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  1. The following story is proof if any is needed that Judges will not tolerate debtors threatening bailiffs with violence. The story was featured in the news yesterday. The link to the story is here and a 'word copy' of the article is below: http://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/crime/man-who-threatened-bailiff-with-knife-avoids-jail-to-look-after-elderly-mother-1-5883008 A 45-year-old man who threatened a bailiff with a knife after he came round to collect an unpaid £800 council tax bill has avoided a jail sentence. Philip Devenport, of Marlow Road, Towcester, was found guilty after a trial at Northampton Magistrates’ Court of a public order offence. The court heard the bailiff called at Devenport’s home address on 6th September last year. Devenport swore at the bailiff and shut the door in his face. The bailiff then knocked on the door again and Devenport opened the door with a knife in his hand. The bailiff then went back to his car to complete a report of the incident and, a short while later, Devenport then walked past and threatened him again. Ron Mineards, defending, said the offence was clearly aggravated by the fact it was against a bailiff and involved him being threatened with a knife. The district judge presiding over the case said he “could not think of many more serious examples of a public order offence” but decided not to send Devenport to jail as he was the full-time carer for his elderly mother. Devenport was sentenced to 24 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months. He must compete a 10-day course, pay costs of £620, victim surcharge of £80 and compensation to the bailiff of £85.
  2. In April this year, I took my disabled mother shopping in Blackpool using her blue badge in a disabled bay for the first time came back to a parking fine as we had accidently put the badge photo side up in the car. I rang and explained but to no avail. I wrote a letter and with the exception of 1 reminder, nothing else was received so I assumed they had relented when they saw it was a genuine mistake. I have received a letter from Phoenix bailiffs demanding £125. I did a little bit of investigating online and found that I could submit an out of time statutory declaration but there appears to be a bit of confusion which forms I should complete. I rand Phoenix up and told them what I was doing and they have just sent another letter now demanding over £300!! What do I do next. I havent put in the out of time forms as I am not sure which ones to use and I am sure they cant just charge what they like anyway. Advice about how to proceed from here would be great thanks.
  3. Hope someone can help, i have had an ongoing debt with 02 for a couple of years, the original debt started out £51 but i refused to pay it as i believed that it was a fault on there part, over time the debt got passed to bryan carter, and at some point without me know he managed to get a ccj against me with northampton court, (i have checked this on experian). This morning i have had a letter from bryan carter telling me that there is a warrant of execution and that bailiffs will be visiting my house, the judgement balance is now at£378. i was wondering what i should do about this should i pay it off? can i haggle with bryan carter to half the debt? Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou
  4. Hi ill start off with apologising for my grammar I never went to school so it is taking me ages to write this . Okay ill do my best to explain my situation . yesterday i was looking out of my window talking to my son that was going to my mum and dads house . i live over the road from them i noticed a car drive up to my mums dropped curb and two men jumped out of the car talking to my son i got dressed and ran down stairs by this time my mum was at her door and shouted over to me that thay was going to take my dads car.. as i walked over to the bailiff's they said that there is unpaid parking fines in my name i explained to them that was my name but the car does not belong to me i am down as the registered keeper of the car but it is not my car it is my dads and parked on his drive . i knew nothing of this parking charge and have had no letters i asked what the fine was for and how much and from what i can remember he said that it was £200 and now it is £600 i asked why and he said as there has been lots of letters sent and visits from other bailiffs i told him i have not had any letter or any bailiffs knock on my door and i know nothing of the parking ticket and i will not be paying him anything . to which he stated he will remove the car this caused very big scene and my mum who is a o a p and suffers with big blood pressure was very stressed out by this , i started filming all of this on my iPhone and asked to see the bailiff's id and only one of them had a certified bailiff and the other man that at first did all the talking would not even give me his name i told them theres no way thay would be taking the car i told them to get off my mums land and any debt is under my name and nothing to do with the car . i also explained that i get esa benefits for mental health issues and i am classed as vunarblee but thay did not care they was parked over my mums dropped kerb and blocking any cars from moving in or out . i told them to move their car as my mum had to pick up my nephew and could not get out but they refused to move i said to them that i would call the police to get the car moved and that there beaching the peace . the