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  1. I received an email from cash plus asking to contact them. I did as requested, and spoke to a gentleman called 'Zwelli' who proceeded to ask an uncomfortable line of questioning. I was asked where my money was coming from, and I explained I have a business PayPal account and that all the payments made into the account are electronic payments which can be accounted for. Every single penny has documentation to show how it was earned and where it came from. This gentleman insinuated it could be money laundering - impossible as 99% of all money deposited was electronic payments made by BACS transfer from PayPal, and each PayPal transaction can be accounted for. I emailed a piece of information to them that they asked for, a url link to an advert posted online. Although I asked for confirmation that this was received, the email was not acknowledged. The following day, I suffered further humiliation when I found my card had been declined and I could not withdraw money from the ATM. I phoned the following day, but head office were not available as it was a weekend. I phoned the following Monday at 9am, only to be told by all staff that head office refuse to speak to me and will contact me in due course, with no set time frame or any information or reason to why my account was frozen. Them simply cite 'technical difficulties'. This has lead to literally hundreds of phone calls from myself in an attempt to pressure them into giving me answers but they refuse. They refuse to reply to my emails, and they refuse to talk to me. I obtained the head offices number and when I attempt to speak to them they divert me back to customer services who then tell me the same thing "head office are citing technical difficulties and won't speak to you". Either that or they are rude to me, tell me not to call them anymore and hang up the phone. The department dealing with my case refuse to talk to me at all and when I get put through to them they immediately put down the phone on me. Apparently they held a meeting to discuss the fact I won't stop calling them. This piece of information slipped out of one of the staff I spoke to on an unrelated department, the finance department. Yet still they will not call me and will not reply to my emails. I have now obtained the CEO Rich Wagners email address, and emailed him directly, he also will not reply to my emails. I have tweeted him on twitter, he doesn't reply. I tweeted the company and they blocked me. They currently have £1500 of my money, I can't use my card or log into my account, and they won't even speak to me to resolve this issue. I have offered to provide all documentation for every penny that went into the account - no reply. I don't feel I need to provide any information as I am entitled to my privacy, but I am willing to do it if needed. It is only a prepaid master card for people with bad credit history, not like I should have to jump through hoops when it's an account with no benefits. They will not let me close the account either. I only had this account as I had a poor credit history and my financial situation improved dramatically. Once I resolve this and have it closed I'm going to try and open a proper account again. However this does not help with the situation I'm currently in. In conclusion I am a sole trader, and without access to this money I am now sitting at home unable to work. I need the money to purchase stock and run the day to day operations of my business. I have explained this to the department handling my case and to the CEO Mr Wagner, but they do not care, I get no reply. It is bad enough they blocked my card and account and are withholding my money, but the fact that they refuse to even speak to me is the most frustrating thing. I have never, ever dealt with customer service as poor as this, and have told them I will be contacting media outlets and the financial obudsman. I do hope if anyone can help me that they please get in touch. I have found that they did the same thing to an 82 year old woman, froze her account and wouldn't let her close it until a journalist Tom Hazell contacted their CEO. I'm sure others must be having problems with this company and I would like to unite with those people to have Advanced Payment Solutions practices scrutinised. What they are doing to me is just plain wrong.
