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  1. Hi All, Hoping someone can help I have received an N1 today for a debt which has shown defaulted on my credit file for some time. I have refused to engage in conversation with the debt collection agency (Lowell) who have attempted to call me numerous times and sent numerous letters. Today I got the N1 through the post, just three months before the default is due to drop off my credit file. The particulars state; 1) The Defendant entered into an agreement with Vodafone under account reference [Ref] ('The agreement') 2) The Defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a default notice was served and not complied with. 3) The Agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 31/03/2014 and notice given to the Defendant 4) Despite repeated requests for payment, the sum of £332.34 remains due and outstanding And the Claimant claims a) The said sum of £332.34 b) Interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of the assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.073, but limited to one year, being £26.59 c) Costs The total is broken down as being Claimed: £358.93 Court Fee: £35 Legal Representative's costs: £50 Total amount: £443.93 Credit File reports: Name [My Name] Address [An address I did live at at the time of the account, a shared house] Date of birth [My DOB] Account type Telecommunications Supplier Account number *****0325 0 Account start date 11/12/2008 Opening balance £ 332 Repayment frequency Monthly Date of default 02/06/2010 Default balance £ 332 So, now that the detail is out of the way... Could someone please help me with my options here and some questions? I intend to defend this but i would like to confirm some things i believe to be true; 1) If this did result in a CCJ i could pay that CCJ within a period of time to have it removed from my credit file and the underlying debt would also be removed 3 months from now when the default has been present for 6 years (worst case scenario) 2) Could i pay this debt now and avoid the legal costs or is it too late to do that I have attempted to dispute it via CRA's dispute feature but they have told me to liaise with the creditor, which I have avoided. What is the best way for me to go about defending this claim and being supplied evidence? The Defence form is fairly straight forward, except for the actual defense section as i have no idea how to go about defending the claim. I will pay the debt if they can definitively prove that it is my debt to pay, but if i do this through the courts it looks like it will cost ~30% more to do that There is a high probability that this bottom feeding company (Lowells) is chancing it as they are running out of time, but i dont know if i should trust this feeling or what to do about it. The single most important thing is minimal impact on my credit file, as I expect to apply for a mortgage in October. Thanks in Advance! D.
  2. Well today is the day. George Osborne has just left Downing Street with his little red box,full of secrets. What time is the Budget 2016? How to watch, predictions and more on George Osborne's spending announcement News UK News The Budget What time is the Budget 2016? How to watch, predictions and more on George Osborne's spending announcement George Osborne is set to unveil yet more cuts in his 2016 UK budget speech. Here's everything you need to know What will be in store when George Osborne unveils his 2016 budget? Will it be all doom and gloom? Or has he, once again, got an unexpected rabbit hidden in his hat? Gloomy economic forecasts, bleak export figures and the promise of a Budget surplus of £10billion by March 2019 will fuel the Chancellor’s latest attack on Britain’s public services when he delivers his financial statement. The national debt has ballooned to almost £1.6trillion on his watch - about £24,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. You can also expect plenty of the Chancellor's favourite catchphrases to make an appearance. References to a "long term economic plan" and "fixing the roof while the sun is shining" are near certainties. The excitement is building. I can hardly wait,can you.Have your say now or as things develop or afterwards.Leave it to you. Are you going to watch PMQ time.Anticipating a little excitement.Hope the bar is stocked.Such a thirsty lot. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/budget-everything-you-need-know-7563257