police turned up and we expailend to them but they was just trying to side with the bailiffs yet the whole time saying there thay just to keep the peace and theres nothing thay can do . i asked them to get the car parked over the dropped kerb and on a yellow line out of the way so my mum could move the other car to pick my nephew up but thay said thay could not tell them what to do ...... the row still kept on about if thay could take the car legally etc and i said you will not take the car as i will be sitting in it and will not move so call who you want in the meantime my mum phoned the local council to tell them there was a car blocking my drive and could thay send a recovery truck to get it moved , i moved the car back and parked another car in front i then locked my drive gates with a pad lock and said if the locks was broken that it would be criminal damage i then sat in the car and by now two of my friends had turned up and i told them to stand in front of the wheels and not move if thay asked them to . the bailiff recovery truck turns up and i tell him the same thing that there is no way the car is being moved that even if his arm could reach the 20 feet over two cars and onto it that i would be sitting in it and not moving he then talks to the police and from what i could see thay tell him that there is nothing that thay can do .... then i told my mate to parks his car up against the bailiffs blocking my dropped carb and as soon as he moves to put his car in front . then police lady comes over and says to my friend your on a yellow line if you don't move it that thay will give him a £30 fine lol he says why did you not say that to the bailiff she said i did he said well why did you not give them a ticket ?? she just walked off .. After a lot of talking etc the bailfit left and tried to hand me a envelope to which I told him I am not taking anything he said I did not need to and put it in my letterbox . after it all my dad got homedand moved his car and it is parked safely and he is in the process of putting him down as the named keeper . as it stands i only have a second notice letter from bailiff firm Ross and Robert's with the total of £782 . i did not know of a parking charge and have not got any pcn i do not doubt that it was sent but maybe lossed in the post? i do not have any information of where the parking charge was or when . as i explained i am classed as venerable and in receipt of esa i suffer with bad depression and panic attacks . i have emailed a request to Ross and robbers asking for a full break down of any charges i will salsa send the same letter to them by recored post now my dad is a car trader i was down as the registered keeper of the car but there a lots of other drivers of it over the time and also there is the possibility of someone cloning the number plate ? i can not confirm none of this intill i know the date and where the original pcn came from what else can i do to try to get this sent back to the croydon cancel in the mean time as i explained i am very bad with my writing so if any one could show me some templates thanks in advance james
  5. Hi i am currently receiving letters off a bailiff company called rossendales for my council tax arrears totaling approx £1200. At the bottom of my latest letter they say they will force entry to my home, can they do this? Also i have spoken to them on the phone with an offer to pay £15 per week which they refused and asked me to send proof of income, this was november 2013. I have had no reply off them until my latest letter which was hand posted 3 days ago. Any advice would be much appreciated
  6. This particular Form 4 Complaint was heard in court a few weeks ago and we are waiting for a copy of the Judgment but I can report that the District Judge has ordered the Complainant to pay an "interim payment" to the bailiff of £10,000 and I am advised that the likely cost payable by Mr Dragon (the complainant) will be in the region of £25,000 !!! This is a very worrying Form 4 Complaint indeed as Mr Dragon appears to have some involvement with the Freedom on the Land movement (which I will be writing more about later). With regards to bailiffs and debt, Freeman on the Land (FOTL) supporters will take as gospel the "advice" given on FOTL websites. These sites actively encourage debtors to display "Removal of Implied Right of Access" notices at the boundary of their homes in the "mistaken" belief that a bailiff will not come to the door and, that if they do so...the bailiff is committing trespass. I have just completed a Newsletter for the forum on this very subject following a recent court case where the judge dismissed the claim for trespass and ordered the claimant to pay the bailiff companies costs. Given the links with the Freeman on the Land movement, a company called Debt Free TV ( associated with the owners of Get out of Debt Free) got involved with Mr Dragon at an early stage and filmed some background to his complaint and representatives of Debt Free TV even went to court with Mr Dragon at his Form 4 hearing. Naturally they could not film events inside the court. There are MANY references to this particular complaint on various websites that support Freeman on the Land theories and there is even a You Tube video (just put the name of Mr Dragon....Corfe Castle ....and bailiffs into Google). What is noteworthy is that barely anywhere will you find any details at all of the OUTCOME of Mr & Mrs Dragon's Form 4 complaint. That is until now....... I will be providing a lot more information as soon a I get it.
