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  1. If you're p****d off with TalkTalk's cavalier attitude to protecting customer's data, here's template letter if you want to leave them without penalty: http://www.bitterwallet.com/letter-template-to-cancel-talktalk-account/88825
  2. A 15-year-old boy has been arrested by police investigating an alleged hacking attack on the TalkTalk website. He was held on suspicion of offences under the Computer Misuse Act, following a major breach of the telecoms firm's website last week. Police are now searching his home in County Antrim in Northern Ireland. http://news.sky.com/story/1576555/boy-15-arrested-over-talktalk-hack-attack
  3. Police are investigating a "significant and sustained cyber-attack" on the TalkTalk website, the UK company says. The phone and broadband provider, which has over four million UK customers, said banking details and personal information could have been accessed. TalkTalk said potentially all customers could be affected but it was too early to know what data had been stolen. The Metropolitan Police said no-one had been arrested over Wednesday's attack but enquiries were ongoing. TalkTalk said in a statement that a criminal investigation had been launched on Thursday. It said there was a chance that some of the following customer data, not all of which was encrypted, had been accessed: Names and addresses Dates of birth Email addresses Telephone numbers TalkTalk account information Credit card and bank details http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34611857
  4. Hi all, after years or problems and increasing charges with talktalk I decided o change to a new provider. At first I called talktalk to discuss the new charges being applied as of 01/10/15 but was advised that I did not have a contract with talktalk as my old contract was cancelled on the 31/07/15, this was due to me moving home and I used their online service to change my address. So during my incredibly lengthy phone call to them I asked the representative more than 4 times "if I cancelled my account (notice I said account, as apparently as the representative advised I did not have a contract with talktalk) would I incur any penalty/early termination charges, and on each occasion was advised that I would not incur any charges. I also went to their online chat yesterday to advise them that I would be changing my provider and again was advised that I did not have a contract with them. Anyway, this morning I received an email from them stating "Since you´ll be leaving before the end of your contract period, we´ve worked out the final charges that you will need to pay. These will be shown as contract breakage fees on your bill". Total charges of £238.36. Anyway I sent them strongly worked email (I am happy to attach it if anyone is interested) to several people including Alexandra Birtles, Nick Clark, Dido Harding & Charles Dunstone, stating that as I have been advised twice that I do not have a contract with them that I cannot be in breach of one, and secondly that I have been advised on more than 4 occasions that if I cancelled my account that I would incur no penalty charges. So if anyone has any advice or email details for other people at this company then please let me know.
  5. My phone line became very noisey and it was very difficult to hear any conversation. Also my internet kept dropping out. I reported this to talktalk and carried out their equipment checks. I used my friends phone on the line, still the same problem. I used a spare router etc still the same problem. Just to be sure I took my equipment to my relatives house were it all worked fine. Talktalk booked an engineer to come. The outreach engineer came checked the internal wiring which was fine. He then went outside to check the external line which snapped when he touched it! He replaced the line and all my phone and internet faults went away. I have just received a bill from talktalk for £65.00 for an engineer call out. They said it was an unnecessary call out as the engineers report stated that there was no fault! I said why did he replace the line then? They replyed for quality reasons!!! I stated it was such poor condition it snapped in his hand. I then said I still have sixteen feet of it dangling from my house would they like a sample. I have now gone through two or three levels of complaint! I have emailed the CEO, who as replied promising to investigate but I appear to be going nowhere, surely I cannot be made responsible for an external line fault?