  3. Hello, I had a payment plan set up with JBW to pay monthly, I all payments had been met except my February payment was made 2 days late due to me not being paid myself (self employed). Today i had a visit from a bailiff stating that because the payment was late that it has now incurred a £235 fee on top of what was outstanding. The thing that really stings is that i only had 1 payment left to make for a sum of £138 (due end of March) so now the total has sprung back up to £373!! I have spoke with somebody from JBW and said that i had no correspondence from them saying that the matter would be passed to the bailiffs because of the late payment. They said they had text me and emailed me (i received neither!) and that i had to deal direct with the bailiff (who just so happened to be sat in his car outside) about 5mins after my call with JBW the bailiff knocked on saying that he was in the process of getting a van round to remove goods making the debt spiral higher! I haven't let him into the property (and wont be) but just wondered what other fee's he can concoct to make my bill spiral even higher? I can't believe that it has risen so sharply just because one of my payments was 2 days late out of all the others ive made Any help appreciated
  4. Women are beautiful, powerful, intelligent and deserve recognition. They are equals. Pulled me out of the mire many times and have so much strength,stamina. Where do they get it from. God bless them all.Any tales to tell,just wondering. How has a women helped you through a difficult time. http://www.internationalwomensday.com/Theme
  5. What was it that Winnie the Pooh said, you can't just sit in your own corner of the forest. You've got to get out there. Well i thought 'cos today is Feb 29th when traditionally ladies are allowed to propose. I've made myself a sign to hang around my neck, and i'm going to be walking around town all day. Well hopefully it's not going to take all day........ .... Take a chance on me, ready house trained. .....I'm available, i'll say yes. Do you have any Feb 29th stories ? Did you or someone you know propose or perhaps you were proposed to. Or perhaps you have a Feb 29th birthday in the family, how do you celebrate.
  6. Well there you are again – Vodafone is at it. Same old story same old villain same old problem same old rubbish – same old gesture of goodwill. A woman who apparently cancelled her Vodafone contract in about 2011 and has been billed all that time. She eventually stops the direct debit and of course suddenly Vodafone leap into action and get the debt collectors onto her case. Will Vodafone begin a court case and have the whole thing ahead before a court of law in front of an independent judge? No, of course not. Vodafone merely prefer to instruct debt collectors to harass people and to browbeat people and to blight their credit files to a point where those people just eventually give up and pay up in order to get a quiet life. Vodafone again. This time, because the BBC got involved Vodafone agreed to write off the debt – as a gesture of goodwill. This lady was on the verge of giving up and thought that she might have to pay. By the way, although Vodafone have been taking her money for years, it was only for the last two months during which the direct debit had been stopped that they were seeking payment. She simply objected to that and also objected to the fact that they hadn't registered her cancellation and that they had trashed her credit file. She wasn't even trying to get her money refunded all the way back. She had effectively written off because she felt she didn't have a hope – that's how desperate Vodafone customers can eventually become. Apparently we have a customer services rep on this forum somewhere called Lee – I'm not too sure where he is but maybe he would like to comment on this Lee?
  7. Is this the first time you’ve heard about SID? No worries. The video below will brief you on what it’s all about, focusing on this year’s theme“Play Your Part for a Better Internet”. More Than an Invitation, It’s a Challenge In 2015, Insafe, the organization behind the SID global campaign, came up with the slogan “Let’s Create a Better Internet Together”. Although the current and previous themes are essentially not that different, the former’s tone and scope have indeed changed from merely inviting, which anyone can easily turn down, to challenging and reminding Internet users that they can make a difference, no matter how small the effort. We think it is the perfect message that can drive one to respond with greater seriousness and vigilance in taking care of not just what we say online but how we, as privacy- and security- conscious