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  1. Hello! I work as a support worker for a well known charity for adults with learning disabilities. I work in a supported living house for 4 adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities. I have been working there for around 18 months. I have been having problems with relationships with colleagues since around January. There has been a lot of gossip/bitching/nastiness about me - I guess its bullying and harassment as I have been asked a lot of questions by staff members who use that information to continue to be nasty about me! Its predominately two members of staff. I believe these two manipulated another member of staff to go to my manager and make a complaint about me. I had a supervision and not much came of it because there were no real reasons as to why there had been a complaint about me. I expressed in my supervision that I currently did not feel part of the team, and my manager discussed the possibility of a transfer to another service and I went to look around the other service. In the meantime the nastiness was still going on, but I just dealt with it and ignored it. In the meantime my manager left and a new manager came into the service. I was told I wasn't allowed to split my contract or transfer to the other service (seemingly because they did not want to loose me from that service) so I worked on a relief basis at the new service, but working fulltime meant I did not do many shifts there. I expressed to my manager, again, in a meeting that I was really unhappy and said verbally that I wanted to transfer, and again, he pretty much said no. An allegation was then made about me and another staff member which was investigated, and not continued. Many of the staff in the house do not follow policies and procedures often not reporting things, covering peoples backs. I reported a mistake, which was investigated and also not taken any further because there was not enough evidence. It unfortunately happened to be one of the two people that have been causing problems. I was signed off sick with stress for 3 weeks as the nastiness had all got too much and I was put on anti-depressants. I was finally offered a transfer full time due to the fact I raised how unhappy I was in the formal investigation meeting with the independent investigator (which is all logged) and that was due to happen next week. On my last day an allegation was made about me and I am now suspended. I know what the allegation is and it is complete rubbish, but obviously don't know who made the allegation. It's actually quite contradictive and considering some of the behaviours I see from some of the staff its completely hypocritical. So here I am. I believe the company haven't considering my well being and duty of care and if it had been dealt with sooner then I wouldn't be in this mess now, surely? None of the nastiness has been dealt with and now I have been suspended where it has just got so nasty. I am now on anti depressents because of the stress they have caused previously, and I have told them how unhappy I am so many times and they just haven't listened. Where do I stand? It just feels like a complete mess
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