  7. Hello all, need some help rather urgently please. A couple of weeks ago, I recieved a plain white envelope, un posted, pushed through my letterbox, stating that Newlyn PLC were chasing a debt for an outstanding PCN from the LA from april 2013. Demanding a sum i cannot remember (approx £300), for which I had tried conversing with the LA about this to find out the detail surrounding the PCN, but to no resolution other than the date and location, even more problematic as I had not recieved a NTO, Charge Cert, or any court documentation since the original PCN was issued. Fast forward to yesterday afternoon and i arrive at home from work to find my car clamped and a scruffy hand written form stuffed in my letterbox, now demanding £467. Called the bailiff to find out what was going on, to have him warning me not to interfere with the clamp and it was to be "recovered" if I was not to pay. In my frustration, I removed the clamp (taking photos too) without damaging it, as it was incorrectly applied in the first place (very easy to remove) and moved the vehicle. Informing him this morning to collect it. The bailiff has now informed the council I have CUT it off (photos prove this is not the case), Newlyns and the council are unwilling to help. along with moving the vehicle,I have also today lodged a TE7 and TE9 with the TEC and am awaiting news from them. Is there anything else that i can do or is it just a waiting game? It may also be worthy of note, that the bailiff does not show up on the "certificated bailiffs list" either under his name or under newlyn's company. Any advice gratefully recieved.
  8. Hi could someone help me please? I have just a a bailiff round to see me and as I was home with my 2 young babies I lied and said I wasn't me. Now he has taken the letter away with a false name on it and I don't have a payment plan. So I will need to have them back out to me, and he will know I've lied, and I don't know how much trouble that will land me in? Does anyone know what I can do? Feeling very Ill with the stress now.
  9. with the growing popularity of the new sheriffs tv show and the fact that often people who have been screwed over have no one else to turn other than the bailiffs and the sheriffs, My question is are the bailiffs and sheriffs always the bad guys? For instance you win a judgement and a sheriff operates for you. or youve been a victim of crime and the bailiff goes out to get your compensation that youre rightly entitled to. Is every bailiff and sheriff in the wrong from the outset?
  10. I am a rare poster but common reader and have shared my interest with a Gent i met through work who it transpired is a former Bailiff and high court Bailiff. He said that he found the enforcement profession (?) extremely hard to work in because of the company he worked for and would be happy to answer any questions people may have about the profession including training, salary etc etc if anyone is interested. It may help to clarify the negative impression people have of Bailiffs.
  11. Hi all I recently took Harrow Council and Newlyn (bailiffs) to the small claims court, pursuing a refund for the surprise clamping of my car (I received no letters despite the bailiffs claiming to have sent them, and producing evidence of them). I paid to release the clamp and then filed out of time (and in time) statutory declarations, which were validated. The orders were therefore revoked. At court, I was successful at getting Harrow to refund the driving fines (2 x £202) but the judge was unable to find in my favour for the return of bailiff fees. The bailiff fees were extortionate - approx £540 including £25 credit card fee. Does anyone have advice about how I can get these fees returned to me. Apparently the civil procedure rule 75.8 does not say that the fine is 'set aside' and therefore this means no money has to be refunded. Also, the council claims they do not need to return any money above the fine (ie £202) itself due to the Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003 schedule 1. Help me get my money back!!
  12. Hi, can anyone help me. I owe two PCNs due to redundancy and unemployment could not pay. Now working offered them a monthly payment they wouldn't accept. Parked my car near a station today came home and car been seized. Phoned police they said that it had been seized by merton baiffs. Phoned them but not open until tomorrow morning. Beside myself. What happens now? how much do you think it will take to get car back?