citizens of the Web, should generally respond to the growing sophistication and prevalence of digital threats like exploits and ransomware against businesses and consumers of all ages. Threats in the UK: A Brief Review To help further foster this call for UK citizens to get involved in creating a better and safer online experience, let us refresh ourselves with a four-point list of worrying security findings from previous months that hit the news: •A report in mid-2015, our friends at Symantec named the United Kingdom as the most targeted and cyber-attacked nation in the whole of Europe, with a third of them targeting small- to medium-sized businesses. •The National Crime Agency (NCA) revealed that the UK lost £16 billion to cybercrime and cyber-enabled crimes. One of the main concerns of the organization is the rise of mobile malware due to the increasing number of apps being used for financial transactions. A rife market of users depending on the Internet to procure of goods and services online also proved to be attractive to online criminals. •Speaking of mobile, Ponemon surveyed hundreds of individuals in the UK and reported that majority of Brits would prefer losing their wallets than their smartphones—not because of the value of their device but what is found in it. In fact, they have assessed the data in their smartphones would cost around £6.5 thousand. Although they put great value and importance to their devices, 47 percent of those surveyed don’t think that having data protection features on phones are needed. •In November alone of 2015, the UK was attacked by 1,200 types of malware families. Topping the count were variants from the Kelihos Trojan, the Necurs backdoor, the Bedep Trojan, and the Conficker worm. To add more to the above, our telemetry data has showed that in last 12 months, a total of 154.5M malicious files and 138.2M potentially unwanted program (PUP) have been detected from machines based in the UK. Read More
  8. Hi, Received two letters today: One from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors (dated 28/01/2016) Re: Cabot indicating that they have received no response to the claim form issued.( I was going to ignore it until I looked at the second letter...) Letter Two: Judgment for Claimant (in default), from the County Court, dated 28/02/2016 Claimant: Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd. I checked my credit file using Noddle: It shows one active credit card which is OK and currently active. Then .. Starting from Oct 2015 to Dec 2015 there is an entry for Cabot with a Default for each month. There is nothing else there, no balance history . The account details state that it is a credit card , defaulted 25/04/2010 - Balance: £680. Account start date 11/04/2008. On public information there is a CCJ from 28/02/2016. I had two credit cards back then , one I know was paid off, the other obviously was not. I think it may have been a Capital One credit card. I have never received a Claim form and have not had any dealings with Cabot. I have not had a Notice of Assignment . Should I contact to Court to apply for the Judgment to be set aside because I did not receive the Claim Form and have no proof that I owe Cabot anything? Can I get a copy of the Claim Form? (i feel disadvantaged because they seem to have all the information whereas I have none) Should then CCA Cabot and CPR 31:14 Mortimer Clarke? Any help or guidance greatly appreciated .... Thanks.
  9. Hello good people of the CAG. I have just arrived home from Uni and found 7 letters from a company called Debt Recovery Plus Ltd, each letter demanding £150 for unpaid parking charges. These charges span a period between 16/10/15 - 06/11/15. I called the company to dispute the charges as the ticket machine has been out of order (It is still not working!) and the lady at the car park who checks to see if people have payed and displayed told me to place a note in my windscreen stating that the machine is out of order and I'll not get a fine. DRP told me on the phone that I cannot appeal as I'm am out of the appeal period. I didn't receive any letters from the company that issued the original charges (LDK Security Group Ltd) so this is the first I know about them. Was the guy from DRP correct in informing me that I cannot appeal? Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Paul. Update: I have just visited LDK Security group website in search for proof of parking violation and apparently there should have been a note stuck to my car with a reference number on it. This has not been the case.
