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  1. I ended up walking out of Boots with an energy drink in my hand. My newborn was crying hysterically, the shop was crowded with christmas shoppers and I was claustrophobic. Decided to walk out to avoid the long long cue. Tried to justify the stealing to myself by saying I spend hundreds of pounds here anyway, a drink wont kill anyone, but the lack of sleep and thirst I had then, would! Just as I walked out, couple of steps ahead, the security guard, in his uniform came after me and asked me to follow him. Took me to this tiny room, asked politely if he could check my bags, and the reciepts from all the other shopping which I showed him. There was another young security guy there, who commented 'you dont want to go that way, really do you?' (as if I was planning to become a burglar in the near future). I was asked to look into the camera while he clicked, asked for name and address (all I had was a Bodyshop membership card to show him and no debit or credit cards luckily with me that day) I gave him all accurate information, let him click my picture, and recieved a 'Show Cause Notice' for inappropriate behavious or something like that. He said that I was banned from entering Boots all my life, if I still enter the shop, I will be asked to leave, if I refuse I may be arrested. They will recognize me by scanning my eyes, as my picture is on the records, my eyes will automatically be scanned everytime I enter the store. I was not fined, but was told that I could have been fined upto £150 and could have been asked to report to the police station to pay it off. I asked the security how long id be banned from, much as I hate to admit, I do like Boots, and was extremely ashamed and regretted what I did. Considering that I have a well paid job, a family and a happy life. The security guy said...'well, to be honest, I would say you're banned from all the Boots in the entire UK for life, but I tell you what, if you come into this shp when Im on duty, I probably wont take action' What was that supposed to mean? I could feel eyes on me of the shopkeepers in other stores i visited that day. Its been almost 4 years, and the sight of Boots traumatizes me, I havent ever used my Boots card again so I dont know if thats blocked or not. But on a couple of occassions I was dragged into Boots by friends and family (no one knows about this except my husband), literally scaring the wits out of me, lol, I actually walked around the shop with my eyes closed, or covered by my hands so my 'eyes would not be scanned' and I wouldnt be asked to leave infront of my dear ones. I have been to Boots on a few occassions now, havent been questioned, but is that purely because I was lucky, or has the ban worn off, or was the ban just for that particular store. i dont have the courage to call them up and ask them myself. Am I going to be scared of enetring Boots all my life, or can I forget about the event and get on with life? Can they really scan my eyes, still? :???: Thanks for reading my post out, every input and response will be much appreciated.
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