  13. Evening, I'm hoping that someone may be able to give me some advice please. Whilst I was at work today a Task Enforcement 'bailiff' came to my house & when my wife answered the door put his foot on the threshold & then, when my wife tried to push the door shut, pushed it - and her - back into the hallway and stepped into the house claiming that he had gained peaceful entry. My wife called me to say what was happening, I dialled 999, explained what was happening & asked for the Police to attend - which they did very quickly. When I arrived at home about 30 minutes after my wife's phone call, the Police were outside with the bailiff & another officer was with my wife to take down her side of the situation. The officers were reasonable, polite & sympathetic but stated that as the 'bailiff' had entered the house they were powerless to prevent him coming back in & seizing goods. I have no complaints towards the officers nor do I dispute that there MAY be a PCN due to TfL (the notice was served on me as a Director of a Limited Company and the signatory to the lease agreement for the vehicle that incurred the PCN & I'm disputing my obligation to pay now that the Company has been wound up) but my issue is more with a) the conduct of the bailiff & the way he gained entry to the house and b) the fact that he had NO documentation or identification that proved that he was a bailiff and not an unlicensed heavy - when I challenged him on this (in front of the Police officer) he claimed that he'd "had it ten minutes ago" and that he "must have dropped it entering or leaving the property" - I don't believe him & neither did the Police officer so my question is: How do I check whether this individual is a certified bailiff? Is what he did acceptable practice? What redress do I have & how can I prevent him returning to the property when my wife & I are out to seize goods? Any and all advice would be gratefully received as my wife doesn't want to leave the house & is terrified that this man will return when she and the kids are in bed. Thanks
  14. 27/01/2014 @13:10hrs. A Bailiff arrived at my property at above date and time, for the first time, he tried the door the door was locked he knocked the door my wife xxx xxx answered the door, the bailiff asked to speak to myself, xxx explained i was in work for the Bailiff to call back, He said im here to remove the goods for the sum of £900, xxx said ul need to come back when i was home from work and went to shut the door, he put is foot in the door and walked in with no invite. My wife rang 18 times before she could get hold of me, and was very upset saying hes going to take our stuff if we dont give him £900, at this time, xxx daugher yyy who is 18 had to take our 3 year old daughter upstairs cause she could see her mum getting upset crying. The Bailiff refused to leave after being asked, I arrived at the property after coming out from work. i said to xxx how did bailiff get in and she said he pushed is way in with no defence at all from the bailiff. He said to me he wanted £900 now or he was going to remove good and put them in the back of van. xxxx and i was trying to contact all friends and family to raise the sum but couldnt do so, xxx managed to get hold of her mum and she said she could lend us £500 on the 7/2/2014 he said it wasnt good enough. and was writing on a pad which i now know, was a Notice of Seizure of Goods and Inventory. I then contacted Step Change a debt charity who we been dealing with over last 2 months and they said, it was illegal what the bailiff did and report him and the company for his and their action. Does anyone know if this is correct and what i can do about it please.