  10. please can anyone help me, At 6.50pm today (20/10/15) I was sacked on the spot - no warning, investigation or suspension. I have been there for 13 months, I have done nothing wrong. I made a complaint that my line manager was bullying me 2 weeks ago - then out of the blue I am sacked for lacking the skills to do the job? no warning, capability or ever has this been brought to my attention before. Do I have any rights? I have been offered 2 options and have until 7pm tomorrow (21/10/15) to decide. a) be sacked with 2 months pay, or b) resign with 4 months pay. there is no reports of paperwork, these will only be given if I accept being sacked? I have done nothing! help x
  11. This sounds like a nice commemoration. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-34250794 HB
  12. Hi, I would like any advice you may give. My wife received a letter today regarding possible mis-sold PPI with this company while using Littlewoods catalogue.It gives a freephone number to call and i quote says "you may belong to a small group of customers to whom we may have mis-sold PPI" Is this genuine and should she call them. What does she need to watch out for if she calls. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  13. The following press release has been issued today,1st September; New Professional Association founded for Certificated Enforcement Agents. Following the implementation of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 in April 2014, and a year of consultation with Certificated Enforcement Agents, a New Professional Association has been launched to represent Certificated Enforcement Agents and will be known as The Certificated Enforcement Agents Association (CEAA). It has been formed by Enforcement Agents for Enforcement Agents, representing those that act on the front line of enforcement and hold a current certificate under “The Certification of Enforcement Agents Regulations 2014”. For further information please refer to our website http://www.ceaa.co.uk
  14. Hi all, Received a PCN today from Parking Eye as l am the registered keeper of our family car which was photographed entering a doctors car park ( Private land ) and leaving again about 15 mins later. The problem here is the vehicle was used to drop an elderly person of at the doctors ( who had that morning suffered a bad angina attack and needed to dropped off at the doctors door ) and then the vehicle went back about 15 mins later to pick the elderly person up again. The point here being that the vehicle did not park up in the doctors carpark for 15 mins but returned back, but the photos show the vehicle entering on its first journey in and then leaving after its second journey back into the carpark after picking up. Help and advice needed please as in the past ( 3 yrs ago ) l have had PCN's before and ignored them and nothing became of them. Do l ignore this one or dispute the fact with Parking Eye that the vehicle didn't park up and that their camera didn't photograph the vehicle leaving the first time and re-entering the second time ? I was not the driver by the way. The date of issue of the PCN was about 6 days ago. They're wanting £60 if paid within the next 14 days etc . Don't know which way to go with this one. Any help much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  15. hi Folks, looking for some advice on what to to...possibly quite an urgent one I've had a visit today from "High Court Enforcement" (HCEO?), I wasn't in and they have left a letter, saying that I owe £2300 from an uppaid CCJ. Here's the problem.....I didn't know I had a CCJ! I know what the money is for, although it's more than doubled from the original ~£950 bill from Autoglass. Ultimately my insurance should be paying this, but I suspect this may be a side issue. I moved house about 6 months ago which may well be the reason why I was never informed about the CCJ, but I'm not really wanting to pay such an extortionate amount - yes, Autoglass should be paid, but the right amount. What's my best course of action here? The letter is threatening to remove goods (not letting anyone in the house would seem to prevent this), but I can't lock the house forever. Any help or advice?
  16. Help, Urgent!!! Im in court this afternoon as I have fallen behind with my mortgage and have a repossession hearing. I can offer the full monthly payment starting June 1st. We are back in work after both being made redundant. Is there anything I should say or do? Im so scared. Can they take my house of me today. Its my first time in court in relation to this. Many thanks x
  17. Hi, I don't do Facebook so I have started a thread on the MoneySavingExpert forum - The Acenden (administered mortgage) Escape Committee in the section called "Mortgage Free Wannabe" (I can't post links here yet). - Acenden have apparently recommenced selling mortgages on behalf of their new owners. Do join me there. I will post more information on that new thread in a while, eg about the danger signs that indicate that Acenden means to repossess. Everyone's case is unique but there are things we can to help each other get clear of these cowboys.
  18. Hi. I am currently going through with a DRO (debt relief order) and it's taking longer than I would wish, plus the guy from Citz Advice is not really helping at all. I get back tonight and 2 letters. One is from Collectica, saying I now owe them £215, £140 of the remainder of the fine and £75 for their BS fees. I have been paying this weekly, missed a week here and there but generally up to date, it was for a motor fine with courts. This is not in the DRO as fines can not go in dro. However the 2nd letter is off CCS Collect. Saying I owe upto £300 for variou HMRC stuff. This fine is in DRO. They have 'threatened' with action if I do not pay them etc. They say 'our clent hmrc has authed us to recover full amount due. we regret that if no payment in 7 days or an offer to pay etc we will advice cliebnt to litigate amount due with court costs and court fees. This is in the DRO so what's going on? Can anyone shed light on these 2? I have been working in the library on new business ideas all day and the last thing I want to come home to is this ****!
