/win for me, enhancing my credit file as well as tiding me over. Now 18 months on, having a perfect credit file (old default had dropped off and been running a credit card perfectly for the last year as well as various utilities) I am in a position to obtain a mortgage. So I've looked at my credit file and lo and behold there are 10 SETTLED Wonga accounts listed on there. Having read through the forums, from what I can gather this will not help me out at all with any sort of application. I've approached Wonga about the removal of these entries as I believe they will hinder any chance of me obtaining credit, which was totally against their advertising campaign at the time of me signing up but they have basically fobbed me off with a blanket 'We have to keep an entirely accurate CRA log'. I would like to however take this further, what would my next steps here be? Would it be a solicitors job from here on in or should I contact the CRA's directly? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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