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  1. Hi, I had a Payday loan with Wage Day Advance which was sold to MMF about a month ago. Since then it has been nothing but non-stop harassment from them, I get around five to six forms of contact per day, either by email, text or phone call to both mobile and landlines. This even started prior to receiving a formal letter from Wage Day Advance stating they hold sold the account on! They are constantly threatening a home visit from one of their officers, each day I receive some form of contact detailing this. I have both written and emailed MMF enclosing the standard formal letters for telephone harassment. I also enclosed one for disputing the amount owed as it is incorrect. To date these letters have been ignored. Yesterday my wife received a phone call at home from MMF saying they were sending round an officer to our house. This was quite distressful for her to say the least. So I phoned MMF to find out what was going on as I had really had enough. I was advised that all contact numbers would be deleted and details of the account sent in the post. This morning I received ANOTHER email requesting that I phone them to make a form appointment for one of their agents to visit my property. If ignored they would just turn up at my home, they also stated they would be adding further interest and costs to the account. I appreciate it was foolish to dabble in a Pay Day loan to start with, but unfortunately my circumstances left me no choice, as it does for a lot of people out there. I really am struggling with this one now, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Not sure whether I should just take this to the Ombudsman now? Many thanks.
  2. my GP signed me off work for a month due to work related stress, after i sent it to my employer the nxt day i have been receiving emails from him on my personal email, also text messages. at the end of all messages he orders me to confirm receipt of the message. it has been a week that i am off sick and this is information that he has provided me: 1. not being paid in full - sickness payment 86 pound/week 2. he's going to call me every monday and thursday to check my well being (previous call he was asking me to think about if my stress is because of personal life instead of work) 3. without his agreement he doesn't allow me to go to the office: he has locked all my company accounts including email and IT facilities and also the pass accessing the company building 4. he's going to conduct an interview at the end of my sickness period, and carry out a new role for me i feel like being treated like a dog, he's messages have very threatening tone. I feel he is not supporting my recovery at all but harassment. Or this should be a normal procedure for all one month sick leaves?
  3. If you are a customer of British gas, & you have ever failed to pay your bills in full on time , You may know how this company operate, They will start ringing you (if they have your telephone number) after a little as one week after the payment due date, they will ring several times a day sometimes a burst of calls in quick succession , or several calls at different times of the day, even during the evenings , they ring every day (Sundays excluded) use several different numbers to call you from I once answered the phone to them, and that was a mistake, After explaining that i disputed some of the charges and that i couldn't pay all in one go, this opened the gates for even more harassment, until i complained in writing to them, I was contacted by someone who stopped the phone calls (took a few days) and amended the bill , which i then paid, now i just turn the phone on silent and ignore them, & when i have the money i'll pay them , faceless greedy utility company as what they are, The other form of harassment is the so called safety inspection that they conduct on both gas and electric meters, 2yrs for gas but supposed to be longer for electric, This saftey check is nothing more than a way of enforcing a meter reading every two years, the person who carries out these checks isn't an engineer but a G4S ( other companies are available ) meter reader , IMO as they don't carry out any safety checks, the provision in law that allows them the powers of entry to do this, should be revoked as their claims are nothing but lies, all because they don't trust their customers
  4. Hello! I work as a support worker for a well known charity for adults with learning disabilities. I work in a supported living house for 4 adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities. I have been working there for around 18 months. I have been having problems with relationships with colleagues since around January. There has been a lot of gossip/bitching/nastiness about me - I guess its bullying and harassment as I have been asked a lot of questions by staff members who use that information to continue to be nasty about me! Its predominately two members of staff. I believe these two manipulated another member of staff to go to my manager and make a complaint about me. I had a supervision and not much came of it because there were no real reasons as to why there had been a complaint about me. I expressed in my supervision that I currently did not feel part of the team, and my manager discussed the possibility of a transfer to another service and I went to look around the other service. In the meantime the nastiness was still going on, but I just dealt with it and ignored it. In the meantime my manager left and a new manager came into the service. I was told I wasn't allowed to split my contract or transfer to the other service (seemingly because they did not want to loose me from that service) so I worked on a relief basis at the new service, but working fulltime meant I did not do many shifts there. I expressed to my manager, again, in a meeting that I was really unhappy and said