  2. Sadly we lost our dad on 21st sept 2015, naturally all of the direct debits and standing orders got cancelled, now looking through dads bank statements, we noticed that he had been paying £15 per week into a savings account by standing order, lloyds bank say they are unable to tell were the payment was going to as the standing order had been cancelled. now we know there is an account but have no idea were and lloyds say they cant tell us any help or advice on this would be great . thanks Lets
  3. Hi All, I have received my complaints form this morning to claim back fees, I have had an account with Barclays for 26 years and can re-call the Addition account being added mid 90s when i had an o/d, then they changed it to Additions active in 2010. On the form it asks if the account has ever been joint it was for a couple of years by my ex-husband, the account was originally mine, he was taken off of the account at least 10 years ago now do i have to fill his name in on the form?????! Any advice gratefully received:-)
  4. First of all... hi and thx for the forum! I am wishing to claim PPI on a loan and credit cards I had but I no longer have any of the account numbers etc. I only know who they where from - barclaycard, sonycard & egg. Can someone please inform me of how I can go about getting the information needed? I also had an old bank account with barlays which I would like to see about claiming the excesive charges - £25 & £30 etc, if I can but as with above I only know the bank, no account numbers etc. Will it be the same way as above to find this information out as well. Also how far back can you go for the claims - I believe my ones are between 5 and 7 years. Many thanks
  5. Hi All I have an account with an outstanding balance still owing which is now status barred as it is 6 years since I last made a payment , I originally CCA the original solicitor for the bank whom stated they could not located the CCA so the account remained in dispute, about two years later they then sold it to a DCA to which I wrote to them stating that the account was still in dispute with the original solicitor for the bank as they could not locate my CCA and sent the DCA copies of the letters I'd sent to banks solicitor and their reply so I was a bit perplexed as to how they could sell it on when it was still in dispute. another two years pasts by and then out of the blue I received another letter from the DCA stating they now owned the debt and asking for my proposals for payment, again I sent them the same reply as before as regards the account being in dispute or to provide a cca to which I have heard nothing since. Question is I know full well that I had a good amount of PPI attached to this loan but would I be implicating myself by putting in a claim for PPI or does the status barred scenario only take into account when the last payment was made and therefore not implicate me for applying for PPI on the account I also had allot more loans with this bank with ppi which I paid up in full, but I don't want to rock the boat if this will null and void the status barred ruling on the account that was still outstanding and leave the door open for the DCA to be able to reopen the case as I have heard that if you contact the bank regarding PPI if any of the accounts have been sold to a DCA they contact them! Any thoughts please. Tinks
  6. Hi Peeps. I've set up a basic account on my pc for my son. When I start Firefox, the homepage shows just fine. If I click a link, that works just fine. However, when I try and search something, or put a URL in the Address Bar, it just says 'Problem loading page'. I've looked in Firefgox settings, but can't see a problem. Hope someone can help.
  7. Hi not sure if this the right forum (please move on if incorrectly placed) but I would like some advise. I had a loan with Northern Rock and I asked to reduce my payment on the loan as I was struggling to make the payments. The loan went via the government to Marlin financial who contacted me and I agreed to increase the payment amount. (I was now in a better situation and this suited me to pay the loan of quicker). A few months before the final payment was due I had another letter informing me that the loan had now been passed onto Cabot financial and I did not need to do anything as the DD would just continue. I made the last few payments and thought that was that but; When I checked my credit score I found that the loan was not marked as being settled and it was also showing an arrangement in place for the last three years plus. I have contact Cabot about this and the have sorted out the loan showing as settled but think that it should show as having an agreement in place. I would like some advise as I did not sign anything with Northern Rock just a phone conversation about reduced payments and I have never entered into any sort of agreements with either Marlin or Cabots. This has greatly affected my credit score and if it possible to get it removed I would like to. So I suppose the question is can it be removed and is it right to report a payment agreement when I entered into no agreement with either Marlin or Cabot, and I never signed anything for Northern Rock.
  8. help! i made a payment to Haven holidays which was my last payment to them of £389, today I logged in to check the account and noticed that they payment is no longer pending!! but been put back in the account. I'm Wondering whats going on?? this was to pay the holiday off, I'm now scared that because this has't left my bank that they will cancel my holiday. Ive logged into Haven and my account says that it is all paid.
  9. I wrote to HSBC on 22nd July 2015 saying that I had a packaged bank account and highlighted the areas that I believed it to be mis-sold. I received a letter back 1st August 2015 which confirmed the following. It started as a HSBC Plus Account October 2007 in February 2010 this was rebranded as HSBC Advance, in September 2010 I downgraded the account so no further fees were charged after this time. It also added that the bank has rejected my complaint on the basis that more than six years have elapsed from the date I converted to an HSBC Plus account which is the event you are complaining about and more than three years have elapsed since you knew or could reasonably have known that you had potential cause for complaint. I must admit that I just accepted that was the outcome and put it to one side. I came back on here to see how things had progressed with packaged bank accounts to find that HSBC had been economical with the truth, what a surprise. I have drafted the following reply to the letter and would appreciate someone having a look at it and advise. "I refer to your letter dated 1st August 2015, it has actually took this long to reply as I believed and trusted what was actually said in the letter, in that you say there are time limits for a customer to complain. But, along with many millions of other people we have learned that this trust is not always the case, on this basis I have taken to use the information available on the internet and other media sources. As you are fully aware the FOS did not even publish they were reclaimable until January 2014, what was I supposed to do, look into the future from 2010. The time starts from when I became aware that I had grounds for a mis-sell which started from my letter dated 22nd July 2015, I did not 'become aware' of the reclaiming of these fees until then. It was only at this time, due to media coverage and research of the issue around these accounts that I realised that this had been a clear case of mis-selling that was when I raised the complaint at the time that I did. Your active encouragement not to go to the Ombudsmen " The Ombudsman might not be able to consider you complaint if what you're complaining about happened more than six years ago, and you're complaining more than three years after you realised ( or should have realised) that there was a problem." I find this quite disconcerting that a bank like HSBC has taken a policy to deliberately mislead customers and further dismiss the complaint out of hand. I certainly do not recognise that your letter is the Final Response on the matter. I am sure we can come to a mutual resolution and closure of this issue." Apologies for borrowing a couple of lines from individuals on this forum but I am not the best of letter writers. Thanks in advance.
