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  1. Had a letter from the Magistrate Court telling me I owe £370 which was sent to me around November time. Did not have a clue what it was for so tried to call the number provided for 7 days straight and not once did I get through to anyone to query the letter. Left it that thinking maybe I'll receive more information soon. Then recieve a letter dated 2nd January 2014 from Marston High Court Enforcement Officers & Certificated Bailiffs which now said I owe £455 (370 fine + 85 fees) and this letter did give me the information that I could not get from the court. It was a ''speeding - exceed 30 mph on a restricted road on 04/02/2010''. If I would of ever been reminded I would of paid the original £60 or £90 whatever it was to save all this hassle. It told me I had 7 days to pay or bailiffs will attend to levy distress and remove goods for a public auction sale with a minimum further cost of £215. Did not get to this letter as I had been away working. I then get a phone call on my lunch break at work from a Marston Bailiff on Friday just gone. He introduced himself and told me he was outside my house (which is my mum's house & she is the only 1 listed on the tenancy agreement). He basically said I had to pay which I replied I cant afford to and I would be willing to pay in installments. The best he could offer me was 1 week to pay half which has now turned into £670 so £335 next week & £335 the following week which I can not afford. He said or the only other option is to get a locksmith out, enter the house and take goods up to the £670 ''owed''. I did mention to him that the only possesions I have at the house are basic needs, clothes, bed, wardrobe etc... no ''luxury goods'' but my mum does have luxury items which she has worked hard for ie. Big tv, stereo system etc... He then replied ''the courts dont care as long as they get their money back'' When I got home there was a big red hand posted letter ''FINAL NOTICE'' telling me I had literally this last chance or more costs will be added. He was ok over the phone but he was pretty stern in telling me its either this or locksmiths. My problems and concerns are can he enter the house with a locksmith even when nobody is in? If they do gain entry can they take my mums goods even though I have told them their not mine? Can they take my bed, clothes and other basic needs? Really stressed out over this as I cannot afford just to pay out £670. Is there any chance I could go to the courts with all my documents and kind of get the fine reduced or put back to its original cost. Really dont know what to do about this and I fear they'll enter the house and I'll come home from work and all my mothers items have been taken. Thanks in advance
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