verbally that I wanted to transfer, and again, he pretty much said no. An allegation was then made about me and another staff member which was investigated, and not continued. Many of the staff in the house do not follow policies and procedures often not reporting things, covering peoples backs. I reported a mistake, which was investigated and also not taken any further because there was not enough evidence. It unfortunately happened to be one of the two people that have been causing problems. I was signed off sick with stress for 3 weeks as the nastiness had all got too much and I was put on anti-depressants. I was finally offered a transfer full time due to the fact I raised how unhappy I was in the formal investigation meeting with the independent investigator (which is all logged) and that was due to happen next week. On my last day an allegation was made about me and I am now suspended. I know what the allegation is and it is complete rubbish, but obviously don't know who made the allegation. It's actually quite contradictive and considering some of the behaviours I see from some of the staff its completely hypocritical. So here I am. I believe the company haven't considering my well being and duty of care and if it had been dealt with sooner then I wouldn't be in this mess now, surely? None of the nastiness has been dealt with and now I have been suspended where it has just got so nasty. I am now on anti depressents because of the stress they have caused previously, and I have told them how unhappy I am so many times and they just haven't listened. Where do I stand? It just feels like a complete mess
  5. I was reinstated in my job after i resigned during a grievance hearing. I filed a grievance that my manager was treating me unfairly. After this happened i was temporarily moved and my manager visited and wanted to performance manage me. I always had a record performance, never been performanced managed. Hence the director sensed something was not right and reinstated me. gave me a new store in same district with same mgr. i was asked at the hearing if i could work with my mgr again and i specifically said, yes providing she treats me fairly, with respect and dignity as per policy. It has been 8 mths and i have had a life of hell at work, been given 2 underperforming reviews by my mgr, put on a performance improvement plan, received a first warning, successfully got off the plan with higher scorecard than the entire district, being told i'm too 'soft', i should have sacked some ppl by now. The last straw for me was recently when she copied an email to HR accusing me of gross negligence, threatening to investigate me. and started conducting a disproportionate investigation. I became so stressed under her leadership, i could not sleep, had lower abdominal pains,i lost weight, i lost my hair, i was not functioninig normal, i had panic attacks and anxiety, diahorrea, vomiting in addition i had a gynaenecological health issue which she knew about which made me ill worse and caused severe bleeding. I was signed off for 6 weeks for work related stress and gynaecological issues under investigaton. during this time i filed a grievance. The six weeks expires today. The grievance meeting is scheduled for this monday. i want to go through the grievance procedure fully again but cannot continue working for employer, as i felt they placed my heallth and my well being at risk. any advice as to what i could do. ive worked with company for 7 years. and i cannot afford legal advice, spoken to acas who said i need to try and resolve with my employer..
  6. This company has sent me three texts from three different numbers, and I've had a pre-recorded message asking me to ring them. I've rung them (I know I shouldn't but I love to wind them up) and they can't identify me due to the wrong address they have (an address I moved out of nearly 4 years ago!). The debt they are chasing must either be nearing statute barring (as was a previous debt they gave up on) or a mistake as I know I haven't had any loans in over four years. It is the text messages (3 in under 24 hours, and the phone call) that I am annoyed about, I've asked for a copy of their complaints procedure and will be following it up. When you phone them on 01138876876 you are told they can 'offer various solutions including a substantial discount, loan or payday loan (oh yes, they state this clearly) to help pay for the debt. - Major breach of OFT Guidelines here. Just as well I am a seasoned CAGGER and able to get their poor phone jockey to tell me off as she can't control the call herself and I refuse to give out my previous address. Shows that they do NOT employ proper tracing methods otherwise a cross check of their own system would have found me easily here - I last had dealings with them in November and they ran away then! Complaint to the OFT coming up as soon as I have complained to them first!
  7. Warning to all mobile phone users: avoid carphone warehouse like the plague, unless of course you enjoy receiving up to 5 phone calls a day from their cold-calling sales agents offering the so-called 'best ever mobile contracts' available ever! I was unfortunate enough to be on their mailing list (from a purchase several years ago) and have been trying to have my details removed from their systems for ten days now. I have received 3-5 calls daily, and on several occassions they actually were sneaky enough to make me think they were calling from T-mobile directly. If, like me, you despise cold-calling marketing tactics, may I suggest that you AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE!:sad:
  8. Received a few hundred pounds off them today in compensation following my formal complaint regarding their treatment of me and refusal to only contact me in writing. I'll give them their dues though they swiftly responded to my formal complaint and admitted where they went wrong etc.