  6. Hi all, I recently moved house in november of last year. At that point in time we were signed up with Virgin Media, but as they do not have service in our new area, we had to move over to TalkTalk. Since signing up with them, we have had no end of issues, which i will list below. I am looking for advice RE my next step, as this is causing me undue amounts of stress and upset. For your information we have home phone, tv broadband and mobile with them. - They noted down my email address wrong, which meant i didn't receive confirmation of my account - When the broadband box came, it would not connect. I contacted talk talk, they sent out an engineer 'free of charge' then proceeded to charge me £50. -we went for a month without any services, but they still charged us for this month. This lack of services was due to them not sending out an engineer despite repeated promises that they would. -we asked to return the tv box as it was not compatible, we asked within the 14 day cooling off period, and yet were told no. -The first mobile phone i was sent was faulty. i returned it and received a replacement. The second one was also faulty. The fault was it would switch off the WIFI and only connect to mobile data, which created a huge mobile data bill. After discussing this with the senior management they agreed to waive the mobile data bill, and they offered me the option of a different phone, as the model i had obviously had issues. I was told the data would still show on the bill, but would not come out in the direct debit. Surprise surprise, they tried to take it out with the direct debit. so i cancelled it, and rung them. They said they had no record of this, and would do their best to sort it out. Then they cut my phone off for non payment. at this point in time i was using an old phone as i had sent the faulty one back. After selecting my replacement as a Sony Xperia Z1, it has still not been sent, around 2 months later. instead, they decided to send me back the second faulty one i had returned. So i now have a faulty phone, and cannot use my mobile contract as it has been blocked. Oh, and they have now passed it on to a debt recovery company as i refuse to pay until they take off the £80 charge, and 1 months contract charge, as i have not had use of the contract for at least a month. -finally, to top it all off, their management staff are rude, and some of their support staff struggle to understand me, and as i have poor hearing, i struggle to understand them. -oh, and after being put in contact with a high up customer service manager, i attempt to call her, and she is never at her desk. Any help is most appreciated, i am at my wits end, this has had me in tears many times, as i am just going round in circles!
  7. I am with TalkTalk with my phone broadband and i have a free sim with them . Last month i got a bill for my mobile for £4.50 for non direct debit. I phoned them up to complained and i was told i should have not been charge as it was a free sim so they credited my account. Today i got a bill for £19 £4.50 non d/d charge and £10 plus vat for late payment. i got back in touch with them and ask for the manager he explained that that i should have set up a d/d even as its a free sim i went mad with him saying that no one explained this to me he said i should have read the terms and conditions and that i have to pay the £19. I told them i was not going to pay the bill but all i got was that its up to you but if you dont pay we will pass the debt to a debt collection agency and i should have read the t/cs Now should i pay the bill or dig my heels in and not pay it what would you do?
  8. Just a heads up: TalkTalk business apparently have a new billing system which they are piloting. This is somewhat ruthless and is going through past accounts and sending out bills for dormant or shut-down accounts. It also appears to be automatically escalating to DCAs (in my case). I had a TalkTalk business account in 2012. I moved the DNS records (website and mail provision) and internet service from them in January 2013. Stupidly I did this half way through a billing cycle. I settled up with talktalk, who agreed to write of the part-billed month. All good, heard nothing from them for about a year until I received a bill out of the blue & nasty letter threatening to cut me off... for a service I wasn't receiving. Phoned them & they explained it was sent in error & cancelled it all off again. I received another bill via email on 29 December 2014 for £9.19 and then a letter from "Debt & Revenue Services", their chosen DCA, this morning, demanding £49.92 Spoke to the DCA who could offer no explanation as to the billed amount or where the bill arose from. I then phoned TalkTalk who couldn't explain the amount on the DCA letter, but attempted, after some audibly confuddled calculator thrashing, to explain the £9.19 as the part-billed month from January 2013 that they'd already agreed to write off! This amused me somewhat. I suggested that billing a customer out of the blue after two years was probably not acceptable, nor was failing to reconcile their accounts for two years, immediately raising it to a DCA was a bit dim and it would be interesting to hear what offcom* would say on the matter. Perhaps they should consider writing off the amount? NOW. Cue some time on hold while they went off to seek guidance. The guidance was given and the "debt" (remember they'd agreed to write this off back in February 2013) was written off. The explanation given for the out of the blue bill was that they are trialling some new software and it's being a bit ruthless with old accounts. I'll still complain to the FOS about the DCA letter, as the amounts remain inexplicable & I like the idea of them being charged £550 which they can pass on to TalkTalk for being stupid. Hopefully this will be the end of the matter. I suspect though that I'll hear from them again in error. *offcom don't actually adjudicate over broadband, you have to speak to either CISAA or the Ombudsman Services: Communication people
  9. Talktalk phoned my father and told him his broadband contract needed renewing but told him that he was getting a free TV package as well. He got the reciver but he couldnt get it working so ignored it. However, they have charged him £172 for the "free" package and probably an increased monthly telephone/broadband charge as well. he has no paperwork to say what went on so i have obtained power of attorney to deal with them over this matter. Problem is, how do I get them to understand the authority i have so they desist from contacting my elderly parents and take me seriously. An email addy for the CEO would be a good start and then he can tell me where I send the legal papers and wont be able to avoid theconsquences of his own policies on forced selling of dud services.
