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  1. Hello to you all. I am a newbie on this forum as well as in the world of labeled shoplifters. And I am utterly terrified. Two days ago I was in a Boots store inside one large shopping centre. Amongst few other things, I have purchased a tub of sun-cream for which I have paid £10.87 (special offer, reduced from £14.50). When I left the store I was stopped by a security guard who noticed that I was holding in my hand another tube of the same cream - tester - which I hadn't paid for. Now, I could (and i did!) go on forever how I totally forgot that I'd had it in my hand (as I was trying it on before deciding to purchase it) amongst other things like newspaper, a bottle of water, etc. - and this is the truth. However, the security would have none of it and had ignored all my appologies and pleads of innocence. Fair enough, after all I did walk out of the store with something I didn't pay for. However, on taking me into the designated room, despite my more than humble behaviour - I was petrified and on the verge of tears / passing out - I found the staff's behaviour rather cruel.They refused to believe me that the item in question was a tester suggesting that i took it out of the box. I didn't. I was also half-mocked by a female member of staff (the duty manager if I understood correctly) who kept saying how the police was coming to arrest me*. Furthermore, that same (and only) female member of staff wasn't present at all times as she went to the shop floor to check the price of the item. The second security guard (employed by the shopping centre rather than Boots) actually commented on it on entering the room. On her return the price of the unpaid for item was entered into a report as £15 - ok. almost the exact price before the special offer deduction. As the only means of identification I had on me were the Boots loyalty (!) card and my debit card, i gave both to the security guard who was noting down all the details provided on those. Did he have the right to do so? I was shocked when they took my picture (both Boots and the shopping centre security guy, one each) and was really given no opportunity to protest, but this seems to be the regular procedure when the premises are issuing you with a ban. Am I right? So, I was given a ban from Boots, and a three months ban from the shopping centre, both papers which I signed without objection. Perhaps I should've questioned everything they've asked me to sign / say, but at the time i was so mortified that I would've given them any information they wanted. Finally, I was given the Notice of Intended Civil Recovery and was informed that the RLP will contact me shortly and ask me to compensate for Boots' loses. I haven't slept or eaten properly since, as I am horrified that: a) my husband will find out. I feel so ashamed that I'd rather sink into the ground - we are about to go on holidays and he works so hard I really don't want to ruin his long-deserved break; b) the letter from RLP will arrive with request for payment much higher than the value of the item in question. I am a new mother who, due to prohibitive cost of childcare, couldn't return to work. c) the RLP letter will arrive in my absence, and the demand for payment will be progressively increasing, as well as the sum of money. d) as I will be away for nearly two months (visiting family), the amassing letters will arouse suspicion in my husband. Do they look rather inconspicuous, or..? e) impending pollice, court orders, baylifs etc. are to come. That would kill me and destroy my family. I would be very grateful for all your answers / help. ps. also, does a ban from Boots mean that as soon as I enter any store I will be recognised? And is this permanent? Should I phone the store manager and appologise? *police were never called
  2. My sister was caught shoplifting in Boots today a face cream worth £15. She has been told by security guard that she will receive a fine in the post. Do you have any idea how much this fine will be as she is currently claiming Jobseekers allowance and is very worried that she won't be able to pay the fine. Any help will be much appreciated.
  3. stupidly I stole some blister plasters and heel protecters from boots, they were taken out of the packaging, a security guard in normal clothes took me into a back room took my details down form my driving license, the police weren't called, and i signed a 12 month ban from the store. I was also given an information letter about RLP about making a fine/payment to them for my wrong act. I gave the security guard my uni address as i dont want my parents to know, i just want to know do i have a criminal record even though the police weren't called or i was not read my right? and how long does it take for the RLP letter to come though? i just want to pay it and forget about all of this
  4. Hi, I stole a £2 face cream, was caught, took to a room - they didn't call the police but said they will send me a fine 'civil recovery'. Now I've read enough stuff on here to totally ignore all of their threats but whilst in the security room to prove i was who i said i was i gave the security guard my debit card and he photocopied it, now I'm worried they will take the fine out of my account regardless... Any advice greatly appreciated...