  19. I haven't had time to read this yet, but think it's of relevance to this forum and nolegion's sterling work. http://www.cqc.org.uk/content/using-hidden-cameras-monitor-care HB
  20. My husband who has worked for the same security company for 10 years has had a phone call today from his supervisor who asked him has he received a letter off his new employer with regards to the site he has been working at has already been tuped over. my husband has been off sick since early december with an infection and matters relating to chemotherapy due to prostate cancer. he told the supervisor this is the first he's heard of anything and the supervisor said he would call back after speaking to the new employer. my husband is at a loss over what to say about his employment rights and what is in his best interests when his supervisor phones back. Please could anyone help with regards to this regards junes0000
  21. hi everyone might sound a bit daft but.. . got a letter earlier in week ( a warrant of control!) to say i had to pay by feb 7th (today) or bailiff would come i have contacted company i owe and am awaiting email response prob be monday now am i right in thinking he will call today or will it be later if later i will hopefully have got agreement in place to pay company direct with installments thanks for any help
  22. Interesting PPI article on page 84 of the Times today.
  23. Hi everyone, looking for some help on where to go now! My car was lifted by a logbook loan company today (Loans 2 go) apparently the previous owner took out a log book loan on the vehicle in March 2013. I bought the vehicle in May 2013 and had no correspondance sent from Loans 2 go to inform me that there was any outstanding finance on the vehicle. The guy who was loading my car onto his truck was the first I knew about it. I have spoken with Loans to go they say there is a £3000 loan outstanding (original loan was £650) and that I need to pay that to get the vehicle back. However the guy that sold it to me had the logbook (must of applied for a duplicate as L2G have a log book in their possession) and the check I did on my phone never flagged anything up as outstanding (I have since learnt these checks do not include finance information). I bought this car in good faith it was clean, he had a log book and all the numbers matched etc. What can I do who can I speak to to deal with this for me anything I say to them falls on deaf ears. We cannot afford a solicitor to deal with this I also want to send them copies of the receipts for the parts we bought for the vehicle which we want back as legally I own them!! Anyone know what I can do???
  24. Hi, i'm new here... I've just received in the post today (18th October 2014) a letter from Smart Parking... a Parking Charge Notice saying that on Wednesday 1st October, my vehicle entered the Asda Sheffield site at 08:52, and exited at 16:46... with a picture of my number plate on these occasions. It says I have 14 days from the date of the letter (16 October) to pay £40, then it goes upto £70. Obviously, this is a load of rubbish, as for whatever reason they've not recorded that I left the Asda car park at approximately 09:00 (having purchased newspapers for my next door neighbour... after this I went (in the car) to work, and was at work until approximately 16:30 - on the way home, I popped into Asda again to pick up something else... I didn't keep any receipts (as I don't usually expect to have to return newspapers, and had no reason to expect to get this stupid PCN). I then left the car park again at 16:46. Between 9:30 and 12:00, I (along with around 100 work colleagues) were at our company's Quarterly Employee Meeting at the local Holiday Inn for 2.5 hours - i've got a number of people who can confirm I was there if needed. I was then back in the office and I have work emails I sent out between 14:00 and 15:55 showing I was in the office... and there is absolutely no way on earth I would have parked at Asda all day and then walked down Sheffield Parkway, rather than parking in my own spot in the office car park! So, I know that this is either an error or a con on their part, I just want some advice on how to proceed... having read someone else's response on another thread, it appears ignoring it is not the best option (though on some other sites some people do just say to ignore!). I haven't had any involvement with this kind of thing before, so don't know what POPLA is (that was mentioned on other threads), or what I should and shouldn't say. I had been tempted to go back upto Asda and goto Customer Services, saying something along the lines of if they don't do something to get this cancelled ASAP, I won't be shopping there again, and that'll cost them a darn sight more than £40 a week! But as i've already been upto Asda this morning to do some shopping (before I got the letter), i'm wary of going in there a second time today... in case their camera is 'faulty' again. Any advice greatly appreciated - and just a warning to others who may visit the Asda twice in the same day, keep your receipts!
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