  15. Sorry to dash in,I am also suffering because of various counts for my car loan from sugust 2006 and personal loan from august 2007. Posted April 22, 2009 1/04/2009 Customer Service Credit Expert PO Box 7710 NOTTINGHAM NG80 7WE Dear Sir, I have subscribed to Credit Expert. I am experiencing difficulties about TWO CREDIT accounts held with WELCOME FINANCE. Because of the mishandling, misappropriations in both the accounts I have been in touch with them and following up since opening of the accounts, which has consistently been overlooked. As per the recent status both the accounts are showing late payments, which is not the fact and consistently been overlooked by Welcome. The supportive correspondence since 2007 till date is enclosed, alongwith the agreement, which would confirm that neither am I in arrears nor should there be a missed payment, if both the accounts re brought in order. Before taking further steps against their ignorance, I thought it to bring to your notice, as they may try to further shatter my credit history. I would be happy to provide you with more information, so as to enable you to take it up with them having note on my account. Regards, Yours truly, ENCLOSED THE CORRESPONDENCE. 22/03/2009 Ryan Lupton Customer Service Executive CRO Complaints Welcome Finance Bishop House Abbey Field Road Lenton Nottingham NG7 2SZ Dear Lupton, It’s disappointing to receive your letter dt. 6th March 2009. In this regard, I would like to bring the following details to your kind notice, as a last attempt. The mess created between the two accounts and direct debits has been a matter of concern which continues. The additional amounts added to the disbursement has been unacceptable, duly brought to the notice of the concerned at the proper time. Despite getting several promises, one of which is in writing from Welcome, the account and credit references are yet to be up dated. This was the 2nd complaint dealt by your department since October 2008 without any outcome. In a futile effort to cover up yourselves, as per your letter dt 24th Feb 2009, you must be having record to produce and prove your claim of having tried to contact me, which never was a case. On the contrary, I gave a call on 28th Feb.2009, in vain to speak to you. Presumably the message has been passed on to you by Amy, whom I spoke to. since, no one from Welcome is in a position, it seems, to resolve the matter, I won’t prefer providing you with any other details again and again, as everything has been submitted so as to enable Welcome to take proper measures from time to time. If the persistent attitude continues until after 30th April 2009, I would be left with no other alternative but to take appropriate steps with authorities I deem fit to give me justice. It’s left upto you, your team and the entire Welcome Finance to come out with a justified solution. Unnecessary communication/calls will not be welcomed and entertained hereafter, and a due proceeding will be initiated after the stipulated period for both the accounts. Hope you would be in a position to understand the matter given the status. Yours truly, BRANCH FOR INFORMATION CREDIT EXPERT, TO TAKE NOTE OF IT. Any comments from caggers In my case, they have not yet dealt with the PPI, but went on to claim 3 direct debits instead of two for more than 6 months, mixed the instalements of one account into another in between to their convenience and since Nov.2008 I have stopped paying them with pre information and all the correspondence since 2007.On the top of it when now I have joined this forum I looked at it and they are charging £75 as acceptance fee which is added to the loan disbursed and instalements are according to the final figure after addition. Can anyone suggest help me out with my approach. 22/03/2009 Ryan Lupton Customer Service Executive CRO Complaints Welcome Finance Bishop House Abbey Field Road Lenton Nottingham NG7 2SZ Dear Lupton, It’s disappointing to receive your letter dt. 6th March 2009. In this regard, I would like to bring the following details to your kind notice, as a last attempt. The mess created between the two accounts and direct debits has been a matter of concern which continues. The additional amounts added to the disbursement has been unacceptable, duly brought to the notice of the concerned at the proper time. Despite getting several promises, one of which is in writing from Welcome, the account and credit references are yet to be up dated. This was the 2nd complaint dealt by your department since October 2008 without any outcome. In a futile effort to cover up yourselves, as per your letter dt 24th Feb 2009, you must be having record to produce and prove your claim of having tried to contact me, which never was a case. On the contrary, I gave a call on 28th Feb.2009, in vain to speak to you. Presumably the message has been passed on to you by Amy, whom I spoke to. since, no one from Welcome is in a position, it seems, to resolve the matter, I won’t prefer providing you with any other details again and again, as everything has been submitted so as to enable Welcome to take proper measures from time to time. If the persistent attitude continues until after 30th April 2009, I would be left with no other alternative but to take appropriate steps with authorities I deem fit to give me justice. It’s left upto you, your team and the entire Welcome Finance to come out with a justified solution. Unnecessary communication/calls will not be welcomed and entertained hereafter, and a due proceeding will be initiated after the stipulated period for both the accounts. Hope you would be in a position to understand the matter given the status. Yours truly, BRANCH FOR INFORMATION CREDIT EXPERT, TO TAKE NOTE OF IT. 1/04/2009 Customer Service Credit Expert PO Box 7710 NOTTINGHAM NG80 7WE Dear Sir, I have subscribed to Credit Expert. I am experiencing difficulties about TWO CREDIT accounts held with WELCOME FINANCE. Because of the mishandling, misappropriations in both the accounts I have been in touch with them and following up since opening of the accounts, which has consistently been overlooked. As per the recent status both the accounts are showing late payments, which is not the fact and consistently been overlooked by Welcome. The supportive correspondence since 2007 till date is enclosed, alongwith the agreement, which would confirm that neither am I in arrears nor should there be a missed payment, if both the accounts re brought in order. Before taking further steps against their ignorance, I thought it to bring to your notice, as they may try to further shatter my credit history. I would be happy to provide you with more information, so as to enable you to take it up with them having note on my account. Regards, Yours truly, ENCLOSED THE CORRESPONDENCE.