  5. Hey i'm a 19 year old university student, never done anything wrong in my life, always worked hard etc... Until recently me and my best friend done something really stupid. We were in boots and being a student i have little money to spare, as my mums birthday was coming up i wanted to get her something nice to say thank you for everything she has done, anyway for some stupid reason we saw an opportunity to throw a face cream into a bag that we already had from another store. Without thinking about how wrong this was we rushed out of the store before being stopped 20 meters from the shop by 2 security men and told to follow them immediately. Straight away i told them what they had done and said how sorry we were, we explained the situation and even offered to pay for the untoucher product, however they were more interested in explaining how much trouble we were in and the huge fines we would be recieving, they searched us both and 4 of them interviewed us. We were both terrified as we've never experienced anything like this. The cost of the product was £20 and they took it back undamaged however we have just recieved a letter from RLP asking for £180, We are so scared and dont know what to do. I am really frightened that this will go on my record as they say and will stop me from ever getting a job once i hopefully graduate, i am so dissapointed in myself for risking my whole life for this stupid thing. Please give us any advice as to what we should do and wether we will be recieving a criminal record? Thank you in advance for your help and i know what we did was undoubtably wrong
  6. Last week I bought a new pair of walking boots from one of the Mountain Warehouse stores. The first time I wore the boots I found them to be very slippery when walking, having little or no grip. It felt about the same as walking on ice. I queried this with the company who have been most unhelpful. They say the boots are made for "rough terrain". No where in the advertising of the boots does it mention they are not suitable for general wear such as walking on paths, roadways or other normal surfaces. Could anyone please advise how I should procede with either getting the boots exchanged or my money back from this company?
  7. Hi there I wonder if anyone can please help - and apologies ifyou have had questions like this before! I am at work so can't search the forum as well as I'd like to. I had a shoplifting incident with Boots, in October 2011. I received and ignored various letters from RLP, acting on behalf of Boots. It appears my debt has now been passed to JB Debt Collection, who have texted me asking me to contact them urgently (this is the first time I've heard from them). Should I interact with them? Ignore them? Pay up? I've happily ignored the RLP letters as I understand they cannot enforce payment, but this is my first time dealing with a debt collection agency. Any tips would be welcome, thank you ~ Vicky
  8. I ended up walking out of Boots with an energy drink in my hand. My newborn was crying hysterically, the shop was crowded with christmas shoppers and I was claustrophobic. Decided to walk out to avoid the long long cue. Tried to justify the stealing to myself by saying I spend hundreds of pounds here anyway, a drink wont kill anyone, but the lack of sleep and thirst I had then, would! Just as I walked out, couple of steps ahead, the security guard, in his uniform came after me and asked me to follow him. Took me to this tiny room, asked politely if he could check my bags, and the reciepts from all the other shopping which I showed him. There was another young security guy there, who commented 'you dont want to go that way, really do you?' (as if I was planning to become a burglar in the near future). I was asked to look into the camera while he clicked, asked for name and address (all I had was a Bodyshop membership card to show him and no debit or credit cards luckily with me that day) I gave him all accurate information, let him click my picture, and recieved a 'Show Cause Notice' for inappropriate behavious or something like that. He said that I was banned from entering Boots all my life, if I still enter the shop, I will be asked to leave, if I refuse I may be arrested. They will recognize me by scanning my eyes, as my picture is on the records, my eyes will automatically be scanned everytime I enter the store. I was not fined, but was told that I could have been fined upto £150 and could have been asked to report to the police station to pay it off. I asked the security how long id be banned from, much as I hate to admit, I do like Boots, and was extremely ashamed and regretted what I did. Considering that I have a well paid job, a family and a happy life. The security guy said...'well, to be honest, I would say you're banned from all the Boots in the entire UK for life, but I tell you what, if you come into this shp when Im on duty, I probably wont take action' What was that supposed to mean? I could feel eyes on me of the shopkeepers in other stores i visited that day. Its been almost 4 years, and the sight of Boots traumatizes me, I havent ever used my Boots card again so I dont know if thats blocked or not. But on a couple of occassions I was dragged into Boots by friends and family (no one knows about this except my husband), literally scaring the wits out of me, lol, I actually walked around the shop with my eyes closed, or covered by my hands so my 'eyes would not be scanned' and I wouldnt be asked to leave infront of my dear ones. I have been to Boots on a few occassions now, havent been questioned, but is that purely because I was lucky, or has the ban worn off, or was the ban just for that particular store. i dont have the courage to call them up and ask them myself. Am I going to be scared of enetring Boots all my life, or can I forget about the event and get on with life? Can they really scan my eyes, still? :???: Thanks for reading my post out, every input and response will be much appreciated.