  10. Hi all, new on here, and wondered if any body else has this experience. Broadband (not fibre) has worked fine all summer, since being sent a new router and buying a new computer,about March. In August/September I began getting sales calls, "go to Fibre", being the message. At about the same time, the BB performance began to decline again, being particularly affected by the passage of electric trains on the West Coast Main Line, about 50 mtrs or so away. I complained to TT, who couldn't find a fault with online testing, so a service call was arranged,for 17.10. I knew from Ts & Cs that a £50 fee could be charged for a wasted visit. Engineer could not find a fault, I explained about these trains, no comment, except to say real answer is yes you guessed it, go Fibre. I have now done that, and have now been hit with the £50 wasted visit charge, even though nothing was done, and the Engineers written report stated that the Customer has done nothing wrong with the apparatus/equipment/installation. During the time preceding the service visit, the BB service remained poor, and I continued receiving sales calls , Once the go live of fibre, the service is back to its level of summer, but you'd expect that. I can't help feeling that TT deliberately affected the performance in order to force me to go Fibre. Anyone else had the same experience? cheers chad
  11. Hi i hope someone can help me with a question regadibg time limits on payment of bills for services like talktalk. I wanted to know how long do you have to pay your bill once the due date has passed before they restrict your services thankyou cher69
  12. Hi, My contract with TalkTalk ends in Feb 2015. Ive been advised that I can cancel before that it ends bygiving 30 days notice, and would cost me £46 but they told me I can NOT cancel in writing or email. It has to be by phone? Surely this CANT be right? Please help.
  13. Recently changed my landline number with TalkTalk. Within days began getting calls from male person asking aggressively if I had been in an accident. Rather cleverly the number appears slightly different whenever they call. TalkTalk have said they only have a marketing list for internal employees to sell their products to customers and do not sell on numbers to 3rd parties. They have taken me off their marketing list, even though I had no knowledge of being opted in or asked to be. Have to say I am not totally convinced. Just wondered if anyone else has had this issue? Thanks.
  14. Hi I ordered fibre large plustv and anytime calls from talktalk from the start it was a nightmare no fibre straight onto there normal broadband package as well as there basic tv and calls service I rang them to tell them what I was on wasn't what I ordered after some discussion with managers It was agreed they had made a mistake in the mean time a you view box arrived then a you view plus box arrived and after missing the first appointment the fibre engineer arrived? on looking at this months bill I am to be charged £50 for a you view box which I didn't ask for or use and £17 call charges despite from the outset I opted for the anytime package the whole thing has been a nightmare what if anything can I do, I still have the original order number when I placed my first order before they messed it up
  15. I have had to resort on legal action against talktalk. In sept 13 I sent them an emailing stating that the dd is cancelled and I have done the 18 month contract so expect no disconnection fee. received an email confirming my 18 months but need to give 30 day notice and if cancelling speak to our customer service and maybe they can offer me something for being a customer. I left it at that and expected to be charged the extra 30 days... at this time and still am off sick with depression . ... i went awol for a few months and had to stay with relatives. In the meantime they had carried on with the landline contract and only now have cancelled it! Even though I complained to the CEO DIDO HARDING in Jan as have had bailiff letters with threat of legal actions. I have tried to explain my side, they are not interested just want money. CEO MANAGER SAMUEL ?? has confirmed they will knock off £50 (a good will gesture) which leaves me to pay £200!!!! As for my mobile .. ... vodafone had network outage for 17 days over xmas (local mast was down in cf43 area) so i had no network and couldnt speak to any of my family who are all in ireland, you could send a text and it may take 2-3 days to be delivered. When it was fixed emailed and rang cs they didnt acknowledge the vodafone issue and argued with me that if I was able to send texts there wasn't an outage even though vodafone did on their forum, I kept screenshots of the non exsistent signal and the forum. Eventually they accepted it after contacting Dido in the same email. I got sick of repeating everything to different cs staff whenever I rang so stopped answering their harressment calls... . its almost like they have "time to kill ..." then this SAMUEL in CEO office has offered £40 off Dec and Jan bill as they placed my phone on restriction even though I was waiting on a manager call back and a complaint is logged on their system and having repeatedly warning them that the dd is cancelled until issue is resolved. My phone is still restricted and expect to be cut off soon so my only option is go legal as can't stay with them for another 14 months and can't afford early termination fee of over £300.. ... anyone got any help or suggestions am at wits end with the idiots and this is really making my health suffer with the worry.