  9. Hiya For the past ten days or so I have been getting recorded telephone messages at all times of the day and evening from Barclaycard on my home telephone. These messages are NOT for me, they obviously have the wrong number, the person concerned has never lived here, nor is known to me at all. As they are recorded I cannot tell them that they are calling the wrong number. If I call them back I cannot talk to anyone as I am not the person they are trying to reach, so cannot get through the security questions to talk to a person. if I call any other Barclaycard number it requests my barclaycard details in order to get through to a real person, and I DONT have a barclaycard! This is driving me nuts and it is so wrong. does anyone know of a number that I can call and speak to someone directly about this? Thank you
  10. What's the difference, in employment law, between bullying and harrasment?
  11. I haven't been here for sometime, so hello to anyone who remembers me. I sorted out most of my debts but it appears 2 are still causing trouble. I am not sure which 2 at this point because I moved a couple of years ago and don't have the details to hand - stuff still in boxes! However, they have tracked me down and my other half isn't too happy about it. I am starting to get silent calls again and they have sent me 2 letters addressed to me in different ways - i.e. Mrs Vam Pyra and Mrs V A M Pyrya so I guess they relate to 2 different accounts. The letter says they have reason to believe I live at this address and would I please telephone them and if I don't they will continue to contact me at this address and keep this address on file. I am on sickness benefits as I cannot work and I am very worried about this spiralling out of control with the OH as he will always pass the phone to me if someone asks for me. We do not see eye to eye on these things and he believes I should deal with it. I need some help to stop them ringing and really get them off of my back. Trouble is I can't ask for a CCA or SAR wiithout admitting I live here. Wish I hadn't had to get on the electoral roll now
  12. My son had a visit from two officers from TV licencing he did not have a licence in place and told them that he froze it back in September because he was going to Scotland which he did. He contacted them a few weeks back to reinstate the licence and was spoken to like a criminal, the guy was most unhelpful and demanded payment eventhough he asked for a payment card, he did not have any cash in the bank as he is on JSA. The guy was so rude my son put the phone down on him, being a hot headed person. Hence the visit, they asked for his reasons which he explained and they seemed to be quite understanding. But I have my doubts as they read him his rights and gave him a Tv payment card. Do you think it will still go to court? Any advise would be greatly accepted. Not sure where to post this? mashmallow
  13. Hello all, I was pointed this way by a few concerned friends when I showed them a letter I had received yesterday from Hamptons Legal, (on the back it said it was from Lowell) regarding a debt from a catalog (Littlewoods-Shop Direct) totalling £600+ from about a year or so ago. Now at that time I was in Scotland, but due to domestic issues with my partner we split and I moved back down to my family in Hampshire around the start of April this year. In the madness which ensued, and the fact my partner was paying this off (He stopped since and failed to inform me) I thought all this had been resolved. I acknowledge I owe this money, since it is in my name, so upon receipt of this letter which threatened the usual (bailiffs, CCJ etc) I called Lowells and tried to explain and make a workable payment plan. The woman who answered was rude, aggressive and kept talking over me, demanding I set up a direct debit immediately to clear the debt, not listening when I tried to explain that I am alone and on Income support with 2 young children to support, and that paying £600 in one go just wasn't a possibility. I tried to explain if she would be willing to send me payment slips, I would pay them £50 a month until the account was settled. "We don't do that anymore, so I want your bank account details so I can set up a Direct debit" was all I got in response. I explained again that I wasn't going to give her my bank account details over the phone. When she ignored me again after I re-explained my situation to her and that I don't have that much money to pay in one go, things got a little heated when she demanded my bank account details for the 4th or 5th time and I ended up throwing a few choice words her way and hung up. Since then I have had nothing but bothersome phone-calls demanding I pay up via direct debit immediately, or they will send the bailiffs out to my grandmothers house (which is where I am currently living) to "recover the debt". I am more than willing to pay the amount owing, but I cant afford to do it in the lump sum they want me to via direct debit and i have a sneaking suspicion that had I given them my bank account details, I'd have had a very angry phone-call from my bank this morning. Any help or advice would be greatly received right now, because I'm frazzled and have no idea what to do now. Lise x
  14. Hi, I am really hoping someone can help me. Without going into to much detail I will try and explain my problem. I work as a bar manager, I have 1 barmaid below me and a manager above me. I have had several issues with both who happen to be friends. A few weeks ago I was suspended pending investigation. I attended an informal meeting where I was asked to account for several issues that were actually because of both the above mentioned people but who didnt take responsibility for this instead choosing to let me take the blame. These issues have included but not exclusively losing cash from the till, losing stock, shouting at me in front of patrons and doctoring paperwork. I have complained to my line manager several times about the barmaid nothing has even been said to her, I have complained to the higher ups about my manager nothing has been said to her. Tomorrow I have a disciplinary hearing at which I could get sacked. I was told I could bring witnesses BUT I have been told I cannot speak to any other staff members or patrons!!! I am at my wits end and dont really know what to do from here. Many patrons have expressed support for me but this has been ignored Thank you in advance for any help and advice.