  16. Every day I receive endless enquiries from debtors regarding the subject of Magistrate Court FINES and the matter of bailiff fees for enforcing the Distress Warrant. This is a subject that seems to provoke a great deal of interest in particular given that there are a few websites available which “claim” that bailiffs charging such fees are committing “fraud”. Such sites routinely encourage visitors to go to the court and pay the fine only in cash into a machine in the foyer in the mistaken belief that the court will accept payment and cancel the Distress Warrant. WRONG. The websites fail to tell the unsuspecting debtor that the courts forward the payment to the bailiff company and they will then write to the debtor to inform them that they are still liable for the bailiff fees. Over the next few days I will be adding to this thread to provide as much information as possible on this subject.
  17. Had a letter from the Magistrate Court telling me I owe £370 which was sent to me around November time. Did not have a clue what it was for so tried to call the number provided for 7 days straight and not once did I get through to anyone to query the letter. Left it that thinking maybe I'll receive more information soon. Then recieve a letter dated 2nd January 2014 from Marston High Court Enforcement Officers & Certificated Bailiffs which now said I owe £455 (370 fine + 85 fees) and this letter did give me the information that I could not get from the court. It was a ''speeding - exceed 30 mph on a restricted road on 04/02/2010''. If I would of ever been reminded I would of paid the original £60 or £90 whatever it was to save all this hassle. It told me I had 7 days to pay or bailiffs will attend to levy distress and remove goods for a public auction sale with a minimum further cost of £215. Did not get to this letter as I had been away working. I then get a phone call on my lunch break at work from a Marston Bailiff on Friday just gone. He introduced himself and told me he was outside my house (which is my mum's house & she is the only 1 listed on the tenancy agreement). He basically said I had to pay which I replied I cant afford to and I would be willing to pay in installments. The best he could offer me was 1 week to pay half which has now turned into £670 so £335 next week & £335 the following week which I can not afford. He said or the only other option is to get a locksmith out, enter the house and take goods up to the £670 ''owed''. I did mention to him that the only possesions I have at the house are basic needs, clothes, bed, wardrobe etc... no ''luxury goods'' but my mum does have luxury items which she has worked hard for ie. Big tv, stereo system etc... He then replied ''the courts dont care as long as they get their money back'' When I got home there was a big red hand posted letter ''FINAL NOTICE'' telling me I had literally this last chance or more costs will be added. He was ok over the phone but he was pretty stern in telling me its either this or locksmiths. My problems and concerns are can he enter the house with a locksmith even when nobody is in? If they do gain entry can they take my mums goods even though I have told them their not mine? Can they take my bed, clothes and other basic needs? Really stressed out over this as I cannot afford just to pay out £670. Is there any chance I could go to the courts with all my documents and kind of get the fine reduced or put back to its original cost. Really dont know what to do about this and I fear they'll enter the house and I'll come home from work and all my mothers items have been taken. Thanks in advance
  18. I have two PCN's from the local council, which apparently have been handed over to a company named EQUITA which keep sending me threatening letters concerning removal of my car and other goods. This has been ongoing for a while now. The notices are being sent to my old address, and according to the letters, the bailiffs have been to my (previous) address on numerous occasions to remove the car! Today I received a letter with "BAILIFF REMOVAL" printed in red ink and large letters and asking me to contact them (on an 0870 number!) and make arrangements to pay this debt now. I have not been able to pay the fines off because of unemployment over the last two years. However, I am in a position to pay the fines now; but I do not want to pay all the excessive bailiff fees that these agencies add on! My questions are: 1. Can I make payment without giving out my new address? 2. I have not changed my address with the DVLA, but am planning to send the form out tomorrow. ( Four months late! :-/) Will this have any backlash? 3. The bailiffs notices do not indicate how much I owe (except one which has a little red box at the bottom left corner stating "You must pay: £95.44") 4. When I call them, am I required by law to disclose my new address? 5. I've read about others in my situation filing a ?Statutory Declaration and ?Witness action. How do I do this? How much does this cost? What are my chances if I pursue this route? Thank you for your replies. Sorry for the long post!