  16. On August 22nd at 4.30pm I went into Car phone warehouse in Bournemouth to ask an sales assistant if he could ring up and ask for a PAC code, as my old one was wearing out and I wanted to upgrade to another handset. I had rang TalkTalk mobile previously asking if I could move my mobile phone bill to an upgraded handset, but I was told this could not happen. When I got though the man at the end in the Indian call centre asked why I was leaving and I explained because my handset was wearing out, and I wanted to upgrade to a better handset through Carphone Warehouse. He kept putting me on hold for long periods and when I asked for the PAC code I couldn't understand what he was saying so I had to ask him politely to repeat it. I have borderline learning difficulties and find it hard to hear things. When he gave me a PAC code, the Car phone warehouse assistant said it was not correct. The TalkTalk supervisor at the call centre kept insisting I hang up and call back again from my land line. This I couldn't do as I wasn't at home and it was a long journey back. Eventually I was put on hold for over half an hour and never even heard back from them! It was 5.30pm closing time by the time we got anywhere, I feel this is not good enough for a service they promise to so many customers in the UK. I feel I have been treated unfairly and this is appalling way to treat a customer. I will not be returning back to TalkTalk as the service which used to be very good and fallen considerably. I am now worried that after my last bill has come out of my bank, that they will attempt to take more money at the end of the following month. How do I stop that please? Please can you help me sort this please? And apology would be nice, but I am not holding my breath.
  17. Hi, hope this is the right place. A few months ago I took out a mobile phone sim card contract with TalkTalk. I changed my mind the same day the sim card arrived and posted it back with a letter saying the same and to cancel the contract. Since then I have been bombarded with bills for this sim card. Despite writing and telephoning numerous times and on one occasion being told everything is resolved I have now received a letter from Roxburghe debt collectors. I have no idea of the way forward here. It's the first time I have ever owed (not owed in this case) money to anybody let alone a debt collector. This could ruin my credit rating maybe. Can somebody please guide me on the next move and any template letter that may be here covering the law on this matter. First thing I will do though is cancel my TalklTalk services for broadband and phone, they really do stink. Thanks.
  18. Hi everyone, I joined TalkTalk broadband & phone in November 2012 and TalkTalk mobile in May 2013 and all was fine, until recently! For the last 3 months there have been problems with talktalk taking payment by direct debit despite direct debit being set up on my account. Their excuse has been that there is no direct debit set up! After numerous phone calls, emails and also a charge for non-direct debit payment, I hopefully have it sorted. (time will tell). The new problem is with my talktalk mobile plan. When signing up to a talktalk plan, whether it be small, medium or large, one of the features is that a customer gets 100 minutes to call other talktalk mobiles. On looking at my online bill, it appears that, although I have called a certain talktalk mobile number on numerous occasions, the minutes have been deducted from my monthly allowance. (I am on the small plan). I have raised this issue with talktalk through emails and phone calls but to no avail. I lost my patience and emailed the CEO, Dido harding, to help get this sorted once and for all. I then received an email apologising for the "mix up", and I was offered one months' free as a goodwill gesture. I gratefully accepted and was happy again. Or at least for a short time. I then received a phone call from a manager at the CEOs office who apologised for any inconvenience and promised to sort it for me. The manager phoned me again and told me that one of her colleagues had told her that to get the 100 minutes, I had to have an extra mobile or SIM linked to my account! I questioned this and also asked where this was stated in the Ts&Cs. I said that a friend of mine, who is also on talktalk, has this feature active on their account so why don't I? I emailed the manager a screenshot of the "100 minutes to other talktalk mobiles" and a copy of their own terms and conditions and I received a new email saying, Dear Mr Bloggs, Thank you for your email. I think you maybe right on this as I have spoken to some of colleagues about this and they agree that it must be for any TalkTalk mobiles not just ones linked to the account. Could I ask you to provide me with the mobile number of your friend who also has TalkTalk mobile so I can check over his details regarding this extra. Please be assured that I will sort this out for you as soon as possible. Although I am now better informed, I am still non the wiser. Could any of you clever folk pick the bones out of this and advise me where I go from here and what to do next. I have said to the manager via email that they have breached my contract and I intend to terminate my contract. Am I within my rights to do so? Thank you for taking the time to read this life story! kind regards