  15. Right had a payment plan with these guys for 6 months. Every month I pay cash directly into their account, always on or before due date. 2 days later I get txts and emails telling me I havent paid, charges are being added, the recovery agents are coming! etc etc. So this month I've had enough offered a f & f to close account. Let this be an end to it.
  16. Hi, A little while back I started receiving emails and phone calls from a DCA called Credit Resource Solutions, asking for money. It relates to a company that I have previously had a debt with, but I'm almost certain I cleared the debt in full, and have had no dealing with said company for at least a couple of years. The sum is only £10, but it's the principle rather the money that is concerning me here. I asked for a statement of account from the original creditor, showing all payments, but nothing has been forthcoming. I also requested that any contact from them should be by post. Next, I emailed CRS warning them that I would consider any further contact from them as unlawful harrassment. This has done nothing to stop them, and I am still receiving regular emails from them, as well as numerous phone calls, most of which are silent. What is my best course of action here? I have read that harrassment from debt collectors is a criminal offence under the Administration of Justice Act 1970. So who should I be reporting them to? The police? Trading standards? As I've said, it's not the money that worries me, but I just want to get back at these scumbags and stop them contacting me. If I find out that I do indeed owe the original creditor, I will happily pay, but I refuse to give anything to CRS after dealing with me so appallingly. Any advice much appreciated.
  17. Anyone else had a problem with Sunstone Telecom? they are anything but sunny! About 5 years ago they sold our limited company a contract, which we understood to have been for a period of 2 years. We cancelled the service after 4 1/2 years, as we didn't use the phone much and they have expensive minimum spend clause. Letters demanding huge fees (Like about £800) started arriving, morphing into letters with "Debt Agency" headings talking about court proceedings, baliffs etc. And many phone calls - I mean loads. We don't answer them, at least not after the first few - when we asked for proof of contract and they even admitted they didn't have copy of contract. We realised their tactics are to trap people into verbal agreements on the phone and then threaten them into paying large sums later. In out case, not only is there no contract, but the original agreement was with a limited company that was closed over 2 years ago. They simply put my name in place of the Ltd company, without permission. I've lost count of the phone calls - must be over a 100 and can be outside work hours. I can't imagine how distressing this might be to an elderly person or someone vunerable. Any ideas on how to get rid of them?
  18. Please excuse the rant, but I have just come off the telephone from HSBC and I am sooo angry! I just wanted opinions really. We have had two mortgages with HSBC for over 15 years - We have always paid the full amount on the 24th - or next working day, of each month on both mortgages, as this is the date I get paid. However, about this time last year, my husband was made redundant, and we fell into arrears, almost to the point of losing our house -we had not one ounce of assistance from HSBC, apart from being constantly hounded, even though we were making token payments of £100pm (on 24th) on both mortgages. Luckily, just in time my husband got a job (May, this year) and we paid the arrears on 25th May, we were then told we had to make our monthly payment also on 1st June. We made the payments plus £50 extra off each account and have continued to do so on 25th of both June and July. Great you may think, we are paying excess on our mortgages each month and also paying a week early on each account! It would seem not! We continue to get letters each month telling us we are falling behind with our payments - because - we are paying too early and it is coming off the balance - and showing as arrears! Payment due £XXX.XX on 29th July (Sunday) - Payment made, plus £50 on 26th July (Thursday). Arrears letter sent 31st July, arrears letter sent 3 August - plus numerous phone calls - within ONE day of an apparent missed payment!!! I have been spoken to like a child on both of my hour long querys on the telephone, and basically told, if I continue to pay early, I will continue to get arrears letters! (This was after we had spent half an hour discussing the wrong account, on one call!) As I am paid on 24th of each month I asked for my payment date to be brought forward - but they can only push it back which will incur 20.00 extra in daily interest. I feel this is ridiculous! Either I pay my morgage at the correct, exact, amount, on the correct, exact day or I am harrassed - either that or put more money into HSBC's grubby little pocket - which I will not do! It feels that we are being penalised for working hard, to try to ensure that we dont end up in the same situation in the future, and am now in a different catagory having had recent arrears - despite 15 years of paying regularly! Even after all they have done, the banks really do have us over a barrell and I just wondered if you had heard of such rigidity before, and, if so, what your take on the situation is? I am so frustrated and upset and I dont know where else to turn. I have had another letter today requesting full balance payment. Even when in credit, still I cannot get HSBC off my back!