  9. I'm ashamed to say, I shoplifted, or attempted to shoplift from Boots today. It was an expensive electric razor, costing something like £250. I wanted to sell it to pay my rent. I got caught half way down the street, and I admitted to stealing almost instantly. They took me to a back office, and took my name and address, searched my bag and got me to sign a few documents. This is the first time something like this has happened to me. I didn't really read on what I was signing, but they said they weren't going to contact the police, but I have been banned from all Boots stores for a year, and will be contacted by the RLP by post. The security guard was very friendly and down to earth, getting my permission before searching my bag and wallet. I have a few questions that I looked for the answers for in other threads, but could not find. 1. Are the RLP envelopes marked obviously? I would prefer it if my housemates did not find out about this. I am very embarrassed. 2. I am currently unemployed and looking for work. I cannot even afford my rent at the moment. I have read that it is possible to persuade the RLP to end their requests for money, if your financial position is already in bad shape. Does anyone have any ideas on this? 3. The security guard said that because it was a high value item, the charge would be quite high, something like 200/250 pounds. However, as they have retrieved the item, and it is still sealed and available to resell, should it be this high? I guess I should wait for the dreaded letter. I really don't want to tell anyone about this, but how do I avoid going into Boots with my girlfriend/friends/family?
  10. Hi, I have a Zanussi dishwasher, which (as you will see below) was purchased in January 2009 and is out of its one year warranty. It has now broken down after approximately 1 year and 9 months. I have done some research on this site and others, and was hoping that I could pull it all together here and see if those with more knowledge think my plan is sound. So far I have: Phoned the seller (Boots online) and asked them to fix it. When they refused, I discussed this with the representative and also their supervisor. Their position is that the dishwasher is out of warranty and unless I provide a report to prove that the item was defective when I bought it, they would not repair it. Further, they said that if I did provide such a report, they would make a "contribution" towards the repair. A few days later, Boots emailed me (see below). Phoned the manufacturer. They informed me that the lifespan of their dishwashers (not this model specifically) last 5-7 years and some have been known to last decades! My proposed plan: Write to Boots, giving them two weeks to fix the dishwasher (see letter below). If they don't agree/reply, I will pay for the mechanic to come out (~£60). Depending on what the problem is, they may fix it there and then or quote me for a repair or tell me it needs to be replaced. Write to Boots, invoicing them for any work done/future work quoted by the mechanic/new purchase, and giving them a week to remedy the problem themselves. If they don't agree/reply, I will pay for the next stage myself. Write to Boots, invoicing them for everything and giving them a week to settle up. Fill out a small claims court form. Does this sound like the correct way to go? Am I in the right here? According to my reading of the SOGA, they have to fix it. This contradicts the third and fourth paragraphs of their email (below). Who is correct? I am reading the SOGA as saying that if the item was supplied with poor durability then they have to fix it, and that durability is a 'hind sight' issue - I can only now tell that the durability was dodgy. They are saying that I basically have to show how it was poorly durable through an engineer's report. Of course, the defect could be something that an engineer cannot see... Any ideas would be most gratefully received! My proposed letter to Boots: Boots email to me, 9th October:
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