  10. Could a married partner with a joint account with the other partner be held legally responsible for the debts of the other ?
  11. Hey Guys I've been dealing with Jacobs more than once, a few months ago I cleared a debt of around £800 with them - this was for a previous address in my name. I was paying £50 per week each week and I finally had to clear around £350 up front for one missed payment. I did sign paperwork on this address and I told them some of the items I had but never let them in - to my knowledge this was still valid for them. I now have a separate account with them, completely different address and town with my ex-fiance's name also on the debt. I've mentioned this to her (as she's moved) but she's unwilling to help and I realise that Jacobs wouldn't care as long as they can get to me. Today I received the first hand delivered letter "24 Hour Removal" demanding I pay just short of £3,000 up front which I do not have. I am thinking that because this is a separate account they would still need to do inventory and have paperwork signed to be able to forcefully enter this home. When I cleared the previous debt, the agent told me he would call me again to arrange a £25 per week repayment on the new house (but to me it was implied he'd need to visit my home to do this) he never called back. I would like to start making regular payments, but I'm not sure where I stand - I also realise I can do weekly payments to the council after reading a thread here which is something I want to set up as I struggle to pay that when I'm always paying these guys - it just never ends otherwise. Any advice would be appreciated Kind Regards Stephen
  12. Just under 2 years ago my Barclaycard went to Mercers, and I received a default notice on Mercers headed paper. The account was then transferred back to Barclaycard. I've been trying to keep up with the reduced payments (£50+ per month) they then agreed with no interest, but having been back to CCCS with my current situation they advise a £1 token payment at present. Things are due to improve once priority debts are paid off but this will take about 12 months, and I am now on a payscale ladder so things will improve next year. Barclaycard have refused this offer and their previous letter said they would send a default notice if I didn't send the £50+ payment in 7 days, and will add interest again, their current letter says they will send a default letter if I don't contact them (no timescale given, but it is strongly implied that I telephone) Can someone knowledgeable please advise the 'rules' and implications about a second default notice for the same account? Thank you in advance.
  13. The coroner was so alarmed that.. His report was sent to the FCA 12 months ago, but its existence was only uncovered by Disability News Service this week.
  14. Hi Long story going on here, after moving house recently I started sorting old paperwork and came across a reclaim for ppi that my ex wife had been trying to solve. I admit to being a bit of a no brainer with any of this sort of thing. A letter dated 2012 stated that ge money was not responsible for ppi and as dial4aloan was defunct they basically said , no chance and it was their final response. So this started me digging around the internet to see what was out there, and I discovered this site. I called ge money who said about the final response letter etc and they would send me copies of what was sent etc. . but they did not owe me anything so take it up with fos etc I have today received this and I am as oblivious as ever. They have sent copies of the reclaim paperwork and letters that were sent but also attached is a statement headed PPI REDRESS CALCULATION UNDER FOS RULES - SINGLE PREMIUM POLICIES this has my personal details, instalment details then a column for award calculation and another for 8% simple interest, with a total of 1531.36 If this account was nothing to do with them, how would they know that information ? a bit of background : took out a secured loan in 2002 through dial4aloan and received the deed from igroup june 2002. In the top right of the dial4loan application it says CREDIT AGREEMENT REGULATED BY THE CONSUMER CREDIT ACT 1974 (CAPITAL REPAYMENT) I repaid in full in 2003 Please can anyone tell me if I should let this die and forget it or is it worth fighting for ?