  19. Hullo, I've put this in "General Consumer" - however please feel free to move I keep getting calls from foreign-accented people asking me to complete a survey. I ask their Company name and was told "Consumer Centric" and I also asked for their Company registration number (and asked her to read it back in case she was giving me bogus information) and was given 02034754049 and, she tells me, they are registered in the UK. The only company I can find with that name was incorporated in 2010 and dissolved in 2011 and has a registration number completely different. If it's a UK company using a call centre in India... not sure what to do. They've called me three times this week - despite the fact that I AM a member of the telephone preference service (I've told them this three times). 1471 does not give me a phone number. Not sure where to go from here. Anyone in a similar situation or have any suggestions? Thanks Sam
  20. I have several creditors with whom I have come to an arrangement due to my circumstances. My only income is in the form of "Inalienable Benefits", and all have agreed to accept £1.00 per calendar month which I pay by standing order. However, one is giving me a problem. For the last three months they have written to me claiming that I have failed to comply with the agreement, and that they now demand payment in full immediately. I have responded explaining the position and enclosing a copy of their letter which states they have accepted my offer. They have not replied to any of my correspondence and continue to send these threatening letters monthly. What should I do next?
  21. Hello, For the past six months or so, I have been receiving letters at my house for my brother - who does not, and has never lived here for one of his debts. this DCA obviously found my name in the phone book or something and thought they'd get lucky. I have asked them to stop calling, and after the last letter I sent them an email as follows: Since sending this I have had two more letters, one now advising me of a doorstep collection. Am I within my rights to go ahead and sting them for harrassment? Advice appreciated, Thanks Sam
  22. Dear consumers, I recently contacted the West Midland Dept collection agency as they have been sending letters to my address to a woman I do not know. I have become used to these letters however, and phone calls, as many dept collectors have contacted me in regards to this unknown woman. Since the Phone calls started I now open the letters and call the agencys up to inform them they have the wrong information. I have rung..maybe 6 different agencys up and they have all ceased sending letters and were quite nice over the phone. Today it was the turn of the West Midlands Dept agency, I have rung them now four times, and they keep sending these letters and have mentioned sending bailifs to my house. I am heavily pregnant and suffer from ME and other disabilities and I cannot get to the post office to return their letter. I explained this over the phone to WMD and ,yes, I did lose my temper with them. A man called Asif refused to let me speak to the manager, refused to send me a letter in writing saying that the comapny would not be contacting me again and was agressive and rude. I did mention that the whole process was causing much stress and his reply, before hanging up was to tell me that was entierly my fault and to insult me. I was deeply upset and shaken but decided to ring the company back to give them the name of the agency with whom I purchased my house and with whom the house was under when it was let out. Again, the company was agressive.told me it was none of my business and was insulting. I would like to complain about their services, I do not beleive that a pregnant woman should be insulted and shouted at but I do not know how to go about a complaint without them binning my letter. They , or the team I dealt with seemed very chovanistic,and I dont trust I would get an answer to my letter. Is there anything I could do? Thanks, freya
  23. i have lived in my flat for 16 years, ive seen 3 occupants from the flat below come and go, then 5 years ago a woman bought the flat below me, all was well for 2 and a half years, due to a death in the family,i became depressed and started drinking, with the drink came music, in short a noise abatement notice was served, i paid the fine, had my possessions removed and got told to abide by the housings rules for 12 months. 8 months into my probation the neighbour started bombarding the housing with complaints about me again, this was aug last year, after i had put myself out to comply with the rules,and recovered myself, and has been complaining constantly since, noise she says, banging in the middle of the night, me and my son talking,my tv,my washing machine,me flushing my loo,walking up the hallway and down the stairs, i have so i thought been very careful in what noise i have made but alas it seems that its not enough, i did seek legal advice and got told to keep my own diary of all noise i hear and when i am not in my property as some issues were not accurate the last time. i have done this, when the noise team at my local housing phoned me and told me to expect a court date, i told my brief who said as soon as i know it to let them know, this was befor xmas, i did not receive a date, and yet this morning i get a letter from my court telling me that i have just 2 weeks for me and my son to get out