  19. Hi Been with Talktalk 7 years until an issue with broadband which left me with no internet at all. I reported the fault and the fault was not fixed after 2 weeks and spending 5 hours of my time on the phone to their highly trained help lines.! I told them i wanted the fault fixed in the following two days or i was going to change providers ! the rep told me he did not care !!. I went to BT who reconnected everything no problem without sending out an engineer to the house. Now Talktalk have sent me a bill for over £700 for breaking contract ! i would have thought it was them who broke the contract by not fixing the fault or even giving me any indication as to when it would be fixed. Have sent letters to customer service dept but they have not even responded to the last one. any ideas ?
  20. Hi, Just over a month ago I bought a two TalkTalk mobiles - there were some teething problems which I was assured would be ironed out in 3-5 days. After about 3 weeks, one of the handsets was working and I successfully ported my old number (from Vodafone). However, in trying to fix the second handset they have deleted my old number (which I have had for some years and use for private and professional uses), and given me a default number instead. While I complained and eventually got through to the CEO's office, nothing is apparently being done to retrieve my old number, and they can't promise that they would. Vodafone can't get my number back as it's already been ported. Is there anything I can do to get this fixed? I've tried the "the squeaky wheel gets the oil" approach which just seems to confuse them as they just add action after action onto my account notes which doesn't get done, and I've taken it as high as they're willing to go. What's the going rate in Court for a lost number? Thanks, Frank P.S. The second handset STILL doesn't work, either.
  21. TalkTalk: Advertising to thwart As a happy talktalk customer (and I mean happy as I have nothing but good service), I noticed that there are a few discrepancies on their pages that are somewhat questionable... Most of them advertising, which in the end I never wound up with. Luckily I'm IT savvy and know better but here are the examples: 1) "TalkTalk Plus TV, broadband and phone only £15.50 a month". Looks good, looks snazzy. In the small print they do mention that you get a YouView box included, but in the MYRIADS of policies they link you to, they offer nothing of the like what they show you. No TV included like the picture, you do get the YouView box at a price, even though you can install it yourself, you HAVE to have an engineer and no phone handset? Image below: Ad link removed 2) Next they don't tell you, that despite being 500 yards from the exchange (As is in my case) you NEED To have fibre as because you are in a town, your ADSL line is busy (it is? with such a low population?). What they forget to mention is how many exchanges are in your town. In the 'old days' they shared 'contention ratio's'. What that is, is how many people you share the line with. i.e. 1:2500 contention is 1 line: 2500 people. That mysteriously vanished in the ADSL maturity days. 3)Next is their actual fibre install, yet another £50. THey send an engineer around to help you install fibre. Despite me being IT savvy, they 'had to' to ensure they have the best technical advice. In light of that, look at the next picture: Ad link removed Nice, I think to myself, they show a Macbook Pro there, solo they must know what they are talking about. They arrive here, they see I have an iMac, Macbook Pro, Apple TV, iPad and iPhone. Not to mention the airplay stereo and bonvoyage printer I have… THey arrive, got the broadband working on the router (Huawei HG533) then move to my iMac to test it.. Quote: 'Um, what do you use to use the internet, I can't find firefox or internet explorer' Reply: *sigh* SAFARI Next I asked that he set the printers up as I couldn't be bothered, so he tried. Once again I had to explain how to set apple printers up. Woah betide me, the HG522 is barely apple compliant! THe printing works, but the scanning is a no-go unless you set it to WiFi Channel 5 on 803.11N mode for the new ones. The iPad and that I set up myself out of pure frustration.. In the end WATCH very carefully what you do here, they misadvertise a lot…… Any feedback?