  15. If a credit card account is in arrears and PPI claim is up-held by bank, do they offset all of refund against arrears ? Will this also include the net 8% statutory amount or will that be mine ? I have tried looking on FOS website for some clarification for this circumstance but I cannot find anything ? Thank-you
  16. After being badgered by a Sky Salesman in my local shopping centre, i decided to go back to Sky. As a returning customer they offered such a fantastic deal, New Dish and HD Box all installed, Sky Family package normally at £36.00 reduced to £23.40 for 12 months (35% off) Engineer due Wednesday to do the install and i get a welcome back letter from sky this morning. To my horror it has my monthly subscription at £36.00. Now on the phone the chap states it was an error in applying the discount etc, then the line goes dead, i get cut off Phoned again the cancellation department this time. Everything going fine, she said she has put a credit on the bill and my monthly subscription will be £23.40 for12 months. I then ask for her to send me an email as a change in contractual terms to confirm my monthly bill. SHE SAID THEY DO NOT HAVE THE FACILITY TO SEND OUT AN EMAIL CONFIRMATION. Now i have a 14 day cooling off period to stick by. If they cannot even have the decency to send me an email confirmation then stuff you I have now cancelled my contract and install within the 14 day cooling off period I do not like to be ripped off or made to feel that way
  17. Morning all, I have had ongoing problems with Lloyds since last year since they decided to split things, I was told I would no longer be under one manager who I had direct contact with through the North Midlands Agriculture ofice as this would be closing and I would have to deal with the call centre managers, for the last year I have had no sense out of them when contacting them and not even a letter of acknowledgement when writing to them never mind a reply, anyway to the crux of the matter, things have been tight on the business last couple of months and I have gone over the overdraft a few times, however despite me trying to talk to them about it nothing has been resolved and now they have started bouncing direct debits and cheques if they would take it over, however when applying thier own charges they have allowed these to take it over which I will then be charged on again no doubt, any advice appreciated, getting sense out of a call centre manager is like getting blood out of a stone!
  18. applying for a mortgage and upon checking my credit score, i find a default from a Vodafone account on my file - whilst i may have had a PAYG phone some time in the distant past - the credit score says the account was opened in April 2010, i definitely didn't use it when it is alleged to have gone into default How can i get default VODAFONE LTD GEMINI removed from credit report? It says 2 mised payments in March 2014, defaulted in July 2014 and it says £14 was owed Communications Supplier from Vodafone Ltd Gemini (I) / XXXXX5419 is the account
  19. Hi was just wondering Barclay's have put my account under review! I have no clue as to why it is, been with them for the last 10 years and never had a problem, I have direct debits coming out at the end of the month a couple of credit cards, council tax and a small loan can I claim any charge's back from Barclay's ? I have informed the companies what is going on and they where very understanding I'm pleased to say however I'm trying to rebuild my credit score and all was going well but will my hard work be undone by my own bank? Thanks in advance GH
  20. Hi Can someone help me. Because I gave out the wrong account number to a supplier a payment pf £850 was transferred into the wrong account. The people who were paying me tried to get the payment reversed by Santander who have responded that they have tried to get in touch with the recipient but can't. They now say there is nothing more they can do. Does anyone have any experience or understanding of what I can do next? Any help gratefully received Thanks
  21. Basically I had a hsbc business account which I shut due to the fact I slowed trading for for a while. Started to use my personal account for a bit and then a lot of business subsequently got asked to leave for breaking t&c. Left me without an account, 7 defaults and 3 arrangements on my credit history in the last 6 years. Ive put in an application with Coop for a cash minder, they seem to of lost my application in branch which is a pain. Had a look at the bank groups and basically hsbc aside I had history with all except Santander, figured I had nothing to lose by putting in an application for a business account. Went basic no overdrafts, loans etc. Had an email off them yesterday with a questionnaire which I completed honestly, emailed it back then today received this. "Thank you for choosing Santander Business Banking. We’re pleased to let you know that your Business Current Account is now open and ready for you to use. What’s next? In the next 7 – 10 days we’ll send your card, card PIN, Online Banking passcode and registration number separately (for security purposes) to the home address you gave us." Is that it?, I've been accepted?, can I have a beer to celebrate? or is there something that can go wrong from here?. Other than my credit history I have no other skeletons in my closet or anything. I know all banks are as bad as the other but I did not expect to get a highstreet account in a million years with my account history. I was thinking best case I get a cash minder and a pre pay. I had a large loan and Credit card with Abbey national which were paid in about 2007 but did reclaim a lot of ppi.