  19. Hi all New to the forums, but have gained a lot of advice off here and have a query which hope you knowledgeable guys can answer. I had a bailiff from Excel Civil Enforcement call at my property for a motoring fine for my partner, and without giving to much away as I am confident the various agencies [edit] actively monitor, I had to call the police as they wouldn't listen or take any proof of item ownership and I became nervous and intimidated by them being camped outside my property constantly staring at me through the windows. with the police aiding (and against my better judgment and advice) I allowed the bailiffs to do a possession order which I have attached to this message (all ID etc removed). Full payment is due in 5 days; but they can take the good as far as I am concerned, even though most if not all items are mine I am willing to give them up as of course receipts are long gone since these are items from acquired over many years! My questions are this: 1) Did the order have to have a signature by myself (as a responsible person) as the debtor was not about - as you can see it is not acknowledged in anyway. Does this have any impact on its legal standing? 2) Some goods stated on the document I informed the bailiff that they were supplied by my employer He said as not marked "he could have them" (recall my partners debt not mine) unless I can give proof. I have since got a copy of the purchase order and sent to the bailiffs head office. Where do I stand if he tries his bully-boy tactics (he was like a thug to me when I tried to amicably deal with him before I had to resort to the police) and tires to take them/ignore this receipt. 3) I had also requested he supply me with a copy of the original warrant as I believe his sum was incorrect he stated he did not have to supply and he and his company would not have it and that I should contact the courts to get a copy myself (recall I would not be authorized as not my debt and therefore not my judgement and would not be allowed under the DPA I guess) Many thanks
  20. Hi i was fined for not having a tv licence a genuine oversight i thought we had paid for the year we hadnt i was fined in my absence as couldnt get to court it was 3 towns away where they wanted me to go . at the time partner was doing agency work we received no benefit help apart from child tax credits and child ben was struggling to pay and in the end we couldnt pay it the fine was £275 roll forward to september 2013 i was contacted by some one from the court who told me they had a warrant etc but as i had a child he wasnt going to take he told me to ring get an appointment etc so i did. went in front of a judge explained our financial state and was told to pay £185 in the october which we paid the day before my sons birthday partner had a new job so its fine . then he said to pay the £90 outstanding in the November which for one reason or another we have over looked and its not been paid on the 23rd of december i was out my partner was in and marstons turned up told him who he was etc and why he was there he didnt leave me any contact details or paper work as to who he was . i rang the office i found the number online might i add at this point how rude they was got his number rang him and he asked to come out the following day i agreed thinking i could set up some payment plan .but no he now wants £390 thats £300 charges he is coming back on the 10th of january and im worried sick i cant pay it i have no income my partner works but we just get enough to live off £390 is more or less our food budget for the month he was very nice with us we didnt let him in . he was trying to laugh and joke with us even wished us merry xmas ! Is there anything i can do ive now gone on to debt management but they said they cant do anything with the bailiff as its a court fine and a criminal matter as its tv licence . i rang cab who told us to ring the courts rang them explained we had no further steps notice if we had this £90 would have been paid it is a genuine oversight yes on our behalf but a genuine mistake . the bailiff in question still hasnt give me any paper work no nothing just quickly showed me a piece of paper saying it was a distress warrent ive checked the list of certified bailiffs he isnt on there . told the court there not interested at all is it worth me ringing marstons myself or will they not help i can pay the £90 but the £300 charges are so excessive . worried sick here as partner will be at work on friday when he comes back . i have a 6 year old aswell although he will be at school im so worried .everything in this house has been bought with partners cash obviously no proof as they say a receipt prooves nothing . The court that issued it was chester and merseyside it was originnally in wirral courts but when i attended i had to go to st helens what can i do to stop this if anything he said if we dont pay he will be coming through my door with police and locksmiths help anyone and thankyou for reading