  22. I made a huge mistake earlier this year, and briefly considered moving to TalkTalk from Sky. My complants letter should make things clear: ==== Customer Relations Department TalkTalk Group P.O. Box 360 Southampton SO30 2NP 8th January 2013 Cancellation Number: XXXXXXXX Dear Sir / Madam I am writing in regard to the above cancellation to confirm it in writing as I have no confidence whatsoever in the ability of your telephone ‘helpdesk’ staff to follow simple verbal instructions. In a moment of madness we considered switching over to TalkTalk on Friday 4th January and placed an order for the broadband, phone and television product. This was quite straightforward. We then contacted Sky to instruct them that we were changing providers, only for them to come back with a significant price reduction that made us decide to stay with them. Calling TalkTalk to cancel the order - around 20 minutes after placing it - has been an infuriating process. Despite being given a cancellation number of XXXXXXXX, we were bombarded with SMS messages and emails informing us that the engineer would be visiting on two different days for various installations. As you charge a £70 fee for a missed installation we are naturally concerned that these unwanted installs had been booked after the order was cancelled. We were also assigned a phone number of XXXXX XXXXX. Trying to resolve the problem has been a complete nightmare. I have heard of the Infinite Monkey Theorem, in which it is speculated an infinite number of monkeys sitting at typewriters and hitting keys at random will eventually result in one of them producing the complete works of Shakespeare ~ I was however completely unaware that any company operated a helpdesk using the same policy until I encountered your aftersales team. It took three evenings of calls to hopefully cancel everything. One of the stumbling blocks was that unknown to us, the original helpdesk operator had only cancelled the TV package, resulting in an extensive round of being transferred, given over a directory worth of different 0870 numbers to ring, endlessly confirming details only for it all to be repeated to the slack-jawed halfwit that we got transferred to next before we managed to cancel everything else. We did call a fourth evening after we discovered a Direct Debit had been set-up at my bank (which I have since deleted via online banking) after we had been told everything was cancelled. This time we somehow managed to speak to a competent advisor as soon as we were connected, who stated the contract had been cancelled but it would ‘take a few days for the system to catch up with it.’ A few days for a computer system to update? Did someone forget to feed the hamster in the wheel that powers the I.T. department? Given the ineptitude of the previous advisors, would you please confirm in writing that the contract is dead. As I stated previously hopefully everything is cancelled ~ I’m rather reluctant to take their word for it, hence wanting written confirmation. Yours extremely happy we stayed with Sky, Unclebob48 PS - Just in case you only read this bit, please cancel the bloody order! And please feed the I.T. hamster. PPS - I sent this recorded delivery so we’ll know if any money is taken from my bank account afterwards. If it does, the Ombudsman will be all over you like a rash. Well, maybe. And karma will probably bite you on the arse too. ==== I did get a reply. ==== Dear Unclebob48 Thankyou for your recent letter. I am sorry you had to contact TalkTalk to resolve your complaint. My understanding of your complaint is as follows: You decided to place an order with TalkTalk for TV, Broadband and Calls, however after the order was placed you contacted your current provider to let them know you were leaving and you were offered a very competitive deal which you agreed to accept. However when you contacted TalkTalk to cancel your order the Customer Service agents were not clear as to when the order would be cancelled which resulted with you having to make numerous calls to TalkTalk to ensure the order had indeed been cancelled. I have checked the records on your account and I can confirm your TalkTalk order was cancelled in 10 January 2013. I fully appreciate the points raised in your letter and understand the obvious distress and inconvenience this matter has caused you. However, I would like to take this opportunity do(sic) confirm we care passionately about providing a first class service and it is always distressing to learn we have fallen short in that area. I am sorry that you feel we have failed you in that respect. If you would like to speak to me, my personal number is 0333 001 1938. Please feel free to contact me at any time. If I am not available, my answering service will record your message and I will pick it up as soon as I am next available. Yours sincerely Karen Fraser Manager, Chief Executives Officer ==== Fair enough, order should be cancelled, right? Wrong. I got a reminder text yesterday, informing me that the Engineer would be calling in on 07/02/2013 to install the phone and broadband. I ignored it, thinking it must just be an automated message sent in error. Today, the postie dropped off a TalkTalk Wireless Router. Naturally I am now waiting for a returned call from Karen, having already tried to explain the situation to a 'customer advisor' over a line so bad they were probably working from a call centre in Delhi. Sorry for the wall of text, needed to vent. TL;DR - TalkTalk do my head in.
