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  1. does it now give him the right to come back on the 07/02/2014 and take the items listed though
  2. Yes is signed it but at to come to agreement of £500 pound on the 7/2/14 and £410 on the 14/02/14 or he was taking there and then. items listed were: 1 Finlux TV 2 Sky Box 3 Cream corner piece suite 4 jewellery box 5 kitchen table and 6 chairs 6 silver microwave 7 white kettle 8 bosch washing machine 9 sensordry tumble dryer 10 vax cleaner
  3. no didnt have a warning letter had a letter beginning of dec saying they want 38 pound a month i replied with an lower offer as im going through a debt charity on the 12th of dec and then had a visit yesterday demanding £910 pound or they were removing goods
  4. Yea its a court fine, for failed to send off log book (v5) went to court and fined £695 and with bailiff attendance yesterday a extra fee of £215 on top Bailiff charges
  5. 27/01/2014 @13:10hrs. A Bailiff arrived at my property at above date and time, for the first time, he tried the door the door was locked he knocked the door my wife xxx xxx answered the door, the bailiff asked to speak to myself, xxx explained i was in work for the Bailiff to call back, He said im here to remove the goods for the sum of £900, xxx said ul need to come back when i was home from work and went to shut the door, he put is foot in the door and walked in with no invite. My wife rang 18 times before she could get hold of me, and was very upset saying hes going to take our stuff if we dont give him £900, at this time, xxx daugher yyy who is 18 had to take our 3 year old daughter upstairs cause she could see her mum getting upset crying. The Bailiff refused to leave after being asked, I arrived at the property after coming out from work. i said to xxx how did bailiff get in and she said he pushed is way in with no defence at all from the bailiff. He said to me he wanted £900 now or he was going to remove good and put them in the back of van. xxxx and i was trying to contact all friends and family to raise the sum but couldnt do so, xxx managed to get hold of her mum and she said she could lend us £500 on the 7/2/2014 he said it wasnt good enough. and was writing on a pad which i now know, was a Notice of Seizure of Goods and Inventory. I then contacted Step Change a debt charity who we been dealing with over last 2 months and they said, it was illegal what the bailiff did and report him and the company for his and their action. Does anyone know if this is correct and what i can do about it please.
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