  22. Hi does anyone have a copy of terms and conditions for travel insurance advantage gold account for the year 2000 I am trying to put in claim to get back monies paid. I had a pre existing medical condition Cancer which the bank knew about. They are saying I can not claim as my insurance was valid. I know it was not. I never went on holiday so the policy was useless.
  23. I'm not sure if this is the correct forum, please feel free to move it if not! I had an out-of-warranty iPhone that needed a battery replacement. I paid for the work online with my debit card using Apple's support site. A hold was placed on the money in my account. While I waited for them to send out the pre-paid box to return the phone, the hold on the money was removed, presumably because the work had not been completed and could not yet be charged. I left the money where it was because I knew it would be taken later. I returned the phone and was contacted via email by Apple who said they'd found something else wrong with it which would also need to be repaired. They attached a photo of my phone that supposedly gave details of what the new issue was. It didn't give any clue as to what the problem was. I called Apple, who were equally puzzled and couldn't get any information from the engineers. At this point they told me that they would cover the full cost of the repair - not just the mystery defect, but the original battery The phone was returned within a week, fully repaired, and I was a satisfied customer. Six days later, they took the money from my account despite being told they wouldn't. This put me in a position of having an unauthorised overdraft, with a direct debit for car tax due out the following day. I rang Apple immediately who were most apologetic and promised to refund the money. However, it would take up to 10 days for the refund to appear in my account. I told them that I had direct debits to pay and it was going to cost me money in charges if they bounced. They told me to call back when the charges had been paid, to look at claiming the value of the charges back from Apple. I then called my bank. There was nothing they could do. They put me through to the Visa team, who said the same - as a refund had already been started, they couldn't do anything. I called DVLA (the car tax direct debit was due the next day), who were, surprisingly, the most helpful out of everyone. The unauthorised overdraft happened over the end of one monthly charging period and into the start of the next so it was two months before I could pay the charges and look at reclaiming them. I called Apple today regarding this and they simply weren't interested, claiming they weren't responsible. They said that they'd already refunded the money and they weren't going to pay for any charges that they'd caused. The charges are only £30 but that isn't the point. I believe that they were caused as a direct result of Apple's error. If it hadn't caused so many problems with direct debits etc, I probably wouldn't have bothered about them. But it did cause problems and after having to spend an hour an a half on the phone to them today, I'd like to pursue this. Do I have a case? And if so, how would you recommend I go about it? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.
  24. I've lived in Latin America since I finished university in 2010. Yesterday I was given a letter which had been sent from the UK almost a year ago (dated August 21st 2014) saying my account is in arrears by over 1300 pounds. God knows what that has escalated to by now. A few weeks ago, someone called at my dad's house in the UK looking for me - I'm guessing that that is whatever debt collection agency they've sent after me. 1300 GBP is is pretty close to what I earn in a year in this part of the world (basically a volunteer worker) and I've never earned anywhere near their threshold for paying them back. I think this demand for money has been triggered because there was no contact between me and them throughout 2014 (googling this seems to show that you're supposed to submit forms every 12 months, not that they ever told me that). Obviously I cannot pay them back anything as I simply don't have it, and will not have it for the forseeable future. I've emailed them a response asking them to phone me, but until then I'd appreciate it if anyone could shine some light on what I should be expecting here. Basically, what do I do? And what about if it has gone to debt collectors, which I suspect it has?
  25. I have had a graduate account with Natwest for 2 years and the past year I have been paying interest on £800 on my my £1800 ARRANGED overdraft. It is soon to be converted to a 'Select' account and I will pay interest on the entire £1800 and £6 usage fee a month. I am going to teach abroad for 5 months and I have sufficient funds to pay the interest on this account and my phone bill that comes out of this account as a direct debit! My plan is to do this travelling then either get a job out there and repay my overdraft through that or come home and get a job. I am worrying about what will happen while I am away, I will try and put some money into the account but can the bank just take it off me? If they do and default me what can I do whilst away? I doubt my account will go over the arranged overdraft whilst away as I have some money in it (still overdrawn every month). Thank you for any replies.
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