  23. Hi All I know there are a number of talktalk threads but I couldn't find one that addressed our particular problem and I'm hoping somebody on here can help and advise. The situation, in brief. My girlfriend was with TalkTalk and had been for quite sometime. She was not in any contract period etc. she was moving house and decided to switch to BT after having had a dreadful quality of service for quite sometime, including dreadful phone and broadband quality coupled with industry leading poor customer service practices. after spending hours trying to find a way to cancel the service without ringing their expensive 087 numbers she found an online form for cancellation and filled it in. This led to a phone call during which she cancelled her contract giving one months notice. So far so good. She moved, BT did a fantastic job at the new property and all was well with the telecoms world. she got some redirected mail which showed that talktalk were still billing for the line and hadn't disconnected the services. I won't bore you with full details of what followed, you've read it all before. Endless attempts to call, transfered around departments, hang ups and no help with the upshot being talktalk claiming she needed to ring a week before the end to confirm she wanted to cancel. We are now several months down the line and they are trying with the debt collector threats - thank god she had the sense to cancel her DD immediately. We already know there is no point talking to them, we've tried writing a letter of complaint, all to no avail. They claim she didn't cancel, we know she did and I'm confident any county court judge would interpret the contract in our favour. Now to me it is clear this is simply a racket based upon the fact that enough people will simply cough up to make it worthwhile but my girlfriend is less used to this than I am (I've had my fair share of debt issues over the years and as they had destroyed my credit rating I simply bin their letters and await the legendary doorstep collectors) and she is a little worried about what to do next - and this is where you all come in. I'd like to simply issue some sort of claim in the small claims court for costs and distress but she just wants it to go away. Are there any organisations we can go to who will deal with this or can you offer any additional advice, steps etc etc, other than wasting more hours of your life on the phone to people who are a mixture of the unwilling and unable to help? Thanks for reading.
  24. Hi, I received a letter from Roxburghe Debt Collectors today demanding £80. this is in ref to disputed and confusing TalkTalk charges (total £50) for early closure of my broadband/phone account. Underlined in the letter it says: 'do not contact our client as we are now appointed agents'. I have been corresponding with TalkTalk to try and get a breakdown of the disputed charges but have been unable to get any information thus far. I received a 'final demand' letter in Nov which TalkTalk state 'if no attempt is made to clear this balance within the next 7 days; your details will be passed to a Debt Collection Agency for further action'. I referred to this 'final demand' letter in the letter I sent to TalkTalk the same week. Rightly or wrongly, I assumed that because I am trying to deal with the disputed charges, TalkTalk would hold off on debt collection action, so it's surprising to see a sentence saying 'do not contact our client' in the Roxburghe letter. I am very hacked off with TalkTalk and their non-existent 'customer service' dept, who have failed to answer any questions from the 4 letters I've sent. In fact, in my last letter I began charging a fee for time wasted sorting the matter out. So, my questions are: is it okay to ignore this Roxburghe letter or is it better to reply? Apart from threatening letters, what is the likelihood that Roxburghe will pursue this charge if I continue to ignore them? Thanks
  25. Hi, Having major problems with Talktalk, have been speaking with them today to cancel the phone and broadband service after being with them for 15 years. They have told me I have to pay £35 disconnection fee as somehow my contract was renewed in March this year, although I don't see how or why. They advised they phoned to renew the contract as they do each year, but I strongly deny this as it would have gone onto a rolling contract like any other service. Is this something you guys have heard of? Edit: To add, we won't be moving to a property with a fixed landline as it's a lodge on a Caravan Park.
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