  21. Please help us by contributing to this poll. Only click "Vote now" when you have put in all three choices You should study it carefully and say what, in your experience, are your top three concerns. If you have not been visited by a bailiff, then I'd be grateful if you would just watch the progress of the poll but not contribute. If you feel that there is a concern which has not been identified in the poll, then please tell us about it in this thread. You will not be able to post in this thread unless you have taken part in the poll. If you are not taking part in the poll then please start a new thread to give us any other information you think we should know about. Thank you Only click "Vote now" when you have put in all three choices
  22. my problem is this i had a visit from the bailiff for unpaid pcns, he clamped my car and waited for me to come to the car so i am unsure how long he was there. he made no attempt to knock on my door. my question is this. i bought this car on a bill of sale agreement, the finance company told me that they own the car untill the last payment of the agreement is paid they also fitted a device to the car which means if i miss a payment they can disable the car and it will not start. can the bailiff take the car i am the registered keeper but not the owner until the agreement is finished. the bailiff says he can still take the car i would be thankfull for any advice also should i write and tell them the car is subject to a Bill of sale agreement.
  23. Yesterday I received an enquiry from a debtor where a Walking Possession had been signed and the bailiff (from Bristow & Sutor) had attempted to charge the debtor an 'attending to remove' fee of £400 !!!!! Given that the statutory fee scale clearly provides that an "attending to remove" fee may only be "reasonable" there can be little doubt that £400 could ever satisfy this criteria. The extraordinary level of reports about excessive "van fees" is of very serious concern and in fact, examples have recently been sent to DCLG (The Department of Communities and Local Government). The samples include another example where an Equita bailiff attempted to charge a Westminster debtor £750 'van attendance' ( at an INITIAL visit !!!) In light of the recent £400 'van fee' I decided to start a new thread this morning outlining what debtors need to be aware of regarding a bailiff visit for unpaid council tax. It would seem that the Moderators have decided to post the thread as a STICKY !!!! Thank you. A copy of the STICKY can be read here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?412530-Council-Tax-arrears...should-you-let-a-bailiff-into-your-home-(25-Viewing)-nbsp PS: Just had a query where Equita are charging debtors £312 "attending to remove" fee for a 1st visit for an unpaid PCN !!! What on earth is the bailiff industry doing !!!!
  24. Petition: https://www.change.org/petitions/prime-minister-this-petition-is-to-clean-up-the-financial-enforcement-industry-by-creating-a-public-authority-whose-members-are-selected-by-public-vote This petition is to set up a publicly run body overseeing all debt recovery personnel, debt recovery businesses and government financial penalty issuing authorities. The public body members will be selected by a public vote. The public run body will have full authority to grant licences to, investigate, punish or dismiss any court appointment bailiff, debt recovery agent, enforcement officer or their businesses. The public body will have complete authority and autonomy from government or judicial interference to make decisions based on its own findings on any persons or entities working within the UK who are responsible for collecting monies or issuing financial penalties. The public body will oversee all debt recovery businesses and people within these businesses. The public body will oversee and contribute to regulation on the industry and licences to trade. The purpose of the agency is to: · Ensure ‘fit and proper’ people are working within the industry. · Create a culture of ethical behaviour within the industry. · Create transparency within the industry. · Regulate practice that is deemed publicly fit. · Be an authority for the public to raise serious concerns to and have them investigated as an authority. · Grant compensation to people who are caused serious issues through regulatory negligence or unfit practices. To impose fines upon, investigate, punish or dismiss these persons or companies who are not working within the guidelines set out by the public authority.
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