of our home, im at my wits end, how is it possible to remove 16 years in just 2 weeks? no one seems to want to help me at the housing even though i have constantly tried, sound proofing is an issue in my flat as i am unemployed and cannot have sufficiant carpeting, the housing said they would refer me to a department that could help with this but never did refer me, i am a heavy set woman who does not step lightly as i have proven when i spoke to my brief, i have also came close to being admitted to hospital for high blood pressure due to this stress of these ongoing complaints, also being diabetic i tend to need the loo quite frequently which the neighbour has moaned about, i am going to the court tomorrow to fill out a N244 form, even though im not sre if this will help, sorry its been a long winded thread but i am at my wits end, i do not want to be thrown on the street with my son, somebody please help me:-(
  24. Hi Everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me with Moorcroft. I am new to this so please bear with me. I have taken some advice from reading other similar posts on here, but am unsure how to proceed next. Basically my husband and I once had a current account with Alliance and Leicester which was moved over to Santander when they took over the bank. We got into financial difficulties on the account after my husband was taken ill and I lost my job due to redundancy. All in all, the amount owed is less than £1000. The bulk of the debt we owe is charges that they kept putting on the account like £50 a week for being overdrawn and so we closed the account to stop it getting any worse. We were originally paying the bank back at £10 per month as that was all we could afford, but they stopped hassling us for a while after we told them we couldn't afford the repayment as they were waiting for the outcome of the OFT investigation into the unfair bank charges to see whether they might have to repay some of them. Anyway it has now been passed to Moorcroft who have been harrassing us constantly over the phone and demanding repayment and also threatening home visits. We sent them a CCA request (which they have not complied with after looking at posts on here). We know they received it as it was signed for by them and we thought the next stage would be to send them the "Account in Dispute" letter when the time limit for a reply expires on Monday next week, however today I received this letter from their accounts department. I will type it word for word minus my identifiers. It reads as follows: Dear Mr & Mrs -------, Thankyou for your recently received letter, requesting a copy of your credit agreement pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Please note that certain accounts are excluded from compliance with part V of the Consumer Credit Act or are not in fact credit or hire agreements and we believe that our client's account falls into one of these categories. We therefore require immediate payment of the sum outstanding or alternatively your client's realistic proposals for repayment of the same. Should you have any questions or require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us direct on the above telephone number. Yours sincerely Accounts Department (signed with a squiggle!) The repayment request is rather badly worded as though they are addressing our legal adviser (although we do not have one) and the letter is adressed to us both! They also returned the £1.00 postal order we sent with the letter. Please can somebody help us? Were we wrong in sending the CCA request? I followed advice on here given to help someone with a Lloyds TSB debt but later realised that that gentleman's debt was for an unsecured loan he had with that bank. Have we made ourselves look totally stupid? and would a current account such as ours really be excluded from compliance with part V of the Consumer Credit Act? or is this just another scaremongering tactic from Moorcroft to try and bully us into paying? We would really like some advice on what to do next. Whether to go ahead and send them the "Account in Dispute" letter on Monday when the time limit for complying with the CCA request is up? or whether we really cannot do that due to the fact this is not a credit or hire agreement as they say? We have already sent them the harassment letter template letter after the constant phonecalls and threat of a home visit and this seems to have stopped the calls for now. I am really hoping that this is just more threats on their behalf and that we have done the right thing. I feel sick with worry and close to a nervous breakdown because of the stress they are causing. I am in tears every day and I have health problems which are being made worse myself. Really hoping some kind and knowledgeable person can help us here. Thanks so much for any replies.
  25. Hi everyone Received a doorstep visit from an 'agent' of Credit Security today, in respect of a disputed M&S Money agreement. M&S were CCA'd in September 2008 and failed to comply. (They sent only a copy of T's&C's). This is the culmination of long ignored correspondence from Credit Security, which has now reached the point of them threatening Court and the doorstep visit. I've now compiled the attached letter, partially using a CAG template. Any comments and observations would be much appreciated before I send on Monday 17 Jan. Letter.140111.Anon1.pdf
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