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  1. Hi - I need to know pretty urgently how to get my name off the mortgage I have jointly with my husband (soon to be ex hopefully) as I need to leave due to him being abusive. Normally I would try to work it all out with him directly but as he is abusive and not known for being objective or reasonable I need to find this out elsewhere and I don't have any money for appts with solicitors. We also currently couldn't afford to get divorced so my plan is hopefully to remove my name from the mortgage and break all ties. The house is in negative equity being that it is currently worth £180,000 and the mortgage (which we renewed in May) is worth £200,000. My husband earns enough each month to cover the £1300 mortgage payments plus bills quite comfortably (whereas I only earn £1500 per month) but I don't think he earns enough that the bank would allow him to get an extra mortgage (or take over the existing one) to buy me out. I want to remove my name so he can't get back at me by for example defaulting on payments, etc so I am liable too. I want to cut my ties and start again. I've already found myself in the situation where we've paid for all the furniture, carpets, a few holidays, etc. on my credit card (which has racked up £7k on it!) but as its in just my name he won't be liable to pay any of it! I could take the furniture with me but being abusive he won't be happy about it and I'm kind of scared of what he'll do (to me/our cats/our possessions). Please - any help or advice would be really appreciated. Thanks
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