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  1. Hi, I am really hoping someone can help me. Without going into to much detail I will try and explain my problem. I work as a bar manager, I have 1 barmaid below me and a manager above me. I have had several issues with both who happen to be friends. A few weeks ago I was suspended pending investigation. I attended an informal meeting where I was asked to account for several issues that were actually because of both the above mentioned people but who didnt take responsibility for this instead choosing to let me take the blame. These issues have included but not exclusively losing cash from the till, losing stock, shouting at me in front of patrons and doctoring paperwork. I have complained to my line manager several times about the barmaid nothing has even been said to her, I have complained to the higher ups about my manager nothing has been said to her. Tomorrow I have a disciplinary hearing at which I could get sacked. I was told I could bring witnesses BUT I have been told I cannot speak to any other staff members or patrons!!! I am at my wits end and dont really know what to do from here. Many patrons have expressed support for me but this has been ignored Thank you in advance for any help and advice.
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