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Everything posted by mikesmotor

  1. Having had an issue with the FOS and been totally fobbed off along with a large number of other people the question I have to ask is, When are we going to get together and. on mass, put a complaint to the regulating authority of the FOS and stop wingeing amongst ourselves?
  2. Hi Alf Yes Bank of Scotland is on the Llodys group however they're saying its a MBNA card. Further, we do have a card account that was transferred to MBNA and that is being serviced in the conventional way, we know nothing of this account. Regards Mike
  3. Hi Batman I thinkn I'll do just that but I'll keep within the rules and wait the 12 + 2 days before I'll do it. Regards Mike
  4. Hi Alf We sent a formal reqqest letter for a copy of the credit aggreement with MBNA with the £1 postal order. We've just got back exactly the same Bank of Scotland application form as before with the statement that 'under section 77 and 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 2006 this document fulfills our obligation.' Any advice on what to do now any help woul;d be appreciated. Regards Mike
  5. Hi Alf Thanks for that, as far as I am aware Bank of Scotland as opposed to RBS is Halifax Bank of Scotland. Anyway I'll get a CCA request out this weekend and wait to see what happens. Regards Mike
  6. Hi Alf This is in fact my wife's account and the application was made in 1998. Yes it would appear to have her signature but there is also other writing and scribling on it. I cant remember the outcome of this application. Regards Mike
  7. Hi Alf No this is a reply to a preliminary letter sent by registered post last Monday stating either 'put up or shut up'. Yes it does state correct name and address at the time of application but it is forn the Bank of Scotland and not the MBNA who it would appear is their client. Hope this is adequet. Regards Mike
  8. Hi All As a result of a recently sent letter we have just received a copy of an application form for a credit card for a completely different financial organisation than the one claimed by Link financial. Any advice would be appreciated. Regards Mike
  9. Just a further point guys if I may. Just supposing we get to the point where they have failed to produce the right documents but they keep pestering us, whats the next step? Regards Mike
  10. Thanks all I expect I'll be in touch again. Regards Mike
  11. Can anybody help. We are in the middle of a disputed debt with link financial. Our next step is to ask for a true copy of the aggreement. My question is, what is the fee we have to pay for these documents. I have information that says its £1.00, can anybody verify please. Regards Mike
  12. just as amatter of interest, what if one partner gives their half of the house to the other as a gift how does that stand with the mortgage
  13. My wife has just been sent a letter by Link Financial outsoursing regarding an MBNA debt that we know nothing about. It mentions that she has been served notice under section 136 of the Law of Property Act 1925. Should I send them the initial 'get stuffed' letter or the rather more official 'prove its our debt' letter. Any advice would be gratefully received. Regards Mike
  14. I have just received a letter regarding this law of prperty act from link regarding a so called debt that we know nothing about. I have downloaded a number of letters from the document library which one should I send them if any or should I just ignor this latest letter.The letter incidently would appear the same as that sent to "evil noodle" at the head of this thread. We've had a phone call from Link and we have made it quite clear under advice to only communicate in writting. ny advice would be gratefully received. Regards Mike
  15. Hi We've received no further letters but I think my wife inadvertantly disclosed our phone number so they're now calling us insisting we call them. So far I haven't returned any calls and I have downloaded the l;etter templates from the library. Any suggestions as to our next move. Regards Mike
  16. I have already started a thread entitled 'Link Financial'. My previous post contains all the info an history that there is. From info gained on a trawl through various web sites it appears that Link are well known for buying up old or even statute barred debts and then raking through electoral rolls to find someone of the same or similar name to threaten. Regards Mike
  17. Hi All I've come across this thread and I hope I can get some advice. My wife has been contacted about an MBNA account that we have no memory or record of. She has been sent a letter advising of account number and ammount owing but we still cannot find any info from our records. I understand they have to supply documents bearing terms and condition and signatures. We have been advised to sit tight and wait, this letter has been described as a 'phishing trip'. Any further info would be welcome. Regards Mike
  18. Thanks for your help on this one. Regards Mike
  19. Thanks for your reply. What do youn think we should do? Wait for another letter. Regards Miked
  20. We've just received a letter from this Link Financial crowd quoting account numbers and ammounts. As we still have no knowledge of this account what do you think we should do now. From memory do they not have to supply proof of the account being taken out with signatures etc. Regards Mike
  21. Thanks, when we get any letters I'll be back Regards Mike
  22. Hi Thanks for your reply as I stated we don't even recall this so called debt so we have no knowledge of any payments to or fro. As to the letter we received it was misleading in as much as it suggestted we had made a credit applicatkion. Regards Mike
  23. I'd be grateful for any help here. My wife received a letter from a company called Link Financial. The letter was very misleading but when we phoned them they say that she had defaulted on a credit card supposedly taken out in 1998 and the default took place in October 2006. To our knowledge we know nothing about this and the aggressive individual on the other end of the line suggestted that the onus was on my wife to prove she has nothing to do with this. As I say, any advice would be helpfull Regards Mike
  24. I would be interested to hear from anybody having problems with furnature bought from this lot. Five moths ago I bought two recliner sofas. I've had to have them replaced and the repalcements are as bad as the originals. As to their customer service, its as sub-standard as their goods.
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